What is the focus for our walk

Pro forma A
Before the visit (Example)
What is the focus for our walk?
What are the principles underpinning the focus?
What is our pupil learning focus and what is the pedagogical approach within this?
Reading –particularly developing reading for pleasure and tackling the “long tail of under
Shared, guided and independent reading, use of ICT and multi modal texts
What aspect of this are we hoping to investigate within our Networked Learning Walk?
 To identify key features of best practice that are most effective in raising standards
in reading
 To identify effective strategies for networking
How to accelerate the progress of targeted pupils. Exploring effective practice –particularly the
doubling of guided reading time, Assessment for Learning, motivation and the fostering of positive
What CPD have our colleagues been part of that we would expect to help them with the pupil
learning focus?
Reading Aces
–sharing best practice including the structure of guided reading and linked
motivating activities;
-skilful questioning to develop comprehension and thinking skills together
with lots of “Think, pair, share” so every one is engaged in thinking;
-presentation and engagement of pupils in Shared Reading
What are the changes we would expect to see in classrooms as a result of the CPD?
What will our work around the pupil learning look like?
What will we see…?
On displays?
Group reading targets displayed, reading and writing interrelated and success criteria linked to the
unit of work
Key learning consolidated as an aide memoir poster/Learning wall.
Books and ICT texts on display with motivational posters that show reading to be important in the
Cover on centralised reading displays
Reading challenges such as Reading Walls on display.
In classroom organisation?
Guided reading usually takes place outside the hour. TAs take guided reading too, which provides
additional teaching and learning for target groups. Children have independent reading activities that
promote reading for pleasure and the development of reading skills, understanding and enjoyment.
Parents’ support is harnessed in a variety of ways e.g. target cards, reading record cards, explicit
guidance / homework. Children can choose their own reading books, have an opportunity for changing
books daily and regular access to the school library.
In books and work?
Evidence of a variety of interactive activities that develop comprehension, personal response and
reading strategies. Evidence of visual literacy /ICT activities that develop comprehension. Reading
journals. Regular entries in reading record cards. Highlighted targets for sharing with parents.
In classroom management and behaviour?
Evident enjoyment, on task talk and concentration. Guided groups are rarely interrupted. Teacher
follows the guided reading structure in the main but varies groupings and procedures to suit the
nature of the task and text. The teaching sequence forms the basis of the pedagogy within the unit
of work.
What will we hear…?
When we talk to children?
Enthusiastic talk about texts, understanding beyond the literal, extended responses. Explanations
of their learning and understanding of what they wish to improve. Retellings and comments about
recent books that they have read.
When we talk to teachers and TAs?
How assessment informs teaching in Shared and Guided Reading and the assessment tools that are
found to be most useful. How the teacher and TA work as effective partners, particularly in
accelerating the progress of the target groups
When we observe the whole class?
The use of open questions/paired talk to encourage extended responses: skilful questioning to
develop comprehension and thinking skills together with lots of “Think, pair, share” so every one is
engaged in thinking. Elements of the teaching sequence.
Pro forma A
Before the visit
What is the focus for our walk?
What are the principles underpinning the focus?
What is our pupil learning focus and what is the pedagogical approach within this?
Reading –particularly developing reading for pleasure and tackling the “long tail of under
Shared, guided and independent reading, use of ICT and multi modal texts
What aspect of this are we hoping to investigate within our Networked Learning Walk?
 To identify key features of best practice that are most effective in raising standards
in reading
 To identify effective strategies for networking
How to accelerate the progress of targeted pupils. Exploring effective practice –particularly the
doubling of guided reading time, Assessment for Learning, motivation and the fostering of positive
What CPD have our colleagues been part of that we would expect to help them with the pupil
learning focus?
Reading Aces
–sharing best practice including the structure of guided reading and linked
motivating activities;
-skilful questioning to develop comprehension and thinking skills together
with lots of “Think, pair, share” so every one is engaged in thinking;
-presentation and engagement of pupils in Shared Reading
What are the changes we would expect to see in classrooms as a result of the CPD?
What will our work around the pupil learning look like?
What will we see…?
On displays?
In classroom organisation?
In books and work?
In classroom management and behaviour?
What will we hear…?
When we talk to children?
When we talk to teachers and TAs?
When we observe the whole class?
Pro forma B
During the Observation
Recording Sheet for Networked Learning Walk e.g. “I noticed” “I saw…” “I heard”
(In the light of your preparation, you may wish to change some headings)
What is the focus for our walk?
What are the principles underpinning the focus?
What is our pupil learning focus and what is the pedagogical approach within this?
Reading –particularly developing reading for pleasure and tackling the “long tail of under
Shared, guided and independent reading, use of ICT and multi modal texts
What aspect of this are we hoping to investigate within our Networked Learning Walk?
 To identify key features of best practice that are most effective in raising standards
in reading
 To identify effective strategies for networking
How to accelerate the progress of targeted pupils. Exploring effective practice –particularly the
doubling of guided reading time, Assessment for Learning, motivation and the fostering of positive
What CPD have our colleagues been part of that we would expect to help them with the pupil
learning focus?
Reading Aces
–sharing best practice including the structure of guided reading and linked
motivating activities;
-skilful questioning to develop comprehension and thinking skills together
with lots of “Think, pair, share” so every one is engaged in thinking;
-presentation and engagement of pupils in Shared Reading
-use of visual literacy to develop reading comprehension and motivation
-phonics as the primary means of word recognition
What does work around the pupil learning look like?
What are the changes as a result of the CPD?
Pupil learning focus:
Shared Learning objectives / success criteria:
What I see…
On displays
In classroom organisation?
In books and work?
In classroom management and behaviour?
What I hear…
When I talk to children: can they talk about their learning?
What are you learning? How do you feel about this work? What are you good at? Where can you go for
help in your learning? What do you do when you hit a problem? Why do you need to know (what you are
learning)? How can you judge how well you have done? How can you make your work even better?
When I talk to teachers and TAs
When I observe the whole class What questions did I hear?
The progress of targeted pupils is supported through…
Use of assessment for learning / praise: what did I see and hear?
Discussion with the teacher: how are pupils supported in becoming successful learners?
Please add /alter agreed aspects/areas of focus that support your observations and peer support
Pro forma C
Reflecting on the walk (use in discussion with colleagues on the walk with you.)
Look through your observation sheets and review your notes
I have learnt…
Make a list of the evidence of teaching and learning you observed during the walk
Any questions for the teachers / Headteacher?
Next Steps
This is designed to help walkers to reflect on all their observations and find common threads, issues or
questions. This is done during corridor talk and during the final debrief discussion.
Each walker takes between 5 and 10 minutes to reflect on the walk and to collate their observations
before the final debrief.