Ministry of Forests Interim Bridge Design Guidelines 05

Ministry of Forests Interim Bridge Design Guidelines
For on-highway design vehicle configurations, the design standard is:
- CL-625 as per Canadian Highway Bridge Design CSA S6-00 with exception of:
- 350AT Cat 3 is acceptable for fracture critical members
- minimum concrete cover requirements as follows:
- top of deck or slab 50mm
- underside of deck 25mm
- side of deck 50mm
- both faces of ballast walls 35mm
- footings, all faces, 35mm
- soffit of a slab greater than 300mm thick 30mm
- less than 300mm slab thick 25mm
- fatigue limit state of 500,000 cycles
- for single lane shear connected slab bridges load distribution as per attached memo
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- Construction Load
The design engineer must consider the weight of materials, work crews and equipment supported
during construction.
Except for bridges constructed by incremental launching, maximum permissible construction
equipment loads must be specified by the design engineer. The engineer’s drawings must require
that the actual equipment loads be obtained by the contractor from the manufacturers of equipment
and confirmed with the engineer. Minimum construction loads should consist of a 40 ton
excavator working from the bridge.
Where a bridge will be installed under a separate contract from the design/supply contract for the
main bridge components, the ministry shall provide all design/supply bidders a set of erection
loads (or anticipated erection procedures) to be considered in the design. This will ensure fairness
in the bidding process and will ensure the supplied bridge components can be erected in a safe
The following is an example erection loading for a composite steel girder bridge with precast
concrete deck panels that will be erected by a 40 ton excavator working from the bridge.
 self weight of the structure, supported at the bearings, including all deck panels in position but
 a vertical live load of 445 kN (40 ton equipment + 10 ton panel) distributed over a length of 4
m, positioned on the bridge to produce the maximum effect, considered as an exceptional load
case at Ultimate Limit State
 a uniformly distributed wind load of xx kPa applied horizontally, perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the structure.
For off-highway configurations, the design vehicle standard will be:
- to S6-88 and in conformance to the Ministry of Forest Bridge Design and Construction Manual
- the appropriate Ministry design vehicle configuration L100, L150 or L165 shall be used.