S491: Course Schedule S: Spanish Grammar in Review (grammar explanation by page and letter) P: Spanish Grammar in Review practice exercises (2P1 = page 2, exercise 1) L: Lecturas periodísticas (by page number) C: El cuento hispánico (by page number) Week 1: May 6-9 Monday No class Tuesday Introduction (agreement, basic pronouns, sentence structure) Wednesday S: 2A, 3B P: 2P1, 3-4P2 (14) L: 2-5 Thursday S: 6C, 7-9D P: 7P5 (1-6), 9P6 (1-6) L: 10-13 2: May 13-16 S: 10-11E, 12F P: 11-12P7, 12P8 (1-8) L: 38-40 Reflexive verbs, DO/IO pronouns L: 32-34 Present Perfect, Tener L: 71-73 S: 58I & II, 59III, 60IV P: 58P1, 59P2, 5960P3, 60P4 (1-4) L: 94-97 Article summary 3: May 20-23 Exam 1 S: 62V, 63VI & 63-64 VII, 65VIII P: 62P6, 63P7, 64P8 (1-6), 66P9 (1-6) L: 245-48 S: 13A, 14B P: 13P9, 14P10 (1-6), 15P11 (16), 15P12 L: 51-54 4: May 27-30 Memorial Day S: 83-85III, 88IV P: 83-84P4, 84-85P5, 88-89P9 C: 79-84 5: June 3-6 S: 160I, 162II, 163III, 167IV P: 160P1, 16162P3, 164P6 (18), 164P7 (1-8) L: 154-56 S: 77I, 81-82II P: 79-80P1, 82P3 (1-6) C: 88-91 Last day to drop with ‘W’ S: 182I, 186II, 187III P: 183P1 (1-8), 184P2 (1-8), 186P5, 187P6 L: 161-63 S:16A, 16-17B, 19C, 20-21D P: 16P13, 1819P14, 19P15 (16), 21P16 (1-6) C: 48-51 Translation 1 Exam 2 S: 222I, 223II, 224-25III P: 222P1, 22324P3, 225P4 C: 40-45 S: 243I, 244-45II, 246-47III P: 243P1, 245P3 (1-8), 247P4 (1-8) L: 213-16 Translation 2 6: June 10-13 S: 248-49IV, 250V P: 249P6 (1-8), 250P7 (1-8), 251P8 (1-6) C: 54-57 C: 59 (1-4) S: 271-72I, 273II, 279-80III P: 274P1 (1-8), 275-76P4, 27677P5 C: 58-59 C: 59 (5-9) Review Exam 3 ** Tuesday 28 of May is the last day to drop the course with an automatic “W.” S491: Elementary Spanish for Graduate Students Summer I, 2002 Instructor:Juan Manuel Soto Office: BH 856 Phone: 855-6443 E-mail: jsoto@indiana.edu Office hours: MTWR 5:15-6:15 pm Course Description S491 is designed to enable graduate students to achieve an intermediate level of proficiency in reading Spanish for their research. In order to reach an adequate level of proficiency, we will study elementary and intermediate concepts of Spanish and work on translations of literary, journalistic, as well as other kinds of texts. Required Materials Azevedo, Milton M. Lecturas periodísticas. 5th ed. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1996. Holton, James S., Roger L. Hadlich, and Norma Gómez-Estrada. Spanish Grammar in Review: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995. Mullen, Edward J. El cuento hispánico: A Graded Literary Anthology. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1999. Spanish Grammar Laminate Spanish-English Dictionary Recommended Materials 501 Spanish Verbs Gramática y ortografía (Selection of grammar rules’ discussions): http://www.indiana.edu/~call/reglas.html About.com (Good general reference site): http://spanish.about.com Diccionarios.com (Acceptable Spanish-English online dictionary): http://www.diccionarios.com Evaluation Participation, preparation & attendance Summary of one three-page article Two translations (2@12%) Exams (3@20%) 8% 8% 24% 60% Assignments Students will prepare daily grammar and translation assignments before the class period for which they are listed. Please complete the exercises in advance and come to class ready to discuss and ask questions about them. Participation, preparation, and attendance Students are strongly encouraged to attend class since progress in reading a foreign language depends on repeated contact with the language and since attendance and participation are reflected in the final grade. In accordance with departmental policy, after two unexcused absences, 2 points will be deducted from the final grade for each additional absence. Students should consult with the instructor if they have absences for medical or other excusable reasons (university-sponsored activities, conference presentations). For unexcused absences, please submit the homework to the instructor before class by e-mail or in his mailbox in BH848 in order to get credit. For excused absences, please contact the instructor about making up the work as soon as possible. Students are responsible for any missed material covered in class and should make arrangements with his/her classmates to get up to date. Article summary Before the first translation assignment, students must complete a summary of a threepage article that is related to their field of study. The goal of this assignment is to enable students to familiarize themselves with the act of reading for content in a second language before they begin the more demanding task of translating. Details will be given on the format for the summary on the first day of class. Please submit your article to the instructor for approval by the end of the first week of classes. Exams Each exam will be composed of three sections. The first section will consist of a series of sentences that will test your understanding of the basic grammar concepts discussed. The second will be based on the translation of two out of three paragraphs students have not seen before. They will be comparable in difficulty to the selections read in class. The final section will be a sight reading in which students will be asked to answer questions about specific words or ideas in the selection, which may be answered in English. Students will be allowed to use a dictionary and a copy of 501 Spanish Verbs. Academic integrity All work you turn in must be your own. You cannot copy each other’s homework answers. You cannot have another student, a tutor or friend correct the work you are to turn in. You may not use electronic translation programs to do any of the work for this course. Incompletes and withdrawals Only under the most extreme and exceptional circumstances will the Department of Spanish and Portuguese consider a petition for an incomplete. You must see the Course Supervisor in order to begin this process. Course Supervisor: Silvana Falconi Office: BH 844 Phone: 855-1157 E-mail: sfalconi@indiana.edu The last day to drop the course with an automatic “W” is Tuesday, 28 of May. You will have received several grades by then and should be able to make an informed decision.