THE GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD The classical method The Prussian Method GOALS: To be able to read in the target language To be able to translate the literature in the native language To develop students’ mind ROLE OF THE TEACHER: Supreme authority Provider of the correct form SKILLS STRESSED: Reading Writing KEY FEATURES: Foreign language study is seen as a mental discipline, a form of intellectual development Translation from and in the target language Native language is used as language of instruction Deductive application of grammar rules Vocabulary is introduced through bilingual vocabulary lists Direct vocabulary instruction was included only when a word illustrated a grammatical rule The method is based on the written word CRITICISM: Non-communicative nature of the language used Translation itself is an academic exercise An over focus on grammar was to learn about the target language, rather than to learn it Can be boring to many learners IMPACT ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Had a remarkable success over the years Certain types of learners (who need the security of the mother tongue) responded positively It gives the learners a set of clear objectives and a clear sense of achievement