The World Around Us And My Personal Responsibility The Worlds Last Hope Through out the years America has witnessed the deterioration of other countries’ societies due to their poor economy. Many of these countries such as Africa lack the fundamental teachings of how to not only have their own food source and clothing, but to be able to make a job out of it with a beneficial profit. With out those teachings and skills it’s only a matter of time before their society becomes a thing of the past. A very effective and proven solution to helping other countries and their societies be more sustainable would be creating more Heifer Farm Fairs and having more participants. The Heifer Farm Fair is a program that helps other countries societies learn how to grow and harvest their own crops, make their own clothing and jewelry that they can sell, and have and take care of live stock, and other critters such as bees, while sharing what they have and teaching neighboring societies how to be sustainable on their own. The impact of helping other societies learn the way of the Heifer Farm Fair is substantial. My solution would not only teach other societies to be sustainable on their own but with what they learn their in return teach a struggling neighbor country and so forth creating a domino effect that hopefully one day will create a great economy. With a good economy as a first step, it will then transform to an amazing society, to which at last would help build the platform for a perfect environment. The positives of the Heifer Farm Fair are endless. It teaches other countries and societies to be sustainable by helping them learn to take care of the environment by planting crops, taking care of their live stock, and using every part of an animal they slaughter making sure that nothing goes to waste. The most important positive of all is that it teaches that society to help others and with that were creating a more friendly and caring world which is something that every human being ultimately wants. Though the positives are over whelming there is one minor negative to the Heifer Farm Fair. The negative would be that America would have to be the one to supply that society with their live stock and produce and teach the people to run their own economy. Think of it as a loan that over time would be paid back and come with the satisfaction of knowing that we helped others that were in need, starving, and dying from malnutrition. With knowing that you’re helping save other peoples lives and making a better future for their children any negative aspect turns into a positive. There are numerous things that we can do right now to help those countries societies in need. What I can do now is continue to volunteer at Apache Wells Heifer Farm Fair Fundraiser and encourage my friends, family, and others to dress-up as a farm animal, prance around, and help raise money. What I can do for the future is further my involvement in the Heifer Farm Fair by creating and running my own Heifer Farm Fair or by joining someone else’s. With doing this I can not only encourage and speak to kids, teens, and adults in my community but visit all fifty states or better yet travel the world teaching everyone what I know and the importance of how they can help. Hopefully one day there will be no need for the Heifer Farm Fair because every civilization would have helped one and another taking a step towards the perfect world.