Beatrice - Little Rock School District

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Beatrice’s Goat
Grade 4
Student Learner Expectations:
R.9.4.2 - Make connections that demonstrate a deeper understanding of text
related to self, text, and/or world.
Beatrice’s Goat by Page McBrier
globe or world map
1. Begin with a question and answer session to determine how much the
children already know about the conditions of poor children around the
2. Use the globe or a world map to focus on East Africa.
3. Ask if children have ever heard of or visited the Heifer Project International
headquarters in Perryville. (soon to be located in Little Rock near the
Presidential library.)
4. Ask children if it costs anything to attend school in the United States.
5. Show the book, Beatrice’s Goat, and point out that this book has an
“afterword” by Hillary Rodham Clinton, former first lady of the United
States and of Arkansas.
6. Explain that we are going to read the story and then go online to read
about other animals provided by the Heifer project to poor families around
the world. Read the story.
7. Have children access the website and read about the various animals
available from Heifer.
Observation and discussion of empathy for the poor around the world, the
understanding of the importance of schooling, and the participation in the
Read to Feed Project from Heifer International