1 The Limnology of Lake Pleasant Arizona and its Effect on Water Quality in the Central Arizona Project Canal. David Walker University of Arizona Environmental Research Laboratory, 2601 E. Airport Drive Tucson, AZ. 85706-6985. Kevin Fitzsimmons University of Arizona Environmental Research Laboratory, 2601 E. Airport Drive Tucson, AZ. 85706-6985. 2 David Walker, 06/07/99, The Limnology of Lake Pleasant Arizona and it’s Effect on Water Quality in the Central Arizona Project Canal. Lake and Reserv. Manage. Vol. 11(0): 00-00 Abstract Recent changes in the management strategy of water released from Lake Pleasant into the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal have substantially reduced taste and odor complaints among water consumers. Most of the taste and odor complaints were probably caused by 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin produced by periphytic cyanobacteria growing on canal surfaces. Except during flood events, Lake Pleasant consists almost exclusively of water brought in via the CAP canal. The location of the inlet towers and the Old Waddell Dam influence sedimentation of material brought in via the CAP canal. In-coming water was found to contain large amounts of periphyton of the type found growing on the sides of the CAP canal. Laboratory experiments with sediment from two different regions of the reservoir revealed that the region between the Old and New Waddell Dams contains sediments that have a higher potential for phosphorous release during periods of anoxia than those found in other areas. Withdrawal of hypolimnetic water early in the spring decreased the time that sediments were exposed to anaerobic conditions. This potentially decreased the amount of soluble nutrients released into the CAP canal and available for periphytic cyanobacteria. Utilizing this management regimen since 1997 has resulted in a substantial reduction (or elimination) of consumer complaints of earthy/musty tastes and odors. 3 Keywords: 2-methylisoborneol, geosmin, periphyton, sedimentation, eutrophication, allochthonous, autochthonous, stratification. In the first few years after Lake Pleasant Arizona was used as a storage reservoir for CAP water supplied to several municipalities in the Phoenix Valley, many consumers complained of earthy/musty tastes and odors (T&O’s) in water delivered by utilities (pers.comm. Tom Curry, Central AZ. Water Conservation District). Powdered activated carbon (PAC) was used extensively to alleviate the earthy/musty T&O’s, often at great expense to utilities. Our project was initiated in an attempt to decrease the amount of T&O’s in water delivered to consumers. Anecdotal information suggested that T&O complaints decreased dramatically when the CAP canal contained raw Colorado River water as opposed to water that had been stored in Lake Pleasant (pers. comm. Matt Rexing, Mesa CAP Water Treatment Plant). Also, it appeared that T&O complaints increased among those utilities in the Phoenix Valley that were farthest from Lake Pleasant (pers. comm. William Vernon, Scottsdale CAP Water Treatment Plant; pers. comm. Gene Michael, Glendale CAP Water Treatment Plant). Earthy/musty T&O’s are often associated with certain species of cyanobacteria that are capable of producing 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) or geosmin (Izaguirre et al., 1983, Naes et al., 1988, Izaguirre & Taylor 1995). Previous studies that have dealt with MIB/geosmin production by cyanobacteria in source waters have tended to examine the role of reservoirs (Izaguirre et al., 1982; Berglind et al., 1983; McGuire et al., 1983; Slater & Blok 1983; Yagi et al., 1983; Negoro et al., 1988; Izaguirre 1992), or canals emanating from these 4 reservoirs (Izaguirre & Taylor, 1995) as separate ecosystems. This study was initiated to determine whether conditions in Lake Pleasant might promote growth of known MIB/geosmin producing cyanobacteria within the CAP canal upon release of water from Lake Pleasant. This required understanding how the limnology of Lake Pleasant affects the water quality and aquatic biota in the CAP canal. Materials and Methods Study Site Lake Pleasant is located about 48 km northwest of Phoenix, Arizona and is used as a storage reservoir for water transported from the Colorado River. Water is pumped into the lake during winter and released during summer when it is used for irrigation and drinking water. Prior to 19XX, Lake Pleasant was fed exclusively by the Agua Fria River entering from the north. The construction of the New Waddell Dam increased the size of Lake Pleasant from 1,497 to 4,168 hectares (AZ. Game and Fish Dept. unpublished report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1990). The Old Waddell Dam remains submerged within the reservoir immediately to the north of the new dam (Fig. 1). The primary water source for Lake Pleasant is now the CAP canal. At maximum capacity, Lake Pleasant contains approximately 811,000 acre feet of water (pers. comm. Tom Curry, Central AZ. Water Conservation District). Sampling Sites We established four sampling sites within Lake Pleasant (“A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”) (Fig 2), chosen according to an idealized model of reservoir zonation as 5 proposed by Kimmel & Groeger(1984). Locations were determined with a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit (Magellan Model 2000XL). Site A (33o 50’ 57” N and 112o 16’ 18” W) is the closest to incoming CAP water. Site B (33o 51’ 04 N and 112o 17” W) lies between the New and Old Waddell Dams. Site C (33 o 51’ 26” N and 112o 16’ 21” W) is to the north of the old dam and Site D (33 o 52’ 20” N and 112o 16’ 11” W) is the farthest north from the CAP inlet. (Fig. 2) Within the CAP canal, 5 sampling sites were established. The sites including approximate kilometers from Lake Pleasant were; Waddell Forebay (0 km), 99th Ave (6 km), Scottsdale WTP (45 km), Granite Reef (70 km), and Mesa WTP (78 km). Field Data Collection Lake Pleasant Samples were collected at each site every 2 weeks when the reservoir was stratified (May – November) and monthly when it was de-stratified (December – April) from 05/1996 – 05/1998. A minimum of 3 samples was collected at varying depths at each site to obtain a profile of the water column. The number of samples collected at each site was based on the presence or absence of a thermocline. Large fluctuations in water levels also resulted in samples being collected at different depths over time. For example, if the depth of the water at Site C was 60 m in August and the thermocline depth was 10 m then samples were collected at 60, 10, and 0.5 m. However, if the depth at the same site in February was 80 m and no thermocline was evident then samples were collected at 80, 40 and 0.5 m 6 Water samples were collected in a 2.2l Van Dorn-style sample bottle (Wildlife Supply Company). Water collected was transferred to two 500ml, and one 100ml plastic bottles (Nalgene Corp). One of the 500ml bottles contained 2 ml’s of sulfuric acid for analyses of ammonia-N, nitrate-N, and total phosphorous. The other 500ml bottle was used for phytoplankton identification and enumeration and contained 50ml of formaldehyde. Samples collected for orthophosphorous were field filtered using a 0.45micron cellulose acetate sterile syringe filter and a sterile 100ml syringe and stored in a100ml bottle. All were kept on ice in coolers for transport to the laboratory. CAP Canal Samples were collected approximately every 14 days within each CAP site and were analyzed for MIB/geosmin and periphyton analysis during the period of time when water was being released from Lake Pleasant. Periphyton was collected from the sides of the canal at a depth of 0.5 m. The area scraped was measured and the sample diluted with 250 ml’s of distilled water and 15 ml’s of formaldehyde. Geosmin and MIB samples were collected in 1-liter glass amber bottles and kept on ice for transport back to the University of Arizona. Laboratory Methods Water samples were analyzed for ammonia-N (Nesslerization), nitrate-N (Standard Method 4500-NO3-), orthophosphate (Standard Method 4500-P), total phosphorous (Standard Method 4500-P.5), ferrous iron (Standard Method 3500- 7 Fe D), and total iron (Standard Method 3030 D followed by 3500-Fe D). Results were determined colorometrically using a Hach DR/890 colorimeter. Phytoplankton and periphyton were enumerated using a Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber and an ocular micrometer (Standard Method 10200 F) on a calibrated Olympus BH2 phase contrast light microscope (Olympus Corp.) at a magnification of 200X. Identification sometimes was made at higher magnifications (up to 400X), but all enumerations were performed at 200X. Identifications were made to genus level and all counts were natural unit counts and recorded as units/ml for phytoplankton and units/cm 2 for periphyton (Standard Method 10200 F). Statistical Analysis Data were analyzed using univariate one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and principal component analysis (PCA) to determine which linear combination of X and Y variables had the highest correlation. These correlations were performed on an individual site basis and for the reservoir as a whole to determine what drives primary production within the reservoir and what contributes to tastes and odors within the CAP canal. For Lake Pleasant data, the independent variables were location (sites A, B, C, and D) and depth. The depths were categorized based upon the presence or absence of stratification i.e. epilimnion, metalimnion, hypolimnion, or homogenous. The dependant variables were temperature, pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonia-N, nitrate-N, orthophosphate, total phosphorous, ferrous iron, total iron, phytoplankton taxa (Division or 8 Genus), phytoplankton enumeration (units/ml), periphyton taxa (CAP canal only), and periphyton enumeration (units/cm2). For the CAP canal sites, All statistical analyses were performed using JMP version 4.0.3 statistical software (SAS Institute Inc.). Results Lake Pleasant Physical Data Temperatures ranged from 11.05o C on 2/13/97 (40m) to 29.76o C on 8/29/96 (surface sample). There was no significant difference among sites for temperature (F = 0.50, p = 0.68). Thermal stratification was evident at all sites beginning in late spring and lasting until mid– to late fall. There was a large difference in temperature among the epi-, hypo-, and metalimnion (Figs. 3&4) (ANOVA Temp X Layer). Depth of the thermocline increased throughout the summer at all sites. Depth and dissolved oxygen levels were correlated among all sites during the time of peak stratification (Aug-Oct) both years (r = 0.80) (Fig. 5). Dissolved oxygen levels were not significantly different among sites (F = 0.416, df = 3, p = 0.7416). Dissolved oxygen levels between the epi-, hypo-, and metalimnion however, showed significant differences (F = 263.13, df. = 2, p = <.0001) (Fig. 6) with the hypolimnion becoming completely anoxic during late summer and early fall of 1996 (Fig. 7). Differences also existed between years with 1996 having much lower levels (x = 5.1) than 1997 (x = 7.73) (F = 266.62, df = 1, p = <.0001) 9 (Fig 8). A comparison of summer hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen levels between 1996 and 1997 (x = 4.74) reveals even larger differences (x = 0.20 and 3.26 respectively) (F = 254.521, df = 1, p = <.0001) (Fig 9). Significant differences also existed among layers for pH levels when the reservoir was stratified (F = 938.93, df = 2, p = <.0001). The hypolimnion had the lowest mean (x = 7.94), which would indicate that reducing conditions might occur within this layer seasonally. Differences between sites for pH values were not significant in either the homogenous or stratified condition (F = 0.145, p = 0.9327 and F = 0.268, p = 0.8487 respectively). There were, however, large differences in hypolimnetic pH values between 1996 and 1997 (F = 257.801, df = 1, p = <.0001) (Fig 10). Turbidity by layer revealed that levels were significantly higher when the reservoir was in the homogenous condition than the epi-, meta-, or hypolimnion when the reservoir was thermally stratified (F = 5.5903, df = 3, p = 0.0008). When the reservoir was homogenous, turbidity levels increased with depth (F = 56.45, df = 1, p = <.0001). During the period of homogeneity, turbidity levels also differed between sites (F = 11.3483, df = 3, p = <.0001). Site B had the highest levels (x = 10.9 NTU’s) followed by site C (x = 9.12 NTU’s), site A (x = 5.85 NTU’s) and site D (x = 4.17 NTU’s). The time of homogeneity within the reservoir is also the time of annual re-filling via the CAP canal. Specific conductance levels differed between sites when the reservoir was homogenous (F = 3.8053, df = 3, p = 0.0100) but not when the reservoir was stratified (F = 1.3924, df = 3, p = 0.2437). When the reservoir was homogenous, 10 specific conductance levels increased with increasing distance from the CAP inlet towers. Since most of the re-filling of Lake Pleasant occurs during the period of homogeneity, this would suggest that the infusion of “fresher” CAP canal water plays a more significant role in the differences between sites than does increased evaporation during the summer. Specific conductance levels increased with increasing depth during periods of stratification (F = 98.5862, df = 1, p = <.0001) but exhibited no significant depth-related change during periods of relative homogeneity (F = 1.6608, df = 1, p = 0.1978). During 1996, de-stratification occurred in November. In the summer of 1997, water levels were lower than they were during the same period in 1996. However, dissolved oxygen levels at similar depths still revealed a significant increase during 1997 compared to 1996. As early as October of 1997, the reservoir was homogenous in terms of temperature and dissolved oxygen levels with isolated pockets of anoxia occurring only in areas deeper than 32 m. (Fig. 11). The mean hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen level at site B during 1996 and 1997 were 1.19 and 5.28 mg/l respectively. Also, at site B in 1996 the hypolimnion was at times completely anoxic from 16.5 meters to the bottom (35 meters). At this site in 1997, the lowest dissolved oxygen level recorded over the sediment was 2.53 mg/l. Phytoplankton Data Overall phytoplankton numbers increased with depth while the reservoir was being refilled with Colorado River water via the CAP canal (F = 10.2917, df = 1, p = 0.0018). Inversely, overall phytoplankton numbers decreased with depth 11 while water was being withdrawn from the reservoir back into the CAP canal (F = 10.2917, df = 1, p = 0.0061). Also, the occurrence of increased phytoplankton numbers with depth during the period of refilling was only discernible at sites B and C (F = 6.9596, df = 1, p = 0.0142 and F = 8.8252, df = 1, p = 0.0065 respectively). During the same period, Site A exhibited no statistical difference in phytoplankton numbers with depth (F = 0.6959, df = 1, p = 0.4121) and Site D exhibited a decrease in phytoplankton numbers with depth (F = 17.6047, df = 1, p = <0.0001). During the period of withdrawing water from the reservoir, there was no significant difference among sites in phytoplankton numbers (F = 1.1118, df = 3, p = 0.3468). During the period of refilling, however, Site B had the highest overall phytoplankton numbers (in units/ml) (x = 7257) followed by site C (x = 3977.48 ), site A (x = 1534.30) and site D (x = 320.04) respectively (F = 3.8097, df = 3, p = 0.0125). The increase in phytoplankton numbers with depth during the period of refilling, and the differences among sites in phytoplankton numbers and whether they were higher or lower at depth, was first observed on 12/4/96 (Fig. 12). The types of algae found on this date at the deepest levels of sites B and C were those species usually found growing periphytically on the sides of the CAP canal. The dominant Division of algae found at depth at sites B and C during the period of annual re-filling were chrysophytes (Fig. 13) and these being almost exclusively of the Order Pennales. Within the Division Chrysophyta, Cymbella spp. was the dominant genus (Fig. 14). 12 CAP Canal Overall periphyton numbers increased with distance from Lake Pleasant (F = 3.7219, df = 4, p = 0.0053). This trend was evident for both 1996 (F = 3.4685, df = 4, p = 0.0086) and 1997 (F = 5.4108, df = 4, p = 0.0003). A comparison of the two years reveals that overall periphyton numbers for all sites was significantly higher in 1996 than 1997 (x = 6718 and 2431 units/cm2 respectively, F=10.4061, df = 546, p = 0.0013). The periphyton was comprised of four divisions; Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, Pyrrophyta, and Cyanobacteria. Overall, cyanobacteria were the most abundant (x = 10,190 units/cm2) followed by chrysophytes (x = 3193 units/cm2), chlorophytes (x = 2096 units/cm2), and pyrrophytes (x = 1490 units/cm2) (F = 6.9232, df = 3, p = 0.0001) (Fig. 15). The periphyton along the CAP canal exhibited a large amount of spatial variation in regards to community composition. Dividing the CAP canal into two sections (0 – 45 and 70 – 78 km from Lake Pleasant respectively) shows that cyanobacterial dominance only becomes evident after 70 km. Within the 0 – 45 km group, there was no significant difference among algal divisions (F = 1.2881, df = 3, p = 0.2785) (Fig. 16) while in the 70 – 78 km group cyanobacterial abundance was over 3 times greater than the next most abundant Division, chrysophytes (F = 5.3192, df = 3, p = 0.0015) (Fig. 17). Cyanobacterial abundance within the 70-78 km group was over 7 times higher than in the 0-45 km group (x = 16,980 and 2356 units/cm2 respectively, F = 5.4428, df = 1, p = 0.0215). 13 The periphytic cyanobacterial community consisted of 5 species all of which are capable of producing tastes or odors. In order of abundance these were Lyngbya sp. (x = 17,601 units/cm2), Anabaena sp. (x = 3691 units/cm2), Oscillatoria sp. (x = 3205 units/cm2), Phormidium sp. (x = 2387 units/cm2), and Schizothrix.sp.(x = 290 units/cm2). While no significant statistical difference was observed for species among all sites (F = 1.2758, df = 4, p = 0.2841), it appears that Lyngbya was the most prevalent species followed by Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Phormidium, and Schizothrix (Table 1). Table 1. Contingency Analysis of Genus By Km's From Source Km's From Source By Genus Count Total % Col % Row % 00 06 45 70 78 Anabaena Lyngbya Oscillatoria Phormidium Schizothrix 2 1.79 6.90 13.33 6 5.36 20.69 31.58 5 4.46 17.24 27.78 9 8.04 31.03 32.14 7 6.25 24.14 21.88 29 25.89 10 8.93 18.52 66.67 9 8.04 16.67 47.37 8 7.14 14.81 44.44 14 12.50 25.93 50.00 13 11.61 24.07 40.63 54 48.21 3 2.68 13.04 20.00 4 3.57 17.39 21.05 5 4.46 21.74 27.78 3 2.68 13.04 10.71 8 7.14 34.78 25.00 23 20.54 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 3.57 100.00 12.50 4 3.57 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 1.79 100.00 7.14 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 1.79 15 13.39 19 16.96 18 16.07 28 25.00 32 28.57 112 Periphytic cyanobacteria were significantly less abundant for all sites in 1997 compared to 1996 (x = 1213 and 19,833 units/cm 2 respectively, F = 9.1416, df = 1, p = 0.0031). The difference in periphytic cyanobacteria between 1996 and 1997 was most pronounced with distance from Lake Pleasant. Dividing the CAP 14 canal into groupings based upon distance from Lake Pleasant shows the change was most significant in the 70-78 km compared to the 0-45 km group (F = 5.6637, df = 1, p = 0.0206 and F = 2.9350, df = 1, p = 0.0929 respectively). The difference in mean number of cyanobacteria for the 0-45 km group between 1996 and 1997 was 4503 and 1120 units/cm2 respectively while for the 70-78 km group the mean change between 1996 and 1997 was 28,156 and 1335 units/cm 2 respectively. There was a significant difference among all sites for levels of 2methylisoborneol (MIB) (F = 24.7623, df = 4, p = <0.0001) (Fig. 18). For all sites, the amount of MIB exhibited a pattern similar to cyanobacterial numbers, increasing with distance from Lake Pleasant. The highest levels of MIB were found 78 km away from Lake Pleasant (x = 6.66 ng/L) and the lowest levels were within the Waddell Dam Forebay (0 km, x = 1.29 ng/L). Geosmin followed a similar trend as MIB and decreased with distance from Lake Pleasant (F = 22.7698, df = 4, p = <0.0001) (Fig. 19). Figure 18. Oneway Analysis of Mean MIB (ng/l) By Km's From Lake Pleasant 30 Mean MIB (ng/l) 25 20 15 10 5 0 00 06 45 70 78 Km's From Source Oneway Anova Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Prob > F 15 Source Km's From Source Error C. Total DF 4 583 587 Sum of Squares 2702.776 15908.434 18611.210 Mean Square 675.694 27.287 F Ratio 24.7623 Prob > F <.0001 Means for Oneway Anova Level Number Mean Std Error 00 126 1.28810 0.46537 06 119 1.34622 0.47886 45 92 2.90217 0.54461 70 128 4.95648 0.46172 78 123 6.66260 0.47101 Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance Lower 95% 0.3741 0.4057 1.8325 4.0497 5.7375 Upper 95% 2.2021 2.2867 3.9718 5.8633 7.5877 Mean geosmin (ng/l) Oneway Analysis of Mean geosmin (ng/l) By Km's From Source 10 0 00 06 45 70 78 Km's From Source Oneway Anova Analysis of Variance Source Km's From Source Error C. Total DF 4 583 587 Sum of Squares 296.9090 1900.5175 2197.4265 Mean Square 74.2273 3.2599 F Ratio 22.7698 Prob > F <.0001 Means for Oneway Anova Level Number Mean Std Error 00 126 0.37302 0.16085 06 119 0.45378 0.16551 45 92 1.47174 0.18824 70 128 1.80703 0.15959 78 123 2.05976 0.16280 Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance Lower 95% 0.0571 0.1287 1.1020 1.4936 1.7400 Upper 95% 0.6889 0.7789 1.8414 2.1205 2.3795 Mean levels of both MIB and geosmin were significantly less in 1997 (x = 1.85 ng/L for MIB and x = 0.92 ng/L for geosmin respectively) than 1996 (x = 5.66 ng/L for MIB and 1.64 ng/L for geosmin respectively) (F = 74.2523, df = 1, p = <0.0001 for MIB and F = 20.9701, df = 1, p = <0.0001 for geosmin) (Figs 20 & 21). 16 Figure 20. Oneway Analysis of Mean MIB (ng/l) By Year 30 Mean MIB (ng/l) 25 20 15 10 5 0 1996 1997 Year Oneway Anova Analysis of Variance Source Year Error C. Total DF 1 586 587 Sum of Squares 2093.025 16518.184 18611.210 Mean Square 2093.03 28.19 F Ratio 74.2523 Prob > F <.0001 Means for Oneway Anova Level Number Mean Std Error 1996 251 5.66135 0.33512 1997 337 1.84697 0.28921 Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance Lower 95% 5.0032 1.2790 Upper 95% 6.3195 2.4150 Power Alpha 0.0500 Sigma 5.30924 Delta 1.886681 Number 588 Power 1.0000 Mean geosmin (ng/l) Figure 21. Oneway Analysis of Mean geosmin (ng/l) By Year 10 0 1996 1997 Year Oneway Anova Analysis of Variance Source Year Error C. Total DF 1 586 587 Sum of Squares 75.9183 2121.5082 2197.4265 Mean Square 75.9183 3.6203 F Ratio 20.9701 Means for Oneway Anova Level 1996 Number 251 Mean 1.64263 Std Error 0.12010 Lower 95% 1.4068 Upper 95% 1.8785 Prob > F <.0001 17 Level Number Mean Std Error 1997 337 0.91617 0.10365 Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance Lower 95% 0.7126 Upper 95% 1.1197 Power Alpha 0.0500 Sigma 1.902714 Delta 0.359323 Number 588 Power 0.9955 There was a significant correlation between the overall numbers of cyanobacteria and MIB numbers (r = 0.50). This correlation was not as significant between geosmin and cyanobacterial numbers (r = 0.28). There appeared to be an inverse correlation between chlorophyte numbers and both MIB (r = -0.17) and geosmin (r = -0.03) concentration. Principal component analysis on the section of the canal that had the most severe taste and odor problems (i.e. the 70-78 km group) reveals that species of Lyngbya and Anabaena were most closely correlated with geosmin concentrations while Oscillatoria sp. was most closely correlated with concentrations of MIB (Fig. 22). Figure 22. Principal Components on Correlations Between Cyanobacterial Species and MIB/geosmin Concentrations from 70 – 78 km's down-canal from Lake Pleasant. EigenValue 2.1143 1.1122 1.0732 0.4448 0.2555 Eigenvectors Oscillatoria Anabaena Lyngbya Mean MIB (ng/l) Mean geosmin (ng/l) Percent 42.286 22.244 21.463 8.896 5.110 Cum Percent 42.286 64.530 85.994 94.890 100.000 0.34258 0.30756 0.25107 0.62398 0.57936 -0.14385 -0.53923 0.80889 0.13587 -0.12556 -0.76650 0.58420 0.26257 -0.01458 0.04503 0.38605 0.46257 0.23455 0.15853 -0.74623 0.35410 0.24368 0.39837 -0.75289 0.29950 18 y Anabaen Lyngbya Mean ge x Mean MI z Oscilla __ Figure 15 Oneway ANOVA for Chrysophyte Genus by Units/mL for Sites B & C During Annual Re-Filling by the CAP Canal 14000 12000 10000 Units/mL 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 Achnanthes Amphora Cocconeis Cymbella Fragilaria Gomphonema Gyrosigma Genus Oneway Anova Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) 3381.119 67 Melosira Navicula Pinnularia Pleurosigma 19 Analysis of Variance Source Genus Error C. Total DF 10 56 66 Sum of Squares 226799384 296258173 523057557 Mean Square 22679938 5290324.5 F Ratio 4.2871 Prob > F 0.0002 Means for Oneway Anova Level Number Mean Achnanthes 3 2994.67 Amphora 4 2327.75 Cocconeis 3 3946.67 Cymbella 13 6938.00 Fragilaria 11 2843.82 Gomphonema 13 2850.08 Gyrosigma 4 2820.50 Melosira 4 1459.75 Navicula 7 1910.43 Pinnularia 3 1266.67 Pleurosigma 2 1789.50 Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance Std Error 1327.9 1150.0 1327.9 637.9 693.5 637.9 1150.0 1150.0 869.3 1327.9 1626.4 Lower 95% 334.5 24.0 1286.5 5660.1 1454.6 1572.2 516.7 -844.0 168.9 -1393.5 -1468.6 Upper 95% 5654.9 4631.5 6606.9 8215.9 4233.1 4128.0 5124.3 3763.5 3651.9 3926.9 5047.6 Power Details Test Genus Power Alpha 0.0500 Sigma 2300.071 Delta 1839.855 Number 67 Power 0.9960 Principal Component Analysis and Correlations Between Lake Pleasant Hypolimnetic Variables and MIB/Geosmin Within the Cap Canal In order to better view the high-dimensional nature of all the variables simultaneously, and to detect any correlations (or inverse correlations) among these variables, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the data from Lake Pleasant simultaneously with the data from the CAP canal. Since we have proven through the previous univariate analyses that within Lake Pleasant, site D is lower in nutrients (i.e. species of nitrogen and phosphorous) than sites A, B, or C, site D was excluded from the PCA analyses. Additionally, since we have also proven that MIB, geosmin, and periphytic cyanobacterial numbers were much lower closer to Lake Pleasant (0-45 km) than areas farther removed (70-78 km), the 0-45 km sites were also removed from these analyses. This was done in order to answer the question "what conditions (if any) within Lake 20 Pleasant may possibly contribute the most to periphytic cyanobacterial growth in those areas of the CAP canal that suffer from taste and odor problems presumably due to these periphytic cyanobacteria?" By using PCA we could begin to distinguish maximum variability in the data cloud or in other words, what the most important gradients were and where they were positioned within the data. We performed standardized principal component analysis in which the mean was subtracted from the data set and divided by the standard deviation. By doing this the centroid of the data cloud is set to zero and the standard deviation of all variables is set to 1. This type of PCA would therefore be considered an eigenanalysis of the correlation matrix where the covariance of the standardized variables equals the correlation. The Gabriel (1971) bi-plots associated with the PCA's reveal the correlations among the chosen variables by exposing the principal component rays. These rays are orthogonal to one another in the original high dimensional space that defines all of the variables. However, as this space becomes forced to approximate fewer dimensions, it becomes evident that not all of the rays are orthogonal. When the higher dimensions are reduced into a smaller environmental space, the correlation between all variables, even those originally thought to be orthogonal, may come closer together with those becoming the closest exhibiting the greatest amount of correlation. The variables from the hypolimnion of Lake Pleasant include total phosphorous (Tot. P), nitrogen (nitrate-N + ammonia-N), and dissolved oxygen (D.O.) while those from the CAP canal include MIB and geosmin numbers. 21 The bi-plot and PCA performed on all of the above variables for 1996 shows a very significant correlation between MIB, total phosphorous, and nitrogen with geosmin showing less of a correlation to both nutrients (Fig 23). It also appears that there was an inverse correlation between dissolved oxygen and total phosphorous and nitrogen levels within the hypolimnion of Lake Pleasant. This inverse correlation was noticed between MIB levels within the canal and dissolved oxygen levels within the hypolimnion of Lake Pleasant. While geosmin shared some degree of environmental space as the hypolimnetic nutrients and MIB, the correlation was less prominent. For the year 1997, the correlation among nutrient levels and MIB and geosmin production within the lower reaches of the CAP canal are not evident. It appears that there is still an inverse correlation between MIB, geosmin, and total phosphorous, this is not true for nitrogen that now shows a positive relationship with dissolved oxygen and an inverse correlation with total phosphorous and MIB/geosmin. In other words, it appears that the only clear correlation that exists for this year is the inverse relationship between dissolved oxygen within the hypolimnion of Lake Pleasant and both MIB and geosmin within the CAP canal.