UVU Course Number: HIST 1700 UVU Course Name: American

UVU Course Number: HIST 1700
UVU Course Name: American Civilization
Instructor Name:
High School Course Name:
This is a Concurrent Enrollment Course, offering both high school credit through __________ High School and
college credit through Utah Valley University. Credit from this course is transferable to all colleges and
universities. Contact the receiving institution for how the credits will be applied.
Stresses movements and developing institutions that are important for an appreciation of American History
from the Pre-Colombian period to the present. Discussions include analysis of developing political, economic,
and social institutions and their interrelationships with, and impact upon, the geographical features of the land.
Includes book reports, oral response, research papers, media presentations and applications to current events.
Commentary: This is primarily a lecture course. However, students are encouraged to comment and question.
The lectures are designed to supplement your reading of the text and hopefully to add to your understanding of
America’s past. We will also watch several video clips from History Channel documentaries. Additionally, some
PowerPoint slides will be incorporated to add to the visual learning experience.
This class is available to all high school juniors and seniors in good academic standing. High school prerequisites
apply. There are no college prerequisites for this course.
Historical Knowledge
Range of historical information
1. Identify the key events which express/define change over time in a particular place or region.
2. Identify how change occurs over time.
3. Explain historical continuity and change.
4. Describe the influence of political ideologies, economic structures, social organization, cultural
perceptions, and natural environments on historical events.
5. Discuss the ways in which factors such as race, gender, class, ethnicity, region, and religion influence
historical narratives.
Historical Thinking
Recognize the past-ness of the past.
1. Explain how people have existed, acted, and thought in the past.
2. Explain what influence the past has on the present.
Emphasize the complex nature of past experiences.
1. Interpret the complexity and diversity of situations, events, and past mentalities.
2. Compare eras and regions in order to define enduring issues.
Emphasize the complex and problematic nature of the historical record.
1. Recognize a range of viewpoints.
2. Compare competing historical narratives.
3. Challenge arguments of historical inevitability.
4. Analyze cause-and-effect relationships and multiple causation.
Historical Skills
Develop skills in critical thinking and reading.
1. Evaluate debates among historians.
2. Differentiate between historical facts and historical interpretations.
3. Assess the credibility of primary and secondary sources.
Develop research skills.
1. Formulate historical questions.
2. Obtain historical data from a variety of sources.
3. Identify gaps in available records.
Develop the ability to construct reasonable historical arguments.
1. Construct a well-organized historical argument.
2. Support an interpretation with historical evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources.
America: A Concise History, 3rd. edition. Henretta, James A.
You may need to read chapters more than once to fully understand the material. If you come upon a term or
event you do not know or understand, then LOOK IT UP in a dictionary or an encyclopedia etc. You should be
prepared to read approximately 2-3 chapters per week. You are responsible for having the assigned reading
completed prior to our class discussion for each day. You are encouraged to bring your textbook to class and
follow along with the lectures. Some images can be better observed from your book than from overheads or
power point slides. It is also highly recommend that you review your assigned reading prior to class in
preparation for a possible quiz on each day’s reading assignment. All quizzes are taken before we discuss the
information in class. In addition, the quizzes come solely from your textbook readings, and if you desire to do
well in this course, and especially on the quizzes, then you MUST METICULOUSLY READ AND STUDY each reading
assignment, and comprehend the major ideas, concepts, and the most significant people and groups in the
You may also find the textbook’s website for each chapter informative. The textbook provides web links to a
host of pictures, documents, journals, maps, video clips and expanded websites for each chapter. This
information can be extremely useful if you have questions about what you have read. In addition, the text has
links to detailed chapter outlines and practice quizzes for each chapter. If you do well on the on-line optional
practice quiz(zes) that the textbook’s website provide, then you are probably ready for the required quizzes.
The reading assignments are listed on the last page of this syllabus.
There will be an 8-10 page research as well as a writing project due in this class. These papers papers are worth
100 points. Four pages of instructions regarding these papers are available on-line. Each student should download this information and thoroughly familiarize himself with all aspects of this assignment.
There will be one comprehensive final exam in this course. The final will be given in class on the last day of class.
Test questions come primarily from the lectures – so take good notes. This exam will have approximately 75
questions. These questions will be matching and multiple choice. There are no true or false, or essay questions.
There are also no questions that rely on dates. You are required to bring a number 2 pencil to the final exams.
UVU will provide the scantron sheets.
There will be twenty online quizzes given during the semester. These are open book, open notes, but closed
neighbor quizzes. Each of these quizzes is limited to 15 minutes. Each quiz will have 18 questions worth one
point for each correct answer. However, only 15 questions count toward your grade, the other three questions
are extra-credit. This makes a total of 360 possible online quiz points, but only 300 of them count toward your
grade (20 X 15 = 300 points). These quizzes amount to the majority of your grade. The online quiz questions will
be all multiple choice questions with four options. The questions come from your assigned textbook reading for
the day. In addition, there will be 10 additional in-class pop quizzes.
You will receive the same grade for your high school course as you receive
for your college course. Your grade will be based upon to following:
ATTENDANCE: Research shows an unassailable correlation between class
attendance and grades. I encourage you to attend class and take good
notes. If you ever miss class, then I STRONGLY suggest that you get notes
from another student. Your in-class notes will be your best and only
review or study guide
NOTICE: Your grade for this class
will become part of your
permanent college transcript and
will affect your GPA. A low grade in
this course can affect college
acceptance and scholarship
_________ is the last day to drop the course without it showing on your transcript.
_________ is the last day to withdraw from the class.
If you drop the high school class, you must also withdraw from the UVU class to avoid receiving an E or UW
(unofficial withdrawal).
Utah Valley University expects all students to maintain integrity and high standards of individual honesty in
academic work, to obey the law, and to show respect for others.
Students of this class are expected to support an environment of academic integrity, have the right to such an
environment, and should avoid all aspects of academic dishonesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include
plagiarizing, faking of data, sharing information during an exam, discussing an exam with another student who
has not taken the exam, consulting reference material during an exam, submitting a written assignment which
was authored by someone other than you, and/or cheating in any form. Violators of this policy will be subject to
disciplinary action.
In keeping with UVU policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade in the course and
disciplinary review by the college. Additional information on this topic is published in the student handbook and
is available on the UVU website.
ATTENTION STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have any disability, which may impair your ability to
successfully, complete this course, please contact the Accessibility Services office, 863-8747, BU 146. Academic
accommodations are granted for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. All services are
coordinated with the Accessibility Services office.