Research-based Tips and Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary in the

Research-based Tips and Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary in
the Science Classroom
“Clearly, new words need to be integrated into the learner’s prior knowledge,
repeated in multiple contexts, and used in meaningful ways.”
Janet Allen
Words Words Words pg 35
1. Identify Key Vocabulary after identifying the learning goals for each unit. Best
practices suggest:
Limiting the number of key vocabulary words per unit to 10-12
Not limiting selection of key words to the textbook….Bold Face ≠ Key
Considering Critical versus Basic vocabulary (being sure to consider prior
exposure to and working knowledge of terms)
Considering ‘standards-based’ and ‘problematic’ terms
2. Uncover students’ prior knowledge and level of understanding of concepts and
vocabulary using a variety of strategies such as KWL, concept mapping, word
sorts, Frayer Model, Exclusion Brainstorming, Predict-o-gram, etc.
3. Keep in mind that students need multiple and varied opportunities to interact
with new vocabulary. Research suggests that students need 6-10 encounters
with a new term to really internalize it. Intentionally incorporate a variety of
strategies into your lesson plans. Some ideas are:
Restate in own Words (ownership)
Allow Dialogue/discussion (climate culture, economic status)
Combination of Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Techniques (games, art,
graphic organizers)
Compare and Contrast (similarities and differences)
Classifying and Analogies
Greek/Latin (teaching word parts to aid in learning the terms)
Words in student contexts
4. “Just Say NO” to strategies that do not contribute to understanding—word
searches, limited definitions in some puzzles, copying definitions from glossary,
5. After students have been introduced to key vocabulary, model and encourage
the correct usage of the terms in discussions, notebooks, writing, etc.—
throughout the current unit AND BEYOND!
Adapted from the Science Leadership Support Network group brainstorming, March 2006