Evolution Worksheet

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________ Period: _____
Evolution Worksheet
Mr. Vorstadt
_____ 1- The image illustrates what evolutionary concept:
1. embryological similarities
2. variation among species
3. vestigial structures
4. homologous structures
_____ 2- A structure that has no use in an organism is called:
1. homologous
2. vestigial
3. dichotomous
4. fossilized
_____ 3- DNA evidence suggests that the closest relative to the human is the:
1. chimpanzee
2. humans have no animal relatives
3. dolphins
_____ 4- Larmarke is to "Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics" as Darwin is to ____?____
1. divergence of related species
2. homologous structures
3. evolution by natural selection
4. speciation by common descent
_____ 5- Organs that have a similar structure in different species but have different functions
are called what?
1. vestigial organs
2. homologous structures
3. embryos
4. fossils
_____ 6- A horse has small toe bones behind its hoof, under the skin. They have no purpose
or function. What kind of organs are they?
1. vestigial
2. homologous
3. adaptive
4. radioactive
_____ 7- Radioactive dating is a method used to do what?
1- determine what kind of sediment is in rocks
2- determine how much radiation is in an organism
3- find the age of a fossil
4- locate fossil deposits
8- Fossils are usually found in ______________________________ rocks.
9- The structures of fossils resemble many present-day organisms, so paleontologists infer
that they had the same ___________________________ as that of present-day organisms
_____10- The gradual orderly change in the events of the universe including both non-living
and living things is called the:
1. Creationist Theory
2. Theory of Evolution
3. Theory of Natural Selection
4. Use and Disuse
_____ 11- The English naturalist who wrote ‘Origin of Species’ was:
1. Charles Darwin
2. Jean de Lamarck
3. Alfred Wallace
_____ 12- The Theory of Natural Selection is often wrongly described as:
1. survival of the fittest
2. antibiotic resistance of bacteria
3. inorganic evolution
4. genetic change
_____ 13- The time it takes for half of the original mass of a radioactive substance to break
down is the:
1. half-time 2. isotope 3. half-life 4. relative
True-False Questions
____________ 14- Lamarck proposed that the change of living things was as a result of the
environment and not genetic makeup.
____________ 15- Older rocks are found closer to the earth’s surface than younger rocks.
____________ 16- Index fossils are fossils of bony fingers.
____________ 17- An example of an homologous structure are the appendix of human and
_____________ 18- Dinosaur bones are the only type of fossils.
19- Name the order of the evolutionary eras from earliest to latest.______________________
20- What was the longest evolutionary era? _________________________________________
21- In what era were the dinosaurs abundant? _______________________________________
22- Give your own definition for homologous structures. ______________________________
23- Define analogous structure using an example. ____________________________________
24- Define comparative embryology. ______________________________________________
25- In what environment are fossils commonly found and why? _________________________
26- Define half-life. _____________________________________________________________
27- In sedimentary rock, which layer would contain the youngest fossils?
________________ _________________
28- In sedimentary rock, which layers would contain the oldest fossils?
29- Structure within an organism that has no known function is called?
30- Who proposed the theory of use and disuse and what does this mean? ________________
31- The method of dating fossils that are millions of years old. __________________________
32- Scientist that study ancient life through the fossil record. ___________________________
33- Who was the scientist who proved Lamarack’s theory to be incorrect? And how did he do
Study the diagram. Then answer the questions.
Evolution of Homo Sapiens
34- Which primate species was the first to use simple tools? ___________________________
35- Which primate species spent some of their time in trees? ___________________________
36- The Homo sapiens skull is much larger than the Australopithecus skull. What can you say
about these two groups using skull size as evidence? ______________________________