HERDMANCom: A NEW PREVENTIVE HERD HEALTH SOFTWARE TO ENHANCE DAIRY ANIMAL PRODUCTIVITY DEVELOPED BY INFOVET INCOLLOABORATION WITH DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE, BOMBAY VETERINARY COLLEGE, PAREL, MUMBAI 400 012, INDIA The definition of health or disease in animals is more elaborate and includes parameters such as profitability and fertility. Thus, if a dairy animal is to be called this animal must give optimum production and should also breed optimally. Such as definition of health also satisfies the business needs of the dairy operation. Naturally, if the animals are kept ‘healthy’ it will enhance profitability, reduce cost of milk production and the milk from such animals would also be wholesome for the consumers. The new strategy calls for radical change in the way the animal health personnel provide services to the farmers. Many developed countries have achieved success in this direction, but due to several reasons, this could not be even initiated in India. If we have to face competition from the world players in dairy, the following new approach should be adopted. (1) Animals are continuously monitored by maintaining data of individual animals and analysis on herd-basis. (2) Common-source problems, such as, nutritional deficiencies, sub-clinical infections and sub fertility are predicted, investigated and corrective measures are taken to resolve the primary causal factors. (3) Problems are predicted based on calculation of epidemiological rates well before any clinical signs or damage is done. The system relies more on correction of management, husbandry, feed, minerals, etc., rather than only use of drugs or hormones. (4) The dairy management activities are not farmer-perceived but predicted based on the records. The problems therefore can be identified at the earliest. The program encourages participation of farmers in health maintenance. The central issue is maintaining individual animal data in a format that can be compiled and analyzed into rates and indices. With introduction of computers it has become easy to organize the farm data, but unfortunately no such software is available that can meet Indian (and also other developing countries) demands. Vetindia Infotech Solutions, Mumbai, in collaboration with the Department of Medicine, Bombay Veterinary College, affiliated to Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, has developed a cow / buffalo herd management software that is tailor-made to satisfy the needs of the Indian dairy industry. This is the first such software available for the dairy farmers and would also be useful to dairy industry of the neighboring countries. Major Characteristics: The software is window-based and provides the computing and analysis strength of Visual Basic and Access/MS-SQL. It is icon / menu driven hence even a moderately literate farmer can operate the software without any difficulty. The software maintains life-time records of animals in the farm The records of cows and buffaloes can be maintained simultaneously but the data is automatically analyzed separately. The records of all categories of animals, such as, calves, heifers, adults, breeding bulls and working bullocks can be maintained. The records of culled, sold or died animals maintained in archive files that can be retrieved easily to analyze the data Modules of ‘Herdman’: Herdman consists of various modules to assist the dairy farm operations. These can be summarized as under: Action List This provides the daily action schedule for the farmers. Based on the default values and the individual animal data Herdman generates the list of animals scheduled for various Veterinary activities, such as, check for heat, check for pregnancy I, check for pregnancy II, animals for drying off, animals for steaming up, animals due for calving, due for vaccination, due for Deworming and due for insurance. With this the farm operation becomes predictive. Alarm List ‘Herdman’ generates list of animals currently in the herd/lot that are not performing optimum as per the default parameters. This generates alarm list of heifers that have not shown heat, calved animals that have not shown first heat, animals with fertility problems, animals not achieving peak yield in the desired period, animals with low milk yield per lactation day, animals with longer open days, animals with lower 100-days production, animals with a longer inter-calving interval. Individual animal records: Reports Semen Straw Records: Treatment The software maintains all possible records of individual animals, such as, administrative details, parent, breeding, production, etc. Such a data is necessary to select good productive animals for further breeding. Herdman is the first step towards creation of a database of productive animals. The individual animal data can be transferred with the transfer of the animal to any other owner. ‘Herdman’ is capable of generating several reports that are either for the current date or for the desired period. Reports such as, administrative, milk production, breeding, due for calving, salvage, semen utilization, heifer, calves, etc., can be generated with a click. Every report also provides a summary report of the herd or lot. Herdman’ also automatically maintains semen straw or bull records. Very time a straw from a bull is used, the records for straw and the bulls are updated and once the animal is confirmed pregnant, the pregnancy is added in the record of the bull. Herdman also produces the bull performance report for the farm. Consolidation of such report from all the farms / village enables calculation of bull indices. ‘Herdman’ maintains lifetime records of all the treatment carried out in individual animal. The old treatment records can be retrieved with a click. This also enables calculation of true disease rates in the farm. When antibiotics are used, the software also warns the farmers about the residues within the withdrawal period. Metabolic profiling: Herd Indices Production Many software currently available do not have this facility. Metabolic profiling of animals is an important activity that enables identification of nutrition, management and hygiene related problems in the herd. Herdman provides a module that assists in determining the sample size, Random selection of the animals from different physiological groups and analysis of the data as mean + standard deviation. The on-line help enables the veterinarian to compare and interpret the indices. Herdman also calculates production and reproduction-based herd indices (as mean + Standard deviation) for each lot or herd. This is the unique feature of this software. Herd indices, such as, average milk yield per lactation day, average yield per lactating animal, peak yield, days to peak yield, average lactation length, etc., can be calculated. The reproductionrelated indices that can be calculated are: mean age for first heat in heifers, mean age of calving in heifers, mean days after calving to first heat, mean conception rate, mean A.I. per conception, etc. Reproduction Many commercial dairy farmers in India formulate their own cattle feed. Herdman provides a module that can be used to prepare a balanced concentrate feed. Based on the rates of feeding to different categories of animals (lactating, dry, pregnant, etc.) Herdman generates a feeding schedule. FEED FORMULATION This ensures that the animals get right quantity of feed. Herdman also calculates cost of feed prepared and cost of feeding individual animal in the farm. Herdman also provides the data on proximate analysis of commonly used feed ingredients and fodder. The software is thus also a information source for the farm managers. FEED CHART Software integration: It is possible to integrate or provide data merging facility with any window-based software currently used for other purposes, such as, progeny testing, epidemiological mapping, GIS- or Info map-based data modules. Herdman can easily be interfaced with milking machines, milk parlor or automatic feeding machines. For cooperative dairies an analogous version ‘Herdmancoop’ is also available. Data of individual village / county dairy society can be maintained. This data is amenable to consolidation for onward submission to upper administrative hierarchies. For example, data from a village / herds can be consolidated at the veterinarian level, a veterinarian level data at the block level, then at the district level and finally at the state level. ‘Herdman’ is a combination of various applications and hence comprehensive. It is hoped that ‘ Herdman’ would provide all the solutions to take the dairy industry into an era of e-dairy herd management. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: Infovet; 302 SHARIQ APT. TAKOLI, KALWE, THANE, INDIA 400 605: herdmancom@hotmail.com