HERDMANCoop: SOFTWARE FOR HERD PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT IN DAIRY ANIMALS UNDER COOPERATIVE SET UP Developed by Infovet, Mumbai Email: herdmancom@hotmail.com Cooeprative movement has been the backbone for dairy industry in many countries that contributes as high as 80-85% of the total milk procured and processed. The movement enabled small animal holders to come together and develop the dairy industry. The basic unit is the primary dairy society in a village that covers around 500 – 1000 animals which in turn is federated into a block level or a district level dairy cooperative federation. The block-level or district-level federation provides milk collection as well as veterinary input services. With globalization and the WTO regime, the global milk market is opening for almost all the players. There is now additional emphasis on quality of milk. If the farmers under cooperatives are to survive, it will be necessary to cut the cost of milk production by optimizing the production and reproduction and at the same time avoid usage of antibiotics, hormones and drugs to minimize residues in milk. This would be possible if the entire set up is fine-tuned to a rational animal health and productivity enhancement plan. The new strategy calls for radical change in the way the animal health personnel provide services to the farmers. The new approach that has been tested by many developed countries constitutes: (1) animals are continuously monitored by maintaining data of individual animals and analysis on primary dairy society / village –basis; (2) the common-source problems, such as, nutritional deficiencies, sub-clinical infections and sub fertility are predicted, investigated and corrective measures are taken to resolve the primary causal factors; (3) problems are predicted based on calculation of epidemiological rates well before any clinical signs or damage is done. The system relies more on correction of management, husbandry, feed, minerals, etc., rather than only use of drugs or hormones; (4) the dairy management activities are not farmer-perceived but predicted based on the records which enables identification of problems at the earliest and also encourages participation of farmers in health maintenance. The central issue is maintaining individual animal data in a format that can be entered, compiled, transferred to the incharge veterinarians who can analyze and suggest corrective measures. This approach is also called ‘herd approach’. With introduction of computers it has become easy to organize and analyze the data with the help of software HERDMANCoop. Major Characteristics: The software is window-based and provides the computing and analysis strength of Visual Basic and Access/MS-SQL. It is icon / menu driven hence even a moderately literate farmer can operate the software without any difficulty. The software maintains life-time records of animals in the farm. 1 It is available in all Indian regional languages and can be made available in other international languages. The records of cows and buffaloes can be maintained simultaneously but the data is automatically analyzed separately. The records of all categories of animals, such as, calves, heifers, adults, breeding bulls and working bullocks can be maintained. The records of culled, sold or died animals maintained in archive files that can be retrieved easily to analyze the data. Modules of ‘Herdmancoop’: Core module for primary dairy society: This is the basic module meant for society-level or village-level database. It provides for data entry facility for diary operation in a very simplified form. It also generates reports that are useful for administrative as well as performance appraisal. Data entry: Data entry Form|: Entire data can be entered from a single form. The data operator need open the main program or understand its intricacies. Thus, even a moderately computer literate person in a village would be able to handle data entries. In order to build up the source data some entries are to be made only once. For example, names of the owners, herd and lot details , source details are to be filled at the time of installation. New animal and owner data can be built up as the entries are made. General Details: The database of all the dairy animals can be prepared through this form 2 Heat and insemination entry: Through this form the estrus entries of animals can be made. The software enables maintaining real time data of all the heats and insemination in the animals. This also enables the inventory management of semen straw utilization that can be transferred to the Artificial Insemination Center. Bull performance in village can also be automatically calculated. This form also enables pregnancy diagnosis entries of all the animals that have not returned after insemination. The confirmation of pregnancy (pregnancy diagnosis II) data can also be entered for each animal. Calving entries: This form enables entries of all the calving in the dairy society. The entry automatically generates a registry for the calf born. The progeny data in respect of the bull used for insemination is also built up automatically. The new ID number registered for the calf transfer the data of dam as well as sire automatically. Data such as weight gain till heifer stage can be managed in the calf module. 3 Milk entry: Through this form milk entries in respect of each animal can be maintained. In order to build up a true data it is important that actual milk yield either weekly or every 10 ten days be recorded for each animal. Once the entry is made, it automatically calculates the average milk yield for the other days. The information on milk yield in respect of the flagged animals can be automatically transferred to the progeny database. Treatment data: The software enables maintaining the database of all the sickness and treatment carried out in respect of each animal. Mass treatment, such as, vaccination, deworming, etc., can be updated automatically. Most of the information is already inbuilt in the combo box and the data operator has to only select the needed information for entering in the form. 4 Action List Alarm List This provides the daily action schedule for the veterinary staff. Based on the default values and the individual animal data HERDMANcoop generates the list of animals scheduled for various veterinary activities, such as, check for heat, check for pregnancy I, check for pregnancy II, animals for drying off, animals for steaming up, animals due for calving, due for vaccination, due for deworming and due for insurance. The herd operation therefore becomes predictive. HERDMANcoop also generates list of animals currently in the herd/lot that are not performing optimum as per the default parameters. This generates alarm list of heifers that have not shown heat, calved animals that have not shown first heat, animals with fertility problems, animals not achieving peak yield in the desired period, animals with low milk yield per lactation day, animals with longer open days, animals with lower 100days production, animals with a longer inter-calving interval. 5 Reports Herd Indices Individual animal records: HERDMANcoop is capable of generating several reports that are either for the current date or for the desired period. Reports such as, administrative, milk production, breeding, due for calving, salvage, semen utilization, heifer, calves, etc., can be generated with a mouse click. Every report also provides a summary report of the herd or lot. The reports can also be generated on electronic copying devise such as floppy and this can be downloaded by the administrator. This module is provided to the veterinarian administrator who can generate herd performance indices for the desired period. These indices are both production and reproduction indices. The indices are calculated as mean + standard deviation) for each lot or herd. This is the unique feature of this software. Herd indices, such as, average milk yield per lactation day, average yield per lactating animal, peak yield, days to peak yield, average lactation length, etc., can be calculated. The reproduction-related indices that can be calculated are: mean age for first heat in heifers, mean age of calving in heifers, mean days after calving to first heat, mean conception rate, mean A.I. per conception, etc. The software maintains all possible records of individual animals, such as, administrative details, parent, breeding, production, etc. Such a data is necessary to select good productive animals for further breeding. Herdman is the first step towards creation of a database of productive animals. 6 HERDMANcoop for Veterinarians: Since a veterinarian is responsible for many herds or village cooperative societies, a separate version enables the veterinarian to manage the data of number of societies. The veterinarian can generate action list, alarm list, reports and herd indices for each herd separately. An analysis module is also provided that enables the veterinarians to calculate different performance indices and generate lists of animals in different herds that are not performing as per the target. The veterinarians can generate epidemiological information on all disease and management aspects. HERDMANcoop for Chief Veterinarian: It is possible to integrate or provide data merging facility with any window-based software currently used for other purposes, such as, progeny testing, epidemiological mapping, GIS- or Info map-based data modules. This module has all the features given for the veterinarian version except that for the administrator instead of individual animal, the herd or block-level data is transferred. The administrator can generate reports for all the blocks, societies or veterinarians for comparing the performance and for identifying problem areas. The HERDMANcoop is a total solution for creating animal data grid, herd management for enhancement of productivity and enhancing the fertility. HERDMANcoop is available in all Indian regional languages. It can also be made available in any international language. For further details and enquiries please contact: Email: herdmancom@hotmail.com 7