Biography Lives Project

Biography Lives Project
Choose a person to research. Choose them because:
 You admire them for their accomplishments.
 You share the same background.
 You want to enter the same field they did.
 (any combination of the above)
Read a biography on them.
Rough Draft
Write a 5 paragraph essay on them.
3 Note cards for live impersonation
Perform a live impersonation of that person (5-8 minutes)
25 pts.
50 pts.
50 pts
25 pts
50 pts
Total 200 pts
Book Approval date: Wednesday May 27th (reverse schedule day) ____________
5 Paragraph Essay:
Final Draft Due: June 8th
Rough Draft Due: June ____
P 1- Explain who they are and why you chose them.
P 2- Sequence their background and education.
P 3- Describe their major accomplishments.
P 4- Explain how their contributions have affected us today and how they will continue
to affect us.
P 5- Re-explain their legacy and how their lives have impacted us today
Use all the words in bold above.
Write topic sentences for each paragraph.
Put a cover on your final draft, take pride in your work.
Use props and photos for your live performance.