The Role of the Teacher in the New Educational Space
Alexandra Chistova, George Turava, Gregory Belikov, Ignat
Isaenko , Lev Lybov.
Kirill Kuznetsov, Daria Gubernatorova
Today a teacher performs a function of a guide in the world of information. But the process
of training isn't considered as a simple transmission of knowledge from the teacher to pupils
anymore. Nowadays it acts as a cooperation – a teamwork of a teacher and pupils during
mastering different aspects of knowledge and solving the problems. The main task of the teacher
is to help children cope with effective methods of managing their educational activities. New
educational standards set before the teacher the purpose to impart two groups of new abilities to
the child. The first one is the group of universal educational actions making a basis of ability to
study: skills of creative activity and skills of the search, the analysis and interpretation of the
information got. The second group concerns the formation of the motivation to learn and to
study, also containing helping children in self-organizing and self-development.
Our main purpose today is to provide teachers with external support, stability and
confidence in the future in spite of rapidly changing conditions of life. This Action Paper is
aimed at attracting attention to the status of the teacher; it focuses on the improvement of the
preparedness of teachers to the factors, the influence of which has been constantly increasing.
Teacher is the key figure in the educational process. That is why the future of the society,
all system of economic and civil relations depends on the level of the teacher's professionalism.
We all need the mechanism which will be able to attract and keep qualified, interested and
energetic teachers, both men and women at schools. New educational space stipulates
considerable transformations, including the growth of demands for the quality of teaching staff,
their skills and pedagogical grounding. These reforms should be reflected upon the social
position of teachers, their social and psychological protectability.
Responsive, receptive and considerate to pupils’ interests, open for all new teachers –
that is key feature of modern school.
Attracting the attention of governments to the problem of poor wages of teaching staff with
the purpose of improving the situation;
Creation of new models of using the modern information and communication technologies in
the training and retraining system of teaching staff;
Social networks for teachers should be created for the reciprocal support of teaching methods
and renewal of the educational content;
Developing programs of international exchange of teachers for the improvement of their
professional skills, exchange of experience and arrangement of cross-cultural relations;
Developing a new model of teaching staff certification which will be relevant to the new
educational system and will reflect its requirements;
Established system of moral and financial incentives for the most worthy teachers by the
contests for the title of the best ones requires development and addition on the sub-regional
and international levels;
Developing services for psychological relaxation which will be accessible for free to all the
teachers to decline the psychological strain and supply with the support in difficult life
situations which take place in private life and at work;
Providing retired teachers with deserved pension provision as well as inter-governmental
moneyed assistance;
Involvement of retired teachers to the work in the capacity of educationalists, classwork and
extracurricular work organizers, advisers for young teachers and learners.