ANNUAL REVIEW DOCUMENT CHECKLIST REQUIRED FOR EACH FILE AT CLOSE-OUT Student: _____________________________ Grade 11-12:_________ Disability(ies)__________________ Caseworker:___________________ District: ___M1 ____M2 ____M7 School: ______________________ Related Services: ____ speech ___ OT ___ PT ___ ABT ___ Nursing ___Counseling ____ vision ___ hearing ____ mobility ____ transportation ____Other (specify) __________________ Supplementary: ___ transportation ___ Nursing ____Other (specify)_________________________ Extended School Year : ___ yes ___ no Reason________________________________________________ If “Yes”, what is area of need: _______________ Confirmed by (assessment):__________________________ DOCUMENT CHECK ALL STUDENTS Letters (2) of invitation EXCENT with contact dates for follow up and phone conferences and details of reason for meeting Conference summary District and(Prior written notice)EXCENT to detail all determinations Medicaid Form (District) IEP signed by AT LEAST regular ed (must be the child’s teacher) , special ed and LEA and any related services providers (EXCENT) Esy eligibility form (EXCENT) PH12/attendance notification (district) for school secretary Final Progress Report (EXCENT) MAPS/Testview Profile – copy of ACES/functional Follow-up letter if parent was not at meeting FROM EXCENT STUDENT WHO WILL BE 13 OR OLDER AT ANY TIME DURING THE 11-12 YEAR 13-A checklist signed off by school team (NSTTAC) Evidence the student invited to the meeting (letter) (EXCENT) Evidence an outside agency was invited to the meeting if funding postgraduate(EXCENT) Permission from parent/student to invite agency (District) Notification of rights for students who will be 17 or older during the coming year (District) STUDENTS WITH RELATED SERVICES Related service provider was at meeting Related Services Referral form (District) Related Services present levels/copy of evaluation (District) Related Service goals and objectives (EXCENT) Related Services Med. Necessity (District) STUDENT WITH BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS New FBA (EXCENT) NEW BIP (EXCENT) Counseling addressed in IEP (EXCENT) Interventions attempted during the year and the results of those interventions- PLOP section (EXCENT) GRADUATING STUDENTS If getting diploma - everything in the “all students” section except IEP, Medicaid and PH12 Information on if transition plan has been accomplished and student’s goals in conf summary (District) or PWN (EXCENT) Exit Survey - if given (State) Summary of Performance (District) If no diploma and not 21 must have all documents as if coming back. Listed as drop-out. If getting certificate of attendance – district letter regarding return ANY EVALUAITON/REEVALUATION INCLUDING: 3 YR RE-EVAL, CHANGE OF PLACEMENT (LRE TIME), CONSIDERATION FOR NEW RELATED SERVICE OR SUSPECTED NEW DISABILITY OR SPED OR RELATED SERVICE DISMISSAL Must discussed with the district prior to the meeting Prior Written Notice of re-eval for eligibility/change in services in letter(EXCENT) PWN of all changes and determination after meeting (Excent) Documentation to support change- grades, etc. Re-evaluation review (Data Review for Evaluation) must indicate exactly what disability is suspected in last section- e.g., data required would be “full scale evaluation for learning disability” (EXCENT) Permission to evaluate (EXCENT) DO NOT HAVE THIS DATED AND SIGNED UNLESS ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS ARE PRESENT. Multidispl team report containing results of evaluation (EXCENT) All forms current (sp/v/hearing, etc) An indication on the conference summary/pwn that the team requests a re-evaluation of the student and WHY. (EXCENT OR district) FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE TO GET ESY ESY Plan / addendum CLEARED BY _______________________ Date________