Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs)

Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA)
Functional Behavior Assessments are considered to be a component of a comprehensive
evaluation. They involve gathering data regarding a child’s behavior in order to describe
it in enough detail that the function of the behavior is evident. In some cases, this may
include formal observations and interviews. As this is considered a part of the evaluation,
parental permission is required before an FBA can be conducted. For students already
enrolled in special education, permission will be secured through a Reevaluation prior to
conducting or changing a functional behavior assessment.
Steps in the process:
1. The case manager discusses behavior concerns with the school psychologist.
Typically, functional behavior assessments are not written for every student having
behavior difficulties; they are only necessary if the behavior difficulties are
impacting the student’s progress toward their IEP goals. In most cases, informal
behavior interventions are attempted prior to the writing of a functional behavior
2. Case manager notifies parent of the meeting (a Letter of Invitation is necessary).
3. Reevaluation meeting is held:
a. The case manager brings a data review for Reevaluation and Permission to
Reevaluate to the meeting. The data review should already contain goals and
interventions already attempted, as well as progress toward goals. In most
cases, the school psychologist should be playing a role in the FBA. Please consult
your school psychologist before holding a Reevaluation for an FBA.
b. The parent must sign Permission to Reevaluate before a Functional Behavior
Assessment is conducted. (*You must have 2 or more documented, varied
attempts to secure Parent Signature for a Reevaluation to proceed.)
c. The parent should be given a copy of their Parental Rights when signing
Permission to Reevaluate.
4. Reevaluation results meeting is held:
a. In some cases, the team may have gathered sufficient evidence to complete a
FBA within the context of the first reevaluation/IEP meeting. In this case, the
team would complete the FBA and the reevaluation results page within the
same meeting.
b. In other situations, formal observations and interviews may be necessary
prior to completion of the FBA. The use of formal data (observations,
interviews, etc.) is best practice, particularly when writing an initial FBA for a
student. In such case, the team will need to reconvene after this data has been
gathered. At this second meeting, the results page would be completed.
After each meeting, as in any IEP meeting, the Case Manager should send Prior
Written Notice to the parent.
*For children currently not enrolled in special education, Permission to Evaluate would
be obtained as part of the referral and comprehensive evaluation process before a
Functional Behavior Assessment is conducted.
**Permission to reevaluate is not necessary if the behavior intervention plan is being
adjusted without changes to the functional behavior assessment.
Using Excent
1. Convene IEP team
2. Excent>Evaluation>Functional Behavioral Assessments
3. Click “Add New FBA” Tab
4. Save
Student’s Strengths and Preferences-Look for positives and reinforcers.
Problem Behavior-Best to focus on one behavior.
Antecedents-Try to identify what usually triggers the behavior.
Consequences-What typically happens as a result of the behavior? Be aware
of consequences that may be inadvertently reinforcing the behavior.
Setting Event-Does the behavior usually occur in a particular setting?
Desired Behavior-What do you want the behavior to be changed to?
Consequences for Desired Behavior-How is appropriate behavior currently
being reinforced?
Alternate Behavior- A behavior that will achieve the same goal for the student
but is also acceptable for the setting.