Table. Correlations between the CARS and IQ score in Twin Pairsa DZ\MZ T1 CARS T1 CARS T1 IQ T2 CARS -0.266 T1 IQ -0.582 T2 CARS -0.211 0.173 0.109 0.220 T2 IQ a T2 IQ 0.327 -0.017 -0.016 0.509 -0.260 -0.671 Monozygotic pairs are above each shaded diagonal and, dizygotic pairs are below each shaded diagonal. T1, twin 1; T2, twin 2. This table depicts the correlation matrix for the CARS score and the IQ score in all twins, because we could not stratify twins by sex due to the limited sample size. Monozygotic correlations are listed above and dizygotic below each shaded diagonal, respectively. The cross-twin correlations in monozygotic pairs for the CARS score (0.327) and the IQ score (0.509) were substantially higher than those observed among dizygotic pairs (–0.211 and 0.220, respectively), suggesting that genetic factor play a causative role in the CARS score and the IQ score, separately. There was substantial within-twin negative correlation between the CARS score and the IQ score (-0.2 to -0.7), corresponding to the often-observed ASD comorbidity with MR. In contrast, the cross-twin correlations were difficult to interpret, because the cross-twin correlations between the CARS score and the IQ score in monozygotic pairs (-0.017 and -0.016) were negative but those observed among dizygotic pairs (0.109 and 0.173) were positive. These “raw“ correlations not corrected for ascertainment was difficult to interpret. 1