Planning Application No: - Craven District Council Online Planning

Planning Application No: 68/2015/16132
7 Day Notice: YES
Site Description
The application property is a single storey stone built workshop that was formerly a
barn. The workshop is attached to a dwelling ‘Halsteads Barn’ to the east where
the applicants reside. Attached to the rear of ‘Halsteads Barn’ is a further dwelling
‘Woodlands Cottage’ which is in separate ownership. A further dwelling ‘Halsteads’
is located beyond to the east. ‘Halsteads’, in addition to a walled garden and a
former cottage are Grade II Listed heritage assets.
The site, which is in open countryside, is located between the A65 and hamlet
Thornton in Lonsdale, and is a short distance from them both.
The proposal is seeking a change of use of existing workshop and showroom to
form 2 new dwellings (Re-submission of approved application 68/2014/15147).
The amendments to the approved scheme are detailed below:-
Unit 1.
Construction of detached single garage in far western corner of plot.
Re-positioning of double gates leading into proposed garage.
Construction of wrap around single storey extension to south west corner.
Replacement of window opening with door/window opening to south
Re-positioning of northern elevation away from boundary wall.
Re-positioning of east elevation to create separation between units 1 & 2.
Unit 2
Re-positioning of parking spaces.
Replacement of double window to south elevation with door/window opening.
Re-configuration of northern elevation.
Re-positioning of eastern elevation to create greater separation between
dwelling and unit 2.
Officer Note: No alteration proposed to the existing vehicle access currently
serving the site.
Planning History
5/68/109 - Extension and change of use of redundant agricultural barn to use as a
joinery workshop. Approved 07/02/1994
5/68/109/a - Alteration and change of use of existing buildings to form a single
dwelling, workshop and showroom. Approved 17/10/1995
5/68/109/b - Listed building application for conversion of barn to dwelling with
showroom. Approved 17/10/1995
5/68/109/c - Alteration and change of use of existing buildings to form a single
dwelling, workshop and showroom. Approved 25/04/1996
5/68/109/d – Listed building application for conversion of barn to dwelling with
showroom. Approved 25/03/1996.
5/68/109/f - Change of use from furniture workshop, showroom and dwelling to
furniture workshop, showroom and two dwellings. Approved 20/07/1999.
5/68/109/g – Listed building application for conversion of part of barn to dwelling.
Approved 20/07/1999.
68/2004/4299 - Change of use of showroom to form new dwelling and new hallway
to adjoining dwelling. Withdrawn 07/07/2004.
68/2004/4577 - Change of use of existing workshop and showroom to form new
hallway for adjoining dwelling and new dwelling with workshop (resubmission of
68/2004/4299). Refused 17/09/2004
68/2007/7522 - Listed building application for demolition of showroom link between
existing dwelling and formation of new openings within existing barn. Approved
68/2013/13628 - Change of use of existing workshop and showroom to form 2 new
dwellings. Withdrawn 29/07/2013.
68/2014/15147 - Change of use of existing workshop and showroom to form 2 no
dwellings – Approved 10/12/2014.
Planning Policy Background
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Saved Policies ENV1, ENV2, EMP7 and H8 of the Craven District (Outside the
Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan
Parish/Town Council Comments
Thornton in Lonsdale Parish Council: No comments received at the time of
compiling this report.
NYCC Highways Authority: No objections to the proposal but recommend that if the
proposal is approved a condition is attached requiring the retention of the parking
One letter of representation has been received from Woodlands Cottage enquiring
whether a condition could be attached restricting any further openings to the
northern elevation.
Summary of Principal Planning Issues
Principle of development/loss of employment.
Visual impact of development.
Impact of development on the amenity of neighbouring properties.
Highway safety.
1. Principle of development/loss of employment.
The principle of development on this site was originally established in 1994 with the
granting of permission for the extension and change of use of a redundant
agricultural barn to joinery workshop (ref: 5/68/109). Following the original grant of
permission the site has been subject to a number of subsequent approvals with the
most recent being in 2014 (ref: 68/2014/15147) for the change of use of the existing
workshop and showroom to two dwellings which was deemed to accord with the
aims and objective of the NPPF. It is therefore considered that the principle of
development is acceptable.
In addition, approval 68/2014/15147 also assessed the loss of employment space
against the requirements of the Local Plan and the NPPF. Based on the
information submitted and the subsequent assessment by the case officer it was
considered that the proposal did not conflict with the requirements H8 which seeks
to provide alternative uses for rural buildings, or with the aims and objectives of the
NPPF which advises against the long term protection of sites allocated for
employment use where there is no reasonable prospect of a site being used for that
purpose. Since the granting of permission 68/2014/15147 there have been no
significant changes in circumstances in relation to securing a suitable business
reuse, therefore the loss of employment use is still considered acceptable.
2. Visual impact of development.
The revised design still seeks to physically separate the existing workshop and
showroom to provide two dwellings. However, the current scheme has included a
number of alterations detailed in paragraphs 2.3 – 2.4 of this report. Although from
the principle south elevation, these changes would most visible it is considered that
they are visually acceptable and would not result in any visual harm to the adjacent
dwelling or surrounding open countryside. Similarly, the proposed alterations to the
north and east elevations which although subject to limited views with the exception
of neighbouring properties are also considered visually acceptable. With regards to
the western elevation the proposed extension and door openings are considered
appropriate to the overall scheme.
Finally due to the restrained nature of the proposal, it is considered that the revised
scheme would not adversely affect the setting of the nearby Grade II Listed
It is therefore considered that the revised scheme would not result in any visual
harm to the character and appearance of the neighbouring residential dwellings or
the surrounding open countryside.
3. Impact of development on the amenity of neighbouring properties.
The revised scheme has been designed to retain the current level of privacy
experienced by the occupiers of Woodlands Cottage to the north of the site with the
retention of the stone boundary wall that runs along the joint boundary. It is
accepted that the revised scheme would provide a rear amenity area for unit 2
closer to Woodlands Cottage than at present giving the potential for greater noise
disturbance. However, given that the amenity area would be enclosed by
surrounding walls and that it would be north facing, it may receive limited use.
Therefore, whilst the rear amenity area may introduce some additional noise, which
may be heard at the neighbouring property, it is not envisaged that it would be to
such an extent to have a detrimental impact on their amenity.
4. Highway Issues.
The proposal would utilise the existing vehicle access whilst providing 2 off street
parking spaces for each unit. NYCC Highways have been consulted and have
raised no objection on highway safety grounds.
It is therefore considered that the proposal would not create any conditions contrary
to highway safety to warrant a refusal.
To grant planning permission subject to the following conditions.
The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration of
three years beginning with the date of this permission.
Reason: To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning
Act 1990
The approved plans comprise Drawing No. 021302-02 Rev E received by Craven
District Council on 20th August 2015. The development shall be completed in
accordance with the approved plans except where conditions attached to this
planning permission indicate otherwise or where alternative details have been
subsequently approved following an application for a non-material amendment.
Reason: To specify the terms of the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General
Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that
Order with or without modification) no development consisting of the enlargement,
improvement or other alteration of the dwellinghouses (including the insertion of
new window or door openings) nor the erection of any garages or ancillary
buildings, nor the erection of boundary walls or fences, shall be carried out within
the curtilage of the dwelling-house without the prior consent of the Local Planning
Reason: To avoid ancillary development which the Local Planning Authority may
consider to be out of character with the area, and in the interests of neighbouring
privacy, and to accord with the NPPF.
Notwithstanding conditions 2 and 3 above, the boundary wall along the northern
edge of the amenity space to unit 2, shall be retained at the height and length
shown on the north elevation plan (as shown on Drawing No. 021302-02 rev E
received by Craven District Council on 20th August 2015) and shall not be removed
or altered.
Reason: In the interests of neighbouring privacy and to accord with the NPPF.
Notwithstanding the provision of any Town and Country Planning General Permitted
or Special Development Order for the time being in force, the areas shown on plan
no. 021302-02E for parking spaces, turning areas and access shall be kept
available for their intended purposes at all times.
Reason: In accordance with the NPPF and to ensure these areas are kept
available for their intended use in the interests of highway safety and the general
amenity of the development.
The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the
development hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.
Reason: To ensure that the proposed development is of a high quality and
appropriate appearance in the interests of the visual amenity of the locality.
The roof lights hereby approved shall be ‘conservation’ roof lights which shall fit
flush with the plane for the roof slope and be retained thereafter.
Reason: To ensure that the proposed development is of a high quality and
appropriate appearance in the interests of the visual amenity of the locality.
All new windows and doors shall be of timber constructed and be retained
Reason: To ensure that the proposed development is of a high quality and
appropriate appearance in the interests of the visual amenity of the locality.
The applicant/developer is reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that the
requirements of each planning condition are met and that the works are undertaken
in accordance with the approved plans. Any failure to meet the terms of a planning
condition or work which does not accord with the approved plans leaves the
applicant/developer liable to formal action being taken. Craven District Council
endeavours to monitor on site the compliance with conditions and building works.
To assist with this monitoring of development the applicant/developer is requested
to complete the Start Notice issued with the Decision Notice at least fourteen days
prior to the commencement of development to ensure that effective monitoring can
be undertaken.
Failure to adhere to the details on the approved plans contravenes the Town and
Country Act 1990 and enforcement action may be taken.
Statement of Positive Engagement: In dealing with this application Craven District Council has sought to approach the decision
making process in a positive way, in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 186
and 187 of the NPPF.