
Authorised Use
Relevant decisions
Technical Consultations
Ecology – The site lies within 130m of a potential SINC (Ecosite 10/47 – Disused railway). Also, proposal
affects roof space. Therefore recommend protected species note.
Third Party Consultations
No comments received.
Other relevant information
The property is a semi-detached two-storey dwelling located in Newbold. The property is within the
Rugby urban area.
Planning Policy Guidance
RBLP Policy GP1
RLBP Policy GP3
RBLP Policy H8
Design and appearance of development
Protection of amenity
Residential extensions
Determining Considerations
The main issues concerning this application are the impacts of the proposal upon visual and residential
The proposal involves the construction of a part single-storey, part two-storey rear extension. The single
storey element of the extension projects from the rear face of the dwelling by 3.3 metres. The first floor
element projects to the same extent but the half nearest to no.81 Parkfield Road is set back and only
projects 2 metres.
GP1, H8
The extension is generally in keeping with the dwelling, and although the use of two separate roof
pitches for the parts of the extension appears slightly cluttered, overall the proposal is not considered to
appear harmful to the appearance of the building. As the extension is sited at the rear of the property the
impact upon the appearance of the wider area is limited.
A worn and unusual kitchen extension will be removed to make way for the proposed extension, and this
is considered to be an aesthetic improvement over the existing.
Overall the extension is considered acceptable in terms of its impact upon the visual amenities of the
building itself and area.
GP3, H8
The ground floor of the proposed extension would not project past the neighbouring extension at no.81
Parkfield Road, and as such would not be harmful to the amenity of this property. No other properties
would be adversely affected by the proposals
Report Sheet
The first floor of the extension is stepped back from the extent of the single-storey element of the
extension, and the half nearest to the adjoining property is stepped back further. The extension would
still breach a 45-degree line from the nearest upstairs window at no,81 by around 0.4m, however no
representations have been received and overall it is not felt that the extension would be demonstrably
harmful to the amenity of this property as to warrant a refusal of planning permission.
The rooflights and windows of the proposed extension would not overlook neighbours significantly more
than the existing window arrangement and the proposal is not considered to give rise to issues of
overlooking or privacy loss. A window is proposed in the side of the dwelling at first floor level. This only
overlooks an area of open land however and would not be harmful to privacy.
Overall, the size and positioning of the extension in relation to neighbouring properties is such that the
proposal would not be harmful to visual or residential amenities.
The proposal is recommended for approval subject to conditions regarding matching materials a
restriction of further windows in the side elevation of the extension facing no.81.
Prepared by: M Needham 14/12/2007
Checked by: K Maunder 17/12/2007
Report Sheet