DATE INSPECTED: 26th March 2014 Ribble Valley Borough Council DELEGATED ITEM FILE REPORT - APPROVAL Ref: MB Application No: 3/2014/0168 Development Proposed: Proposed single storey rear extension and ramp to front for disabled person at 147 Henthorn Road, Clitheroe. CONSULTATIONS: Parish/Town Council Clitheroe Town Council: No representations have been received. CONSULTATIONS: Highway/Water Authority/Other Bodies No representations have been received. CONSULTATIONS: Additional Representations. No representations have been received. RELEVANT POLICIES: Ribble Valley Districtwide Local Plan: G1 – Development Control. H10 – Residential Extensions. SPG Extensions and Alterations to Dwellings Ribble Valley Core Strategy 2008-2028 (Regulation 22 Submission Draft): DMG1 – General Considerations. DMH5 – Residential and Curtilage Extensions. COMMENTS/ENVIRONMENTAL/AONB/HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES/RECOMMENDATION: Planning permission is sought for the erection of a single storey rear extension and the provision of an access ramp to the front of 146 Henthorn Road, Clitheroe. The development site is a detached dwelling situated to the southern side of Henthorn Road. The proposed extension is to be erected to the rear of an existing single storey monopitched structure. The proposed extension is to measure 3m x 5m and be built to an eaves height of 2.5m and an overall height of 3.9m. The extension is to be built from rendered elevations under a dual pitched concrete tiled roof. The proposed exterior finishes and materials would match those of the existing dwelling. The key considerations in the determination of this application are; the impact the proposed development will have upon the character, setting and visual amenities of the existing dwelling and the wider built environment and the impact, if any, the development will have upon the residential amenity of the area. The proposed extension would be set to the rear of the existing dwelling. As such it will have no impact upon the character or setting of the streetscene. The extension would be subservient to the existing dwelling and would not result in an extension which would become an over dominant feature. The proposal to use exterior materials that would match those of the existing dwelling will ensure that the development blends into the existing property. With regard to the proposed ramp to the front. This would be situated within the existing front garden, adjacent to the driveway. The most visible element of this aspect is likely to be the handrail adjacent to the ramp. However I do not consider this visual impact would be considered to be harmful to an extent that would warrant the refusal of planning permission on such grounds. In addition to which the provision of the ramp should not have any impact upon parking provision within the site. Having considered the submitted details I am satisfied that the proposed extension to the rear and the proposed ramp would be in keeping with the general character and setting of the area. I do not consider the proposals would result in development that would be considered to be harmful visually. Having regard to the residential amenity of the area the proposed rear extension would be sited approximately 300mm from the site boundary with the neighbouring property of No.149 to the south. It is proposed to include a window opening in the south facing elevation of the existing dwelling, however this is to be obscure glazed and would look onto a blank gable end of the neighbouring property. I am therefore satisfied that the proposed development would not adversely harm the residential amenity of the area through creating a situation of direct overlooking. However to ensure this remains the case I propose to include a condition which requires the window in question to be obscure glazed and retained as such in perpetuity. I am also satisfied that the proposed development will not result in a significant loss of natural light or significant overshadowing that would be harmful to the residential amenity of the area. Having considered the submitted details, I see no material objections to the granting of this planning permission subject to the suitable conditions being attached. I therefore recommend accordingly. SUMMARY OF REASONS FOR APPROVAL: The proposal has no significant detrimental impact on nearby residential amenity nor would it have an adverse visual impact. RECOMMENDATION: That conditional planning permission is granted.