Planning Context:

Date of Meeting: 12th December 2007
Reference No:
Parish/Ward: Bray Parish
Agenda No. 14
Single storey rear extension
Wingfield Farm Ascot Road Maidenhead SL6 3SY
Mrs J Beldom
Mr Barry Watts
Date Received:
29th October 2007
Case Officer:
Christopher Colloff
Member Call-in: Cllr Leo Walters
Date of Expiry: 24 December 2007
Planning Context:
Green Belt
Sustainable Development Implications:
Improvement of housing
Main Relevant Policies
Local Plan – GB1, GB2, GB4, DG1, H14, P4, T5
Structure Plan – DP3
Previous Relevant Decisions
The property and surrounding land have an extensive planning history. The most
recent applications are detailed below.
Erection of an agricultural
Variation of condition 4 of 01/37733 to
allow occupation of the dwelling by
persons engaged in equestrian use in
addition to agricultural use
Change of use of land and buildings 1, 2
and 3 from agriculture to a mixed use
comprising DIY livery, horse breeding,
wedding carriage business and parking of
horses for horse transport business
The Highway Authority
Not consulted as there are no significant issues arising from the proposal.
Neighbour Notification Responses
No comments have been received.
Bray Parish Council
Comments are awaited and will be reported as late observations.
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The application has been promoted to the Maidenhead Development Control Panel at
the request of Cllr Walters as the application involves contentious, specific and
important planning issues.
The Site and Surroundings
The property the subject of the application is a detached bungalow which was granted
planning permission in 2002 subject to conditions restricting the occupation of the
dwelling to a person solely or mainly working, or last working, in the locality in
agriculture or in forestry, or a widow or widower of such a person, and to any resident
The bungalow is located within an agricultural site which also contains a number of
other buildings including a large barn and stables. The formal residential curtilage of
the dwelling is located towards the centre of the site with the barn building and a
paddock area located to the south and a further paddock area and stables located to
the north.
A recent application for a change of use of the buildings and land for DIY livery, horse
breeding, wedding carriage business and parking of horses for a horse transport
business was refused as the proposal was considered to result in a materially greater
impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the authorised use and harm to
character of the countryside by reason of the level of activity on the site. Whilst there
are still outstanding issues relating to these uses it is not considered that they are
material to the determination of this application for a residential extension.
The Proposal
Planning permission is sought for the erection of a single storey rear extension to the
existing bungalow. The proposed extension would provide a study, playroom and
media room.
Principal Planning Issues
The main issues to consider in relation to the application are the impact of the
extension on the openness of the Green Belt, the impact on the amenities of
neighbouring properties and the impact on the appearance of the existing property and
the surrounding area.
The proposed extension would result in an increase in the floor area of the building of
around 44 sq m which would represent a 21% increase in the size of the dwelling. The
property has not been previously extended since being constructed and the proposed
extension would be located to the rear of the site and would not be readily visible from
a public viewpoint. It is considered that the proposed extension would not result in a
disproportionate addition over and above the size of the original property, neither is it
considered that the proposal would result in any adverse impact on the openness of the
Green Belt. Consequently the proposal is considered to comply with Policies GB1, GB2
and GB4 of the Local Plan.
Since the extension would be located to the rear of the property and the property is
located well away from any neighbouring properties it is considered that the
development would not result in any harm to the amenities of the neighbouring
The design of the extension matches the original dwelling and it is not considered that
the proposal would result in any adverse impact on the appearance of the original
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property or the surrounding area. As such the proposal is considered to comply with
Policy H14 of the Local Plan.
Other Material Considerations
As the property is the subject of an agricultural occupancy condition the impact of the
extension of the viability of the property for agricultural occupancy is a material
consideration. However, given the small scale of the proposed extension and the
position of the dwelling within the centre of the agricultural site it is not considered
that the extension would adversely affect the viability of the property as an agricultural
Whilst the activities being undertaken on the site and the occupation of the dwelling
for uses other than agriculture have been the subject of recent applications which
were refused permission, these issues are the subject of separate action and are not
considered to result in any significant issues in relation to this current application.
It is considered that the proposed development would comply with relevant policies of
the Development Plan as detailed above and as such the application is
recommended for approval.
That permission is granted.
Conditions and Reasons
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The development hereby permitted shall be commenced within three years from the
date of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990.