the COURT COURT (05/06)Agenda 5 The fifth meeting of COURT in the 2005/2006 academic year is to be held on Monday, 3 July, 2006 in the Council Room, Queen Anne Court, Maritime Greenwich Campus, Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, SE10 9LS commencing at 5.30 pm. MAIN AGENDA APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR 1 PRESENTATION BY PROFESSOR LIZ MEERABEAU, SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE 2 MEMBERSHIP CRT 05/50 Pgs 1-2 3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MINUTES CRT 05/51 Pgs 4-16 4 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 5 VICE CHANCELLOR’S REPORT 6 CORPORATE PLANNING i. Report of the meeting of Strategy Committee held on 20 June 2006 ii. Corporate Plan 2006-11 iii. Annual Operating Plan 2006-07 Court : 3 July 2006 CRT 05/52 Pgs 17-19 CRT 05/53 Pgs 20-44 CRT 05/54 Pgs 45-47 7 iv. Corporate Planning Statement v. Key Performance Indicators FINANCE COMMITTEE i. Report of the Meeting held on 12th June 2006 ii. Provisional 2006/07 Budget and Five Year Financial Forecasts 2005-10 8 FUTURE OF NRI 9 STAFFING COMMITTEE 10 11 i. Report of Meeting held on 8th May 2006 ii. Race Equality Policy and Action Plan CRT 05/57 Pgs 69-75 CRT 05/58 Pgs 76-112 CRT 05/59 Pgs 113-125 CRT 05/60 Pgs 126-128 CRT 05/61 Pgs 129-150 AUDIT COMMITTEE i. Report of meeting held on 22nd May 2006 ii. Risk Management Annual Review iii. Institutional Risk Register CRT 05/62 Pgs 151-153 CRT 05/63 Pgs 154-155 CRT 05/64 Pgs 156-161 ACADEMIC COUNCIL i. 12 CRT 05/55 Pgs 48-53 CRT 05/56 Pgs 54-68 Report of Meeting held on 26th April and 20th June 2006 STUDENT RETENTION POLICY Court : 3 July 2006 CRT 05/65 Pgs 162-166 CRT 05/66 Pgs 167-172 FORMAL AGENDA If any Member wishes to discuss an item on the Formal Agenda or to raise a matter arising which is not already itemised, please inform the Secretary and Registrar by midday on Friday 30th June 2006. 13 14 15 16 STUDENTS’ UNION CONSTITUTION i. Amendments to constitution ii. UMSA Constitution FINANCIAL MATTERS i. Management Accounts to 30th April 2006 ii. Risks, Reserves and Liquidity iii. Short Term Investments Report to 30th April 2006 iv. Short Term Investments 2006-07 Plan v. London Pension Fund Authority Annual Review CRT 05/67 Pgs 173-187 CRT 05/68 Pgs 188-197 198 CRT 05/69 Pgs 199-215 CRT 05/70 Pgs 216-220 CRT 05/71 Pgs 221-223 CRT 05/72 Pgs 224-225 CRT 05/73 Pgs 226-229 MINUTES OF MEETINGS i. Court Strategy Meeting: 12th May 2006 ii. Staffing Committee: 8th May 2006 iii. Audit Committee: 22nd May 2006 iv. Finance Committee: 12th June 2006 v. Remuneration Committee: 12th May 2006 vi. Strategy Committee: 20th June 2006 vii. Academic Council: 26th April 2006 viii. Academic Council: 20th June 2006 APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT ADJUDICATOR Court : 3 July 2006 CRT 05/74 Pgs 230-236 CRT 05/75 Pgs 237-243 CRT 05/76 Pgs 244-252 CRT 05/77 Pgs 253-264 CRT 05/78 Pgs 265 CRT 05/79 Pgs 266-268 CRT 05/80 Pgs 269-275 CRT 05/81 Pgs 276-284 CRT 05/82 Pgs 285 17 COURT AND COMMITTEE DATES 2006-07 CRT 05/83 Pgs 286-287 18 AWARD CEREMONIES 2007 CRT 05/84 Pgs 288 19 EXECUTION OF DEEDS CRT 05/85 Pgs 289 FOR INFORMATION Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff Court : 3 July 2006 Pay Agreement 2006-09 Pgs 290-292