Spanish 1B Packet

Spanish 1B Packet
Unit 4
SPANISH 1B - Unit 4 Assignment
Task for this week: Midterm Exam
(Note: This is a cumulative assessment)
Date: Tuesday – April 20, 2010
Description: The exam will consist of five sections.
Section 1: Listening comprehension (5 questions)
Section 2: Vocabulary comprehension (10 questions)
Section 3: Grammatical manipulation (20 questions)
Section 4: Reading comprehension (10 questions)
Section 5: Writing ability (1 paragraph in Spanish - 10 points)
The vocabulary that will be covered on the exam: 1. Health & Food
(Chapter 3B) 2. Going places (Chapter 4A) 3. Asking someone out (Chapter 4B)
The grammatical concepts that will be covered on the exam: 1) The
plurals of adjectives, 2) The verbs “ser” and “estar” (to be, is, am, are) 3) The
verb “ir” (to go) and its irregular forms, 4) Asking questions, 5) The verb “jugar”,
and 6) Stating something is going to happen using “ir + a + infinitve”.
Grading: This exam is worth 10% of your final grade. Total possible
points on exam: 100. Each multiple-choice question is worth two points and
the writing section is worth 10 points.
A – 90 points or more
B – 80-90 points
C – 70-80 points
D – 60-70 points
Fail – under 60 points
SPANISH 1B – Day 35 Agenda
Wednesday – April 14th, 2010
Discuss Midterm Exam
Review Listening Comprehension Strategies & Pronunciation
Review Vocabulary that will be on the exam
Practice Exam (Listening Section & Vocabulary Section only)
Individual Study Time with Flash Cards
SPANISH 1B – Day 36 Agenda
Thursday – April 15th, 2010
Review Grammar Concepts
Go over the correct answers to worksheets in Unit packets 1, 2 & 3
Practice Exam (Grammar Section only)
SPANISH 1B – Day 37 Agenda
Friday – April 16th, 2010
Discuss Reading Comprehension
Practice Exam (Reading Section only)
SPANISH 1B – Day 38 Agenda
Monday – April 19th, 2010
Review writing in Spanish
Practice Exam (Writing Section only)
Get writing corrected.
SPANISH 1B – Day 39 Agenda
Tuesday – April 20th, 2010
1. Study Time
2. Turn in Spanish Notebooks with stamped warm-ups, Test That
Tuesday, calendars, homework and all vocab and grammar notes
3. Midterm Exam
SPANISH 1B – Days 40-41 Agenda
Wednesday – April 21st, 2010 & Thursday – April 22nd, 2010
1. Last Days for Midterm Exam Make-up
2. Last days to turn in all missing work, late work, make-up work or
extra credit (or redo flash card quiz)
Midterm Grades officially go on your permanent records April 22nd. No exceptions!
Practice Exam
PART I. ESCUCHAR. Listening Comprehension: Pick the picture that corresponds
to the Spanish word or phrase you hear said aloud.
1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________4. ___________
5. ___________
PART II. VOCABULARIO. Vocabulary Comprehension: Match the letter of the
English word on the right to the number of its Spanish equivalent on the left.
6. ir
7. jugar
8. ser
9. tocino
10. helado
b. to be
c. to go
e. to play
a. ice cream
b. bacon
11. Ir de pesca
12. Jugar al básquetbol
13. Jugar al fútbol
14. El partido
15. Me gustaría
a. play soccer
b. go fishing
c. play basketball
d. I would like
e. game
PART III. GRAMATICA. Grammar Comprehension:
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given.
B. Please fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb “jugar”. Remember
that it is stem-changing (u  ue) in the “boot” forms!!
1. Yo ___________________ al fútbol hoy por la noche.
2. Ellas _____________________ en el partido el jueves.
3. A José le gusta _____________________ al béisbol.
4. Marisol y yo _____________________ al vóleibol en la escuela.
5. Señor Fernandez ______________________ al tenis en el parque.
C. The Present Tense. (Complete with the appropriate form of the indicated verb).
6. Nosotros _________ [ir] hoy.
a. io
b. vas
c. isa
d. vamos
e. van
7. Ellos _________ [estar] en el parque.
a. estoy
b. están
c. estaría
d. estamos
e. está
8. Me gusta ___________ [beber] jugo de naranja en la mañana.
a. bebo
b. bebes
c. beber
d. beben
e. bebe
9. Yasmin __________ [trabajar] mucho.
a. trabajo
b. trabajas
c. trabaja
d. trabajamos
e. trabajarn
10. Uds. ____________ [comer] mucho.
a. como
b. comes
c. come
d. comemos
e. comen
PART IV. LEER. Reading Comprehension:
B. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow.
Jorge: “Hola.”
Cristina: “Hola.”
Jorge: “¿Qué haces este fin de semana?”
Cristina: “Nada. ¿Por qué?”
Jorge: “¿Te gustaría ir conmigo al cine?”
Cristina: “¡Qué buena idea! Quiero ver la película ALICIA Y EL MUNDO DE LAS
Jorge: “Excelente. ¿Cuándo puedes ir?”
Cristina: “El sábado a las siete.”
Jorge: “Está bien. Nos vemos el sábado entonces.”
Cristina: “Sí. Hasta luego.”
1. What is the dialogue about?
a. Skating
b. Dating
c. Weekend activities
2. Who is asking most of the questions?
a. Jorge
b. Cristina
c. Alicia
d. Alicia
d. Señora Schop
3. What does Cristina originally say she is doing this weekend?
a. Skating
b. Watching a movie
c. Nothing
d. Sleeping
4. What does Jorge want to do?
a. Skate
b. Watch a movie
d. Sleep
5. How does Cristina feel about that?
a. Good
b. Ok
c. Nothing
c. Bad
d. None of the above
6. What do they finally decide to do?
a. Watch “How to Train your Dragon” b. Watch “Alice in Wonderland”
7. When are they going?
a. Now
b. At eight
c. Tonight
8. What is the last thing Jorge says mean in English?
a. Ok. See you Saturday then. b. Cool. Until Saturday.
c. Watch T.V.
d. Saturday
c. I’m good til Saturday.
9. What would be a good title for this dialogue?
a. I Like to Swim
b. Renting a Movie c. Alberto & Cecilia d. None of the above
10. Which of the following sentences would be the most likely to fit into this dialogue?
a. Me gusta mucho practicar deportes.
c. ¿Qué más te gustaría hacer?
b. ¿Cómo te llamas?
d. Igualmente.
PART V. ESCRIBIR. Writing ability: Write a conversation in Spanish, 5 lines
per person. Include greetings, asking someone to go somewhere and getting
a response, as well as saying goodbye.
Person 1
Person 2
Extra Credit for Ms. Schop’s Class
Spanish 1B
1. Flores de Papel/ Papel Picado
10 points - 1% boost to current grade
See directions attached
4. Maps
2. Research
10 points - 1% boost to current grade
10 points - 1% boost to current grade
In your own words, essay style, at least 1
page! – In English
Customs during celebrations in
Spanish-speaking countries (e.g.
Saint’s Days, Quinceñeras, etc.)
History of a particular sport and
its influence in a Spanishspeaking country (e.g. Baseball
in Cuba, Soccer in Mexico, etc.)
Other research ideas are
acceptable, but please ask Ms.
Schop before proceeding.
Maps must be neat and creative, but also
The Spanish-speaking world
(include all countries where
Spanish is the official language)
The ancient Aztec Empire (What
did it look like, where were the
major cities in relation to present
day Mexico)
The ancient Incan Empire (What
did it look like, where were the
major cities in relation to present
day Peru)
3. Presentations
20 points - 2% boost to current grade if
presented in English.
30 points - 3% boost to current grade if
presented in Spanish.
Present on research, essay or map
5. Essays/Written work
20 points - 2% boost to current grade
In Spanish, with complete sentences, in an
essay format!
Pretend you are writing a letter to
a pen pal. Write a complete
letter, start to finish, but be sure
to ask them what they want to do
in the future, using the
vocabulary from Chapter 4B.
Create a children’s rhyme about
going to different places. Create
4 bars with 2 rhyming couplets
each. Use the Chapter 4A
vocabulary, and the different
forms of “ir” (to go).