Modelling Literacy Ideas Diagram Bullet Points Paragraph Point: Evidence: Explanation: Modelling Literacy – Explain why a boat can float on water Ideas Density, up thrust, balanced forces, equal, opposite, Diagram Bullet Points Wood is less dense than water. Some boats have engines and some have sails. Boats can be made from different materials and have many different designs. Forces act on the boat The forces must be balanced. Wooden boats have sailed on water for centuries. Paragraph Point: An object floats when the upward force of the water balances its downward weight. Evidence: afloat. Boats can be made of many different materials but remain Explanation: Equal and opposite forces act on the boat. The force of gravity on the boat (weight) is balanced by the up thrust of the water. Modelling Literacy – Explain how a hot air balloon moves in the sky Ideas Left, right, up, down, forward, air resistance, balanced forces, unbalanced forces, gravity, forward thrust, up thrust, taking off, landing Diagram Bullet Points Paragraph Point: Evidence: Explanation: GET LIPPY- GET LIPPY WITH LITERACY You should spend no more than five minutes writing your answer, but think carefully and give as much detail as possible. Name:_______________________Form:_____ Date:_______ Explain how shadows are formed. POINT: EVIDENCE: EXPLANATION: KEYWORDS: A shadow happens when light is blocked We see this because behind the object is a dark area which is the same shape as the object. Light travels in straight lines and it cannot pass through an opaque object or bend around it. object, opaque, straight line, blocked Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ________ Formative Comments EXAMPLES Well done, you have used the key words precisely and explained that light is blocked. To improve try to describe what a shadow is. Link the blocking of light with the fact that the light can not bend around the object as it travels in straight lines. Literacy Intervention Pupil Programme Task 1 GET LIPPY- GET LIPPY WITH LITERACY You should spend no more than ten minutes writing your answer, but think carefully and give as much detail as possible. Name:_______________________Form:_____ Date:_______ Explain how the digestive system helps you to get energy from your food POINT: Food must be broken down into small enough pieces to be swallowed and then absorbed. Digesting food happens in many different stages. EVIDENCE: Our bodys’ need food to help us move and grow. Carbohydrates and fats provide energy. Enzymes break down food in the stomach and intestines. EXPLANATION: Food is broken down into small soluble molecules, these are absorbed into the blood stream. The circulatory system carries these molecules around to all the cells in the body. The glucose reacts with the oxygen in the cells to release energy. KEYWORDS: blood stream, glucose, transport, absorbed, soluble molecules Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ________ Formative Comments EXAMPLES Well done, you have explained that food must be broken down into small pieces To improve try to use the key words: molecules, enzymes in your answer Literacy Intervention Pupil Programme Task 2 GET LIPPY- GET LIPPY WITH LITERACY You should spend no more than ten minutes writing your answer, but think carefully and give as much detail as possible. Name:_______________________Form:_____ Date:_______ Explain what happens to salt when you add it to water POINT: EVIDENCE: EXPLANATION: KEYWORDS: The salt dissolves. The salt disappears into the liquid until it can not be seen. The salt is a solute, the water is a solvent. The water particles are always moving and hit the salt grains, separating them from each other. The salt grains get in between the water particles and seem to disappear. solute, solvent, particles, moving, dissolves, disappear Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ________ Well done, you have ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ To improve try to _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Literacy Intervention Pupil Programme Task 3 GET LIPPY- GET LIPPY WITH LITERACY You should spend no more than ten minutes writing your answer, but think carefully and give as much detail as possible. Name:_______________________Form:_____ Date:_______ Explain why a dolphin can move fast through the water. POINT: A dolphin has a smooth streamlined body. EVIDENCE: It has thin fins, a rounded nose and a flat tail. EXPLANATION: The shape of the dolphin allows water to flow smoothly over its Body. This reduces friction/drag from the water. KEYWORDS: friction, drag, streamlined, shape, smooth Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ________ Well done, you have ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ To improve try to __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Literacy Intervention Pupil Programme Task 4