P. O. Box 15128, Lansing, Michigan 48909-5128 ■ 877.444.1327 ■ Fax 800.416.4609 ■ www.ChampionDisability.com Social Security Disability income and Medicaid enrollment for people in need: improving their wellbeing and optimizing your resources. Champion Disability Advocates, a service from Human Arc, is dedicated to helping people with disabilities improve the quality of their lives. Armed with decades of legal practice and expertise in Medicaid and other government-funded health care programs, our specialized attorneys and Disability Specialists: Screen people for eligibility for Social Security Administration disability income. Support those found potentially eligible throughout the entire application process. Represent applicants at the appellate level beginning with an administrative appeal all the way through the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals if necessary to get our clients the benefits they need and deserve. Plus, all of this is at no cost to your hospital, organization or agency. CHAMPION LEADS THE WAY TO IMPROVED INCOME AND HEALTH BENEFITS The path to Social Security Disability income and health benefits is not easy. The Social Security Administration only approves about one-third of all applications. Yet many applicants go it alone without knowing that the odds of success are much greater with a knowledgeable guide. Champion has led the way—in the shortest time possible—for thousands of people unable to work due to physical or mental impairments. In fact, Champion is known for accepting and winning tough cases. Each year, Champion helps many hundreds of people get Social Security disability benefits who applied in the past but were denied—including individuals other attorneys refused to help. Not every path is the same. But Champion knows how to navigate efficiently and effectively every step of the way. With Champion, your clients or patients get a helping hand from experienced attorneys and specialists. They have a partner and guide who will go the extra miles for them. We receive our fee only after success. The fee is only a fraction of the “back award” the Social Security Administration gives to the individual, and it is sent to us directly from the Federal Government. Afterward, we receive no share whatsoever from the regular Social Security disability payments the individual will receive. Experience. Compassion. Results. CHAMPION DISABILITY ADVOCATES BENEFITS CHECKLIST Benefits to Your Organization Increased tangible benefit: With more of your clientele or patients enrolled in Medicaid. Optimized public relations and “clientele loyalty” potentials: Affording maximum good will for your organization through a comprehensive approach to the wellbeing of people and their families whom we help on your behalf. Optimal effectiveness: Providing benefit to the unemployed, uninsured, homeless and otherwise challenged. Economy: With NO fees due from your organization for services involved in processing SSI/SSDI applications. Zero investment: Requiring no budget outlays for equipment, personnel or expensive software. Confidence in results: With expert Champion staff with many years of experience and success in SSI eligibility. Assured regulatory compliance: With all pertinent regulation regarding personal medical and financial privacy. Benefits to the People You Help Additional income: With sustained, direct financial support from the Social Security Administration that potentially can exceed $8,000 each year for a disabled individual or his or her family. Medicaid health insurance benefits: With improved health as a result. Potential future eligibility for Medicare health insurance benefits (if also eligible for SSDI). Minimized confusion and frustration: With compassionate, fully trained and highly responsive assistance throughout the entire application process, from beginning to end. Optimum help: Because Champion assists in collecting all the needed verifications for SSI submissions that otherwise may entail significant cost and difficulty to your clients or patients if acting on their own. No cost surprises: With a capped fee arrangement set by the Social Security Administration and NO additional or “hidden” fees. Experience. Compassion. Results. P . O. Box 15128, Lansing, Michigan 48909-5128 ■ 877.444.1327 ■ Fax 800.416.4609 ■ www.ChampionDisability.com © 2014 by Human Arc CDA0006-R0114