Project champions - Business Studies

Managing change
What changes do businesses face?
• Internal
• External
• Internal/organic
• New business leader
• Takeover
• Retrenchment
Can you give me an
example of each of these
Change in law
Change in tax
Change in govt
What changes do businesses face?
• Internal
• External
• Internal/organic growth – John
• Change in law – smoking
ban, what if we joined the
Eurozone? Labour’s
proposed ‘Cadburys’ law
• New business leader – M&S
• Takeover – Cadbury
• Retrenchment -
• Change in tax – VAT, NIC,
50% tax rate
Change in govt – May 2010!
Technology – Ipad, I-Apps
How to deal with change
Project champions
• A project champion is an individual who
has the authority to use resources within
or outside an organisation for completion
of a given project.
• A project champion is chosen by the
management so as to ensure supervision
of a specific project from start to finish.
Examples of Project Champions
The Business Inspector
Duncan Bannatyne seaside rescue
Plenty of TV examples of
so called Project
Ruth Watson’s Hotel Rescue
Project champion characteristics
• Status – mid or senior level manager…
who can push through the vision!
• Good people skills
• Committed to pursuing support for the
concept of change…. Have a passion to
push change through
Project manager
• Project manager – plans organises and
carries through the project
• Very different to the project champion!
Project Group
• A project group will be given a specific task to
take the company forward through whatever
change they face, following the vision of the
project champion who is usually appointed by
the BoD & company CEO.
Links back to:
• Matrix organisation
• Empowerment & Enlargement
• Consultants
More TV Project managers…
• All these presenters ‘suggest’ to the home
owners to employ a project manager.
• Why? What benefit would you have from
using a project manager?
How to promote change
• Have a clear vision – mission statement!
• Appropriate resources …. Such as???
–and physical equipment
• Trained staff – with expertise
• A clear critical path….!
Quick Questions
• What is the difference between project
manager & project champion?
• What are the key characteristics needed
for a project champion?
Resistance to change
• A degree of resistance is normal since change
• A degree of scepticism can be healthy especially
where there are weaknesses in the proposed
• However resistance will also impede the
achievement of organisational objectives
Two types of change
• Step change
– Dramatic or radical change
in one fell swoop
– Radical alternation in the
– Gets it over with quickly
– May require some coercion
Step change
Occurs rapidly
Two types of change
• Incremental
Incremental change
Change occurs over a
period of time in
incremental stages
– Ongoing piecemeal
change which takes
place as part of an
evolution and
– Tends to more
New Manager!
• A new manager appointed in 2008 for England football
• What type of leader is he? (business theory please!)
• How did he introduce a new culture to the team?
• Why has Capello been able to bring about such change
to the team? (think about past performance/manager)
Think about INTERNAL & EXTERNAL factors
• These are ALL the things that you need to bring to
an exam essay Q about “the influence a new
manager has to change the culture of a business”.
Your task
Case study about Google… in
Marcouse textbook p 358-9
Further reading on Project