Japanese 1 Semester 1

Japanese 1 Semester 1
Unit 2: Calendar
Section 1, Part B, Hiragana Writing: 16 points
Ca-1B Hiragana Writing
Typing Hiragana が~ぽ
Let’s type again to practice your new hiragana.
1. [How to choose Japanese as an input language]
2. Start word processing software such as MS-Word.
3. Click on the “EN” button that you see on the bottom right of your screen.
4. Select Japanese language ”JP.”
5. Choose “Hiragana” ひらがな (H) through the “Input Mode,” and you will see the button あ for
typing in hiragana.
[Typing instructions]
1. Type “gagigugego.”
2. Type “zazizuzezo” or “zajizuzezo.”
3. Type “dadidudedo.”
4. Type “babibubebo.”
5. Type “papipupepo.”
Type the following words.
a. ebi (shrimp)
b. hagaki (postcard)
c. yubiwa (ring)
d. sinbun (newspaper)
e. tenpura (tempura)
f. enpitsu (pencil)
g. gomibako (trash can)
h. denwa (telephone)
i. usagi (rabbit)
This assignment is worth 16 points.
1. がぎぐげご
2. ざじずぜじ
3. だぢづでど
4. ばびぶべぼ
5. ぱぴぷぺぽ
a. えび
b. はがき
c. ゆびわ
d. しんぶん
e. てんぷら
f. えんぴつ
g. ごみばこ
h. でんわ
i. うさぎ
Task Completion (1-8 pts): Completion of the task
Mechanics (1-16 pts): Accurate spelling
Section 1, Part C, Hiragana Writing: 16 points
Ca-1C Hiragana Writing
Typing Hiragana ああ~わあ
Let’s type again to practice your new hiragana.
[How to choose Japanese as an input language]
1. Start word processing software such as MS-Word.
2. Click on the “EN” button that you see on the bottom right of your screen.
3. Select Japanese language ”JP.”
4. Choose “Hiragana” ひらがな (H) through the “Input Mode,” and you will see the button あ for
typing in hiragana.
5. Type words phonetically and then hit the “Enter” key.
[Typing instructions]
1. Type the following words.
a. tokei (clock/watch)
b. sensei (teacher)
c. sumou (sumo wrestling)
d. toufu (tofu)
e. ginkou (bank)
f. okaasan (mother)
g. otousan (father)
h. oniisan (older brother)
i. oneesan (older sister)
j. ojiisan (grandfather)
k. obaasan (grandmother)
l. getsuyoubi (Monday)
m. kayoubi (Tuesday)
n. suiyoubi (Wednesday)
o. mokuyoubi (Thursday)
p. kinnyoubi (Friday)
*You have to type “n” twice in order to type the word correctly.
q. doyoubi (Saturday)
r. nichiyoubi (Sunday)
s. nannyoubi (What day?) *You have to type “n” twice in order to type the word correctly.
This assignment is worth 16 points.
a. とけい
b. せんせい
c. すもう
d. とうふ
e. ぎんこう
f. おかあさん
g. おとうさん
h. おにいさん
i. おねいさん
j. おじいさん
k. おばあさん
l. げつようび
m. かようび
n. すいようび
o. もくようび
p. きんようび
q. どようび
r. にちようび
s. なんようび
Task Completion (1-8 pts): Completion of the task
Mechanics (1-16 pts): Accurate spelling
Section 1, Part D, Discussion Assignment: 8 points
Ca-1D Discussion
Go to the discussion board for Section 1, Part D, and post. Respond in Japanese to the
questions, 1) きょうは
なんようびですか。2) あしたは
なんようびですか。Use complete
sentences and what you have learned in this course to make your post. This assignment is worth
8 points.
Sample Answer
Section 1, Part E, Writing Assignment: 16 points
Ca-1F Writing
Do the following homework activity and submit it to your teacher. Be sure to use complete
sentences to use what you have learned in this course. This assignment is worth 16 Points.
In this first section of the homework assignment, you are to ask a friend of yours, “What
day is it?” and have your friend respond with five different day choices. You write both lines of the
“conversation.” It can be any day. The only restriction is that you need to make sure you use
complete sentences and use what you have been learning in Japanese.
In this second section of this homework assignment, you need to respond to the following
in complete sentences in Japanese, using what you have learned in this course.
Sample Answer
Answer あしたは
Answer あしたは
Vocabulary (1-8 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary. Correct days of week (げつよ
うび かようび
にちようび)Time words
Language Control (1-8 pts): Control of language structure; word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o,
e, ni, de etc.), tense / (adjective/verb) / present/ future /ast), negative (verbs / adjectives),
Section 1, Part F, Discussion assignment: 16 points
Ca 1F Discussion
Let's talk about these things.
Go to the discussion board and post in Japanese. Tell your classmate three activities that you do
(or don't do) to do on a certain day of the week. Ask your classmates if they do at least one
activity on a certain day of the week. Respond to another student's post while you are there or
return to the discussion area to respond at a later time. Use complete sentences in Japanese and
use vocabulary and structures that we have learned so far in the course. This assignment is
worth 16 points.
Section 2, Part A, Speaking Assignment: 8 points
Ca-2A Speaking
Speaking assignment
Record yourself repeating the numbers 1-10 in Japanese and then repeat the numbers
backwards. This assignment is worth 8 points.
Ichi ni san shi/yon go roku shichi/nana hachi kyu/ku ju, ju kyu/ku hachi shichi/nana, roku go
shi/yon san ni ichi
Vocabulary (1- 4 pts): Recite number 1-10 and backward correctly
Pronunciation (1-2 pts): Produce Japanese sounds correctly. Pronounce Japanese words with
proper intonation and accent.
Fluency (1-2 pts): Keep appropriate speed without sudden stop and go
Section 2, Part B, Speaking Assignment: 16 points
Ca-2B Speaking
Homework Assignment
Prepare this assignment to turn in to your teacher. Write six questions to someone you know
asking them if they can do certain things in Japanese. Use vocabulary that we have learned in
this course and write your questions in complete sentences. Then, pretend that you are the friend
and answer these questions in complete sentences. You will end up with a total of 12 "lines"
(questions/answers). This assignment is worth 16 points.
Sample Answer
わたし: べんきようしますか?
ともだち: いいえ、べんきょうしません。
わたし: てにすを
ともだち: はい、てにすを します。
わたし: はしりますか?
ともだち: いいえ、はしりません。
わたし: てれびを
ともだち: はい、てれびを みます。
わたし: おんがくを ききますか?
ともだち: はい、おんがくを ききます。
わたし: ほんを
ともだち: はい、ほんを
Pronunciation (1-4 pts): Produce Japanese sounds correctly. Pronounce Japanese words with
proper intonation and accent
Fluency (1-4 pts): Recite sentences with appropriate speed without stop and go
Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary
Language Control (1-4 pts): Word order, form of address and their usage (san, kun), Use of
particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense (present/future), affirmative/negative, question formation
Section 2, Part B, Discussion Assignment: 8 points
Discussion Assignment
Before you continue on to Part C, go to the discussion board and ask two questions in Japanese
to your classmates. Ask someone if they like to do at least two different activities. Respond to
someone's post there. If there are no posts to respond to yet, go back in a day or so and then you
will be able to respond. This assignment is worth 8 points.
Sample Answer
Section 2, Part C, Hiragana Writing: 16 points
Ca 2B Writing
Typing Hiragana きゃ~ぴょ
Let’s type again to practice your new hiragana.
[How to choose Japanese as an input language]
1. Start word processing software such as MS-Word.
2. Click on the “EN” button that you see on the bottom right of your screen.
3. Select Japanese language ”JP.”
4. Choose “Hiragana” ひらがな (H) through the “Input Mode,” and you will see the button あ for
typing in hiragana.
5. Type words phonetically and then hit the “Enter” key.
[Typing instructions]
1. Type “kyakyukyo.”
2. Type “shashusho.”
3. Type “chachucho.”
4. Type “nyanyunyo.”
5. Type “hyahyuhyo.”
6. Type “myamyumyo.”
7. Type “ryaryuryo.”
8. Type “gyagyugyo.”
9. Type “jajujo.”
10. Type “byabyubyo.”
11. Type “pyapyupyo.”
12. Type the following words.
a. kyou (today)
b. jisho (dictonary)
c. ocha (green tea)
d. hyaku (hundred)
e. shashin (photo)
f. densha (train)
g. jitensha (bicycle)
h. jugyou (class)
i. gyuunyuu (milk)
j. benkyou (study)
This assignment is worth 16 points.
1. きゃきゅきょ
2. しゃしゅしょ
3. ちゃちゅちょ
4. にゃにゅにょ
5. みゃみゅみょ
6. みゃみゅみょ
7. りゃりゅりょ
8. ぎゃぎゅぎょ
9. じゃじゅじょ
10. びゃびゅびょ
11. ぴゃぴゅぴょ
a. きょう
b. じしょ
c. おちゃ
d. ひゃく
e. しゃしん
f. でんしゃ
g. じてんしゃ
h. じゅぎょう
i. ぎゅうにゅう
j. べんきょう
Task Completion (1-8 pts): Completion of the task
Mechanics (1-16 pts): Accurate spelling
Section 3, Part A, Hiragana Writing: 16 points
Ca-3A Hiragana Writing
Typing Double Consonants, Little っ
Let’s type again to practice your new hiragana.
[How to choose Japanese as an input language]
1. Start word processing software such as MS-Word.
2. Click on the “EN” button that you see on the bottom right of your screen.
3. Select Japanese language ”JP.”
4. Choose “Hiragana” ひらがな (H) through the “Input Mode,” and you will see the button あ for
typing in hiragana.
5. Type words phonetically and then hit the “Enter” key.
[Typing instructions]
1. Type the following words.
a. gakkou (school)
b. kitte (postal stamp)
c. zasshi (magazine)
d. nikki (diary)
e. kekkon (marriage)
f. hikkoshi (moving)
g. shucchou (business trip)
h. takkyuu (table tennis)
This assignment is worth 16 points.
a. がっこう
b. きって
c. ざっし
d. にっき
e. けっこん
f. ひっこし
g. しゅっちょう
h. たっきゅう
Task Completion (1-8 pts): Completion of the task
Mechanics (1-16 pts): Accurate spelling (double consonants, double vowels, ん)
Section 3, Part C, Writing Assignment : 24 points
Ca-3C Writing
Using the calendar above, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use the
vocabulary you have learned in this unit. The first one is done for you. This assignment is worth
24 points.
1. ついたちは
2. ふつかは
3. みっかは
4. よおかは
5. いつかは
6. むいかは
7. なのかは
8. よおかは
9. ここのかは
10. とおかは なんようびですか。
11. じゅうごにちは
12. じゅうななにちは
13. じゅうはちにちは
14. はつかは なんようびですか。
15. にじゅうよっかは
16. にじゅうろくにちは
1. げつようびです。
2. かようびです。
3. すいようびです。
4. かようびです。
5. きんようびです。
6. どようびです。
7. にちようびです。
8. げつようびです。
9. かようびです。
10. すいようびです。
11. げつようびです。
12. すいようびです。
13. もくようびです。
14. どようびです。
15. すいようびです。
16. きんようびです。
Task Completion (1-8 pts): Completion of the task; content appropriate, ideas well developed and
well organized
Vocabulary (1-8 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary
Mechanics (1-8 pts): Accurate spelling, punctuation and diacritical marks, double vowels and ん
Section 3, Part D, Writing Assignment: 16 points
Ca 3D Writing
Using the cues given below, ask the people their birthdates and then answer each one as if you
were that person. Answer based on the date you see given. First you will ask the question, and
then you will answer it. The first one is done for you. This assignment is worth 16 points.
1. 12/2
Q: たんじょうびは
A: じゅうにがつ
2. 5/5
3. 6/14
4. 1/7
5. 11/20
6. 2/8
7. 10/13
8. 9/30
Q: たんじょうびは
A: じゅうにがつ
1. 12/2
2. 5/5
Q: たんじょうびは
A: ごがつ
3. 6/14
Q: たんじょうびは
4. 1/7
Q: たんじょうびは
5. 11/20
Q: たんじょうびは
A: じゅういちがつ
6. 2/8
Q: たんじょうびは
A: にがつようかです。
7. 10/13
Q: たんじょうびは
A: じゅうがつ
8. 9/30
Q: たんじょうびは
A: くがつ
Task Completion (1-4 pts): completion of the task; content appropriate, ideas well developed and
well organized
Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary. Month/day/days of week.
Language Control (1-4 pts): Control of language structure; word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o,
e, ni, de etc.), tense (adjective/verb) (present/ future), negative (verbs / adjectives
Mechanics (1-4 pts): Accurate spelling, punctuation and diacritical marks, double vowels, double
consonants, ん
Section 3, Part D, Discussion Board: 8 points
Ca-3D Discussion
Post in the discussion area three questions that you have learned in this unit. Respond to another
student's question there. Use Japanese that you have been learning in this course. This
assignment is worth 8 points.