2009 UPTAP Conference

23-25 March, University of Leeds
The third annual UPTAP Workshop will take place from Monday 23 to Wednesday
25 March at the University of Leeds (Monday/Wednesday) and Weetwood Hall
(Tuesday) and will be preceded by the UPTAP Spring Advisory Committee meeting.
UPTAP involves 43 different projects (5 Large Grants; 5 Postdoctoral Fellowships; 7
Research Fellowships, 16 Small Grants and 10 User Fellowships).
(i) To hear presentations from and discuss the results of those UPTAP projects
completed in the last 12 months.
(ii) To hear presentations from and discuss those projects ongoing under Round 2
on ‘Ethnicity’.
(iii) To hear presentations from and discuss the new User Fellowship projects
commissioned in 2008.
(iv) To hear presentations from guest speakers about two new ESRC investments in
‘Population Research’.
(v) To network and discuss future UPTAP events.
Participants: All UPTAP researchers, mentors, supervisors, Advisory Committee
members and invited guests.
Monday 23 March
10.30-12.30 Advisory Committee, Room 1.44 in Geography, Main Building
11-12.30 Registration and coffee, Foyer Geography, Main Building
12.30-1.25 Lunch, Foyer Geography, Main Building
Welcome, Geography Lecture Theatre, Geography East Building
UPTAP Research Findings 1: (Geography Lecture Theatre, Geography East Building)
Chair: tbd
1.30 Motherhood and child outcomes (LG)
Kirstine Hansen, Heather Joshi and Denise Hawkes
2.00 How does employment affect cardiovascular risk? (RF)
Claudia Thomas
2.30 Decomposition of changes in disability-free life expectancy by cause (UF)
Domenica Rasulo
3.00 Tea
UPTAP Research Findings 2 (Geography Lecture Theatre, Geography East Building)
Chair: tbd
Social and political trust: a longitudinal and comparative perspective (LG)
Nick Allum and Patrick Sturgis
Exploring geographies of happiness and well-being (RF)
Dimitris Ballas
Presentations from two new ESRC investments (Geography Lecture Theatre,
Geography East Building)
Chair: John Stillwell
5.00 Centre for Population Change
Jane Falkingham
5.30 Administrative Data Service
Chris Dibben
Close and leave for Weetwood Hall
Dinner at Weetwood Hall
Tuesday 24 March
(Kirkstall Room, Weetwood Hall)
New UPTAP User Fellowship Projects 1
Chair: Susan McRae (Oxford Brooks)
9.00 Understanding the importance of work histories in determining old age
poverty (UF)
Malcolm Nicholls and Karen Glaser
9.30 Using administrative data to estimate population and measure deprivation (UF)
Gillian Harper and Richard Verrall
10.00 Demographic indicators of cultural consumption (Stage II) (UF)
Orian Brook, Paul Boyle and Robin Flowerdew
10.30 Developing capacity for exploratory analysis in local government (UF)
Robert Radburn and Jason Dykes
11.00 Coffee
New UPTAP User Fellowship Projects 2
Chair: tbd
11.15 Patterns, predictors and implications of multi-morbidity (UF)
Sarah Salway and/Joanne Coy
11.45 Population, language, ethnicity and socio-economic aspects of education (UF)
Michelle von Ahn and Ruth Lupton
UPTAP Research Findings 3: Completed research projects on Ethnicity
12.15 PF Estimating segregation and diversity of ethnic groups over time (PF)
Albert Sabater
12.45 SG Internal migration of Britain's ethnic groups (SG)
John Stillwell and Serena Husain
UPTAP Research Findings 4: Completed research projects on Ethnicity
Chair: tbd
2.00 Exploring the movement of people from different ethnic groups (SG)
Antonia Simon
2.30 Black Africans in Britain: integration or segregation? (SG)
Lavinia Mitton and Peter Aspinall
3.00 Understanding the labour market impact of immigration in Britain (SG)
Marina Shapira
3.30 Demographic characteristics and projections of ethnic minority groups (SG)
Sylvie Dubuc and David Coleman
4.00 Ethnic variation in criminological experiences (SG)
Paula Kautt
Depart from Weetwood for Leeds
Assemble in Millennium Square for Walking Tour of City Centre
Meet for drinks at restaurant in Leeds
Wednesday 25 March
Geography Lecture Theatre, Geography East Building
UPTAP Research Findings 5: Ongoing research projects on Ethnicity
Chair: John Hollis (GLA)
9.00 What happens when international migrants settle? (LG)
Phil Rees, Paul Norman and Peter Boden
9.30 Neighbourhood and the creation, stability and success of mixed-ethnic unions (SG)
Zhiqiang Feng, Paul Boyle, Maarten van Ham and Gillian Raab
10.00 Exploring the Goodhart thesis at the local scale (SG)
Liz Twigg, Joanna Taylor and John Mohan
10.30 Ethnic group population change and integration (RF)
Nissa Finney
UPTAP Research Findings 6: Ongoing research projects on Ethnicity
Chair: Angela Dale (Manchester)
11.30 Ethnic differences in diet, physical activity and obesity (SG)
Vanessa Higgins and Angela Dale
12.00 Racial discrimination and health (LG)
Mai Stafford, James Nazroo and Laia Becares
12.30 Lunch
Useful Numbers
Lisa Youngman 0113 343 8244
John Stillwell 0113 343 3315
Geography Reception 0113 343 3300
Weetwood Hall Conference Centre and Hotel 0113 230 6000
TaxiAmber Cars 0113 2311 366
Contact for booking
Lisa Youngman (l.youngman@leeds.ac.uk)