IADIS Conference Template

Gonzalo A. Aranda-Corral
Dpto. de Ingeniería Electrónica, Sistemas Informáticos y Automática-Universidad de Huelva
Ctra. Huelva-Palos, s/n. 21819 Palos de la Frontera. Huelva. España
Joaquín Borrego-Díaz, Antonia M. Chávez-González
Dpto. de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial- Universidad de Sevilla
E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n. 41012-Sevilla España
A formal foundation of automated service discovering for Semantic Web is proposed. The approach is based on the
formalization of the problem using an agent oriented programming language (ConGolog), as well as on the use of the
Formal Concept Analysis as a tool for knowledge extraction.
A need for agent interoperability -in a MultiAgent System (MAS)- is a common domain’s
conceptualization and a shared vocabulary for exchanging information, that is ontologies (Sycara and
Paolucci 2004). The aim of the envisioned Semantic Web (SW) (Berners-Lee and Lassila 2001) is to satisfy
these needs, including the common understanding of Semantic Web Services (SWS) in order to allow their
discovery, composition and invocation (Lara et al. 2003).
Several ontologies to specify SWS exist, as OWL-S (http://www.w3.org/Submission/OWL-S) or WSMO
(http://www.wsmo.org). The idea is that any feature of the SWS must be logically specified, mainly
properties, capabilities, interfaces and effects. Moreover, it is also necessary to provide automated reasoning
technologies which are fully justified on logical soundness (Benatallah et al. 2005).
1.1 An approach to ontology evolution induced by MAS
Recently, several new multiagent toolkits are oriented to strongly knowledge-based agents (see e.g.
NUIN, Dickinson and Wooldridge 2005). The successful use of this kind of systems depends on the
availability of robust and efficent reasoning with the logic on which they are based. Actually, the main
challenge is to grant that any agent's activity has logical legitimacy. Only in this way the systems can help
users (explaining why an application behaved in an unexpected manner, Horrocks 2005) and designers
(finding logical errors in the system).
Another important challenge that MAS could face, in the future, will be to support ontological
transformations, induced by the execution of MAS itself. This is a critical issue, because ontology revision is
expensive, it may even be dangerous for companies. Therefore, the provision of semi-automated ontology
evolution mechanisms may be a considerable point of the field of knowledge-based MAS. Note that such
evolution will depend on data stream and cognitive decisions made by engineers, among other reasons. On
the one hand the MAS running can suggest, the transformation of capabilities of services, although on the
other hand, the logical complexity of this revision may be very high.
The aim of this paper is to propose an approach for ontology revision based on the reasoning with
ontological models associated to MAS services (which is feasible when the services structure is not too
complex), and under a referee supervision only to select interesting new services. The structure of the paper
is as follows. Once discussed the impact of service learning in ontologies involved in MAS (subsection 1.2),
the subsection 1.3 is devoted to commenting relevant issues of Web service formalization, from the point of
view of automated reasoning. In section 2 a running example is presented. The method for ontology
discovering is presented in section 3. The paper finishes with some comments on related work and future
1.2 Structure of potentially new services
In this paper we propose to describe the formal foundations for a method which extracts a simple
structure, composed of potentially useful new services, as well as how to create new services from this
structure. This creation can be considered as an ontology revision process and preserves some compatibility
with the original ontology and certain fundamental properties.
Despite such evolution may be critical (for example, when it affects to goal descriptions), current MAS
do not provide tools to manage them. In fact, it could be interesting to have an agent able to offer the learned
The logical specification of a method for ontology revisions might avoid some undesirable effects which
ontology evolution can produce, from the point of view of automated reasoning (Alonso et al. 2006).
Roughly speaking, the studied option in this paper is that the ontological engineer, assisted by a theorem
prover, proposes a revision which must be accepted by the user. Generally, the changes will be based on the
analysis of a given argument by theorem provers (in our case, arguments and executions are equivalent
because ConGolog is interpreted by PROLOG). Finally, in order to certify logical soundness, the revision is
based on a formal framework where the revision can be certified by means of a model finder and a theorem
prover (Borrego-Díaz and Chávez-González 2005, Horrocks 2005).
1.3 Automated Reasoning on Services
Following the approach of (Keller et al. 2004), a goal is a pair of formulae, G = ( post ,  ef ) describing
the post-condition (information state) and the effect (on the world) of them. The capability is described by a
4-uple C = ( pre , as , post , ef ) which specifies the preconditions on input, the information about the state of
the world, the output properties and the effect on the world. Finally, the dynamic nature of services makes the
formal representation of state change advisable. J. McCarthy's Situation Calculus (SC) is a formalization of
state change, useful to reason on rational agents (Reiter 2001). Agent oriented language ConGolog (de
Giacomo et al 2000), based on SC, is useful to specify properties of SWS (McIlraith and Cao 2002, Martínez
and Lespérance 2004). Examples of SC specifications are shown in figure 1.
 | s[ Holds (   , s)  Holds (
  ef , Do( , s))]
The service  provides the goal G :
 | sHolds (     , s )  Holds ( post   ef , Do ( , s))  Holds (Gpost  Gef , Do ( , s ))
Existence of a service that provides the goal G :
 | s[ Holds ( Cpre   Cas , s )  Holds ( post   ef , Do ( , s ))]
The service
has the capability
Figure 1: Partial specification of provision problems in the Situation Calculus
If  denotes the system specifications, where the ontologies would be included, the fact that  has
capability C (  | C ) is formalized in the first condition of figure 1. That is, when the action term is
executed, the post-condition is satisfied (in the final state), as well as the corresponding effects. The second
example is similar. Finally, the existence of services is actually a planning problem in SC.
SWS are closely related to our ability to operate with robust reasoners on the SW, as well as with
Knowledge Representation formalisms. By representing the SWS in SC, several tasks of SWS engineering
are generalized in a direct way. For example, goal provision checking usually based on matching (between
effects/postconditions of the service/goal specification), can be generalized using logical entailment.
Analogously, service discovering can be generalized to planning. Nevertheless, this generalization is
based on backward reasoning: it starts with goal specification. A more ambitious generalization method is
based on the analysis of MAS executions, in order to learn new services. Learned services have to be
specified by means of high order planification methods, as in ConGolog, which is useful to learn SWS
(McIlraith et al. 2001, McIlraith and Cao 2002). Since such language is based on a simple solution to the
frame problem (Reiter 2001), which is interpreted by PROLOG, it is possible to identify executions with
provability. The main difficulty of this approach is its logical complexity. Our approach is based on Formal
Concept Analysis (FCA) (Ganter and Wille 1999), easy to use, although it will not provide ConGolog
specification of the new service.
We describe an example where we will carry out the basic steps to create a new service and to revise the
ontologies associated, adapted from an example from (de Giacomo et al. 2000). Let it be considered a market
with computers and accessories. Under the point of view of the ConGolog seller agent, there are several
exogenous actions, but to reduce in complexity, we suppose that a single exogenous action exists,
newClient(cid,x), which means that the client identified by cid asks for the article x . Moreover, the seller
agent has the action serve(cid,x) (to supply the article x to client cid). When newClient(cid,x) is executed,
the fluent ClientWaiting(cid,x) becomes true and, in this case, the system has to accept the client,
acquire(cid), and to serve him the article x . Part of the seller agent code is shown in figure 2.
Precondition of acquire(cid): Poss (acquire (cid ), s )  Holds (ClientWait ing (cid , x), s ).
Effect of action newClient(cid,x) on ClientWaiting(cid,x): Holds(ClientWaiting(cid,x),do(a,s)) 
 a=newClient(cid)  Holds(ClientWaiting(cid,x),s)  a  acquire(cid).
Seller agent:
[ cid , x.acquire (cid , x); serve(cid , x)]|| ; cid .ClientWait ing (cid , x)?
Figure 2: Part of ConGolog seller agent
According to the seller agent, a non-deterministic number of processes are serving products to clients. A
final state is reached when there are no more clients waiting. Some executions are depicted in figure 3 as
formal context (considering executed actions as attributes). Let the articles supplied by the seller be:
PC (computer), WXP (operating system), PSB (USB memory) and M (monitor).
servePC serveWXP servePSB serveM
Exec. 1
Exec. 2
Exec. 3
Figure 3: Action traces of some executions of the MAS as a formal context
In order to discover new services from data, we assume the cognitive principle that an implicit conceptual
structure exists on data and services. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematical theory that allows to
extract such a structure. FCA is a way to mathematize concepts and conceptual hierarchies (Ganter and
Wille 1999). In Artificial Intelligence, FCA is a knowledge representation tool, useful for Intelligent Data
Analysis and Knowledge Acquisition (KA). It also represents a formal framework for implication and
association rules. The procedures involved in FCA have nice computer implementations as the ConExp
system (http://sourceforgenet/projects/conexp) for the basics, and other advanced and specific tools exist.
An interesting application of the discovering process is that an ontology can be induced from the services.
The ontology induced from the formal context is given in figure 4(left).
Figure 4: Lattice structure of concept services induced by executions of figure 3 (left) and the selected extension (right).
Each lattice node is called a concept service. A concept service is a concept which is extracted from the
formal context in FCA sense. That is, a pair (Act,Obj) where Act is a set of actions (intension of concept
service) such that Obj (extent) is the set of executions in which every action of Act is executed, and the set
Act is the set of common actions of every execution in Obj. Thus, concept services are sets of services, that
formal context of executions suggest to integrate. The subset relation is understood as “subtask of”, that is,
 sup
  means
s1 , s2 ( s2 = Do( , s1 )  s3  s4  s2 ( s1  s3  s4 = Do ( , s3 ))
That is, the execution of the first action term implies the execution of the second one. Initially, a concept
service is not a new service. It is possible that the concept intension can be directly composed, or it can occur
that it is unfeasible (or too expensive). Finally, the user is the one who have to decide which concept services
must be considered, according to cost criterions, for example, a deep analysis of the conceptual structure can
provide the learning of new services. Following this proposal, consider the formal context of figure 3 . It is
possible to compute a stem basis associated to the formal context (Ganter and Wille 1999). A stem basis is,
in propositional Horn logic terms, a non-redundant complete implicational set. Moreover, it is valid in every
execution described in the context. From the context of figure 3, the following stem basis is obtained:
newclient .
newclient  acquire  servePSB  serveWXP
newclient  acquire  servePSB  serveM
newclient  acquire  servePC  serveWXP
From this stem basis, every valid implicational knowledge in the formal context can be deduced. The fifth
one can be purged, based on redundancy analysis, to yielding servePC  serveWXP . Suppose that orders
for PC’s are made before that orders for WXP (when both articles are ordered),
 | Holds ( serve(u, PC ), s)  Holds ( serve(u,WXP), Do ( , s)) ( † )
This fact suggests to offer a new service (to serve a
PC with WXP preinstalled) that must contain
[ serve(u, PC ); serve(u, WXP)]
It will be denoted by servePCPreins (cid ) . The precondition for the new service can be conjectured as:
Poss ( servePCPreins (cid ))  Holds (ClientWait ing (u, PC ), s) 
 Holds (ClientWait ing (u,WXP), s)
Next, the seller agent should be informed of the new service, as well as its specification. For example, it is
possible that the seller agent accepts the new service based on cost criterions. Let us suppose that it has a
functional fluent cost ( , s ) to estimate the cost of service  in the state s . If it is provable, from  , that
the cost of the new service is lower, then the new service is accepted. However, before considering the above
preconditions as definitive, it is necessary to consider another aspect: the specification of the new service
should provide similar properties to other concept services. That is, it is necessary to achieve a sound
ontological insertion of the new service in the concept services lattice. This is essentially a step of ontology
evolution assisted by automated reasoning systems. It is necessary to use data to select the best extension by
insertion of the structure, for example, evaluating the cognitive entropy of the possible extensions (BorregoDíaz and Chávez-González 2005b). The method to make the selection is fully automatized, if ontology is
Lattice Categorical (L.C.) (Borrego-Díaz and Chávez-González 2005). Roughly speaking, a L.C. theory
proves the lattice structure endowed by its concepts.
For this running example, servePCpreinst(.) must be inserted in the concept services lattice. The insertion
is obtained according to the method shown in (Borrego-Díaz and Chávez-González 2005). This is
semiautomatic, with human intervention in the specification given in the last step only. We outline the main
steps of the process. We suppose that  is lattice categorical with respect to the ontology of figure 4(left).
Step 1: Conjecture on the new ontology:    servePCPreinst (cid )  serve(cid , PC) 
Step 2: Find extensions of the lattice. The theory above is not L.C. The model finder MACE4
(http://www-unix-mcs.anl.gov) lists three L.C. ontological extensions by insertion of the new element.
Step 3: Select the extension to specify the service. Afterwards, the entropy variation between the original
ontology and the new one (with respect to data of figure 3) is computed. The extension which induces lower
entropy variation (estimated by Shannon's index, Borrego-Díaz and Chávez-González 2005b) is selected. In
our example, the selected extension is the third one. In terms of SC:
Theorem: If  is lattice categorical with respect to the ontology of MAS concept services, then
  {( servePCpreinst (cid ) super
 serve(cid , x))  ( x = PC  x = WXP)}
is a lattice categorical extension of  with respect to the third ontological extension.
Step 4: High order planning of the new service. The conjecture (*) as the new service is valid if ( † )is
entailed by  . This strongly depends on  . For example, if the sentence ( † ) is not provable from  , the
concept service servePCPreinst(cid) should be programmed in ConGolog as
[ serve(u, PC ); serve(u,WXP)] | [ serve(u,WXP); serve(u, PC )]
This paper is a formal approach to learning services based on FCA. Future works will be focused on the
implementation of the method on a MAS platform as JADE (with limited ontological expressiveness).
An advantage of ConGolog specifications of SWS is that one can use the PROLOG interpreter to obtain
big sets of simulations. Since the information obtained from simulation is potentially infinite, the creation of
new services from the formal context associated to big sets of executions is accurate. Finally, ontology
revision can produce discrepancies if agents are not aware of changes.
An important feature that has not been considered throughout this paper is the role of performatives in
MAS communication. This dimension is necessary in ontologies on services oriented to SW (Gibbins et al.
2004). It is feasible to insert these features in ConGolog, although they make it more difficult to compute
new commonsense knowledge generated by the MAS, that is, the revision of ontologies.
This work is partially supported by the project Verified Systems for Semantic Web Reasoning (TIN 200403884), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, cofinanced by FEDER founds.
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