Sarajevo School of Science and Technology Course: IS335, spring 2006. Assignment #4: Due Wednesday June 07, 2006, 9:00 AM. Please accommodate your answers in the space below the question. Question 1: A simple transport protocol, chapter 6.3. a. What is the Transport entity? (5 points) Transport entity is software collection of functions called by application. b. What is called TSAP? (5 points) It is equivalent to ports. c. What is called NSAP? (5 points) NSAP is equivalent to IP address. d. List service primitives with their arguments and returns and messages (packet types)? (5 points) connum = LISTEN(local) connum = CONNECT(local, remote) status = SEND(connum, buffer, bytes) status = RECEIVE(connum, buffer, bytes) status = DISCONNECT(connum) CALL_REQUEST CALL_ACCEPT CLEAR_REQUEST CLEAR_CONFIRMATION DATA CREDIT e. Who is calling service primitives? (5 points) Applications. f. Assume we have three applications on each side that want to talk to each other. Can three applications on H1 side talk to a single application on H2 side? (10 points) No. g. How can the applications talk to each other? (5 points) 1 Pairwise. h. If application on H1 side wants to send two messages to the application on H2 side, write the sequence of application calls on H1 side and H2 side. (10 points) H1: cid = CONNECT(loc1, rem1) H2: cid = LISTEN(rem1) ok = RECEIVE(cid, buffer, bytes) ok = SEND(cid, buffer, bytes) ok = RECEIVE(cid, buffer, bytes) ok = SEND(cid, buffer, bytes) ok = DISCONNECT(cid) ok = DISCONNECT(cid) i. Which primitive is determining connection id? (5 points) cid = CONNECT j. What will happen (on H1 and on H2 side) if H1 application is waiting for credit and corresponding application disconnects? (10 points) Application will get back ERR_CLOSED k. What will happen (on H1 and on H2 side) if H2 waits for data and H1 disconnects? (10 points) Application will get back ERR_CLOSED. Question 2: Consider two LANs connected by Internet (cloud) on Fig below. Router Router Internet LAN1 LAN2 H2 H1 a. What is the IP address of LAN1 and LAN2? (5 points) and 2 b. If Ethernet address of the H1 = 00 00 C0 A0 51 24 (hex), and LAN1 router = 00 00 A1 B2 21 54 (hex), outline the complete maximum data packet with Ethernet/IP/TCP headers without optional fields, that H1 sends to H2 and fill in and explain all relevant fields. Use the standard TCP/IP format (4 bytes per row) and mark fields in hex numbers or binary as appropriate. c. (20 points) preamble preamble preamble Destination = 00 00 Address = A1 B2 21 54 Source = 00 00 C0 A0 Address 51 24 type=0800 IHL=5 4 TOS total length = 1500 Packet ID df mf fragm offset ttl Protocol=6 IP hdr chcksum IP source address = IP destination address = IP options source port dest port seq number (first byte) ack number (expected byte) window size TCP checksum urgent ptr options Ethernet header IP header TCP header Data ethernet chacksum 3