Central Asian Ecosystems The legend to the map Mountains’ ecosystems (within desert zone) Nival and subnival ecosystems 1 High mountains with alpine-like relief with domination of nival and subnival ecosystems: 1-1 Tien Shan–mountain-Middle Asian with isolated plants and open aggregations of cryopetrophytes (Carex griffithii1, Lloydia serotina, Dichodon cerastoides, Gastrolychnis apetala, Chorispora macropoda, Astragalus nivalis, Oxytropis platonychia, Saussurea glacialis) High-mountain ecosystems of cryophytic pulvinates (cushion plants) 2 Slopes and leveled surfaces in high mountains with domination of pulvinates (herbaceous, dwarf semishrubs, shrubs): 2-2 Pamir herbaceous (Oxytropis immersa, Potentilla pamirica, Draba altaica), dwarf semishrub (Ajania tibetica, Dracocephalum paulsenii) and shrub (Sibbaldia tetrandra) communities, locally in combination with cryophytic steppes and meadows 2-3 Kashgaria–Tien Shan herbaceous (Oxytropis chionobi, O. humifusa) and dwarf shrub (Thylacospermum caespitosum, Sibbaldia tetrandra) communities in combination with cryophytic meadows and steppes 2-7 Badakhshan herbaceous (Potentilla flabellata, Oxytropis savellanica) and dwarf shrub (Sibbaldia tetrandra, S. olgae) communities, locally with mountain xerophytes (species of gg. Cousinia, Acantholimon) in combination with cryophytic meadows and phryganoids High-mountain ecosystems of cryophytic meadows 3 Slopes and leveled surfaces with domination of low herbaceous communities of Kobresia and grass–forb meadows in high mountains: 3-3 Kashgaria-Tien Shan communities of Kobresia (Kobresia humilis, Carex melanantha, Ptilagrostis mongholica, Leontopodium ochroleucum) in combination with cryophytic pulvinates and steppes 3-8 Alai–Turkestan communities of Kobresia (Kobresia stenocarpa, Festuca alaica, Potentilla flabellata, Cousinia pannosa) in combination with cryophytic phryganoids 3-11 Dzungaria–Tien Shan meadows of Kobresia, of Alchemilla and Kobresia–grass– forb (Alchemilla retropilosa, Polygonum songaricum, Leontopodium campestre, Festuca alatavica, Poa calliopsis, Kobresia humilis) communities in combination with cryophytic pulvinates 4 Steep slopes of high mountains with alpine-like grass–forb and forb–grass meadows in combination with cryophytic phryganoids: 4-6 Hissar–Darvaz grass–forb and forb–grass (Geranium saxatile, Lagotis korolkowii, 1 Hereinafter the Latin names of plants are pointed out according to: S. K. Cherepanov, The vascular plants of the USSR, Leningrad: Science, 1981. Ligularia alpigena, Allium fedtschenkoanum, Festuca alaica, Puccinellia subspicata Erigeron cabulicus, Gagea jaeschkei, Cousinia franchetii, C. pannosa) meadows 4-8 Alai–Turkestan grass–forb (Geranium saxatile, Lagotis korolkowii, Ligularia alpigena, Allium fedtschenkoanum, Festuca alaica, Puccinellia subspicata, Nepeta kokanica, Oxytropis incanescens, Acantholimon alatavicum) meadows 4-9 West Tien Shan grass–forb and forb–grass (Poa alpina, Festuca rubra, F. kryloviana, Hordeum turkestanicum, Cobresia humilis, Alopecurus soongoricus, Carex melanantha, Pedicularis korolkowii, Dracocephalum nutans, Potentilla gelida, P. hololeuca, Lloidia serotina, Hordeum turkestanicum, Pyrethrum pyrethroides, Aster alpinus, Allium polyphyllum) meadows 5 Steep slopes of high mountains with alpine-like medium herb meadows and communities of prostrate juniper: 5-8 Alai–Turkestan sub alpine-like and medium herb meadows (Phlomis oreophila, Polygonum nitens, species of gg. Geranium, Allium, Trollius, Poa pratensis, Phleum phleoides, Dactylis glomerata, Allium atrosanguineum, A. semenovii, Rhodiola pamiroalaica), locally with prostrate juniper (Juniperus turkestanica) in combination with cryophytic phryganoids 5-9 West Tien Shan sub alpine-like and medium herb meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Poa angustifolia, Elymus caninus, Geranium collinum, Galatella, potentilla, Hieracium echioides, Polygonum nitens, Polygonum coriarium, Polygonum hissaricum) in combination with thickets of prostrate juniper (Juniperus turkestanica) 5-11 Dzungaria– Tien Shan sub alpine-like and medium herb meadows (Alchemilla retropilosa, A. sibirica, Hedysarum neglectum, Trollius dschungaricus, Iris ruthenica), locally with juniper (Juniperus pseudosabina) and spruce (Picea schrenkiana) open woodlands High-mountain ecosystems of prickly herbs and thorn dwarf shrubs 6 Slopes and tops of mountains with tragacanthes: 6-4 Kopet Dagh grass–prickly herb–thorn dwarf shrub (species of gg. Оnobrychis, Astracantha, Acantholimon blandum, Cousinia smirnovii, C. oreodoxa, Alopecurus textilis, Nepeta kopetdaghensis, Hyacinthella transcaspica, Stipa turcomanica, S. lessingiana) communities in combination with cryophytic meadows 7 Steep slopes with thorn dwarf shrub–grass–sagebrush vegetation: 7-3 Badakhshan with thorn dwarf shrub–grass–sagebrush (Artemisia leucotricha, Festuca musbelica, Poa relaxa, Acantholimon pamiricum, Eremogone griffithii, Cousinia rubiginosa) and grass–catnip (Nepeta pamirensis, Festuca coelestis, Ranunculus badachschanicus) communities in combination with cryophytic pulvinates 8 Steep slopes and leveled surfaces with prickly herb and thorn dwarf shrub–grass– sagebrush communities in combination with cryophytic meadows: 8-6 Hissar–Darvaz prickly herb (species of g. Cousinia, Eremogone griffithii, Festuca musbelica, Dichodon cerastoides), tall herb–grass–prickly herb (Cousinia stephanophora, C. verticillaris, Сousinia pannosa, C. franchetii, Acantholimon alatavicum, Piptatherum ferganense, Festuca musbelica, Ferula kokanica, Prangos pabularia) and thorn dwarf shrub–grass–sagebrush (Artemisia persica, A. leucotricha, Festuca musbelica, Piptatherum alpestre, species of g. Acantholimon, Onobrychis echidna) communities 8-8 Alai–Turkestan prickly herb (Cousinia splendida, Eremogone griffithii, Festuca musbelica, Acantholimon tataricum, A. alatavicum) and thorn dwarf shrub–grass–sagebrush (Artemisia persica, A. leucotricha, Festuca musbelica, Piptatherum alpestre, species of g. Acantholimon, Onobrychis echidna) communities in combination with cryophytic meadows 8-9 West Tien Shan forb–grass–prickly herb (Сousinia bonvalotii, C. chrysantha, Acantholimon korolkowii, A. albertii) communities, locally with fragments of Оnobrychis echidna communities High-mountain ecosystems of umbellares 9 Steep slopes with domination of umbellares (grass–rich tall herb communities): 9-6 Hissar–Darvaz grass–rich tall herb (Prangos pabularia, Ferula kuhistanica, F. kokanica, Polygonum coriarium, Ligularia macrophylla, Dactylis glomerata, Bromopsis inermis) communities, locally in combination with thickets of shrubs (Rosa kokanica, Lonicera nummulariifolia) 9-9 West Tien Shan grass–rich tall herb (Prangos pabularia, Ferula tenuisecta, F. prangifolia, Polygonum coriarium, Ligularia macrophylla, Dactylis glomerata, Bromopsis inermis) communities, locally in combination with thickets of shrubs (Cerasus tianschanica, Amygdalus petunnikowii) High-mountain ecosystems of cryophytic steppes 10 Steep slopes and leveled surfaces with pulvinate–grass ecosystems: 10-2 Pamir pulvinate–grass–barley (Hordeum turkestanicum, Festuca musbelica, Artemisia rhodantha, Oxytropis tianschanica, Poa glauciculmis, Potentilla pamiroalaica, Hedysarum minjanensis, Acantholimon diapensioides) in combination with grass–sagebrush (Artemisia santolinifolia, A. rutifolia) petrophytic steppes and pulvinates 10-3 Kashgaria–Tien Shan pulvinate–sea spear grass (Puccinellia hackeliana, Stipa subsessiliflora, Kobresia humilis, Festuca musbelica, Acantholimon tianschanicum Oxytropis globiflora) and halophytic pulvinate–barley (Hordeum turkestanicum, Puccinellia hackeliana, Saussurea leucophylla, Braya scharnhorstii, Artemisia rhodantha) communites in combination with cryophytic meadows and pulvinates 11 Leveled surfaces and steep slopes with pulvinate–fescue ecosystems: 11-2 Pamir pulvinate–fescue (Festuca musbelica, Hordeum turkestanicum, Artemisia rhodantha, A. alcockii, Poa litvinoviana, Piptatherum platyanthum, Potentilla pamiroalaica, Leontopodium ochroleucum) steppes in combination with cryophytic pulvinates (Acantholimon diapensioides) 11-3 Kashgaria–Tien Shan pulvinate–fescue (Festuca musbelica, Hordeum turkestanicum, species of gg. Stipa, Poa, Artemisia rhodantha, A. alcockii, Leontopodium ochroleucum, Kobresia humilis, Stipa subsessiliflora, Oxytropis globiflora) steppes in combination with cryophytic meadows 11-8 Alai–Turkestan petrophytic pulvinate–fescue (Festuca musbelica, Hordeum turkestanicum, species of gg. Stipa, Poa, Leontopodium ochroleucum, Festuca olgae, Carex alexeenkoana, Pyrethrum pyrethroides, Dracocephalum paulsenii) steppes in combination with cryophytic meadows 11-12 Atbashi–Kirghiz (Festuca musbelica, Hordeum turkestanicum, species of gg. Stipa, Poa, Leontopodium ochroleucum, Stipa desertorum, Carex turkestanica) steppes, locally with mountain xerophytes (Acantholimon alatavicum) 12 Steep slopes with cryophytic forb–bunch grass and bunch grass steppes: 12-8 Alai–Turkestan forb–feather grass–fescue (Festuca musbelica, Stipa kirghisorum, S. trichoides, Helictotrichon tianschanicum, Ligularia alpigena) steppes 12-11 Dzungaria–Tien Shan forb–fescue (Festuca musbelica, F. olgae, Phlomis oreophila, Polygonum songaricum, Geranium saxatile, Kobresia humilis) steppes in combination with cryophytic meadows, locally with prostrate juniper (Juniperus pseudosabina) and fescue– feather grass (Stipa trichoides, S. desertorum, Festuca musbelica, Koeleria cristata) steppes in combination with sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa desertorum, Artemisia rhodantha, Carex turkestanica) communities, locally with mountain xerophytes (Acantholimon alatavicum, Helianthemum songaricum) 13 Leveled surfaces and slopes with low bunch grass ecosystems: 13-2 Pamir with psammophytic herb–grass (Stipa glareosa, S. orientalis, Leymus pubescens, Oxytropis chiliophylla) communities with dwarf semishrubs (Ceratoides papposa) and grass–herb (Iris loczyi, Allium polyphyllum, Stipa glareosa, and S. subsessiliflora) communities High-mountain ecosystems of cryophytic deserts 14 Leveled surfaces and steep slopes with domination of eurotia and succulent deserts: 14-2 Pamir sagebrush–eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia skorniakowii) deserts, locally with Stipa glareosa, in combination with succulent (Christolea crassifolia, C. pamirica, Oxytropis chiliophylla) communites with dwarf semishrubs (Ceratoides papposa) 15 Leveled surfaces and steep slopes with domination of grass–dwarf semishrub deserts: 15-2 Pamir grass–dwarf semishrub (Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia skorniakowii, A. pamirica, Stipa glareosa, S. orientalis) deserts with pulvinates (Astragalus muschketowii, A. chomutovii, Acantholimon diapensioides) and mountain xerophytes–grass–dwarf semishrub (Xylanthemum pamiricum, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia skorniakowii, A. leucotricha, Stipa orientalis, Acantholimon pamiricum, Cousinia rava) deserts Middle-mountain ecosystems of dark coniferous forests 16 Slopes of middle mountains’ top parts with open prostrate juniper–spruce ecosystems: 16-3 Kashgaria–Tien Shan prostrate juniper–spruce communities (Picea schrenkiana, Juniperus pseudosabina, Salix alatavica, S. tianschanica) with herbaceous (Geranium saxatile, Alchemilla retropilosa, Carex stenocarpa) and moss (Polytrichum juniperinum, Thuidium histricosum) cover with pea-shrub (Caragana jubata) 16-11 Dzungaria–Tien Shan prostrate juniper–spruce (Picea schrenkiana, Juniperus pseudosabina, Salix alatavica, S. tianschanica) communities with herbaceous (Geranium saxatile, Alchemilla retropilosa, Carex stenocarpa) and moss (Polytrichum juniperinum, Thuidium histricosum) cover with Siberian juniper (Juniperus sibirica) (and also with Caragana jubata in Terskei Alatau) in combination with cryophytic meadows 17 Slopes of middle mountains with spruce (Picea schrenkiana) forests with shrubs, herbaceous and moss cover in combination with tall herb meadows: 17-9 West Tien Shan spruce (Picea schrenkiana) forests with fir-tree (Abies semenovii), with underwood of Sorbus tianschanica, Salix iliensis, Rosa alberti, Lonicera altmannii, L. karelinii, with herbaceous (Aegopodium alpestre, Brachypodium pinnatum, Cystopteris fragilis, Poa nemoralis) and moss (Thuidium abietinum, Hylocomium proliferum) cover 17-11 Dzungaria–Tien Shan spruce (Picea schrenkiana, Sorbus tianschanica, Salix iliensis, Rosa alberti, Lonicera altmannii, L. Karelinii) forests with herbaceous (Aegopodium alpestre, Brachypodium pinnatum, Geranium rectum, Cicerbita azurea Pyrola rotundifolia, Cystopteris fragilis, Poa nemoralis) and moss (Thuidium abietinum, Hylocomium proliferum) cover without fir-tree Abies sibirica and only in northwestern part of Dzungarsky Alatau with Abies sibirica 18 Slopes of middle mountains with leaved–spruce in combination with tall herb meadows and steppes: 18-9 West Tien Shan leaved–spruce (Picea schrenkiana, Malus sieversii, species of g. Acer) forests with underwood of Crataegus, Rosa, Cotoneaster and herb cover (Brachypodium sylvaticum, Melica altissima, Milium effusum, Impatiens parviflora, Geranium collinum), with fir-tree Abies semenovii and Juglans regia, Exochorda tianschanica, Aflatunia ulmifolia 18-11 Dzungaria–Tien Shan leaved–spruce with Acer semenovii, Populus tremula and herb cover (Brachypodium sylvaticum, Melica altissima, Milium effusum, Impatiens parviflora, Geranium collinum) (Zailiysky Alatau) and with Abies sibirica, Betula pendula, Populus tremula and P. talassica (Dzungarsky Alatau) Middle-mountain ecosystems of juniper open woodlands and forests 19 Steep slopes of middle mountains with shrub–juniper open woodlands: 19-8 Alai–Turkestan shrub–juniper open woodlands (Juniperus turkestanica, J. semiglobosa, Lonicera microphylla, Rosa kokanica) with forb–grass (Festuca valesiaca, species of gg. Helictotrichon, Poa, Phleum phleoides, Ligularia thomsonii) cover with shrubs (Rosa nanothamnus, R. ecae, Ribes meyeri) and mountain xerophytes (Acantholimon velutinum, Onobrychis echidna, species of g. Cousinia) 19-9 West Tien Shan shrub–juniper (Juniperus semiglobosa Lonicera tianschanica, Spiraea hypericifolia) open woodlands with meadow–steppe cover (Poa angustifolia, Festuca valesiaca, Dactylis glomerata, Phleum phleoides, Hypericum perforatum) 19-12 Atbashi–Kirghiz shrub–juniper (Juniperus pseudosabina, J. semiglobosa, Rosa platyacantha, Spiraea lasiocarpa, Atragene sibirica) open woodlands Tien Shan with forb–grass (Festuca valesiaca, Helictotrichon schellianum, Stipa kirghisorum, Phleum phleoides, Phlomis pratense) cover, locally with Picea schrenkiana, in combination with meadows and steppes 20 Steep slopes of middle mountains with shrub–juniper open woodlands with mountain xerophyte–forb–bunch grass cover in combination with mountain xerophyte–grass communities: 20-4 Kopet Dagh petrophytic juniper open woodlands (Juniperus turcomanica, Acer turcomanicum, Cotoneaster nummularius, species of gg. Cerasus, Berberis, Ephedra) with grass– mountain xerophyte (species of gg. Cousinia, Acantholimon, Melica, Achnatherum, Stipa caucasica, Festuca valesiaca, Gypsophila aretioides, Melica jacquemontii) cover, often in combination with mountain xerophyte–grass communities; locally halopetrophytic juniper (Juniperus turcomanica, Berberis integerrima, Cerasus microcarpa, Astracantha densissima) open woodlands with grass–mountain xerophyte–sagebrush (Artemisia ciniformis, Salsola aucheri, Acantholimon erinaceum, Cousinia eryngioides, Stachys turcomanica, Stipa caucasica) cover 20-8 Alai–Turkestan shrub–juniper (Juniperus turkestanica Juniperus semiglobosa, Rosa maracandica Rosa ecae, Ephedra gerardiana) communities, with mountain xerophytes (Acantholimon velutinum, Onobrychis echidna, Acantholimon erythreum) 21 Slopes of middle mountains: juniper and maple–juniper communities with savannoids (meadow–tall herb and tall grass cover): 21-6 Hissar-Darvaz maple-juniper and juniper (Juniperus seravschanica, J. semiglobosa, Acer turkestanicum) communities with shrubs (Rosa kokanica, Lonicera nummulariifolia, Cotoneaster seravschanicus, C. popovii, Ferula kuhistanica), locally in combination with petrophytic shrub communities; 21-9 West Tien Shan juniper forests and open woodlands (Juniperus seravschanica, Lonicera microphylla, Spiraea hypericifolia, Rosa kokanica, Cotoneaster soongoricus, Cerasus tianschanica, Ferula tenuisecta, F. рrangifolia), locally with Acer semenovii in combination with petrophytic shrub and open woodland–shrub (Juniperus seravschanica Spiraea hypericifolia, Crataegus turkestanica) communities 22 Steep slope of middle mountains with juniper open woodlands with savannoid cover (mountain xerophyte-tall grass): 22-4 Kopet Dagh open woodland and shrub (Cerasus microcarpa, Lonicera bracteolaris, Crataegus pseudo-azarolus) communities, locally with Juniperus turcomanica, Acer turcomanicum in combination with mountain xerophyte-tall grass (Elytrigia trichophora, Onobrychis cornuta, Astracantha densissima, Stachys turcomanica) and phryganoid communities 22-6 Hissar–Darvaz shrub-juniper (Juniperus seravschanica, Rosa kokanica, Amygdalus bucharica, Cerasus erythrocarpa, species of gg. Cotoneaster, Lonicera), maple-juniper (Juniperus seravschanica, Acer turkestanicum) woodlands with shrubs (Rosa kokanica, Lonicera nummulariifolia) in combination with mountain xerophyte–grass (Festuca valesiaca, species of gg Stipa, Acantholimon, Onobrychis, meadow–steppe forbs) and mountain xerophyte (Astragalus bactrianus A. lasiosemius, A. kuhitangii), Ziziphora pamiroalaica, Acantholimon erythraeum, Stipa caucasica) communities: 22-8 Alai - Turkestan shrub-juniper open woodlands with Acer pubescens, Amygdalus bucharica, Astragalus bactrianus, Acantholimon seravschanicum, Artemisia glanduligera, locally with tall herbs (Ferula kuhistanica, Eremurus olgae) 22-9 West Tien Shan petrophytic shrub-woodland (Juniperus seravschanica, Acer semenovii, Celtis caucasica, Rosa maracandica, Amygdalus petunnikowii) communities, locally with Megacarpaea gigantea, Cousinia chrysantha) Ecosystems of broad-leaved forests and open woodlands in low and middle mountains Maple, walnut and apple-tree forests 23 Slopes of low mountains and middle mountains with walnut and maple forests: 23-6 Hissar–Darvaz apple-tree–walnut (Juglans regia, Malus sieversii, Prunus divaricata, Lonicera nummulariifolia, species of gg. Crataegus, Exochorda) and walnut–maple (Acer turkestanica, A. semenovii, Juglans regia) forests with herbaceous cover (Brachypodium sylvaticum, Poa nemoralis, Aegopodium tadshicorum, Impatiens parviflora) in combination with savannoid open woodlands 23-6х Long-term secondary shrub (Exochorda alberti, Caragana turkestanica, Rosa kokanica, Crataegus hissarica, Malus sieversii) and tall grass (Hordeum bulbosum, Elytrigia trichophora) communities on their place 23-9 West Tien Shan walnut forests (Juglans regia, Malus sieversii, Prunus divaricata, Exochorda tianschanica, species of g. Crataegus) 23-9x Long-term secondary open woodland–shrub (Rosa kokanica, Crataegus turkestanica, Malus sieversii) and tall grass (Hordeum bulbosum, Elytrigia trichophora) communities on their place 24 Slopes of low and middle mountains with shrub–mapple communities with tall herb– meadow cover: 24-9 communities West Tien Shan shrub–maple (Acer turkestanicum, Abelia corymbosa) 25 Slopes of low mountains with maple forests with savannoid cover (tall herb–tall grass): 25-4 Kopet Dagh haw-maple (Acer turcomanicum, Crataegus pseudoambigua, C. turcomanica) communities with Celtis caucasica, Punica granatum, with Ferula diversivittata, Prangos latiloba in combination with secondary forb–wheat grass communities and with broad-leaved forests in valleys 25-6 Hissar-Darvaz juniper–maple (Acer turkestanicum, A. regelii, Juniperus seravschanica) communities with shrubs (Lonicera nummulariifolia, Caragana turkestanica, Rosa kokanica), with participation of Ferula kuhistanica, Prangos pabularia and ash–juniper–maple (Acer turkestanicum, Juniperus seravschanica, Fraxinus raibocarpa) communities with Malus sieversii, Pyrus korshinskyi, Rosa kokaniсa, Exochorda alberti, Ferula kuhistanica in combination with broad-leaved forests 25-6x Long-term secondary tall herb–barley (Hordeum bulbosum, Cousinia umbrosa, Tanacetum pseudoachillea, Ferula kuhistanica) communities with shrubs and isolated trees 25-8 Alai–Turkestan haw–maple (Acer pubescens, Crataegus pontica) communities with Amygdalus bucharica, with participation of Artemisia glanduligera and tall herbs in combination with petrophytic shrub communities 25-8x Long-term secondary wheat grass (Elytrigia trychophora, Artemisia glanduligera, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Phlomis salicifolia) communities, locally with isolated trees and shrubs on their place 26 Slopes of middle and low mountains with haw–apple-tree and shrub–wild-fruit forests: 26-9 West Tien Shan haw–apple-tree (Malus sieversii, Crataegus pontica, C. turkestanica) forests with Acer semenovii, Padelus mahaleb and shrubs (Lonicera altmannii, Cerasus tianshanica), with Prangos pabularia, Asyneuma argutum in combination with broadleaved forests 26-9x Long-term secondary tall herb–tall grass (Elytrigia trichophora, Eremurus regelii, Alcea nudiflora, Ferula karatavica, Centaurea squarrosa) communities with shrubs and isolated trees on their place 26-11 Dzungaria–Tien Shan apple-tree forests and shrub thickets (Malus sieversii, Rosa platyacantha, R. beggeriana, Spiraea lasiocarpa, Cotoneaster melanocarpus, Berberis heteropoda), locally in combination with rich forb–bunch grass steppes and meadows 26-11x Shrubs’ thickets on the place of apple-tree forests (Rosa platyacantha, R. beggeriana, Spiraea lasiocarpa, Cotoneaster melanocarpus, Berberis heteropoda), locally with Malus sieversii in combination with rich forb–bunch grass steppes and meadows Ecosystems of haw open woodlands in low mountains and piedmonts 27 Ouval piedmonts and low parts of slopes in low mountains with haw open woodlands with savannoid cover (tall herb–tall grass): 27-9 West-Tien Shan haw open woodlands (Crataegus pontica) with savannoid ephemeroid–tall grass cover (Elytrigia trichophorum, Hordeum bulbosum, Phlomis salicifolia, Salvia aethiopis, Allochruza gypsophiloides, Eremurus regelii) 27-9x Long-term secondary communities with domination of Agropyron trichophorum, Hordeum bulbosum, Poa bulbosa, Taenatherum crinitum, Centaurea squarrosa Ecosystems of pistachio open woodlands in piedmonts and low mountains 28 Piedmonts and slopes of low mountains with pistachio (maple–pistachio, almond– pistachio, petrophytic pistachio) open woodlands with savannoid tall grass cover: 28-6 Hissar–Darvaz maple–pistachio (Pistacia vera, Acer regelii) open woodlands, locally with Juniperus seravschanica, with Artemisia baldshuanica, A. tenuisecta, Prangos pabularia in combination with shrub–almond–pistachio (Pistacia vera, Amygdalus bucharica, Cercis griffithii, Calophaca grandiflora) communities and petrophytic shrub–pistachio (Pistacia vera, Zygophyllum gontscharovii, Amygdalus spinosissima, Hammada leptoclada, Otostegia fedtschenkoana, Artemisia baldshuanica, Jurinea baissunensis, Scorzonera bracteata) woodlands 28-6x Long-term secondary shrub (Rosa maracandica, Amygdalus spinosissima) communities, locally with isolated trees, with Bothriochloa ischaemum, Artemisia baldshuanica, A. glanduligera in combination with petrophytic shrub communities 28-6o Agricultural lands on their place 28-8 Alai–Turkestan shrub–pistachio (Pistacia vera, Rosa kokanica, виды Amygdalus spinosissima, Crataegus pontica, C. turkestanica, Pyrus regelii) communities with forb – sagebrush–wheat grass cover 28-8x Long-term secondary communities with sedge–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia prolixa) and Jerusalem-sage–ephemeroid–sagebrush (Phlomis thapsoides), locally in combination with communities of hypsophytes (Salvia bucharica, Ladyginia bucharica, Otostegia bucharica); 28-9 West Tien Shan pistachio open woodlands (Amygdalus petunnikowii, Spiraea hypericifolia, Cerasus tianschanica, Inula macrophylla, Pseudohandelia umbellifera, Artemisia mucronulata) 28-9x Long-term secondary ephemeroid–beard grass (Bothriochloa ischaemum, Poa bulbosa, Alcea nudiflora, Centaurea squarrosa, Ephemerae) communities with participation of Pistacia vera in combination with petrophytic shrub communities 29 High piedmonts and low mountains with pistachio and petrophytic shrub–pistachio open woodlands with low herb cover: 29-5 Badghyz–Karabil pistachio (Pistacia vera) communities with Ferula badrakema, Cousinia raddeana, Crambe kotschiana, Elaeosticta allioides, locally in combination with petrophytic pistachio communities 29-5x Long-term secondary ephemeral–sedge–bulbous blue grass with tall herbs 29-6 Hissar–Darvaz almond–pistachio (Pistacia vera, Amygdalus bucharica) communities with Phlomis bucharica, Inula macrophylla, Ferula gigantea, F. deccurens, Paulia ovczinnikovii, locally with Artemisia stenocephala, A. kochiiformis, A. scotina 29-6x Long-term secondary ephemeral–bulbous blue grass–sedge communities with Artemisia stenocephala, A. kochiiformis, A. scotina, locally with Pistacia vera, Amygdalus spinosissima, Ephedra intermedia 29-9o Agricultural lands on their place Shrub ecosystems in low and middle mountains 30 Steep slopes of low and middle mountains with petrophytic shrub communities with mountain xerophyte–grass cover: 30-6 Hissar-Darvaz petrophytic shrub (Ephedra equisetina, Colutea paulsenii, Berberis integerrima, Cerasus verrucosa, Atraphaxis pyrifolia) communities with tall herbs (Prangos pabularia, Ferula equisetacea, Crambe kotschyana, Nepeta formosa) with Artemisia glanduligera, A. porrecta, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Acantholimon erythraeum, Ferula kuhistanica and isolated trees 30-9 West-Tien Shan petrophytic shrub (Spiraea hypericifolia, Amygdalus petunnikowii, A. spinosissima, Cerasus tianschanica, Atraphaxis seravschanica) communities with Artemisia prolixa, A. karatavica, Achnatherum caragana, Stipa caucasica, Acantholimon alberti, locally in combination with halogypsophytic communities and, sometimes, juniper–shrub (Juniperus turkestanica, J. semiglobosa, Lonicera microphylla, Rosa kokanica) communities with forb–grass (Festuca valesiaca, виды Helictotrichon, Poa, Phleum phleoides, Ligularia thomsonii) cover, locally with mountain xerophytes (species of gg. Acantholimon, Onobrychis, Cousinia) 31 Slopes of low mountains with petrophytic sagebrush–shrub ecosystems: 31-6 Hissar–Darvaz petrophytic sagebrush–shrub (Amygdalus spinosissima, Rosa kokanica) communities with Artemisia tenuisecta in combination with communities of hypsophytes (Salvia bucharica, Ajuga turkestanica, Otostegia bucharica, Matthiola obovata, Astragalus cottonianus) 31-8 Alai–Turkestan petrophytic sagebrush–shrub (Atraphaxis seravschanica, Ephedra equisetina, Artemisia prolixa, Astragalus bactrianus) communities Steppe ecosystems in low and middle mountains 32 Slopes of middle mountains with rich forb–fescue steppes: 32-11 Dzungaria – North Tien Shan rich forb–fescue steppes with Stipa zalesskii, S. kirghisorum, S. capillata, Poa stepposa, Medicago falcata, Origanum vulgare, Lathyrus pratensis, Thalictrum simplex, Iris brevituba in combination with shrubs’ thickets (Caragana pleiophylla, Rosa platyacantha, Cotoneaster multiflorus, C. melanocarpus, C. polyanthemus, Spiraea lasiocarpa) 32-12 Atbashi–Kirghiz rich forb–grass–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa kirghisorum, Helictotrichon pubescens Helictotrichon desertorum, Betonica officinalis, Phlomis pratense, Origanum tyttanthum) in combination with thickets of shrubs (Rosa kokanica, Rosa spinosissima Spiraea hypericifolia), locally with juniper (Juniperus semiglobosa) open woodlands 33 steppes: Slopes of middle mountains with feather grass–fescue and fescue–feather grass 33-11 Dzungaria – North Tien Shan forb–feather grass–fescue and forb–fescue–feather grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Koeleria cristata, Ajania fastigiata, Salvia stepposa) steppes with shrubs (Rosa beggeriana, R. platyacantha, Cotoneaster oliganthus, Atraphaxis frutescens); with pea shrubs Caragana pleiophylla, C. pruinosa in Terskei Alatau 34 Slopes of middle mountains with low bunch grass steppes: 34-3 Kashgaria–Tien Shan feather grass–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Koeleria cristata, Ajania fastigiata, Artemisia borotalensis) and sagebrush–low bunch grass (Agropyron pectinatum, Stipa krylovii, S. desertorum, Koeleria cristata, Artemisia borotalensis) steppes, locally in combination with halopetrophytic desert (Reaumuria kaschgarica, Sympegma regelii) communities. 35 Slopes of low mountains с dwarf semishrub–feather grass steppes: 35-11 Dzungaria–North Tien Shan sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, Artemisia heptapotamica, Salsola arbusculiformis) steppes with shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia), locally in combination with petrophytic dwarf shrub (Helianthemum songaricum, Convolvulus tragacanthoides, Lagochilus pungens) communities 35-12 Atbashi–Kirghiz dwarf semishrub–feather grass (Stipa desertorum, S. caucasica, Cleistogenes squarrosa, Artemisia issykkulensis, Ceratoides papposa, Kochia prostrata) steppes, locally with shrubs (Caragana kirghisorum, C. leucophloea) Ecosystems of ephemeroid–bunch grass steppes 36 Slopes of low and middle mountains with ephemeroid–forb–bunch grass steppes: 36-9 West Tien Shan rich forb–grass–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Poa bulbosa, Helictotrichon desertorum, Betonica officinalis, Origanum tyttanthum, Ferula tenuisecta, Allochruza gypsophiloides) steppes in combination with shrubs’ thickets (Rosa kokanica, Spiraea hypericifolia, Cerasus erythrocarpa, C. tianschanica) 36-10 Kara Tau forb–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, Ferula tenuisecta) steppes and mountain xerophytes (Convolvulus lineatus, Artemisia karatavica, Stipa caucasica, Nepeta mariae, Lophanthus schrenkii, Tanacetum turlanicum) 36-12 Atbashi–Kirghiz hemiephemeroid–forb–feather grass–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata S. kirghisorum, Koeleria cristata, Elytrigia trichophora, Botriochloa ischaemum, Hypericum scabrum, Eremurus tianschanicus, Ferula kuhistanica) steppes with shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia) and mountain xerophytes (species of gg. Acantholimon, Astragalus) 36-12o Agricultural lands on their place 37 Slopes of low and middle mountains with ephemeroid– low bunch grass–grass steppes: 37-12 Atbashi–Kirghiz ephemeroid–sagebrush –low bunch grass (Agropyron pectinatum, Stipa krylovii, S. brevifolia, Artemisia dubjanskyi, A. tianschanica, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa) steppes, locally with mountain xerophytes (Acantholimon alatavicum, Convolvulus tragacanthoides) and shrubs (Caragana pruinosa, C. leucophloea) 37-12o Agricultural lands on their place 38 Slopes of low mountains and high ouval piedmonts with ephemeroid–sagebrush– feather grass steppes: 38-11 Dzungaria–North Tien Shan ephemeroid–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, S. caucasica, Festuca valesiaca, виды Artemisia, Kochia prostrata, Poa bulbosa) steppes with shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia, Cerasus tianschanica, species of gg. Atraphaxis, Rosa) 38-11o Agricultural lands on their place 38-12 Atbashi–Kirghiz ephemeroid–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, S. caucasica, Festuca valesiaca, species of gg. Artemisia, Kochia prostrata, Poa bulbosa) steppes, locally in combination with petrophytic shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia rutifolia, A. juncea, Artemisia valida, A. pallida, Ephedra intermedia, Convolvulus tragacanthoides) communities, sometimes, with mountain xerophytes Ecosystems of dwarf semishrub and mountain ephemeroid–sagebrush phryganoids in middle and low mountains 39 Slopes of middle and low mountains with mountain xerophyte–ephemeroid–grass– sagebrush and sagebrush–grass steppes: 39-4 Kopet Dagh mountain xerophyte–ephemeroid–grass–sagebrush (Artemisia turcomanica, A. ciniformis, A. balchanorum, Stipa turcomanica, Astracantha densissima, Cousinia antonovii, Hulthemia persica, Ferula diversivittata) steppes in combination with petrophytic shrub communities 39-7 Badakhshan mountain xerophyte–ephemeroid–grass–sagebrush (Artemisia korshinskyi, A. lehmanniana, Stipa turkestanica, Acantholimon parviflorum, Eremogone griffithii) steppes 39-8 Alai–Turkestan mountain xerophyte–ephemeroid–grass–sagebrush (Artemisia glaucina, A. prolixa, Stipa caucasica, Botriochloa ischaemum, Astracantha pterocephala, Acantholimon alatavicum) steppes 40 Slopes of low mountains with mountain ephemeroid–shrub–sagebrush communities: 40-4 Kopet Dagh petrophytic shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia balchanorum, A. turcomanica, Zygophyllum atriplicoides, Atraphaxis spinosa, Amygdalus turcomanica, Zosima orientalis) communities with mountain xerophytes in combination with ephemeroid– sedge–bulbous blue grass communities 40-5 Badghyz–Karabil petrophytic shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia turcomanica, A. badhysi, Amygdalus turcomanica, Astracantha meana, Pteropyrum aucheri) communities with Pistacia vera 40-6 Hissar–Darvaz petrophytic shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia czukavinae, A. scotina, Zygophyllum gontscharovii, Otostegia olgae, Hammada leptoclada, Phlomis bucharica), locally with Pistacia vera in combination with gypsophytic communities on outcrops of Tertiary sediments 40-8 Alai–Turkestan petrophytic shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia prasina, A. eremophylla, Atraphaxis seravschanica, Rhamnus coriaria, Phlomis thapsoides) communities in combination with Jerusalem-sage–sedge communities 40-10 Kara Tau petrophytic shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia karatavica, Agropyron pectinatum, Achnatherum caragana, Jurinea eximia, Lepidolopha karatavica, L. komarowii, Poa bulbosa, Phlomis salicifolia) communities 41 Slopes of low mountains with petrophytic ephemeroid–sagebrush communities: 41-4 Kopet Dagh hemipetrophytic ephemeroid–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia, Artemisia badhysi, A. kopetdaghensis, species of g. Phlomis, Poa bulbosa, Ephemerae) communities, locally with Zygophyllum atriplicoides, Atraphaxis spinosa, Pteropyrum aucheri, Astracantha meana) in combination with ephemeral–sedge–bulbous blue grass and, sometimes, in combination with petrophytic shrub communities 41-5 Badghyz–Karabil ephemeroid–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia badhysi, A. scoparia, Carex pachystylis, Erysimum badghysi) communities 41-6 Hissar–Darvaz petrophytic and hemipetrophytic ephemeroid–sagebrush (Artemisia prasina, A. kochiiformis, A. scotina, Phlomis thapsoides, Ph. bucharica, Alcea baldsсhuanica, Cousinia resinosa) communities with participation or in combination with petrophytic shrubs (Amygdalus spinosissima, Atraphaxis pyrifolia, A. spinosa, Hammada leptoclada) 41-7 Badakhshan ephemeroid–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia vachanica, Hammada wakhan–ica, Eremurus fuscus, Ferula foetidissima, F. grigoriewii, Crambe schugnana, Prangos pabularia) communities, in combination with petrophytic shrub (Ephedra persica, Rosa korshinskiana, Berberis nummularia, Ampelopsis aegirophylla) communities 41-8 Alai–Turkestan ephemeroid–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia namanganica, Phlomis thapsoides, Cousinia karatavica, Anura pallidivirens, Eremostachys eriocalyx) communities in combination with petrophytic shrub (Amygdalus spinosissima, Astragalus bactrianus, Rhamnus coriacea) and hemipetrophytic ephemeroid–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia prolixa, A. sogdiana, Phlomis thapsoides, Poa bulbosa, Ephemerae) communities 41-9 West Tien Shan ephemeroid–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia namanganica, Eremurus sogdianus, Cousinia microcarpa, Allochrusa paniculata) communities in combination with petrophytic shrub ones 41-10 Kara Tau ephemeroid–forb–sagebrush (Artemisia karatavica, Convolvulus pseudo–cantabrica, Cousinia dolycholepis, Stipa caspia, S. hohenackerana) communities in combination with petrophytic shrub (Amygdalus spinosissima, Cerasus verrucosa, Atraphaxis pyrifolia, Spiraea hypericifolia) ones 41-10o Agricultural lands on their place 42 High piedmonts and low mountains with halopetrophytic and gypsophytic aggregations on outcrops of multicoloured Tertiary sediments: 42-4 Kopet Dagh ephemeral–dwarf semishrub (Salsola aucheri, Noaea mucronata, Artemisia gypsacea, Cleome turkmena, Zygophyllum atriplicoides) communities in combination with hypsophytes’ communities on outcrops of Tertiary sediments 42-6 Hissar–Darvaz ephemeral–dwarf semishrub (Artemisia prasina, A. scotina, Cousinia spryginii, Spryginia undulata, Ferula bucharica, Chesneya tribuloides), with petrophytic shrubs (Zygophyllum gontscharovii, Amygdalus spinosissima, Hammada leptoclada) Ecosystems of savannoid piedmonts and low mountains (with ephemeral-ephemeroid vegetation) 43 High piedmonts and low mountains with tall grass and shrub–tall grass savannoids: 43-9 West Tien Shan shrub–tall grass and tall grass (Elytrigia trichophora, Hordeum bulbosum, Phlomis salicifolia, Althaea nudiflora, Eremurus regelii, Salvia macrosiphon, Potentilla fedtschenkoana, Achillea millefolium, Hypericum perforatum, Ferula tenuisecta, Rosa kokanica, Spiraea hypericifolia, Cerasus tianschanica, Calophaca tianschanica) communities 44 High piedmonts with ephemeral–sedge– bulbous blue grass savannoids with tall herbs and xerophytic forbs 44-4 Kopet Dagh ephemeral–sagebrush–bulbous blue grass–sedge (Сarex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa, Artemisia badhysi, Haplophyllum pedicillatum, Iris longiscapa, Nonea caspica, Delphinium semibarbatum, Gentiana olivieri) communities 44-5 Badghyz–Karabil ephemeral–sedge–bulbous blue grass communities with tall herbs (Ferula badrakema, Pseudohandelia umbellifera, Crambe kotschiana, Astragalus agameticus) and sedge–bulbous blue grass communities with Eremostachys napuligera, Heteropappus canescens, Ferula oopoda 44-5x Long-term secondary communities on their place 44-6 Hissar–Darvaz ephemeral–sedge–bulbous blue grass with xerophytic forbs (Cousinia resinosa, Astragalus filicaulis, Ranunculus pinnatisectus, Aphanopleura capillifolia) locally with annual saltworts 44-6x Long-term secondary sedge–bulbous blue grass–ephemeral and ephemeral–sedge– bulbous blue grass communities with Psoralea drupacea, Centaurea squarrosa, Cousinia congesta, Iris longiscapa Artemisia scoparia, locally with Lagonychium farctum 44-6o Agricultural lands on their place Piedmont deserts and intermountain depressions Ecosystems of piedmont deserts and intermountain depressions Ecosystems of Middle Asian type of tall and low herb savannoids (ephemeralephemeroid) in low-mountain and high-mountain piedmonts 45 High ouval piedmonts and piedmont plains with domination of tall herb savannoids: 45-17 West Tien Shan wheat-grass and barley ((Elytrigia trichophora, Hordeum bulbosum, Poa bulbosa, Phlomis salicifolia, Althaea nudiflora, Eremurus regeli, Salvia macrosiphon, Potentilla fedtschenkoana, Achillea millefolium, Hypericum perforatum) communities of tall grass savannoids 45-17o Agricultural lands on their place 46 Piedmont plains with domination of tall herb–sedge–bulbous blue grass and bulbous blue grass–sedge communities of low herb savannoids: 46-15 Hissar-Darvaz ephemeral-bulbous blue grass–sedge and ephemeral–Jerusalemsage–ephemeroid (Carex pachystilis, Poa bulbosa, Phlomis thapsoides, P. bucharica) communities, with tall herbs Ferula tadshikorum, F. Bucharica in combination with petrophytic shrub (Amygdalus spinosissima, Ephedra intermedia, Atraphaxis spinosa) thickets 46-16 Alai-Turkestan ephemeral–sagebrush–bulbous blue grass–sedge (Carex pachystilis, Poa bulbosa, Phlomis thapsoides, Psoralea drupacea, Artemisia namanganica, A. prolixa) communities in combination with petrophytic shrub (Amygdalus spinosissima, Astragalus bactrianus, Hulthemia persica) thickets 46-17 West Tien Shan ephemeral–sedge–bulbous blue grass (Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystilis, Handelia trichophylla, Eremurus sogdianus, Phlomis salicifolia) communities of low herb savannoids 47 Piedmont plains with xerophytic-forb–sedge—bulbous blue grass communities of low herb savannoids: 47-15 Hissar-Darvaz xerophytic-forb–sedge–bulbous blue grass (Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystilis, Phlomis thapsoides, P. bucharica, Alcea baldschuanica) communities of low herb savannoids 47-15x Long-term secondary ephemeroid-ephemeral savannoids with Psoralea drupacea, Cousinia resinosa, Cynodon dactylon, locally with Lagonychium farctum 47-150 Agricultural lands on their place 47-16 Alai-Turkestan ephemeral–bulbous blue grass–sedge (Carex pachystilis, Poa bulbosa, Psoralea drupacea, Phlomis thapsoides) communities of low herb savannoids 47-16o Agricultural lands on their place 47-17 West Tien Shan communities of sagebrush Artemisia namanganica, with Phlomis thapsoides, Cousinia karatavica, Anura pallidivirens, Eremostachys eriocalyx in combination with petrophytic shrub (Amygdalus spinosissima, Astragalus bactrianus, Rhamnus coriacea) thickets 48 Piedmont plains with domination of hemipsammophytic ephemeral-ephemeroid low herb savannoids on loamy sands with psammophytic shrubs: 48-14 Badghyz-Karabil ephemeral–sedge and forb–sedge–bulbous blue grass (Carex pachystilis, Poa bulbosa, Rheum tataricum, Cousinia schistoptera, Erysimum badghysi) savannoids, locally with tall herbs (Ferula oopoda) in combination with psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum setosum, C. eriopodum, Astragalus unifoliatus, Carex physodes) communities 48-14x Long-term secondary sedge–bulbous blue grass–ephemeral communities in combination with grass– ephemeral ones 48-16 Alai-Turkestan ephemeral–bulbous blue grass–sedge (Сarex pachystilis, C. physodes, Poa bulbosa, Psoralea drupacea, Cousinia syrdariensis, Artemisia scoparia, species of g. Calligonum, locally with Glycyrrhiza glabra, Karelinia caspia, Alhagi sparsifolia) communities of low herb savannoids 49 Hilly sands and aeolian plains with psammophytic shrub and psammophytic-shrub– ephemeroid low herb savannoids: 49-14 Badghyz-Karabil psammophytic ephemeral–sandy sedge–Calligonum sp. (Calligonum eriopodum, C. turkestanicum, Carex physodes, Ephemerae) communities in combination with ephemeral–sedge–bulbous blue grass communities of low herb savannoids 50 Piedmont plains with ephemeroid–bulbous blue grass–sedge and sedge–bulbous blue grass communities of low herb savannoids with annual saltworts: 50-13 Kopet Dagh ephemeral–bulbous blue grass–sedge communities with annual saltworts (Carex pachystilis, Poa bulbosa, Salsola sclerantha, Halocharis hispida, Girgensohnia oppositiflora) 50-15 Hissar-Darvaz ephemeral–bulbous blue grass–sedge (Сarex pachystilis, Poa bulbosa, Halocharis hispida, Suaeda paradoxa, locally with Salsola dendroides) communities 50-16 Alai-Turkestan ephemeral–bulbous blue grass–sedge communities with annual saltworts (Halocharis hispida, Suaeda paradoxa, locally with Salsola dendroides) 50-16x Long-term secondary bulbous blue grass–ephemeral communities with saltworts (Salsola sclerantha) 50-16o Agricultural lands on their place 50-17 West Tien Shan ephemeral–bulbous blue grass–sedge communities with annual saltworts (Сarex pachystilis, Poa bulbosa, with Artemisia namanganica, Salsola sclerantha, Halocharis hispida) in combination with saltwort-dwarf semishrub communities 50-17o Agricultural lands on their place Ecosystems of Middle Asian type of ephemeroid–dwarf semishrub and ephemeroid– shrub piedmont deserts 51 Piedmont inclined plains with ephemeroid-sagebrush deserts: 51-13. Kopet Dagh ephemeroid–sagebrush (Artemisia kemrudica, Poa bulbosa) and ephemeroid-sagebrush (Artemisia turanica, A. badhysi, Poa bulbosa, Carex physodes, Aelenia glauca, Cousinia lyrata) deserts 51-13o Agricultural lands on their place 51-15 Hissar-Darvaz ephemeroid-sagebrush (Artemisia diffusa, Carex pachystylis, C. physodes, Poa bulbosa, Aelenia subaphylla, Lagonychium farctum) communities, locally in combination with deserts of Hammada leptoclada 51–15o Agricultural lands on their place 51-17 West Tien Shan ephemeroid-sagebrush (Artemisia turanica, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa, Stipa hohenackerana) deserts 52 Piedmont plains with ephemeroid–annual saltwort–sagebrush deserts: 52-14 Badghyz-Karabil ephemeroid–sagebrush deserts with annual saltworts (Artemisia turanica, Salsola leptoclada, Gamanthus gamocarpus, Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis, Salsola orientalis) 52-16 Alai-Turkestan ephemeroid–sagebrush deserts with annual saltworts (Artemisia diffusa, Salsola sclerantha, S. turkestanica, Halocharis hispida, Girgensohnia oppositiflora, Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis c Salsola orientalis, Aellenia subaphylla) 52-16x Annual saltwort––sagebrush (Artemisia cina, Gamanthus gamocarpus, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa) communities 52-17 West Tien Shan annual saltwort–ephemeroid–sagebrush (Artemisia cina, Gamanthus gamocarpus, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa) deserts 53 Piedmont plains with hemipsammophytic ephemeroid–sagebrush deserts on loamy sands: 53-17 Alai-Turkestan ephemeroid–sagebrush (Artemisia diffusa, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa, Ferula foetida, Iris sogdiana, Stipa hohenackerana, Astragalus villosissimus, Convolvulus hamadae) deserts 53-17 West syrdariensis) deserts Tien Shan ephemeroid–sagebrush (Psoralea drupacea, Cousinia 53-17x Ephemeroid-ephemeral (Anisantha tectorum, Taeniatherum crinitum, Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis, Diartron vesiculosum, Artemisia serotina) communities on fallow lands and lands with pasture digression 53-170 Agricultural lands on their place 54 Piedmont plains with ephemeroid–perennial saltwort deserts: 54-13 Kopet Dagh ephemeroid–perennial saltwort deserts (Salsola gemmascens, Poa bulbosa) 53-170 Agricultural lands on their place 55 Ridge and rocky “sopochnik”, outcrops with petrophytic sagebrush–perennial saltwort deserts: 55-13 Kopet Dagh ephemeroid–sagebrush–perennial saltwort (Salsola orientalis, S. gemmascens, Artemisia deserta, A. lobulifolia, Poa bulbosa, with Climacoptera lanata, C. turcomanica, C. ferganica) deserts 55-17 West Tien Shan ephemeroid–perennial saltwort (Salsola orientalis, S. arbusculi– formis, S. gemmascens, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa, Zygophyllum ferganense, Poa bulbosa, Artemisia diffusa) deserts Psammophytic shrub and saxaul deserts 56 Hilly sands with ephemeroid–psammophytic-shrub deserts: 56-13 Kopet Dagh ephemeroid–Calligonum sp. communities (Calligonum setosum, C. microcarpum, C. eriopodum, C. caput-medusae, Poa bulbosa, Carex physodes, Astragalus ammodendron, Mausolea eriocarpa) on weakly stabilized hilly sands 56-13x Long-term secondary communities with Stipagrostis pennata, Ammodendron conollyi 56-14 Badghyz-Karabil ephemeroid–perennial saltwort deserts (Salsola richteri, Poa bulbosa, Carex physodes, Calligonum setosum, Astragalus unifoliolatus) on hilly and hilly-ridge, weakly stabilized sands 56-15 Hissar-Darvaz ephemeroid–psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum microcarpum, Salsola richteri, Carex pachystylis, C. physodes, Haloxylon persicum, with Lagonychium farctum) deserts 56-16 Alai-Turkestan ephemeroid–Calligonum communities (Calligonum setosum, C. microcarpum, C. eriopodum, C. caput-medusae, Astragalus villosissimus, Haloxylon persicum Poa bulbosa, Carex physodes) on weakly stabilized, hilly sands 56-16x Long-term secondary communities with Ammodendron conollyi, Astragalus villosissimus 57 Hilly and ridge sands with ephemeroid–white saxaul deserts: 57-17 West Tien Shan ephemeroid—white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa) and ephemeroid–psammophytic-shrub (Ammodendron conollyi, Calligonum leucocladum, C. setosum, Astragalus paucijugus, Psoralea drupacea, Dendrostellera arenaria) deserts 57-17x ephemeroid–psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum leucocladum, C. setosum, Ammodendron conollyi, Poa bulbosa, Psoralea drupacea) communities on broken sands Wintergreen annual and biennial deserts 58 Piedmont inclined plains with ephemeral communities: 58-13 Kopet Dagh annual saltwort–annual grass (Calligonum leucocladum, C. setosum, Ammodendron conollyi, Poa bulbosa, Psoralea drupacea) communities Thalloid deserts 59 Piedmont plains with thalloid (algal, lichen) communities on takyr and takyr-like soils: 59-13 Kopet Dagh algal (Microcoleus vaginatus, Phormidium paulsenianum, P. autumnale, Psora decipiens, Diploschistes scrupposus, Fulgensis fulgens) and lichen (Psora decipiens, Fulgensia fulgens, Diploschistes scrupposus, Microcleus vaginatus, Phormidium autumnale, P. paulsenianum) communities in combination with annual saltwort (Petrosimonia glauca, Agriophyllum latifolium, Gamanthus gamocarpus), perennial saltwort (Salsola dendroides, S. orientalis, Suaeda microphylla) and sagebrush (Artemisia badhysi) communities 59-13x Agricultural lands on their place 59-15 Hissar-Darvaz thalloid and annual saltwort (Agriophyllum paletzkianum, Gamanthus commixtus) communities 59-15o Agricultural lands on their place Hyperhalophytic dwarf semishrub on solonchak 60 Solonchak depressions with annual saltwort–halophytic dwarf semishrub deserts: 60-14 Badghyz-Karabil communities of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of annual saltworts (Halopeplis pygmaea, Bienertia cycloptera Climacoptera korshinskyi, Suaeda arcuata, Artemisia oliveriana), of Psylliostachys leptostachya and ephemeral–annual saltwort–halophytic-dwarf semishrub (species of Artemisia, Limonium, Halocharis hispida, Salsola sclerantha, Gamanthus gamocarpus, Ephemerae) halophytic deserts 60-15 Hissar-Darvaz communities of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of annual saltworts (Climacoptera korshinskyi, Suaeda arcuata Psylliostachys leptostachya) and ephemeral–annual saltwort–halophytic-dwarf semishrub (species of Artemisia, Limonium, Halocharis hispida, Salsola sclerantha, Gamanthus gamocarpus, Ephemerae) halophytic deserts Ecosystems of North Tien Shanian type of dwarf semishrub and shrub deserts with grasses and ephemeroid on serozem 61 Piedmont plains with domination of sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids: 61-17 West Tien Shan Salsola orientalis–sagebrush (Artemisia turanica, Salsola orientalis, Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis, Catabrosella humilis) deserts 61-18 Kara Tau sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids (Artemisia turanica, A. terraealbae, Poa bulbosa) 61-19 North Tien Shan sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids (Artemisia terrae-albae, Poa bulbosa) 61-20 Tarbagatai grass-sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids (Artemisia heptapotamica, A. semiarida, Stipa sareptana, S. richterana, Poa bulbosa) 61-20o Agricultural lands on their place 62 Piedmont plains with grass-sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids: 62-19 North Tien Shan feather grass–sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa sareptana, S. richterana, Poa bulbosa) 62-19x Long-term secondary (Ceratocarpus utriculosus, Artemisia semiarida, Kochia prostrata) communities 62-19o Agricultural lands on their place 63 Piedmont plains with domination of complex sagebrush and feather grass– sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids: 63-18 Kara Tau complex deserts of sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae) with Poa bulbosa, Salsola arbusculiformis and Nanophyton erinaceum–Anabasis salsa communities 63-19 North Tien Shan complex deserts of feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia terraealbae, Stipa sareptana, S. richterana) with bulbous blue grass (Poa bulbosa), of sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana), sometimes, of Atriplex cana 63-20 Tarbagatai complex deserts of feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, A. heptapotamica, Stipa sareptana, S. richterana) with bulbous blue grass (Poa bulbosa), of sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana), sometimes, of Atriplex cana 64 Piedmont plains with hemipsammophytic grass–sagebrush deserts: 64-19 North Tien Shan grass–summer cypress–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Kochia prostrata, Stipa sareptana, Agropyron fragile) deserts with Poa bulbosa. 64-19x Ceratocarpus arenarius–Artemisia scoparia communities 64-19o Agricultural lands on their place 65 Piedmont plains with hemipetrophytic grass–sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids: 65-19 North Tien Shan Sagebrush deserts with grasses and ephemeroids (Artemisia semiarida, A. heptapotamica Artemisia sublessingiana, Kochia prostrata, Poa bulbosa, Stipa richterana, S. macroglossa) 65-19x Long-term secondary communities of Ceratocarpus arenarius with ephemeras and ephemeroids (Poa bulbosa, Catabrosella humilis, Lepidium perfoliatum) 65-19o Agricultural lands on their place 65-20 Tarbagatai grass–sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids (Artemisia sublessingiana, A. heptapotamica, Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Poa bulbosa) 65-20o Agricultural lands on their place 66 Melkosopochnik with petrophytic grass–sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids: 66-19 North Tien Shan grass–sagebrush (Artemisia sublessingiana, A. juncea, A. terraealbae, Stipa hohenackerana, S. richterana, S. sareptana, S. orientalis, S. caucasica, Ephedra intermedia, Acanthophyllum pungens, Atraphaxis compacta, Cerasus tianschanica, Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis) deserts with ephemeroids 66-20 Tarbagatai grass–sagebrush (Artemisia sublessingiana, A. juncea, A. terrae-albae, Stipa hohenackerana, S. richterana, S. caucasica, Ephedra intermedia, Acanthophyllum pungens, Atraphaxis compacta, Cerarus tianschanica with Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis) deserts with ephemeroids 67 Hilly sands with psammophytic grass–sagebrush deserts: 67-19 North Tien Shan grass-sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Ephedra lomatolepis, Ferula dubjanskyi, Agropyron fragile, Stipa sareptana, Poa bulbosa, Phragmites australis) communities on thin plain sands 67-20 Tarbagatai grass–sagebrush (Artemisia kaschgarica, A. terrae-albae, Syrenia sesseliflora, Dendrostellera stachyoides) communities 67-20x Forb–grass–summer cypress (Kochia prostrata, Agropyron fragile, Stipa lessingiana, Helichrysum arenarium, Eremurus inderiensis) communities Perennial saltwort deserts 68 Hemipetrophytic perennial saltwort deserts with ephemeroids: 68-18 Kara Tau sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terraealbae, Poa bulbosa, Catabrosella humilis, Leontice incerta) deserts, locally in complex with Nanophyton erinaceum communities 68-19 North Tien Shan sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae) deserts with Poa bulbosa, Catabrosella humilis, Leontice incerta, locally in complex with Nanophyton erinaceum and Anabasis salsa communities 69 Melkosopochnik with petrophytic grass–sagebrush–black salsola deserts with ephemeroids: 69-18 Kara Tau grass–sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis Artemisia terrae-albae, A. turanica, Stipa richterana, Acanthophyllum pungens, Ephedra intermedia, Poa bulbosa, Catabrosella humilis) deserts with ephemeroids 69-19 North Tien Shan grass–sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. sublessingiana, Stipa orientalis, Allium galanthum, Artemisia juncea, Ferula dissecta, F. syreitschikowii) deserts with ephemeroids Psammophytic-sagebrush, psammophytic-grass and psammophytic-dwarf shrub deserts 70 Aeolian plains and hilly sands with psammophytic grass–sagebrush and grass–eurotia deserts: 70-19 North Tien Shan summer cypress–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Kochia prostrata, Stipa sareptana, Poa bulbosa) and psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum aphyllum, Ammodendron bifolium, Dendrostellera arenaria, D. ammodendron, Artemisia albicerata, A. scoparia) deserts on leveled thin sands; wheat grass–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Agropyron fragile, Carex physodes, Poa bulbosa, Ephedra lomatolepis) and psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum aphyllum, Atraphaxis replicata, Ephedra lomatolepis, Artemisia songarica) deserts on low-ridge, stabilized sands in combination with sagebrush-eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, Poa bulbosa) communities on hilly sands 70-19x Long-term secondary sagebrush (Artemisia scoparia, Vexibia alopecuroides, Ceratocarpus utriculosus, Ceratoides papposa) communities on broken sands 71 Hilly sands and aeolian plains with psammophytic grass and ephemeroid–sagebrush deserts: 71-19 North Tien Shan wheat grass (Agropyron fragile, Ceratoides papposa, Dendrostellera arenaria, D. ammodendron, Catabrosella humilis) deserts on low-hilly sands and psammophytic-shrub–wheat grass deserts on slopes and tops of hills in combination with ephemeroid–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Carex physodes, Catabrosella humilis) communities on low-hilly, stabilized sands 71-19x Long-term secondary communities of ephedra (Ephedra lomatolepis, Artemisia scoparia, Ceratoides papposa, Dendrostellera arenaria, D. ammodendron) on broken sands 72 Sands with psammophytic-shrub deserts: 72-19 North Tien Shan psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum aphyllum, C. leucocladum, Ammodendron bifolium, Astragalus brachypus, Agropyron fragile, Stipagrostis pennata with Carex physodes) and wheat grass (Agropyron fragile, Artemisia terrae-albae, Carex physodes) communities on high-ridge and hilly–ridge sands with weak stabilization 72-19x Long-term secondary sagebrush (Artemisia albicerata, A. leucodes, A. scoparia, Ceratoides papposa, Goebelia alopecuroides, Ephedra lomatolepis) communities on broken sands Hyperhalophytic dwarf semishrub deserts on solonchak 73 Solonchak depressions and salted valleys with Halimione verucifera–Atriplex cana deserts: 73-18 Kara Tau deserts of annual saltwort–Halocnemum strobilaceum (Halocnemum strobilaceum, Climacoptera crassa, C. obtusifolia, C. brachiata, Ofaiston monandrum, species of g. Suaeda), of Halimione verucifera, of Kalidium sp. (Kalidium foliatum, K. caspicum, K. Schrenkianum), of camphor-fume (Camphorosma monspeliaca), of Aeluropus littoralis, of sagebrush (species of g. Artemisia) and, also Suaeda–orach (Atriplex cana, Suaeda physophora) communities 73-19 North Tien Shan deserts of annual saltworts (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda acuminata, Petrosimonia triandra), of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of Halimione verrucifera, also, halophytic-forb–halophytic-grass (species of gg. Puccinellia, Aeluropus, Leymus, Glycyrrhiza, Plantago salsa, Saussurea salsa, Limonium gmelinii) communities and thickets of silvery salt tree (Halimodendron halodendron Artemisia schrenkiana) 74 Salted valleys and depressions near lakes with Halostachys caspica– Tamarix hispida communities on solonchak: 74-19 North Tien Shan deserts of annual saltworts (Salicornia europaea, species of gg. Suaeda, Climacoptera), of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of Halimione verrucifera (Halimione verrucifera, Artemisia schrenkiana), of Aeluropus littoralis, of Halostachys caspica, of Kalidium caspicum, of Tamarix hispida Ecosystems of Central Asian type of dwarf semishrub and shrub deserts in intermountain depressions 75 Inclined plains with grass–sagebrush deserts: 75-21 Central Tien Shan grass-sagebrush (Artemisia issykkulensis, Ceratoides papposa, Helianthemum songaricum, Cleistogenes squarrosa, Stipa desertorum, S. breviflora) deserts, locally with shrubs (Caragana kirghisorum, C. leucophloea) and dwarf semishrub (Reaumuria kaschgarica, Sympegma regelii, Limonium kaschgaricum, Artemisia issykkulensis, Ceratoides papposa, Stipa desertorum) deserts 75-22 Dzungaria feather grass–summer cypress–sagebrush (Artemisia heptapotamica, Kochia prostrata, Stipa sareptana, S. richterana) deserts 75-23 Zaisan complex deserts of short feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia sublessingiana, Stipa sareptana, Allium polyrhizum), of Anabasis salsa and lichen–Nanophyton erinaceum (Nanophyton erinaceum, Parmelia vagans) communities 76 deserts: Melkosopochnik with petrophytic grass–perennial saltwort and grass–sagebrush 76-22 Dzungaria sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia heptapotamica, A. juncea, Stipa caucasica, S. richterana, S. orientalis, Ephedra intermedia) communities 76-23 Zaisan combination of: lichen–Nanophyton erinaceum–short feather grass– sagebrush (Artemisia sublessingiana, Stipa sareptana, Nanophyton erinaceum, Parmelia vagans) communities and spirea–pea shrub (Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia) thickets on sandy soils; Parmelia vagans–Nanophyton erinaceum–Anabasis salsa communities on quartzite; Anabasis salsa–Atriplex cana communities on outcrops of Tertiary sediments 77 Hilly and ridge sands with psammophytic grass–sandy-sagebrush and psammophyticshrub deserts: 77-23 Zaisan wheat-grass–sandy-sagebrush (Artemisia xanthochroa, A. santolina, Agropyron fragile), sandy-sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. sareptana, Artemisia xanthochroa, A. arenaria, Agropyron fragile, A. cristatum, Carex supina) and Calligonum sp. deserts (Calligonum rubicundum, C. spinosissimus, C. crispum, C. flavidum, Ceratoides papposa, Hedysarum scoparium) on stabilized plain sands, locally in combination with grass and woody-shrub communities in “churot” (Phragmites australlis, Salix sp., Hippophae rhamnoides, Populus alba, P. euphratica) on stabilized and weakly stabilized, high-ridge sands Dwarf semishrub deserts 78 Plains and plateaus in intermountain depressions with perennial saltwort deserts: 78-21 Central Tien Shan dwarf semishrub (Reaumuria kaschgarica, Sympegma regelii, Limonium kaschgaricum, Artemisia issykkulensis, Ceratoides papposa) communities, locally with Stipa desertorum and perennial saltwort (Suaeda physophora, Salsola gemmascens) communities with Psathyrostachys hyalantha, Artemisia nigricans 78-22 Dzungaria communities of Nanophyton erinaceum, of Arthrophytum sp. (Arthrophytum iliense, A. balchaschense), of Anabasis sp. (Anabasis elatior, A. truncata, A. еriopoda, Zygophyllum rosowii) 79 Plains in intermountain depressions with complex black salsola deserts: 79-22 Dzungaria complexes of sagebrush-black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae albae, А. sublessingiana) and perennial saltwort (Anabasis salsa) communities 80 Plains in intermountain depressions with hemipetrophytic saxaul deserts: 80-22 Dzungaria perennial saltwort–saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron, Salsola laricifolia, Arthrophytum balchaschense, Iljinia regelii) communities in combination with grass– sagebrush–shrub (Caragana leucophloea, Atraphaxis compacta, Artemisia sublessingiana, Stipa richterana, S. orientalis) deserts 81 Melkosopochnik in intermountain depressions with petrophytic perennial saltwort deserts: 81-22 Dzungaria Salsola laricifolia communities (Salsola laricifolia, Nanophyton erinaceum, Kaschgaria komarovii, Ephedra intermedia) 82 Hilly and ridge sands in intermountain depressions with psammophytic mixed-saxaul deserts: 82-22 Dzungaria sedge–sagebrush–mixed-saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, H. persicum, Ammodendron bifolium, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, Artemisia santolina, A. albicerata, Carex physodes) and psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum aphyllum, Salsola arbuscula) communities on weakly stabilized, hilly and hilly-ridge sands 83 Hilly sands with psammophytic black saxaul deserts: 83-22 Dzungaria sagebrush–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. santolina A. songarica, Carex physodes, Salsola arbuscula, S. orientalis) communities on stabilized gentle-hilly sands 83-22x Long-term secondary annual saltwort-sagebrush (Artemisia Horaninovia ulicina, Corispermum aralo-caspicum) communities on broken sands leucodes, Ecosystems of hyperhalophytic dwarf semishrub deserts on solonchak 84 Solonchak depressions, solonchak near lakes with Salicornia europea–Kalidium caspicum deserts: 84-22 Dzungaria communities of annual saltworts (Salicornia europea, species of gg. Suaeda, Climacoptera), of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of Halostachys caspica, of Kalidium caspicum, of Tamarix hispida Desert ecosystems of plains and melkosopochnik Ecosystems of southern warm-temperate deserts Ecosystems of isolated low mountains 85 Isolated low mountains with domination of semishrub and petrophytic-shrub– sagebrush deserts: 85-28 Kyzyl Kum sagebrush (Artemisia diffusa, Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis) and petrophytic-shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia turanica, Atraphaxis spinosa, Salsola arbusculiformis, Salsola orientalis, Convolvulus fruticosus, Rhamnus sintenisii, Poa bulbosa, Carex pachystylis) deserts on grey-brown cobble-stony soils Ecosystems of plateaus and elevated plains 86 Plateaus with domination of complex deserts of Artemisia kemrudica, locally with stands of black saxaul: 86-26 Trans-Caspian complex deserts of Artemisia kemrudica (Salsola orientalis, Atraphaxis replicata), locally with stands of black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum) on loamy, greybrown soils, often on solonetz-like soils, and deserts of Anabasis salsa on solonetz 87 Plateaus with domination of hemipsammophytic white salsola–sagebrush deserts (species of g. Artemisia, Salsola arbuscula, S. оrientalis) on loamy sand, grey-brown soils: 87-26 Trans-Caspian deserts with Artemisia kemrudica 87-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts with Artemisia turanica, A. diffusa 88 Elevated inclined plains with sagebrush deserts with ephemeroids (Artemisia diffusa, Carex pachystylis, Poa bulbosa): 88-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts with Stipa hohenackerana, Iris sogdiana, Ferula foetida, Salsola arbuscula, Convolvulus divaricatus, Artemisia turanica on brown loamy sand and lightloamy soils. 88-29 South-west Kyzyl Kum deserts with Astragalus villosissimus, Convolvulus hamadae, Ferula foetida, Iris sogdiana, Stipa hohenackerana 89 Plateaus with domination of hemipetrophytic perennial saltwort–Artemisia kemrudica deserts: 89-26 Trans-Caspian hemipetrophytic perennial saltwort–Artemisia kemrudica (Salsola orientalis, S. arbuscula, S. gemmascens) deserts on grey-brown cobble soils 90 Aeolian plains with thin sands with psammophytic-shrub–sagebrush deserts: 90-26 Trans-Caspian deserts with Artemisia kemrudica, A. santolina, Calligonum leucocladum, Salsola arbuscula, Haloxylon aphyllum, Carex physodes 90-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts with Artemisia diffusa, A. turanica, Calligonum microcarpum, Salsola arbuscula, Ferula foetida, Astragalus villosissimus Milk vetch and bindweed deserts 91 Plateaus and inclined plains with domination of milk vetch (Аstragalus vilosissimus) and bindweed (Convolvulus hammada) deserts: 91-29 South-west Kyzyl Kum milk vetch (Аstragalus vilosissimus) and bindweed (Convolvulus hammada) deserts on loamy sand and light-loamy, grey-brown soils Perennial saltwort deserts 92 Plateaus with complexes’ domination of Salsola gemmascens and sagebrush (species of g. Artemisia) deserts on solonetz-like loamy soils, grey-brown and solonetz: 92-26 Trans-Caspian deserts with Artemisia kemrudica 92-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts with Artemisia turanica 93 Elevated (including ancient-alluvial) plains with domination of Salsola orientalis deserts with sagebrushes (species of g. Artemisia) on loamy grey-brown soils: 93-25 West–South Turan deserts with Artemisia kemrudica, Anabasis аphylla, Anabasis salsa Haloxylon aphyllum 93-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts Artemisia turanica, A. diffusa 94 Plateaus with domination of hemipetrophytic complex deserts of Anabasis salsa– Salsola gemmascens and Salsola gemmascens–Anabasis salsa on solonetz-like grey-brown soils: 94-25 West–South Turan hemipetrophytic complex deserts Anabasis salsa–Salsola gemmascens and Salsola gemmascens–Anabasis salsa on solonetz-like grey-brown soils, locally with communities of Haloxylon aphyllum with perennial saltwort–sagebrush cover (Artemisia kemrudica, Salsola gemmascens, S. arbuscula, S. orientalis, Anabasis salsa) on typical greybrown soils and Anabasis brachiata communities on solonetz Ecosystems of hilly sands with psammophytic-shrub and psammophytic- semishrub deserts 95 Aeolian plains with thin sands with sagebrush–white salsola and sagebrush–semishrub deserts: 95-25 West–South Turan deserts with Salsola arbuscula Artemisia kemrudica, Calligonum leucocladum, Haloxylon aphyllum 95-28. Kyzyl Kum deserts with Artemisia diffusa, A. turanica, Calligonum microcarpum 95-29 South-west Kyzyl Kum deserts with Astragalus villosissimus, Convolvulus hamadae, Salsola arbuscula, Artemisia diffusa 96 Hilly-ridge and hilly sands with domination of psammophytic-shrub deserts: 96-26 Trans-Caspian psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum leucocladum, Ammodendron conollyi, Ephedra strobilacea, Artemisia kelleri, Haloxylon aphyllum), sagebrush (Artemisia santolina, Carex physodes) and white salsola–sagebrush (Artemisia kemrudica, Salsola arbuscula, Carex physodes, Haloxylon aphyllum) deserts 96-27 Kara Kum communities of Salsola richteri (S. arbuscula, Calligonum microcarpum, Haloxylon aphyllum) on ridge–hilly sands 96-28 Kyzyl Kum mixed-saxaul–psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum cristatum, Haloxylon persicum, H. aphyllum, Ammodendron conollyi, Mausolea eriocarpa, Salsola arbuscula, Artemisia songarica) communities 96-29 South-west Kyzyl Kum milk vetch–Calligonum (Calligonum microcarpum, Astragalus unifoliolatus, A. villosissimus, Convolvulus hamadae, Carex physodes, Ephedra strobilacea) communities 97 Barkhans and weakly stabilized, hilly–ridge sands with sparse sandy acacia (Ammodendron conollyi) and Calligonum sp. deserts: 97-24 South Turan communities of sandy acacia (Ammodendron conollyi, Eremosparton flaccidum, Stipagrostis pennata, S. karelinii) and Stipagrostis (Stipagrostis pennata, S. karelinii) 97-26 Trans-Caspian sparse aggregations of shrubs (Ammodendron conollyi, Salsola richteri, виды Calligonum, Stipagrostis karelinii) on maritime sands 97-28 Kyzyl Kum Stipagrostis sp.–Calligonum sp. (Calligonum eriopodum, C. caputmedusae, C. leucocladum, C. plicatum, Ammodendron conollyi, Stipagrostis pennata) communities on weakly stabilized, hilly–ridge sands and barkhans, locally in combination with black saxaul and mixed-saxaul deserts Ecosystems of ridge and hilly-ridge sands with saxaul communities 98 Ridge–hilly sands with domination of sedge–psammophytic-shrub–white saxaul deserts: 98-24 South Turan sedge–psammophytic-shrub–white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Calligonum rubens, C. eriopodus, C. setosum, C. leucocladum, Astragalus unifoliolatus, Ferula foetida, Carex physodes) deserts, locally in combination with black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum) (Kara Kum) or sagebrush (Artemisia diffusa) (Kyzyl Kum) on inter-ridge depressions 99 Hilly–ridge sands with domination of sedge–ephedra–white saxaul deserts: 99-24 South Turan sedge–ephedra–white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Ephedra strobilacea, Carex physodes, Calligonum eriopodum, C. setosum, Ammodendron conollyi, Salsola richteri) deserts 100 Hilly sands with domination of white salsola–white saxaul deserts: 100-24 South Turan white salsola–white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Salsola arbuscula, Carex physodes) deserts 101 Hilly sands with domination of sagebrush–white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Carex physodes, species of g. Artemisia) deserts: 101-26 Trans-Caspian deserts with Artemisia santolina, locally with A. kelleri 101-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts with Artemisia diffusa 102 Combination of relic mountains (“kyr”) with domination of sagebrush–white salsola deserts and ridge–hilly sands with sedge–Calligonum sp.–white saxaul communities: 102-27 Kara Kum sedge–Calligonum–white saxaul deserts (Haloxylon persicum, Calligonum leucocladum, C. eriopodum, C. setosum, Carex physodes) on sands and sagebrush– white salsola (Salsola arbuscula, Artemisia arenicola, Reaumuria oxiana, Salsola orientalis) deserts on relic mountains (“kyr”) with grey-brown soils 103 Hilly and plain sands with domination of black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Salsola arbuscula, S. richteri, Aellenia subaphylla, виды Artemisia) deserts: 103-25 West–South Turan deserts with Artemisia kemrudica 103-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts with участием Artemisia diffusa Ecosystems of hyperhalophytic succulent-saltwort deserts on solonchak 104 Low plains with domination of Halocnemum strobilaceum and Halostachys caspica deserts: 104-25 West–South Turan Halocnemum strobilaсeum (Salicornia europaea, Halopeplis pygmaea, Bienertia cycloptera, Climacoptera turcomanica, Suaeda arcuata, Psylliostachys leptostachya) and Halostachys caspica (Climacoptera transoxana, C. lanata) deserts, locally with thickets of tamarisk (Tamarix hispida, T. leptostachys) on maritime solonchak 105 Hollows, depressions, ancient valleys of drainage with Halocnemum strobilaceum deserts, Kalidium caspicum and perennial saltwort (Salsola gemmascens, Reaumuria fruticosa) communities on solonchak: 105-26 Trans-Caspian deserts with Salsola gemmascens 105-28 Kyzyl Kum deserts with Reamuria fruticosa 106 Depressions and hollows with annual saltwort and halophytic dwarf semishrub deserts: 106-24 South Turan annual saltwort (Climacoptera lanata, Climacoptera korshinskyi, Climacoptera longistylosa, C. intricata, Suaeda arcuata Gamanthus gamocarpus, Psylliostachys leptostachya) and halophytic dwarf semishrub deserts: communities of Salsola dendroides and Artemisia oliveriana (Kopet Dagh); Reaumuria alternifolia (Badghyz) and Seidlitzia rosmarinus (Keliph) 107 Maritime solonchak with domination of annual saltworts’ deserts, and Nitraria schoberi and Halocnemum strobilaceum deserts: 107-26 Trans-Caspian annual saltworts’ communities (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda arcuata), and Nitraria schoberi and Halocnemum strobilaceum deserts Ecosystems of middle deserts Ecosystems of melkosopochnik Sagebrush deserts 108 Hilly and ridge melkosopochnik with petrophytic sagebrush deserts: 108-34 Mangyshlak ephemeroid–shrub–semishrub–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, A. lerchiana, A. gurgаnica, Convolvulus fruticosus, Ceratoides papposa, Salsola arbuscula, Atraphaxis replicata, Caragana grandiflora, Catabrosella humilis, Poa bulbosa) deserts 108-38 North Balkhash black salsola–sagebrush (Artemisia sublessingiana, A. terraealbae, Salsola arbusculiformis, Ceratoides papposa, Ephedra distachya) deserts 109 Rocky and hilly–ridge melkosopochnik with petrophytic sagebrush–black salsola deserts: 109-32 East–North Turan sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae, Ferula ferulaeoides, Ephedra distachya, Nanophyton erinaceum) deserts 109-34 Mangyshlak sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terraealbae, A. gurganica) deserts 109-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia turanica, Anabasis truncata, Rhammatophyllum frutex, Cancrinia discoidea) deserts 110 Rocky and hilly melkosopochnik with petrophytic black salsola deserts: 110-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. turanica, A. sublessingiana, Ephedra intermedia, E. distachya) and ephedra–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Ephedra distachya, E. intermedia, Artemisia juncea) deserts 111 Melkosopochnik with petrophytic perennial saltwort deserts: 111-34 Mangyshlak shrub–perennial saltwort (Anabasis brachiata, A. salsa, Nanophyton erinaceum, Atraphaxis replicata, Caragana grandiflora) deserts 111-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala Anabasis salsa–Nanophiton erinaceum deserts Ecosystems of plains and plateaus Sagebrush deserts 112 Plains with complex deserts of sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae) and Anabasis salsa: 112-30 North Turan complex deserts of Artemisia terrae-albae and Anabasis salsa 113 Plains with hemipsammophytic perennial saltwort– Artemisia terrae-albae deserts, locally with complex deserts on loamy sands: 113-31 West–North Turan complex deserts of Salsola orientalis–Artemisia terrae-albae, of sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae) with wheat grass (Agropyron fragile) and communities of Salsola orientalis–Anabasis salsa 113-34 Mangyshlak perennial saltwort–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Anabasis aphylla, Salsola orientalis) deserts in combination with hemipetrophytic complex of ephemeroid–grass–sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, A. gurganica. A. terrae-albae, Agropyron fragile, Stipa caspia, locally with S. sareptana, Catabrosella humilis, Poa bulbosa) deserts and Anabasis aphylla–Artemisia terrae-albae communities 113-40 South Balkhash sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Salsola orientalis, Haloxylon aphyllum) deserts Perennial saltwort deserts 114 Plains with complex deserts of Anabasis salsa and Artemisia terrae-albae: 114-30 North Turan complex deserts with communities of Anabasis salsa and Artemisia terrae-albae, locally with Anabasis aphylla or with Salsola orientalis 114-33 Caspian complex communities of Anabasis salsa and Salsola orientalis–Anabasis salsa 114-34 Mangyshlak complex communities of Salsola orientalis–Anabasis salsa and Anabasis aphylla–Salsola orientalis–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae), locally with wheat grass (Agropyron fragile) 115 Salted plains with Anabasis salsa deserts: 115-30 North Turan communities of Anabasis salsa, A. aphylla–Anabasis salsa, locally in combination with Salsola orientalis–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Salsola orientalis) and black saxaul–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Haloxylon aphyllum) communities 116 Plains with complex deserts of Atriplex cana: 116-32 East–North Turan deserts’ complexes of Atriplex cana, of Anabasis salsa and of sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae) with Ferula ferulaeoides, F. soongarica in combination with communities of Arthrophytum balchaschense on takyr 117 Plains with deserts of Salsola orientalis: 117-30 North Turan deserts of Salsola orientalis with black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum) 118 Plateaus and plains with deserts of black salsola and Artemisia turanica–black salsola communities: 118-17 Karsakpai–Betpakdala deserts of black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis) and Artemisia turanica–black salsola (S. arbusculiformis, Artemisia turanica) 118-17x Communities of Ceratocarpus arenarius 119 Plains with complex deserts of black salsola and perennial saltworts: 119-30 North Turan deserts of Artemisia terrae-albae–Salsola arbusculiformis and of Anabasis salsa, locally with communities of Artemisia terrae-albae 119-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala deserts of Artemisia turanica–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia turanica), of Anabasis salsa and of Nanophyton erinaceum 120 Plains with complex deserts of Nanophyton erinaceum and Anabasis salsa: 120-35 Ustyurt complex deserts of Nanophyton erinaceum, of Anabasis salsa, of Anabasis brachiata, of Salsola orientalis–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae), locally shrub– semishrub (Salsola arbuscula, Convolvulus fruticosus, Atraphaxis replicata) deserts Black saxaul deserts 121 Plains with Aeolian cover with black saxaul and Salsola orientalis–black saxaul deserts: 121-30 North Turan sagebrush–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Artemisia terraealbae) and Salsola orientalis–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum) deserts Ecosystems of hilly sands Psammophytic-sagebrush and psammophytic-grass deserts 122 Aeolian plains and hilly sands with psammophytic-sagebrush and wheat grass communities: 122-33 Caspian sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, A. lerchiana, Convolvulus fruticosus, Atraphaxis replicata, Salsola arbuscula, Agropyron fragile, Stipa caspia, Carex physodes) communities on low-hilly, stabilized and thin sands 122-36 East Aral Sea deserts of sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae var. massagetovii, A. songarica, Haloxylon aphyllum, Carex physodes), of wheat grass (Agropyron fragile, Stipa hohenackerana, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. arenaria), of ephedra (Ephedra distachya) and sedge–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Ceratoides papposa, Carex physodes) communities on stabilized, leveled, low-hilly sands Psammophytic-shrub deserts 123 Hilly and ridge sands with psammophytic-eurotia deserts: 123-35 Ustyurt deserts of sagebrush–eurotia (Сeratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae Carex physodes, Atraphaxis replicata) and psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum leucocladum, Astragalus karakugensis, A. ammodendron, Salsola arbuscula, Artemisia tschernieviana, A. santolina) deserts on stabilized hilly–ridge sands 123-40 South Balkhash sagebrush–eurotia (Сeratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, Ephedra lomatolepis, Kochia prostrata, Carex physodes) and saxaul–psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum aphyllum, Astragalus brachypus, Atraphaxis replicata, Haloxylon persicum, H. aphyllum) deserts 124 Hilly sands with psammophytic-shrub deserts: 124-34 Mangyshlak sagebrush–psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum leucocladum, Astragalus karakugensis, Artemisia santolina, A. tschernieviana, Ceratoides papposa, Salsola arbuscula, Atraphaxis replicata, Carex physodes) and wheat grass–sagebrush (Artemisia terraealbae, Agropyron fragile) deserts on stabilized, gentle-hilly sands 124-39 Moyun Kum sagebrush–Calligonum sp. (Calligonum aphyllum, C. leucocladum, Artemisia songarica, Astragalus brachypus, Ammodendron bifolium) and sedge–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Carex physodes) deserts on stabilized hilly sands 124-40 South Balkhash deserts of Calligonum (Сalligonum aphyllum, C. leucocladum, Ammodendron bifolium, Ephedra lomatolepis, Astragalus brachypus, Artemisia songarica, A. albicerata), locally in combination with eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Kochia prostrata, Artemisia terrae-albae) communities 124-40x Long-term secondary communities (Heliotropium argusioides, Ephedra lomatolepis, Artemisia scoparia) on their place Ecosystems of ridge–hilly and ridge sands Saxaul deserts 125 Hilly–ridge and hilly sands with mixed-saxaul deserts: 125-30 North Turan sedge–sagebrush–mixed-saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, H. persicum, Artemisia terrae-albae, Astragalus ammodendron, Atraphaxis replicata, Artemisia santolina, Carex physodes) and psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum aphyllum, Salsola arbuscula.) deserts on weakly stabilized, hilly and hilly–ridge sands 125-36 East Aral Sea sagebrush–mixed-saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, H. persicum, Calligonum aphyllum Calligonum cristatum, Ammodendron conollyi, Astragalus brachypus, Artemisia terrae-albae Artemisia terrae-albae var. massagetovii, A. arenaria, A. songarica, Ceratoides papposa, Carex physodes) and ephedra–sagebrush–eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, Ephedra distachya) deserts on weakly stabilized, gentle-hilly and plain sands 125-36x Communities of Ceratocarpus utriculosus (Terraces recurvata, Carex physodes) and, locally moss–low herb (Ceratocarpus utriculosus, Carex physodes, Tortula caninervis), psammophytic-shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Calligonum aphyllum, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia arenaria, Horaninovia ulicina, Corispermum aralo-caspicum) communities on broken sands 125-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala sagebrush–psammophytic-shrub–mixed-saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, H. aphyllum, Ceratoides papposa, Calligonum aphyllum, Astragalus brachypus, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. arenaria, A. songarica, Carex physodes), ephedra (Ephedra distachya) and ephedra–Artemisia terra-albae–eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terraealbae, Ephedra distachya) deserts on stabilized, low-hilly sands 125-37x Psammophytic-shrub–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Calligonum aphyllum, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia arenaria, Horaninovia ulicina, Corispermum aralo-caspicum) communities on broken sands 125-40 South Balkhash mixed-saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, H. aphyllum, Ammodendron bifolium, Ceratoides papposa with Artemisia santolina, A. albicerata) deserts 126 Ridge sands with white saxaul deserts: 126-36 East Aral Sea white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Carex physodes) and psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum aphyllum, C. leucocladum, Ephedra strobilacea, Calligonum microcarpum, Ammodendron conollyi, Astragalus paucijugus) deserts on stabilized, hilly–ridge sands 126-39 Moyun Kum white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Carex physodes Astragalus brachypus, Ammodendron bifolium, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. songarica, A. santolina) deserts 126-40 South Balkhash white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum, Carex physodes, Astragalus brachypus, Ammodendron bifolium, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia albicerata) deserts 127 Hilly and low-hilly sands with Artemisia terra-albae–black saxaul deserts: 127-35 Ustyurt deserts of Artemisia terra-albae–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Artemisia terrae-albae, Carex physodes, Salsola arbuscula, S. orientalis) on stabilized, gentlehilly sands in combination with Aeluropus littoralis–Salsola orientalis–black saxaul communities on low-hilly sands 127-35x Communities of annual saltwort–sagebrush (Artemisia leucodes, Horaninovia ulicina, Corispermum aralo-caspicum) on broken sands 127-36 East Aral Sea sagebrush–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Artemisia terraealbae var. massagetovii), moss–herb (Ceratocarpus utriculosus, Carex physodes, C. pachystylis, Tetracme recurvata, Tortula cani-nervis) and psammophytic-shrub (Haloxylon persicum, Ammodendron conollyi) communities on stabilized gentle-hilly sands 128 Low-hilly sands with halophytic black saxaul deserts: 128-36 East Aral Sea Halophytic black saxaul communities (Haloxylon aphyllum, Artemisia terrae-albae, Carex physodes, Salsola paulsenii, S. nitraria, S. micranthera, Halimocnemis villosa) on stabilized hilly-ridge sands and saltwort– black saxaul communities (Haloxylon aphyllum, Ephedra strobilacea, Salsola richteri, S. sclerantha, S. paulsenii, S. sogdiana, Artemisia terrae-albae) on maritime sands in combination with annual saltwort– Halostachys caspica–tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima, T. hispida, Salsola sogdiana, S. paulsenii, S. sclerantha) communities Ecosystems of low plains, depressions, hollows and ancient valleys of drainage with solonchak Hyperhalophytic, succulent saltwort deserts 129 Solonchak depressions with halophytic deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum: 129-36 East Aral Sea Halocnemum strobilaceum and annual saltwort–Halocnemum strobilaceum (Climacoptera crassa, Suaeda acuminata, Ofaiston monandrum, species of g. Petrosimonia) communities 130 Salted plains and depressions with deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum and Atriplex cana: 130-31 West–North Turan deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of annual saltwort– Halocnemum strobilaceum (Climacoptera crassa, C. brachiata, Suaeda acuminata), of Kalidium sp. (Kalidium caspicum, K. foliatum), sometimes communities of Aeluropus littoralis–Atriplex cana 130-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum (Climacoptera crassa, C. obtusifolia, C. brachiata, Ofaiston monandrum, species of g. Suaeda, species of g. Climacoptera), of Halimione verrucifera, of camphor-fume (Camphorosma monspeliaca), of Kalidium sp. (Kalidium foliatum, K. caspicum), of Aeluropus littoralis, communities of Suaeda physophora–Atriplex cana 131 Depressions and salted valleys with Halocnemum strobilaceum–Reaumuria fruticosa deserts: 131-31 West–North Turan deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of annual saltworts (Climacoptera lanata, C. ferganica, Suaeda salsa), of Kalidium sp. (Kalidium caspicum, K. foliatum), of Reaumuria fruticosa (with Halostachys caspica) 132 Depressions and salted valley with Halocnemum strobilaceum –halophytic-sagebrush deserts: 132-33 Caspian deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum (with Suaeda acuminata), of Aeluropus littoralis –sea-lavender (Limonium suffruticosum,), of sagebrush (Artemisia halophila), locally communities of Kalidium caspicum 132-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum (Climacoptera crassa, C. obtusifolia, C. brachiata, Ofaiston monandrum, species of g. Suaeda, species of g. Climacoptera), of Halimione verrucifera, of camphor-fume (Camphorosma monspeliaca), of Kalidium sp. (Kalidium foliatum, K. caspicum), of Aeluropus littoralis, of sagebrush (species of g. Artemisia), communities of Suaeda physophora–Atriplex cana 133 Rivers’ valleys, depressions with Halostachys caspica–tamarisk communities: 133-36 East Aral Sea communities of reed (Phragmites australis), of annual saltworts (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda microsperma S. linifolia, Ofaiston monandrum, Climacoptera), of Halocnemum strobilaceum (Salsola dendroides, Suaeda microphylla), of Aeluropus littoralis, of Halostachys caspica, of Kalidium sp. (Kalidium caspicum Kalidium foliatum), of tamarisk (Tamarix hispida) 133-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala communities of Halimione verrucifera (Artemisia schrenkiana, Kalidium foliatum, Petrosimonia sibirica, species of g. Limonium), of tamarisk (Tamarix hispida) 133-40 South Balkhash communities of reed (Phragmites australis), of annual saltworts (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda heterophylla, S. salsa), of Halostachys caspica, of nitrebush (Nitraria schoberi), of tamarisk (species of g. Tamarix) Ecosystems of northern deserts Ecosystems of melkosopochnik Sagebrush deserts 134 Melkosopochnik with petrophytic feather grass–sagebrush deserts: 134-41 Sub-Ural perennial saltwort–sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, A. terrae-albae, Anabasis salsa, A. cretacea, Artraphaxis replicata, Atriplex cana, Matthiola fragrans, Seseli eriocephalum, Limonium suffruticosum) deserts 134-32 East–North Turan feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia sublessingiana, Stipa sareptana, S. richterana, Galitzkya spathulata, Ephedra distachya, Lagochilus pungens) deserts 134-43 North Balkhash–Alakol short feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa orientalis, S. richterana, Kochia prostrata, Ephedra distachya, Salsola arbusculiformis) deserts 135 Melkosopochnik with petrophytic feather grass–sagebrush and grass–black salsola deserts: 135-32 East–North Turan feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia sublessingiana, Stipa sareptana, S. richterana, S. kirghisorum, Artemisia frigida, A. glabella, Galitzkya spathulata, Spiraea hypericifolia, Atraphaxis frutescens) and black salsola–sagebrush (Artemisia terraealbae, A. sublessingiana, Salsola arbusculiformis, Ephedra distachya, Lagochilus pungens, Stipa orientalis) deserts 135-43 North Balkhash–Alakol short feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa orientalis, S. richterana, Kochia prostrata) and short feather grass–sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia semiarida, Stipa orientalis) deserts Perennial saltwort deserts 136 Melkosopochnik with petrophytic grass–black salsola deserts: 136-32 East–North Turan feather grass–sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae, Stipa sareptana, S.orientalis, Ferula ferulaeoides, Rhinopetalum karelinii, Megacarpaea megalocarpa, Nanophyton erinaceum, Anabasis truncata) deserts 137 Melkosopochnik with petrophytic deserts of Anabasis salsa: 137-41 Sub-Ural Anabasis truncata–A. salsa deserts Ecosystems of plains Sagebrush deserts 138 Plains with complex deserts of grass–sagebrush, of sagebrush, of saltworts on loamy, often solonetz-like soils and solonetz: 138-33 Caspian complex deserts of blue grass–sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Poa bulbosa, Stipa sareptana), of sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), locally deserts of Anabasis salsa 138-42 North Aral blue grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Poa bulbosa, Stipa sareptana), Anabasis salsa deserts and sagebrush–Anabasis salsa (Anabasis salsa, Artemisia pauciflora) communities 138-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala short feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa sareptana), Nanophyton erinaceum–Anabasis salsa deserts 139 Plains with hemipsammophytic, homogenous grass–sagebrush deserts on loamy sand soils: 139-31 West–North Turan grass–sagebrush (species of g. Artemisia, Stipa sareptana, Agropyron fragile) deserts 139-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala richterana) deserts grass–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Stipa 139-43 North Balkhash–Alakol grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, A. gracilescens, Stipa sareptana) deserts 140 Hemipsammophytic complex deserts of grass–sagebrush and sagebrush on loamy sand soils: 140-31 West–North Turan complexes of grass-sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Stipa sareptana, Agropyron fragile, Poa bulbosa), summer cypress–sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Kochia prostrata), Anabasis aphylla–Artemisia lerchiana communities 140-42 North Aral short feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa sareptana) and blue grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Poa bulbosa) deserts, locally with Anabasis aphylla 141 Plains with hemipetrophytic grass–sagebrush deserts on cobble soils: 141-42 North Aral grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa sareptana, Agropyron fragile, Poa bulbosa, Anabasis aphylla) deserts 141-43 North Balkhash–Alakol grass–sagebrush A. heptapotamica, Stipa richterana, S. Kirghisorum) deserts (Artemisia sublessingiana, 142 Plains with complex hemipetrophytic sagebrush and perennial saltwort deserts: 142-31 West–North Turan complexes of sagebrush (A. Semiarida, Stipa sareptana, Poa bulbosa), annual saltwort (Petrosimonia sibirica, Climacoptera brachiata, C. lanata, Girgensohnia oppositiflora) and annual saltwort–Anabasis aphylla communities 142-32 East–North Turan complexes of feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa sareptana, S. kirghisorum), feather grass–sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia semiarida, Stipa sareptana, S. kirghisorum) and Nanophyton erinaceum communities 142-43 North Balkhash–Alakol short feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida, Stipa orientalis, S. richterana, Kochia prostrata) and short feather grass–sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia semiarida, Stipa orientalis) deserts 143 Plain ouval and low-hilly stabilized sands with psammophytic grass–sagebrush deserts: 143-33 Caspian grass–sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Stipa sareptana, Agropyron fragile, Poa bulbosa, Helichrysum arenarium, Euphorbia seguierana) deserts 143-33х Long-term secondary communities alopecuroides, Peganum harmala, Euphorbia seguierana 143-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala wheat Ceratoides papposa, Agropyron fragile) deserts of Anabasis grass–sagebrush aphyllla, (Artemisia Goebelia terrae-albae, 143-43 North Balkhash–Alakol feather grass–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, A. terrae-albae var. massagetovii, Ceratoides papposa, Stipa richterana, S. kirghisorum, Ferula ferulaeoides) deserts 143-43х Long-term secondary communities (Kochia prostrata, Ceratocarpus arenarius, Eremopyrum orientale) Perennial saltwort deserts 144 Low plains with complex deserts of Anabasis salsa: 144-33 Caspian deserts of Anabasis salsa, of sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana), locally annual saltwort (Climacoptera brachiata, Salsola foliosa) and Artemisia pauciflora deserts 144-31 West–North Turan deserts of Anabasis salsa, of sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), of grass–sagebrush (A. semiarida, Stipa sareptana, Poa bulbosa), locally communities of Atriplex cana 144-37 Karsakpai–Betpakdala Suaeda physophora–Atriplex cana and sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae) deserts 144-43 North Balkhash–Alakol deserts of Atriplex cana–Anabasis salsa, of Anabasis salsa, of sagebrush (Artemisia heptapotamica) 145 Plains with complex perennial saltwort deserts: 145-30 North Turan Nanophyton erinaceum –Anabasis salsa deserts and feather grass– sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. schrenkiana, Stipa sareptana, A. richterana) communities with Ferula ferulaeoides 145-31 West–North Turan deserts of Anabasis salsa, of Atriplex cana, of annual saltwort–Anabasis aphylla (species of gg. Climacoptera, Petrosimonia) and sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities 146 Plains with hemipetrophytic complex deserts of black salsola on cobble soils: 146-32 East–North Turan complex of communities of feather grass–sagebrush–black salsola (Salsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia terrae-albae, Stipa richterana, S. kirghisorum) with Ferula ferulaeoides and Anabasis salsa–Nanophyton erinaceum Ecosystems of hilly sands Psammophytic-sagebrush and eurotia deserts 147 Thin sands with sandy sagebrush deserts: 147-33 Caspian sandy sagebrush (Artemisia arenaria, Achillea micrantha, Gypsophila paniculata, Syrenia siliculosa, Artemisia lerchiana, Agropyron fragile, Leymus racemosus) deserts 148 Low-hilly, leveled hilly and cell sands with sandy sagebrush and psammophyticshrub deserts: 148-33 Caspian sandy sagebrush, psammophytic-shrub (Artemisia arenaria, Agropyron fragile, Koeleria glauca, Leymus racemosus, Calligonum aphyllum, Tamarix ramosissima), and also sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Agropyron fragile, Poa bulbosa) deserts on hilly leveled sands and communities of Leymus racemosus on barkhan sands 148-42 North Aral sandy sagebrush (Artemisia arenaria, Agropyron fragile, Festuca beckeri, Koeleria glauca, Calligonum aphyllum, Leymus racemosus, Salix caspica, Elaeagnus oxycarpa), sagebrush (Artemisia tomentella, A. arenaria, A. santolina, A. quinqueloba), wheat grass (Agropyron fragile) and psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum pterococcus, Astragalus brachypus, Ammodendron bifolium) deserts 148-42x Long-term secondary sandy sagebrush (Artemisia arenaria, Agropyron fragile, Leymus racemosus, Euphorbia seguierana, Chondrilla ambigua) communities on broken sandy soils 149 Ridge and hilly sands with psammophytic eurotia deserts: 149-32 East–North Turan wheat grass–eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Agropyron fragile), sagebrush–wheat grass (Agropyron fragile, Artemisia terrae-albae) and psammophytic-shrub– sagebrush–eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, A. songarica, Ammodendron bifolium, Stipa sareptana) deserts 149-32x Long-term secondary Stipagrostis pennata–Calligonum (with Chondrilla pauciflora) and wheat grass (Agropyron fragile, Ceratoides papposa) communities on broken sands 149-43 North Aral sagebrush–eurotia (Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, Agropyron fragile, Carex physodes) and sagebrush–psammophytic-shrub (Calligonum leucocladum, Astragalus karakugensis, A. ammodendron, Salsola arbuscula, Artemisia tschernieviana, A. santolina) deserts Ecosystems of hilly and hilly-ridge sands Psammophytic-shrub deserts 150 Hilly and cell sands with psammophytic-shrub deserts: 150-33 Caspian communities of Calligonum aphyllum with tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima), of L. racemosus and sandy sagebrush (Artemisia arenaria, Agropyron fragile, Astragalus varius) 150-41 North Aral communities of Calligonum sp. (Calligonum pterococcus, Kochia prostrata, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae, Agropyron fragile) and psammophyticshrub (Calligonim pterococcus, Haloxylon persicum, Astragalus paucijugus, A. ammodendron, Ceratoides papposa, Artemisia terrae-albae) deserts on stabilized hilly–ridge sands 150-43 North Balkhash–Alakol psammophytic-shrub (Atraphaxis spinosa, Calligonum aphyllum, Haloxylon persicum, Ammodendron bifolium), eurotia–sandy sagebrush (Artemisia albicerata, Ceratoides papposa, Ephedra lomatolepis, Agropyron fragile) deserts in combination with eurotia–sagebrush (Artemisia terrae-albae, Ceratoides papposa) communities 151 Hilly–ridge sands with sandy acacia communities: 151-42 North Aral sandy sagebrush–wheat grass–sandy acacia (Ammodendron bifolium, Astragalus brachypus, Agropyron fragile, Artemisia quinqueloba, A. santolina, A. tomentella, A. arenaria) and Calligonum sp. (Calligonum aphyllum, C. murex) deserts Black saxaul deserts 152 Flat plains with thin Aeolian cover with grass–black saxaul deserts: 152-42 North Aral wheat grass–sagebrush–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Artemisia terrae-albae, Agropyron fragile, Stipa sareptana, Poa bulbosa) deserts Ecosystems of low plains, depressions, hollows, ancient valleys of drainage with solonchak Hyperhalophytic deserts 153 Low plains, depressions and hollows with deserts of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of Halimione verucifera, of Atriplex cana: 153-31 West–North Turan deserts of annual saltwort–Halocnemum strobilaceum (Suaeda physophora Climacoptera crassa, C. brachiata, Suaeda acumenata), of Halimione verrucifera, of Kalidium sp. (Kalidium caspicum, K. foliatum), of Atriplex cana 153-32 East–North Turan deserts of annual saltwort–Halocnemum strobilaceum (Climacoptera crassa, C. obtusifolia, C. brachiata, Ofaiston monandrum, species of g. Suaeda), of Halimione verrucifera, of Kalidium sp.—Aeluropus littoralis (Kalidium foliatum, K. сapsicum, Kalidium schrenkianum Artemisia schrenkiana, Halimodendron halodendron), of sagebrush—Suaeda physophora–Atriplex cana 153-33 Caspian deserts of annual saltworts (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda acuminata, Petrosimonia triandra), of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of Halimione verrucifera, of halophyticforb–halophytic-grass (species of g.g. Puccinellia, Aeluropus, Leymus, Glycyrrhiza, Plantago salsa, Saussurea salsa, Limonium gmelinii), of sagebrush (species of g. Artemisia), of Atriplex cana 153-41 North Aral deserts of annual saltworts (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda acuminata, Petrosimonia triandra), of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of Halimione verrucifera, of sagebrush (Artemisia scopiformis), of Atriplex cana 154 Low plains, depressions and hollows with communities of Halocnemum strobilaceum and halophytic dwarf semishrub deserts: 154-31 West–North Turan communities of reed grass (Phragmites australis), of annual saltworts (Salicornia europaea, species of g.g. Suaeda, Climacoptera), of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of Aeluropus littoralis, of Halostachys caspica, of Kalidium caspicum, of tamarisk (Tamarix hispida) 154 –33 Caspian communities of annual saltwort –Halocnemum strobilaceum (Climacoptera crassa, C. brachiata, Suaeda acuminata), of sea lavender (Limonium suffruticosum), sometimes with Aeluropus littoralis, of sagebrush (Artemisia santonica), of Atriplex cana 155 Plains near lakes with deserts of annual saltworts, of sea spear grass, of halophytic dwarf semishrubs: 155-33 Caspian communities of annual Suaeda salsa, of sea spear grass (Puccinellia dolicholepis, Petrosimonia triandra, P. crassifolia), of annual saltworts (Salsola paulsenii, S. nitraria, Climacoptera crassa, Atriplex tatarica with Halocnemum strobilaceum, Kalidium caspicum, Artemisia santonica), of halophytic dwarf semishrubs (Halocnemum strobilaceum, Kalidium caspicum) 155-41 North Aral communities of annual Suaeda salsa, of sea spear grass (Puccinellia dolicholepis, Petrosimonia triandra, P. crassifolia), of annual saltworts (Salsola paulsenii, S. nitraria, Climacoptera crassa, Atriplex tatarica) with Halocnemum strobilaceum, Kalidium caspicum, Artemisia santonica, of halophytic dwarf semishrubs (Halocnemum strobilaceum, Kalidium caspicum), in combination with communities of tamarisk (Tamarix laxa, T. hispida) Ecosystems of rivers’ valleys and deltas Ecosystems of rivers’ valleys and deltas in piedmont deserts of Middle Asian type 156- 44. Agricultural lands in combination with communities of Cynodon dactylon– Aeluropus littoralis and plume-grass–shrub communities (tugai) with poplar (Tamarix meyeri, T. anlrossovii, Lyceum depressum, Erianthus ravennae, Populus euphratica) and ephemeroids (Bromopsis japonicus, B. danthoniae, Poa bulbosa) (Tedzhen, Murghab) 156-45. Agricultural lands in combination with tall grass–oleaster–poplar tugai (Populus pruinosa, P. еuphratica, Elaeagnus turcomanica, E. angustifolia, Erianthus ravennae, Imperata cylindrica), licorice–grass (Erianthus ravennae, Сynodon dactylon, Glyzyrrhiza glabra) meadows and communities of Salsola dendroides (Amu Darya) 156-46. Agricultural lands in combination with willow–oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia, Salix songarica) and deserted halophytic-shrub (Tamarix leptostachys, Halostachys belangeriana, Nitraria schoberi) tugai, grass–camel’s thorn (Alhagi sparsifolia, Аeluropus littoralis, Cynodon dactylon) meadows (Syr Darya) Ecosystems of rivers’ valleys and deltas in southern plain deserts 157-47. Tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritima), reed grass (Рhragmites australis) and swamp meadows in combination with communities of sea lavender–halophytic-grass (Aeluropus repens, Puccinellia giganthea, Cynodon dactylon, Limonium renimiforme), of Halocnemum strobilaceum and shrubs’ communities (Tamarix karakalensis, Halostachis belangeriana) with abundance of ephemeras (Senecio subdentanus, Eremopyron orientale) on maritime solonchak (Atrek) 157-44. Agricultural lands and fallows in combination with weed grass–Aeluropus littoralis (Xantium strumarium, Alhagi persarum) and deserted halophytic-shrub–poplar tugai (Рopulus euphratica, Tamarix hispida, Salsola dendroides, Halostachys belangeriana) (Tedzhen, Murghab) 158-45. Agricultural lands in combination with tall grass (Phragmites australis, Erianthus ravennae, Saccharum spontaneum) and licorice (Glyzyrrhiza glabra) meadows and tamarisk tugai (Tamarix ramosissima, T. Meyeri, T. hispida) (Kara Kum channel) 159-45. Oleaster–poplar tugai (Elaeagnus turcomanica, E. angustifolia, Populus ariana, P. рruinosa) in combination with xerophytic-forb (Pseudosophora alopecuroides, Trachomitum scabrum, Glycyrrhiza glabra), grass (Erianthus ravennae, Imperata cilindrica, Aeluropus littoralis) meadows, shrub thickets (Halimodendron halodendron, Tamarix ramosissima) and agricultural lands (Amu Darya) 160-45. Deserting shrub–oleaster–poplar tugai (Elaeagnus angustifolia, Populus ariana, P. pruinosa, Tamarix ramosissima, T. hispida, Halostachys belangeriana, Salsola dendroides) in combination with forb (Аlhagi pseudalhagi, Karelinia caspica, Zygophyllum oxyanum) and annual saltwort–Aeluropus littoralis (Salsola foliosa, Climacoptera aralensis) meadows (Amu Darya) 161-45. Agricultural lands and fallows in combination with deserted shrub tugai (Tamarix leptostachis, T. laxa, T. elongata, Lyceum ruthenicum, L. depressum, Suaeda microphilla) and annual saltwort–xerophytic-forb (Karelinia caspica, Alhagi sparsifolia, Zygophyllum oxyanum, Girgensonia oppositiflora, Salsola paulsenii) meadows (Amu Darya) 162-45. Agricultural lands and fallows in combination with xerophytic-forb (Alhagi pseudalhagi, A. persarum, Karelinia caspica) and annual saltwort–grass (Phragmites australis, Calamagrostis dubia, Aeluropus littoralis, Suaeda microsperma, Salsola micranthera) meadows, halophytic-shrub (Salsola dendroides, Halostachis belangeriana, Kalidium capsicum, Nitraria schoberi) communities on solonchak (Amu Darya) 163-45. Drying out reed mace–reed grass long time flooded areas (or plavni) (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia) with forbs (Xanthium strumarium, Roripa palustris, Carex pseudocyperus, Thelypteris palustris) and in combination with perennial saltwort (Salsola dendroides, Halocnemum strobilaceum) communities on takyr and solonchak (delta of Amu Darya) Ecosystems of rivers’ valleys and deltas in intermountain depressions of middle (true) deserts 164-48. Shrub–oleaster tugai (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Salix michelsonii, Hippophae rhamnoides) in combination with poplar–ash forests (Fraxinus sogdiana, Populus nigra) and shrub thickets (Berberis iliensis, Rosa silverhjelmii, Tamarix ramosissima) with Achnatcherum splendens) (valley of Charyn) 165-48. Willow–oleaster tugai with ash (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Salix wilchelmsiana, S.songarica, Fraxinus sogdiana) in combination with grass–licorice meadows (Glycyrrchyza glabra, Leymus multicaulis, Calamagrostis epigeios) and shrub–poplar open woodlands (Populus diversipholia, P.pruinosa, Berberis iliensis, Tamarix ramosissima, Reomuria songorica) (Ili) 166-48. Oleaster–tamarisk–willow tugai (Salix songarica, Tamarix ramosissima, T. elongata, Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Clematis orientalis) in combination with grass (Calamagrostis epigeios, Phragmites australis) and forb (Dodartia оrientalis, Cirsium arvense, Lotus frandosus) meadows, rush–reed grass (Phragmites australis, Juncus gerardii) fens (delta of Charyn) 167-48. Meadow solonchak with domination of Aeluropus littoralis –Kalidium sp. communities with dogbane (Kalidium foliatum, K. schrenkianum , Poacinum pictum) in combination with shrub (Suaeda physophora, Reomuria songorica, Tamarix hispida) and dwarf semishrub (Halimione verrucifera, Halocnemum strobilaceum) communities (east part of Kapchagai) Ecosystems of rivers’ valleys and deltas in piedmont deserts of North Tien Shan type 168-49. Agricultural lands and fallows in combination of forb–grass (Daucus carota, Cichorium intubus, Althea officinalis, Cynodon dactylon, Achnatherum splendens) communities on meadow–serozem soils and communities of sagebruch–camphor fume (Camphorosma monspeliaca, Artemisia heptopotamica), of Halimione verrucifera on solonchak (west part of Kapchagai) 169-50. Cynodon dactylon and forb (Daucus carota, Glyzyrrhiza asperula, Trifolium fragellaris, Galium aparine) meadows in combination with water plantain–bulrush (Scirpus tabernaemontanii, Alisma graminea) fens and fragments of shrub–oleaster tugai (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Rosa beggeriana, Halimodendron halodendron) (Talas) 170-49. Shrub–oleaster tugai with virgin’s bower (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Halimodendron halodendron, Tamarix ramosissima, Rosa beggeriana, Lonicera iliensis, Clematis orientalis) in combination with licorice (Glycyrrchyza uralensis) – Achnatcherum splendens meadows and ephemeral–eurotia (Krascheninikovia ceratoides, Anisantha tectorum, Poa bulbosa) communities (Ili) 171-51. Oleaster–shrub tugai (Salix songarica, Rosa laxa, R. beggeriana, Hyppophae rhamnoides) in combination with grass–forb (Cichorium intubus, Glycyrrhiza asperula, Salvia deserta, Cynodon dactylon, Elytrigia repens) and Artemisia nitrosa –Achnatcherum splendens meadows (upper riches of Karatal–Lepsy) 172-52. Grass (Phragmites australis, Bromopsis inermis, Hordeum bogdanii, Calamagrostis epigeios) and forb (Асroptylon repens, Medicago falcata, Dodartia orientalis) communities in combination with thickets of silvery salt tree (Наlimodendron halodendron) and Achnatcherum splendens (Urdzhar, Emel) Ecosystems of rivers’ valleys and deltas in middle plain deserts 173-46 Deserted shrub tugai (Haloxylon aphillum, Nitraria sibirica, Halostachys belangeriana, Tamarix hispida) in combination with annual saltwort–xerophytic-forb meadows (Alhagi pseudoalhagi, Karelinia caspica, Leymus multicaulis, Suaeda acuminata) and rare aggregations of poplar (Populus diversifolia) (Syr Darya) 173-54 Deserting willow–oleaster–poplar tugai (Populus diversifolia, Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Salix alba) in combination with halophytic grass–forb meadows (Aeluropus littoralis, Puccinellia distans, Sphaerophyza salsula, Alhagi pseudalchagi, Limonium gmelinii) (Chu) 173-49 Deserting willow–oleaster tugai (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Salix alba, S. wilchelmsiana, Наlimodendron halodendron) in combination with forb–grass meadows (Leymus multicaulis, Phragmites australis, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Trachomitum lancifolium), shrubs’ thickets (Krascheninnikovia ceratoides, Halimodendron halodendron) and open woodlands of poplar (Populus diversifolia) (Ili) 173-51 Sea-buckthorn–oleaster–willow tugai (Salix wilchelmsiana, Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Hyppophae rhamnoides) in combination with forb–grass meadows (Calamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens, Astragalus amigdalis, Oxytropis puberula) and annual saltwort– halophytic-shrub (Tamarix hispida, Nitraria sibirica, Suaeda linifolia, S. acuminata) communities (Karatal–Lepsy) 174-46 Halophytic-shrub (Halostachys belangeriana, Tamarix hispida, Kalidium foliatum) communities in combination with reed grass–tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, Phragmites australis) swampy meadows and annual saltwort– xerophytic- forb (Karelinia caspica, Zygophyllum fobago, Limonium gmelinii) deserted meadows (Syr Darya) 174-49 Halophytic-shrub (Nitraria sibirica, Halostachys belangeriana, Tamarix hispida) communities in combination with annual saltwort–halophytic-grass (Hordeum bogdanii, Leymus multicaulis, Suaeda linifolia, Climacoptera lanata) and halophytic-forb (Limonium gmelinii, Sphaerophyza salsula) communities (Ili) 174-51 Annual saltwort–reed grass (Phragmites australis, Chenopodium rubrum, Salicornia europaea, Suaeda acuminata) in combination with halophytic-shrub (Tamarix hyspida, Nitraria sibirica, Halostachys belangeriana) communities (Aksu–Lepsy) 175-31 Communities of Halocnemum strobilaceum in combination with tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) and Aeluropus littoralis meadows (Sarysu) 176-46 Agricultural lands and fallows in combination with annual saltwort–shrub (Tamarix ramosissima, Lyceum ruthenica, Suaeda microphylla, Krascheninikovia ceratoides) and ephemeral–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Lepidium perfoliatum, Eremopyron orientale) communities (Syr Darya) 176-49 Forb–grass (Calamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Oxytropis puberula) meadows in combination with reed grass (Phragmites australis) fens and oleaster–shrub (Tamarix ramosissima, Halimodendron halodendron, Elaeagnus oxycarpa) thickets (Ili) 176-51 Grass–forb (Calamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Gypsophila trichotoma, Pseudosophora alopecuroides) meadows in combination with eurotia (Krascheninikovia ceratoides) and annual saltwort–black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum, Climacoptera brachiata, Petrosimonia brachiata) (South Balkhash) 177-46 Halophytic shrub (Halostachys belangeriana, Suaeda microphilla, Tamarix hispida) communities in combination with Karelinia caspica–camel’s thorn (Alhagi pseudalhagi) deserted meadows and black saxaul stands (Haloxylon aphyllum) (Syr Darya) 178-54 Meadows of Aeluropus littoralis in combination with reed grass (Phragmites australis) fens and open woodlands of black saxaul (Haloxylon аphyllum) (Chu) 178-49 Reed mace–reed grass (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia) fens and long time flooded areas (or plavni) in combination with Каrelinia caspica–halophytic-shrub (Nitraria sibirica, Tamarix ramosissima, Halostachys belangeriana,) communities on solonchak (Ili) 178-51 Annual saltwort–halophytic-shrub (Nitraria sibirica, Halostachys belangeriana, Kalidium caspicum, Сlimacoptera obtusifolia, C. lanata) communities in combination with sagebrush–eurotia (Krascheninikovia ceratoides, Artemisia serotina) ones (South Balkhash) 179-54 Communities of Halocnemum strobilaceum in combination with Aeluropus littoralis– tamarisk (Tamarix hispida) coenoses (Chu) 180-46 Communities of Halocnemum strobilaceum, of annual saltwort–tamarisk (Тamarix laxa, Suaeda acuminata, Salicornia europaea) on solonchak in combination with psammophytic-shrub (Сalligonum aphyllum, Eremosparton aphyllum, Haloxylon persicum) coenoses on low-ridge sands (Syr Darya) 180-51 Reed grass (Phragmites australis) long time flooded areas (or plavni) in combination with annual saltwort (Suaeda linifolia, S. acuminata) and forb–tamarisk (Tamarix Litvinovii, T. ramosissima, T. laxa, Karelinia caspica, Zygophyllum fabago, Lepidium seravschanicum) communities (deltas Karatal–Lepsy) 180-52 Thickets of reed grass (Phragmites australis) in combination with communities of annual saltwort–halophytic-forb (Limonium gmelinii, Sphaerophyza salsula, Salicornia europaea), of lyme-grass (Leymus angustus) and of Achnatcherum splendens (Sassykkol– Alakol) Ecosystems of rivers’ valleys and deltas in northern plain deserts 181-55 Reed grass (Phragmites australis) long time flooded areas (or plavni), thickets of hydrophytes (Typha angustifolia, Sparganium stoloniferum, Nelumbo nucifera) in combination with forb–grass meadows (Саlamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens) and willow (Salix alba) open woodlands (delta of Volga) 181-56 Reed mace–reed grass (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia) long time flooded areas (or plavni) in combination with thickets of hydrophytes (Роtamogeton pectinanus, Trapa kazachstanica, Salvinia natans) in lagoons and saltwort–sagebrush (Artemisia monogina, A. lerchiana, Salicornia europaea, Suaeda acuminata) communities on solonchak (delta of Ural) 182-56 Tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, B. popovii) and sea spear grass (Puccinellia giganthea) meadows in combination with thickets of halophytic shrubs (Tamarix laxa, T. hispida, Kalidium capsicum) (delta of Emba) 183-56 Willow (Salix alba) and shrub–poplar–oleaster (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Populus nigra, Tamarix gracilis, T. laxa) tugai in combination with forb–grass (Саlamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens, Bromopsis inermis, Glyzyrrhiza uralensis, Euphorbia uralensis) meadows, sedge (Carex praecox, C. melanostachia) fens and dwarf semishrub communities (Аtriplex cana, Halimione verrucifera, Artemisia pauciflora) on solonetz (valley of Ural) 184-56 Willow–oleaster tugai with poplar (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Salix alba, Populus nigra) in combination with licorice–grass (Bromopsis inermis, Elytrigia repens, Glycyrrhiza uralensis) meadows and reed mace–reed grass (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia) fens (Uil) 185-56 Shrub–oleaster tugai (Elaeagnus oxycarpa, Salix caspica, S. triandra, Tamarix laxa) in combination of grass–forb (Elytrigia repens, Agrostis alba, Inula salicaria, Glyzyrrhiza glabra, Althea officinalis) and sagebrush–Achnatherum splendens, (Artemisia dracunculus, A. nitrosa) meadows (valley of Emba) 186-53 Reed grass (Phragmites australis) and rush–tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, B. popovii, Juncus soranthus, J. jaxarticus) swampy meadows in combination with halophytic grass (Aeluropus littoralis, Hordeum brevisubulatum) and shrub (Tamarix ramosissima, Salix triandra) communities (Irgiz, Turgai) 187-53 Reed grass–tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, Phragmites australis) and sea lavender–halophytic-grass (Aeluropus littoralis, Limonium gmelinii) meadows in combination with shrub thickets (Tamarix ramosissima, Halimodendron halodendron) and communities of Artemisia schrenkiana–Atriplex cana on solonetz (Sarysu) 188-57 Communities of Artemisia schrenkiana–Achnatcherum splendens in combination with silvery salt tree (Halimodendron halodendron) and camphor fume (Camphorosma monspeliaca) coenoses, sometimes with aggregations of poplar (Populus diversifolia) (Tokrau, Bakanas) 189-57 Reed grass (Phragmites australis), lyme-grass (Leumus racemosus) and Achnatcherum splendens meadows in combination with thickets of shrubs (Tamarix ramosissima, Halimodendron halodendron) and dwarf semishrubs (Halocnemum strobilaceum, Atriplex cana) (Ayaguz) 190-52 Bulrush–reed mace (Typha angustifolia, Scirpus lacustris) and reed grass (Phragmites australis) long time flooded areas (or plavni) in combination with forb–annual saltwort (Suaeda prostrata, S. acuminata, Aster tripolium, Sonchus arvensis) communities (rivers’ deltas and terraces near lakes) Ecosystems in northern intermountain depressions 191-23 Bulrush–reed grass (Phragmites australis, Scirpus ehrenbergii) and sedge (Carex appendiculata, C. curaica) herbaceous fens in combination of forb–grass (Bromopsis inermis, Calamagrostis epigeios, Mentha longifolia, Scutellaria galericulata) meadows and communities of Atriplex cana on solonetz (Zaisan Lake) 192-23 Tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus), halophytic grass (Aeluropus littoralis, виды Puccinellia) communities in combination with coenoses of silvery salt tree (Halimodendron halodendron) and Artemisia schrenkiana–Achnatcherum splendens (Zaisan) 193-23 Willow–poplar (Populus laurifolia, P. nigra, Salix dasyclados, S. viminalis) tugai with oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia) in combination with forb–grass meadows (Еlymus sibirica, Calamagrostis epigeios, Sanguisorba officinalis, Glyzyrrhiza glabra), shrub thickets (Padus avium, Rosa majalis, Lonicera altaica) and Achnatcherum splendens– Atriplex cana communities (Black Irtysh) ECOSYSTEMS OF STEPPE ZONE Ecosystems of mountains High-mountain tundra ecosystem 194. Leveled tops of mountains with moss – lichen tundra on mountain-tundra primitive soils in combination with stony placers. 194-83. South Altai moss – lichen and herb – moss – lichen tundra (sp. Cetraria, Cladonia, Stereocaulon, Polytrichum, Pleurozium, Hylocomium, Festuca altaica, F. kryloviana, Bistorta vivipara). 195. Upper gentle parts of mountains’ slopes, mainly of north exposition, with moss – dwarf birch (yernik) tundra on mountain-tundra peaty soils. 195-83. South Altai moss – dwarf birch (yernik) tundra (Betula rotundifolia). High-mountain meadow-cryophytic ecosystems and ecosystems of Kobresia 196. Leveled top of mountains with communities of Kobresia and sparse low herbaceous cryophytic meadows on mountain-meadow alpine primitive soils. 196-86. Tarbagatai – Saur communities of Kobresia and sparse meadows (Kobresia smirnovii, K. myosuroides, Bistorta nitens, Viola altaica, Schultia crinita, Sibbaldia macrophylla), sometimes with mosses and lichens. 197. Tops and upper parts of slopes with colorful low herbaceous (alpine-like) meadows on mountain-meadow alpine sod soils. 197-80. Altai low herbaceous meadows (Bistorta nitens, B. vivipara, Aquilegia glandulosa, Gentiana grandiflora, Pachypleurum alpinum, Ranunculus altaicusа). 197-83. South Altai low herbaceous meadows in combination with dwarf-tree (yernik) tundra. 198. Upper parts of slopes with grass – forb and forb – grass medium herbaceous (sub alpine-like) meadows on mountain-meadow sub alpine sod soils. 198-85. Saur grass – forb (Alchemilla sp., Geranium albiflorum, Phlomoides alpina, Aquilegia glandulosa, Festuca kryloviana, Phleum alpinum, Trisetum spicatum), locally with spots of forests (Larix sibirica) . 198-86. Tarbagatai – Saur forb – grass communities with steppe elements (Alopecurus pratensis, Helictotrichon pubescens, Festuca valesiaca, Geranium collinum, Hedysarum gmelinii), locally with prostrate juniper (Juniperus pseudosabina, J. sibirica). 198-84. Tarbagatai forb – grass – lady’s mantle (Alchemilla sp., Festuca kryloviana, F. rubra, Bistorta nitens, B. vivipara) communities. High-mountain cryophytic-steppe ecosystems 199. Upper parts of slopes with cryophytic steppes on mountain-steppe soils. 199-84. Tarbagatai cryophytic-forb – sedge – fescue steppes (Festuca kryloviana, F. altaica, Carex aneurocarpa, C. stenocarpa, Oxytropis songorica, O. histrix) in combination with lady’s mantle meadows. Medium-mountain forest ecosystems 200. Slopes of mountains with leaved open crook-stem forests on mountain-taiga acid non-podzolized soils. 200-81. North Altai open crook-stem birch forests (Betula tortuosa) with herbaceous cover (Saussurea latifolia, Chamaenerion angustifolium). 201. Slopes of mountains with open woodlands of conifers on mountain-taiga acid low podzolized soils. 201-82. Central Altai pine – larch open woodlands (Larix sibirica, Pinus sibirica) with herbaceous cover (Trollius altaicus, Geranium albiflorum). 202. Slopes of mountains with dark-coniferous forests on mountain-taiga acid weakly freezing soils. 202-81. North Altai fir-tree forests (Abies sibirica) with tall herbaceous cover (Delphinium elatum, Heracleum dissectum, Anemonoides altaica, Bupleurum longifolium), rarely moss forests. 202-82. Central Altai fir-tree forests in combination with woody meadows. 203. Slopes of mountains with light-coniferous forests on sod – peaty, peaty frozen soils. 203-83. South Altai communities of larch with moss and dwarf birch (yernik) – moss cover (Polytrichum, Pleurozium, Hylocomium, Betula rotundifolia), also with sparse fir-tree, pine and spruce. 204. Slopes of mountains with sparse light-coniferous forests and woody meadows on mountain-taiga acid greatly-freezing soils. 204-83. South Altai park-like communities of larch with herbaceous cover (Aconitum leucostomum, Thalictrum simplex, Paeonia anomala). 205. Slopes of mountains with low-leaved – dark-coniferous and low-leaved (sub taiga) forests on light- and dark-grey forest soils. 205-81. North Altai low-leaved (Betula pendula, Populus tremula) and low-leaved – firtree (Abies sibirica) forests with tall herbaceous (Delphinium elatum, Heracleum dissectum, Anemonoides altaica, Bupleurum longifolium) cover. 205-82. Central Altai aspen forests, locally birch communities with tall herbaceous cover in combination with woody meadows. 206. Slopes of mountains with low-leaved – light-coniferous (sub taiga) forests on dark-grey forest soils. 206-83. South Altai birch– and aspen – larch (Larix sibirica) forests with herbaceous cover and with shrubs (Lonicera altaica, Cotoneaster melanocarpus). 207. Slopes of mountains with domination of woody meadows and low-leaved – lightconiferous forests (secondary sub taiga) on mountain sod light soils. 207-83. South Altai woody meadows (Thalictrum simplex, Heracleum sibiricum, Veratrum lobelianum, Bistorta major, Dactylis glomerata, Phleum pratense) with shrubs (Spiraea media, Rosa acicularis) in combination with low-leaved – larch forests (Larix sibirica, Betula pendula, Populus tremula). Medium- and low-mountain forest-steppe ecosystems 208. Slopes of mountains with forest-steppe: communities of larch on mountain-forest dark-grey soils of northern slopes; meadow steppes and shrubs on mountain meadow-steppe soils of southern slopes. 208-87. South Altai – Saur communities of larch (Larix sibirica) with herbaceous cover, meadow steppes (Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Stipa pennata, Filipendula hexapetala, Galium verum, Fragaria viridis) and shrubs (Rosa spinosissima). 209. Lower parts of mountain slopes and leveled tops of low-mountain massifs with meadows, small forest massifs, brushwoods of shrubs and meadow steppes on mountain meadow-steppe soils and lixiviated chernozem. 209-78. Kalba secondary meadows, fragments of aspen and birch small forests, meadow steppes and shrubs (Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia, Lonicera microphylla). 209-82. Central Altai secondary meadows with shrubs, locally with aspen and birch copses, meadow steppes. Medium- and low-mountain shrub and meadow – steppe ecosystems 210. Steep stony slopes with brushwoods of shrubs, meadow steppes and meadows with steppe elements on mountain-steppe thermo-xeromorphic lixiviated soils and mountain lixiviated chernozem. 210-80. Altai brushwoods of shrubs (Rosa spinosissima, Caragana frutex, Cotoneaster melanocarpa), meadow steppes and meadows with steppe elements (Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Filipendula hexapetala, Galium verum, Fragaria viridis). 210-78. Kalba brushwoods of shrubs (Spiraea trilobata, S. crenata, Rosa spinosissima), meadow steppes (Carex pediformis, Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon schellianum, Aster alpinus, Pulsatilla patens) and meadows (Dactylis glomerata). 211. Steep rocky and scree slopes with brushwoods of shrubs and petrophytic steppes on thin mountain-steppe soils. 211-84. Tarbagatai brushwoods of shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia, Calophaca howenii, Cerasus tianschanica), petrophytic fescue steppes (Festuca valesiaca), locally aspen copses. 212. Steep stony and rocky slopes with brushwoods of shrubs and copses. 212-84. Tarbagatai communities of almond (Amygdalus ledebouriana) in combination with communities of rose (Rosa spinosissima), of apple–tree (Malus sieversii) and aspen copses. Low-mountain and piedmont shrub rich-forb – steppe ecosystems 213. Steep lower parts of slopes with brushwoods of shrubs and rich-forb steppes on mountain usual chernozem. 213-79. Kalba – Altai brushwoods of shrubs (Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia, Amygdalus ledebouriana), rich-forb - Helictotrichon desertorum (Onosma simplicissima, Patrinia intermedia, Achyrophorus maculatus) and rich-forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Poa angustifolia, Bupleurum aureum, Centaurea scabiosa, Peucedanum morisonii) steppes. Low-mountain and piedmont arid-steppe and shrub ecosystems 214. Lower parts of slopes with shrub – forb – bunch grass steppes on mountain southern chernozem. 214-79. Kalba – Altai shrub – forb – feather grass steppes (Stipa zalesskii, Salvia stepposa, Medicago falcata, Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia). 214-84. Tarbagatai shrub – forb – feather grass steppes (Stipa zalesskii, Medicago falcata, Peucedanum morisonii, Galium verum, Calophaca howenii, Spiraea hypericifolia). 215. Loess piedmonts with brushwoods of shrubs and forb – bunch grass steppes on mountain southern chernozem. 215-84. Tarbagatai communities of almond (Amygdalus ledebouriana), shrub – feather grass (Spiraea hypericifolia, Calophaca howenii) and forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Medicago falcata, Astragalus sieversianus, Peucedanum morisonii) steppes. 216. Stony lower parts of slopes with forb – bunch grass and petrophytic steppes on mountain southern chernozem and thin mountain-steppe soils. 216-86. Tarbagatai – Saur forb – feather grass and forb – Helictotrichon desertorum communities in combination with petrophytic-forb – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Crepis tenuifolia, Sedum hybridum, Thymus serpyllum, Ziziphora clinopodioid) steppes. 217. Stony slopes with petrophytic steppes and shrubs on thin mountain-steppe soils. 217-84. Tarbagatai petrophytic-forb – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Potentilla acaulis) steppes and brushwoods of shrubs (Spiraea trilobata, Caragana pumila, Rosa spinosissima). Low-mountain and piedmont dry-steppe and shrub ecosystems 218. Lower parts of slopes with shrub – bunch grass steppes on mountain dark-chestnut soils. 218-84. Tarbagatai shrub – fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Spiraea hypericifolia, Calophaca howeni) steppes. 218-86. Tarbagatai shrub – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Spiraea hypericifolia, Caragana frutex) and feather grass – fescue steppes. 219. Lower stony parts of slopes with shrub – bunch grass steppes and shrubs on thin dark-chestnut soils. 219-84. Tarbagatai shrub – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Spiraea hypericifolia, Calophaca howeni) steppes and communities of almond (Amygdalus ledebouriana). Ecosystems of piedmonts 220. Gentle-inclined intermountain plains with forest - steppe ecosystems on sod, chernozem-like post-forest soils and mountain-steppe thermo-xeromorphic soils. 220-83. South Altai park-like communities of larch, open woodlands with steppe elements (Larix sibirica) and petrophytic steppes (Festuca valesiaca, Sedum hybridum, Thymus serpyllum). 221. Inclined piedmont plains with domination of arable lands on the place of forest steppe ecosystems on lixiviated chernozem. 221-81-0. North Altai birch and aspen copses and arable lands on the place of meadow steppes (Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Filipendula hexapetala). 222. Inclined piedmont plains with domination of arable lands on the place of meadow – steppe ecosystems on lixiviated chernozem. 222-80-0. Altai arable lands on the place of meadow steppes and steppe meadows (Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Filipendula hexapetala, Galium verum, Fragaria viridis). 223. Inclined piedmont plains with domination of arable lands on the place of rich-forb – steppe ecosystems on usual chernozem. 223-81-0. North Altai arable lands on the place of rich-forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Poa angustifolia, Bupleurum aureum, Centaurea scabiosa, Peucedanum morisonii) steppes. 224. Inclined piedmonts and intermountain valleys with domination of arid-forb – bunch grass steppes on south chernozem. 224-84. Tarbagatai forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Galium verum, Medicago falcata) steppes. 224-84-0. Arable lands on their place. 224-79-0. Kalba – Altai arable lands on the place of shrub – forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Salvia stepposa, Medicago falcata, Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia) steppes. 225. Gentle-inclined piedmont plains with domination of dry bunch grass steppes on dark-chestnut soils. 225-79. Kalba – Altai feather grass – fescue steppes with shrubs (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Spiraea hypericifolia, Caragana frutex). 225-79-0. Arable lands on their place. 225-78. Kalba fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) steppes. 225-78-0. Arable lands on their place. 225-81-0. North Altai arable lands on place of feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata) steppes. 226. Gentle-inclined piedmont plains with domination of agricultural lands on the place of psammophytic bunch grass steppes on light dark-chestnut soils. 226-78-0. Kalba arable lands on the place of feather grass – fescue steppes with psammophytes (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, Gypsophila paniculata). 227. Gentle-inclined piedmont plains with domination of deserted sagebrush – bunch grass steppes on light-chestnut soils. 227-87. South Altai – Saur sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia gracilescens) steppes with shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia, Caragana frutex). 227-77. Kokpekty sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana) steppes. 227-77-0. Arable lands on their place. 227-86. Tarbagatai – Saur sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens) steppes. 227-86-0. Arable lands on their place. 227. Gentle-inclined piedmont and intermountain-hollow plains. 228. Flat intermountain valleys with deserted sagebrush – feather grass steppes on lightchestnut soils and locally with shrubs in micro- depressions of relief. 228-77. Kokpekty calciphiles-forb – sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia albida, A. gracilescens, Psathyrostachys juncea, Seratula dissecta) steppes on carbonate soils. 228-78. Kalba sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia and Caragana frutex. 228-84. Tarbagatai sagebrush – fescue – feather grass steppes with Calophaca howenii. 229 Hilly-ridge melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives, with domination of sagebrush – feather grass, sagebrush – fescue and shrub – feather grass steppes. 229-77. Kokpekty shrub–feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Artemisia albida, A. marschalliana, A. sublessingiana, Spiraea hypericifolia, Сaragana communities in combination with brushwoods of Caragana frutex and Spiraea trilobata. frutex) 229-84. Tarbagatai sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia sublessinglana), petrophytic-forb – sagebrush –fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana, Goniolimon eximium, Libanotis incana, Arabis fruticulosa, Stipa orientalis) and shrub – feather grass (Stipa kirghisorum, Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia, locally with Calophaca howennii) steppes. 230. Flat piedmont plains with psammophytic vegetation on hilly sands. 230-78. Kalba psammophytic-sagebrush – grass communities with shrubs (Elytrigia sibiricus, Elymus giganteus, Artemisia arenaria, A. scoparia, species of genus Calligonum), locally with pine. Ecosystems of low mountains (with altitudinal zonality) Ecosystems of low mountains with pine forests on forest weakly developed dark-colored soils. 231. “Island” low mountains formed by granites with pine and pine – birch forests with moss, lichen and herbaceous cover. 231-67. Kokchetav pine and pine – birch forests with litter, lichens and herbaceous cover (Pinus sylvestris, Betula pendula, Cladonia alpestris, C. sylvatica, Cetraria islandica, Orthilia secunda, Festuca valesiaca). 231-73. Kent – Karkarala communities of pine with herbaceous, moss and lichen cover, also open woodlands of pine. 231-78. Kalba communities of pine with herbaceous and shrub – herbaceous cover (Spiraea media, Rosa acicularis, Caragana arborescens; Calamagrostis epigeios, Dactylis glomerata, Lathyrus humilis,Trifolium lupinaster, Sedum telephium). 232. “Island” low mountains formed by granites with open woodlands of pine with steppe elements. 232-78. Kalba sparse communities of pine with steppe elements (Festuca valesiaca, Thymus serpyllum, Medicago falcata, Artemisia sericea). Ecosystems of denudative socle heights with domination of forest-steppe (forest, meadow and rich-forb – feather grass steppes) on grey forest soils, on lixiviated and usual chernozem with cobble 233. Slopes of denudative melkosopochnik formed by different sedimentary rocks and crystalline rocks; interhilly plains with herbaceous leaved forests. 233-67. Kokchetav birch and aspen – birch herbaceous forests with steppe elements (Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Populus tremula, Brachypodium pinnatum, Rubus saxatilis, Poa angustifolia, Artemisia pontica, A. laciniata). 234. Denudative elevated plains with domination of arable lands on the place of meadow steppes and small forest massifs. 234-0-67. Kokchetav arable lands on the place of grass – forb and forb – grass steppes (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa pennata, S. zalesskii, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris, Artemisia sericea) in combination with birch – aspen and pine copses. 235. Denudative and accumulative elevated plains with domination of arable lands on the place of rich-forb – feather grass steppes and small forest massifs. 235-0-67. Kokchetav arable lands on the place of rich-forb – feather grass steppes (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Achyrophorus maculatus, Artemisia glauca, Filipendula vulgaris, Veronica spuria) in combination with birch – aspen copses. 236. Denudative and accumulative elevated plains with domination of arable lands on the place of rich-forb – hog’s fennel – feather grass and small forest massifs. 236-0-67. Kokchetav arable lands on the place of rich-forb – hog’s fennel (Peucedanum morissonii)–feather grass steppes in combination with birch – aspen copses. Ecosystems of low mountains with domination of rich-forb – feather grass and meadow steppes on usual cobble-stony chernozem. 237. “Island” low mountains formed by dense granites and acid effusives with domination of rich-forb – sedge – feather grass and sedge – Helictotrichon steppes with fragments of petrophytic meadow steppes. 237-73. Kent – Karkarala rich-forb – sedge – feather grass and sedge – Helictotrichon (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon schellianum, H. desertorum, Carex pediformis, Pulsatilla patens, Hieracium umbellatum, H. virosum) steppes with fragments of petrophytic meadow steppes (Carex pediformis, Papaver tenellum, Androsace ovczinnikovii, Eritrichium rupestre), locally with open woodlands of pine (Kyzylrai Mountains). 237-76. Chingiztau rich-forb – sedge – feather grass and sedge – Helictotrichon (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrlchon schellianum, H. desertorum, Carex pediformis, Pulsatilla patens, Hieracium umbellatum, H. virosum) steppes with fragments of petrophytic meadow steppes (Carex pediformis, Pulsatilla patens, Artemisia rupestris, A, laciniata) and brushwoods of shrubs (Spiraea trilobata). Ecosystems of low mountains and high melkosopochnik with domination of forb – feather grass and rich-forb – feather grass steppes on southern chernozem and on usual cobble-stony chernozem 238. “Island” low mountains formed by granites with domination of petrophytic-forb – sedge – feather grass and petrophytic-forb – sedge – Helictotrichon steppes with shrubs. 238-73. Kent – Karkarala petrophytic-forb – sedge – feather grass and petrophytic-forb – sedge –Helictotrichon (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Carex pediformis, Aster alpinus, Sedum hybridum, Thymus serpyllum) steppes with shrubs (Spiraea crenata, Cotoneaster melanocarpa and in Nurpetai Mountains – Сaragana frutex). 239. Low mountains formed by solid granites with domination of forb – sedge – Helictotrichon steppes with Caragana pumila in combination with communities of black alder on sites near springs. 239-74. Selety-Aekibastuz forb – sedge – Helictotrichon (Helictotrichon desertorum, Carex pediformis, Stipa zalesskii, Seseli eriocarpum, Potentilla acaulis, Centaurea sibirica) steppes with Caragana pumila in combination with communities of black alder (Alnus glutinosa) on sites near springs. 240. “Island” low mountains and high melkosopochnik formed by granites with domination of petrophytic-forb – feather grass and petrophytic-forb – Helictotrichon steppes with Caragana pumila. 240-70. East-Central Kazakhstan petrophytic-forb – feather grass and petrophytic-forb – Helictotrichon (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Ziziphora clinopodioides, Sedum hybridum, Artemisia frigida, Gypsophila patrinii) steppes with Caragana pumila. 241. “Island” low mountains formed by coarse-grained granites with domination of petrophytic-forb –feather grass steppes. 241-70. East-Central Kazakhstan petrophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. zalesskii, Melica transsilvanica, Carex pediformis, Androsace ovczinnikovii, Antennaria dioica) steppes. 242. “Island” low mountains and high melkosopochnik formed by alkaline effusives and shales with domination of feather grass and Helictotrichon steppes with calcephillous-forbs. 242-70. East-Central Kazakhstan feather grass and Helictotrichon steppes with calcephillous-petrophillous forbs (Stipa zalesskii, S. korshinskyi, Helictotrichon desertorum, Carex pediformis, Scabiosa isetensis, Gypsoplila patrinii, Onosma simplicissimum). Ecosystems of low mountains and high melkosopochnik with domination of bunch grass steppes (dry and temperate dry) on chestnut and dark-chestnut cobble-stony soils 243. High melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives and granites with feather grass, fescue and petrophytic-forb – Helictotrichon steppes with Caragana frutex. 243-72. Upper Nura fescue – feather grass and petrophytic-forb – Helictotrichon (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Helictotrichon desertorum, Artemisia marschalliana, Potentilla асаulis, Veronica incana) steppes with Caragana frutex. 243-77. Kokpekty feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata), petrophytic-forb – Helictotrichon (Helictotrichon desertorum, Galium rutenicum, Patrinia intermedia, Potentilla acaulis) and sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia frigida) steppes with Caragana frutex. 244. Low mountains and high melkosopochnik formed by dense granites with domination of shrub –Helictotrichon and shrub – feather grass steppes. 244-70. East-Central Kazakhstan pea-shrub – petrophytic-forb – Helictotrichon (Helictotrichon desertorum, Onosma simplicissima, Hedysarum gmelinii), pea-shrub – feather grass (Stipa kirghisorum) steppes with Caragana frutex (in Sarytoganbai and Karatoganbai Mountains) and Caragana pumila (in Kent and Chingiztau Mountains). 244-84. Tarbagatai petrophytic-forb – Helictotrichon (Helictotrichon desertorum, Crepis tenuifolia, Veronica pinnata) and feather grass steppes with Caragana pumila. 245. Low mountains and high melkosopochnik formed by granites and sandstones with domination of sagebrush – grass and psammophytic-forb – grass steppes. 245-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Artemisia marschalliana, Spiraea hypericifolia), psammophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa pennata, Helichrysum arenarium, Gypsophila paniculata, Veronica multifida) steppes in combination with aspen copses and brushwoods of shrubs on sites near springs. 245-76. Chingiztau shrub–sagebrush–fescue, shrub–feather grass–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Artemisia marshalliana, Caragana pumila, Spiraea hypericifolia) steppes in combination with aspen copses and brushwoods of shrubs on sites near springs. 245-77. Kokpekty petrophytic-forb (Potentilla acaulis, Libanotis incana, Arabis fruticulosa), shrub (Spiraea trilobata, Lonicera microphylla, Caragana pumila, Melica transsilvanica), petrophytic-forb–sagebrush–grass (Helictotrichon desertorum, Stipa pennata, S. zalesskii, Cleistogenes squarrosa, Artemisia marschalliana, Gypsophila paniculata) communities. 246. Low mountains formed by alkaline effusives with domination of petrophyticsagebrush, petrophytic-forb and feather grass steppes in combination with birch – aspen small forests in deep valleys. 246-62. Mugodzhary sagebrush (Artemisia lessingiana), petrophytic-forb (Allium globosum, Berteroa spatulata, Silene altaica, Stipa orientalis) and feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capilata) steppes in combination with birch – aspen small forests in deep valleys. 247. High melkosopochnik formed by limestones and alkaline effusives with domination of feather grass–Helictotrichon steppes with calcephillous-petrophillous forbs and feather grass steppes. 247-76. Chingiztau feather grass–Helictotrichon, petrophytic-forb–feather grass (Helictotrichon desertorum, Stipa korshinskyi, S. orientalis, Саrех реdiformis, Scabiosa isetensis, Ajania fruticulosa) steppes. Ecosystems of low mountains and high melkosopochnik with domination of sagebrush –bunch grass steppes and fragments of bunch grass (dry) steppes on lightchestnut and chestnut cobble-stony soils. 248. “Island” low mountains and high melkosopochnik formed by granites with domination of sagebrush – grass steppes and fragments of Helictotrichon – feather grass and petrophytic-forb communities. 248-73. Kent – Karkarala sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana), sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa kirghisorum, Artemisia sublessingiana), Helictotrichon –feather grass (Stipa capillata, Helictotrichon desertorum) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia and Caragana pumila. 248-75. Agadyr sagebrush – feather grass and sagebrush – fescue (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana, Spiraea hypericifolia, Patrinia intermedia, Hedysarum gmelinii, Artemisia frigida) steppes. 248-71. South-Central Kazakhstan petrophytic-forb (Lophanthus schrenkii, Hypericum elongatum, Potentilla desertorum, Piptatherum songoricum), shrub (Cotoneaster oliganthus, Lonicera simulatrix, Ribes saxatilis), sagebrush communities in combination with small forests and brushwoods of shrubs on sites near springs (Bektauata Mountain). 249. “Island” low mountains formed by quartzites with domination of calciphytic-forb – sagebrush – feather grass steppes 249-71. South-Central Kazakhstan calciphytic-forb–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens, Scabiosa isetensls, Linum pallescens. Mathiola superba) steppes with Caragana balchaschensis (Aktau Mountains) and with Caragana pumila (Zhorga Ogiztau Mountains). Ecosystems of melkosopochnik Ecosystems of melkosopochnik with domination of deserted sagebrush– bunch grass steppes on light-chestnut thin weakly developed soils. 250. Hilly-ridge melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives with domination of sagebrush –feather grass, sagebrush – fescue and shrub – feather grass steppes. 250-72. Upper Nura sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia sublessingiana), petrophytic-forb – sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana Patrinia intermedia, Hyssopus ambiguus, Artemisia glabella, Ephedra distachya, Stipa orientalis) and shrub – sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa kirghisorum, Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia) steppes. 250-77. Kokpekty sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia sublessinglana), petrophytic-forb – sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana, Goniolimon eximium, Libanotis incana, Arabis fruticulosa, Stipa orientals) and shrub – feather grass (Stipa kirghisorum, Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia) steppes. 251.. Low hilly melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives with domination of sagebrush – feather grass, sagebrush – fescue steppes with shrubs. 251-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue – feather grass, sagebrush – fescue (Bertеroa spathulata, Ephedra distachya, Orostachys spinosa) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia. 251-70. East-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass – fescue, sagebrush – feather grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. kirghisorum, Artemisia frigida, Potentilla acaulis, Veronica pinnata) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia and Caragana pumila. 251-71. South-Central Kazakhstan grass–sagebrush, sagebrush–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa sareptana, S. kirghisorum, Artemisia sublessingiana, Artemisia frigida, Stipa orientalis, Ephedra distachya) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia. 252. Rocky and ridge-hilly melkosopochnik formed by granites with domination of shrub –sagebrush – feather grass, shrub – petrophytic-forb – fescue and petrophytic-forb – sagebrush steppes. 252-70. East-Central Kazakhstan shrub – sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Artemisia sublessingiana, Caragana pumila, Spiraea hypericifolia), shrub – petrophytic-forb – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia frigida, A. glabella, Sedum hybridum, Veronica pinnata, Libanotis buchtarmensis, Sedum alberti, Ribes saxatilis, Lonicera microphylla, Dasiphora parvifolia) steppes. 252-71. South-Central Kazakhstan petrophytic-forb – sagebrush (Artemisia frigida, A. glabella, A. juncea, Ephedra distachya, Sedum alberti, Siipa orientalis) and sagebrush – fescue steppes. 253. Rocky and ridge melkosopochnik formed by sandstones with domination of shrub – sagebrush – feather grass steppes. 253-69. West-Central Kazakhstan spirea–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa capillata, Artemisia marschalliana, A. sublessingiana, Spiraea hypericifolia) steppes. 253-77. Kokpekty spirea–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Artemisia albida, A. marschalliana, A. sublessingiana, Spiraea hypericifolia), locally sagebrush– feather grass (Stipa pennata) steppes in combination with brushwoods of Caragana frutex и Spiraea trilobata. 254. Ridge-hilly melkosopochnik formed by alkaline effusives with domination of sagebrush–feather grass, sagebrush–fescue and sagebrush–feather grass steppes. 254-62.. Mugodzhary sagebrush (Artemisia lessingiana) – feather grass (Stipa sareptana) and sagebrush (Artemisia lessingiana) – feather grass (S. lessingiana) steppes in combination with communities of Anabasis salsa–Nanophyton erinaceum on salted clays. 254-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass – fescue, sagebrush – feather grass steppes with hemi calcephillous forbs (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa sareptana, S. оrientalis, Artemisia sublessingiana, A. frigida, Artemisia glabella, Thalictrum isopyroides, Berteroa spathulata). 254-70. East-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush–feather grass–fescue, sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana, Stipa orientalis, Ajania fruticulosa) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia. 255. Ouval melkosopochnik formed by limestones and alkaline effusives with domination of calciphytic-forb–sagebrush–feather grass and grass–sagebrush steppes. 255-69. West-Central Kazakhstan calciphytic-forb–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens, Scabiosa isetensis, Astragalus tauricus, Thesium multicaule, Zygophyllum pinnatum, Limonium chrysocomum) steppes. 255-71. South-Central Kazakhstan feather grass–sagebrush, sagebrush–feather grass– fescue (Artemisia gracilescens, Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Hyssopus ambiguus, Pseudosedum lievenii) steppes with Caragana balchaschensis. 256. Rocky and hilly-ridge melkosopochnik formed by metamorphic limestones with domination of pea-shrub–petrophytic-forb–feather grass and pea-shrub–sagebrush–feather grass steppes. 256-71. South-Central Kazakhstan pea-shrub–calciphytic-petrophytic-forb–feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Scabiosa isetensis, Pedicularis interrupta, Linum pallescens, Ancathia igniaria, Caragana bongardiana), pea-shrub–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa kirghisorum, Artemisia sublessingiana, Caragana bongardiana) steppes in combination with brushwoods of shrubs (Juniperus sabina, Caragana bongardiana). 257. Hilly-ridge melkosopochnik formed by alkaline crystalline and effusive rocks with domination of pea-shrub–sagebrush–feather grass steppes. 257-74. Selety-Aekibastuz pea-shrub–sagebrush–feather grass and petrophytic-forb– sagebrush (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia frigida, Caragana pumila Ancathia igniaria, Ajania fruticulosa, Krascheninnikovia ceratoides) steppes. 258. Low ridge melkosopochnik formed by salted sandstones and conglomerates with domination of sagebrush–feather grass and sagebrush communities. 258-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia sublesslngiana) steppes and sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana) communities. 259. Low ridge melkosopochnik formed by quartzites, siliceous limestones, marls and salted shales with domination of dwarf semishrub and grass–sagebrush communities. 259-69. West-Central Kazakhstan Anabasis salsa–Nanophyton erinaceum communities, sagebrush-orach (Atriplex саnа, Artemisia gracilescens, Limonium chrysocomum, Anabasis truncata), sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens) communities. 259-75. Agadyr communities of Nanophyton erinaceum, of grass-–sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens, A. frigida, Stipa orientalis, S. klrghisorum, Festuca valesiaca) with Caragana bongardiana and calciphytic-petrophytic-forb (Rhammatophyllum pacnyrrhizum, Mathiola superba, Astragalus arkalycensis) communities with Juniperus sabina. 259-70. East-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush–orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia nitrosa) and camphor-fume (Camphorosma monspeliacum) communities in combination with brushwoods of shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia). Ecosystems of melkosopochnik with domination of bunch grass dry steppes on thin weakly developed chestnut soils 260. Hilly melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives with domination of pea-shrub– sagebrush–feather grass steppes. 260-74. Selety-Aekibastuz pea-shrub–sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa capillata, Artemisia frigida, Caragana pumila, Cleistogenes squarrosa, Potentllla acaulis) steppes. 261. Rocky melkosopochnik formed by granites with domination of fescue, fescue– feather grass, petrophytic-forb and shrub communities. 261-62. Mugodzhary fescue–feather grass communities with shrubs (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia) and sagebrush (Artemisia lessingiana) communities in combination with brushwoods of shrubs (Caragana crenata) in deep ravines. 261-72. Upper Nura petrophytic-forb (Sedum alberti, Thymus serpyllum), shrub (Caragana pumila, C. frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia), sagebrush–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia frigida, A. glabella) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia. 262. Low hilly melkosopochnik formed by crystalline shales with domination of fescue– feather grass and petrophytic-forb communities. 262-62. Mugodzhary fescue–feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) steppes, petrophytic-forb (Silene altaica, Dianthus acicularis) communities in combination with communities of black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) in depressions. 263. Ridge-hilly melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives with domination of feather grass steppes with shrubs. 263-62. Mugodzhary sagebrush–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia lessingiana), spirea–feather grass (Stipa capillata, Spiraea hypericifolia) steppes in combination with communities of black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) in depressions. 263-74. Selety-Aekibastuz pea-shrub–fescue–feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Caragana pumila, Artemisia sublessinglana, Stipa orientalis) steppes. 264. Low ridge melkosopochnik formed by quartzites and salted shales with domination of sagebrush–grass, grass–shrub and dwarf semishrub communities. 264-62. Mugodzhary sagebrush–grass (Stipa lessingiana, S. sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia lessingiana, A. camelorum), grass–spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia, Festuca valesiaca, Koeleria cristata), camphor-fume (Camphorosma monspeliacum) and Nanophyton erinaceum communities. Ecosystems of melkosopochnik with domination of bunch grass temperate-dry steppes on thin weakly developed dark-chestnut soils 265. Hilly and rocky melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives with domination of petrophytic-forb–fescue, fescue–feather grass and Helictotrichon steppes with shrubs. 265-68. Ishym petrophytic-forb–fescue, feather grass–fescue and shrub–Helictotrichon– fescue steppes (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, Helictotrichon desertorum, Berteroa spathulata,Seseli ledebouri, Dianthus acicularis, Spiraea hypericifolia). 265-72. Upper Nura petrophytic-forb–fescue and goldilocks–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella vilosa, Patrinia intermedia, Veronica incana, Allium globosum, Helictotrichon desertorum) steppes with Caragana frutex. 265-74. Selety-Aekibastuz pea-shrub–fescue–feather grass, pea-shrub–sagebrush– Helictotrichon steppes with petrophytes (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia frigida, Caragana pumila, Veronica pinnata, Potentilla acaulis, Clausia aprica, Cleistogenes squarrosa). 266. Hilly-ridge melkosopochnik formed by granites with domination of petrophyticsagebrush–fescue and petrophytic-sagebrush–fescue–feather grass steppes with shrubs. 266-63. Trans Ural sagebrush–fescue–feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia lessingiana) steppes with Caragana frutex. 266-72. Upper Nura shrub–sagebrush–fescue and shrub–feather grass–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Artemisia marshalliana, Caragana frutex, Patrinia intermedia, Ancathia igniaria) steppes. 267. Low hilly melkosopochnik formed by salted shales and quartzites with domination of sagebrush–fescue and sagebrush communities. 267-63. Trans Ural sagebrush–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa) steppes, communities of Anabasis salsa, of sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, A. lessingiana, A. semiarida) in combination with brushwoods of shrubs (Caragana frutex, Spiraea crenata, Amygdalus nana) in ravines. Ecosystems of melkosopochnik with domination of petrophytic-forb–bunch grass arid steppes on thin weakly developed southern chernozem 268. Hilly melkosopochnik formed by acid effusives with domination of petrophytic- forb–Helictotrichon–feather grass and petrophytic-forb–feather grass–Helictotrichon steppes. 268-63. Trans Ural petrophytic-forb–Helictotrichon–feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Festuca valesiaca, Aster alpinus, Seseli ledebouri, Artemisia marschalliana) steppes in combination with birch copses. 268-67. Kokchetav petrophytic-forb–feather grass–Helictotrichon (Helictotrichon desertorum, Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Scabiosa isetensis, Artemisia frigida, A. marshalliana) steppes. 269. Ridge melkosopochnik formed by sandstones with domination of forb–feather grass steppes with Caragana frutex. 269-72. Upper Nura forb–Helictotrichon–feather grass and forb–fescue–feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella vilosa) steppes with Caragana frutex. 270. Ridge melkosopochnik formed by crystalline shales with domination of forb–feather grass–fescue and forb–grass–shrub communities. 270-61. South Ural forb–feather grass–fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, Galium ruthenicum, Silene wolgensis, Hymenolyma bupleuroides), forb–grass–shrub (Caragana frutex, Spiraea hypericifolia, S. crenata, Amygdalus nana) communities in combination with aspen (Populus tremula) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa) small forests on flood-lands. 271. Ridge-hilly melkosopochnik formed by alkaline effusives with domination of forb– feather grass–grass steppes. 271-61. South Ural forb–Helictotrichon–feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Helictotrichon desertorum, Veronica incana, Salvia steposa) steppes in combination with birch (Betula pendula), aspen and black alder small forests in river valleys. 271-70. East-Central Kazakhstan petrophytic-forb–feather grass–sedge–feather grass and feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. lessingiana, S. korshinskyi, Carex pediformis, Arenaria koriniana, Pedicularis interrupta, Onosma simplicissimum) steppes. Ecosystems of plains Ecosystems of deserted steppes on light-chestnut soils of plains and plateaus Ecosystems of plateaus and plains with sagebrush – feather grass complex steppes on solonetz-like light-chestnut sandy loams 272. Ecosystems of elevated arid-denudative stratum plains (plateaus) with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like sandy loams in complex with sagebrush communities on solonetz. 272-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – wheat grass – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Agropyron desertorum, Artemisia lerchiana) steppes on solonetz-like sandy loams in complex with communities of some species of sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens, Artemisia pauciflora, Artemisia semiarida) and communities of Anabasis salsa on solonetz. 272’-60. Transformed lands. 272-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 272-63. Trans Ural sagebrush – feather grass communities with fescue, feather grass – sagebrush (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) communities with forbs (Tanacetum achilleifolium, Lynosyris villosissima, Kochia prostrata) in complex with sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia pauciflora) and orach (Atriplex verrucifera) communities on solonetz. 272-64. Turgai sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens) steppes on solonetz-like sandy loams in complex with communities of sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens, A. semiarida) and, locally, with black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz. 272’-64. Transformed lands. 272”-64. Transformed and partially arable lands (fallow lands). 273. Elevated arid-denudative stratum plains with sagebrush – feather grass steppes in complex with sagebrush communities on solonetz and in combination with hydromorphic complexes of sagebrush and meadow communities and reed grass thickets of lacustrine depressions. 273-63. Trans Ural sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia semiarida, A. lessingiana) communities in complex with black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz. 273-64. Turgai sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens) communities in complex with communities of some species of sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens, А. semiarida, Artemisia pauciflora) and in combination with hydromorphic complexes of sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa, A. schrenkiana) and meadow communities, and also with reed grass thickets in lacustrine depressions. 273'- 64. Transformed lands. 274. Hilly-ouval divided plateaus with sagebrush – wheat grass – fescue – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like soils, locally in complex with sagebrush communities on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of spirea in ravines and gullies. 274-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – wheat grass – fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron desertorum, Artemisia lerchiana), sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia semiarida) steppes on solonetz-like soils, black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens), Anabasis salsa communities on solonetz in combination with thickets of Spiraea hypericifolia in ravines and gullies. Ecosystems of plateaus’ slopes and inclined plains with sagebrush – bunch grass steppes on light-chestnut carbonate sandy loams underlaid by loams 275. Hilly-ouval divided slopes of plateaus with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on carbonate soils. 275-60. Sub Ural steppes with complex of sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia lerchiana), sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens), black sagebrush (A. pauciflora) and Anabasis salsa communities on carbonate and residual-carbonate soils in combination with brushwoods of Spiraea hypericifolia and Caragana balchaschensis in depressions and ravines. 276. Ouval, inclined, stepped and strongly divided slopes of plateaus, and also inclined interhilly plains with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on carbonate, locally eroded soils underlaid by loams. 276-60. Sub Ural steppes with complex of sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia lerchiana), black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush (A. gracilescens) and Anabasis salsa communites on carbonate and residual-carbonate soils in combination with brushwoods of Spiraea hypericifolia и Caragana balchaschensis in depressions and ravines. 276’-60. Transformed lands. 276-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 276-64. Turgai sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia semiarida), tansy (Tanacetum achilleifolium), sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida) communities and communities of Psathyrostachys juncea on carbonate and residual-carbonate soils. 277. Inclined plains with domination of calciphytic-forb – feather grass steppes on carbonate soils. 277-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia semiarida, A. camelorum, Agropyron pectiniforme, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes on carbonate soils of interhilly plains. 277-69-0. Arable lands on their place. 277-77. Kokpekty sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia gracilescens, A. albida) steppes with copious Psathyrostachys juncea. 277-77-0. Arable lands on their place. 278. Divided and eroded slopes of plateaus with outcrops of loams and aggregations of plants on residual solonetz. 278-64. Turgai groups of Anabasis eriopoda, A. salsa and Artemisia semiarida. Ecosystems of inclined deluvial-proluvial plains with sagebrush – bunch grass steppes on light-chestnut cobble soils, locally in complex with solonetz. 279. Interhilly inclined plains with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on cobble soils in complex with sagebrush – fescue communities on solonetz. 279-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia gracilescens) steppes in complex with communities of Artemisia gracilescens and Artemisia gracilescens – Festuca valesiaca on solonetz. 279-69-0. Arable lands on their place. 279-70. East-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana, Hulthemia berberifolia) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia in complex with Artemisia sublessingiana – Festuca valesiaca communities on solonetz. 279-70-0. Arable lands on their place. 280. Gentle-inclined plains with sagebrush – fescue – feather grass steppes in complex with sagebrush communities on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of pea-shrub. 280-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia gracilescens) steppes in complex with communities of Artemisia gracilescens on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of pea-shrub (Сaragana balchaschensis). 280-70. East–Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia gracilescens, Rheum nanum) steppes in complex with sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens, Artemisia sublessingiana) communities on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of pea-shrub (Сaragana balchasсhensis). 281. Gentle-inclined aprons with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on carbonate sandy loams in complex with sagebrush communities, locally with dwarf semishrub communities on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of shrubs. 281-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens, Thalictrum isopyroides, Rheum tataricum, Astragalus arcuatus) steppes in complex with sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens) and Anabasis truncata communities on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of pea-shrub (Caragana balchaschensis) in depressions. 281-70. East-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia gracilescens, Ajania fruticulosa, Rheum nanum) steppes in complex with communities of sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens) on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of peashrub (Caragana pumila) in depressions. 281-70-0. Arable lands on their place. 281-71. South-Central Kasakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Siipa sareptana, Artemisia sublessingiana, A. gracilescens Artemisia semiarida, Krascheninnikovia ceratoides, Ferula ferulaeoides) steppes in complex with communities of Artemisia sublessingiana and A. gracilescens on solonetz and in combination with brushwoods of spirea – pea-shrub in depressions. 282. Weakly gentle-inclined plains with sagebrush – fescue – feather grass and sagebrush – feather grass – fescue steppes on gravel light sandy loams. 282-71. South-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa kirghisorum, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana) and sagebrush – feather grass – fescue steppes. Ecosystems of wavy plains with sagebrush – feather grass and psammophytic bunch grass steppes on light-chestnut loamy sands 283. Wavy plains with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on loamy sands. 283-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana, A. austriaca, A. lerchiana, Falcaria vulgaris) steppes. 283’-60. Transformed lands. 283-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 283-64. Turgai sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana, Artemisia austriaca) steppes. 283-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia. 283’-69. Transformed lands. 283-69-0. Arable lands on their place. 283-77. Kokpekty sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana, A. sublessingiana, Potentilla acaulis) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia and brushwoods of shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia, Caragana frutex). 283’’-77. Transformed lands and partially arable lands. 283-77-0. Arable lands on their place. 284. Wavy plains with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on loamy sand soils in combination with meadows, temporary flooded lands and brushwoods of shrubs in depressions. 284-60. Sub Ural forb – sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana, A. austriaca, A. lerchiana, Otites wolgensis, Galium ruthenicum, Astragalus testiculatus, Ephedra distachya, Gypsophila paniculata, Falcaria vulgaris) steppes in combination with brushwoods of Spiraea hypericifolia in ravines and gullies. 284-64. Turgai sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana, Artemisia austriaca) steppes in combination with meadows on temporary flooded lands in depressions on corresponding soils. 284’-64. Transformed lands. 284’’-64. Transformed and partially arable lands. 284-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, S. pennata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana, A. austriaca, A. sublessingiапа, Hulthemia berberifolia) steppes, locally in combination with meadows (Calamagrostis epigeios, Agropyron repens) and brushwoods of spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia) in depressions. 285. Wavy plains with sandy feather grass steppes on weakly cementated sandy soils. 285-60. Sub Ural psammophytic-forb – sandy sagebrush – wheat grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Agropyron fragile, Artemisia arenaria, A. marschalliana, Helichrysum arenarium, Achillea micrantha, Syrenia siliculosa) steppes. 286. Wavy plains with sagebrush – feather grass steppes on loamy sand soils. 286-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia lerchiana) steppes with Stipa lessingiana. 286-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 286-63. Trans Ural sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia semiarida) steppes on loamy sands; wheat grass (Agropyron fragile) steppes with Artemisia lerheana on loamy sands and sandy soils; bulbous blue grass – sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflira, Poa bulbosa) communities with Anabasis salsa and Nanophyton erinaceum on solonetz. 286-71. South Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Artemisia sublessingiana, A. lerchiana) steppes. Ecosystems of hilly and ridge sands with sandy feather grass and psammophyticgrass steppes 287. Low-hilly and low-ridge sands with wheat grass – sandy feather grass and sagebrush – grass steppes. 287-59. Caspian fescue – sandy feather grass, fescue and wheat grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca bekkeri, Agropyron fragile, Koeleria glauca, Jurinea sp. div., Syrenia siliculosa, Euphorbia seguierana) communities with shrubs (Calligonum aphyllum, Salix caspica, S. acutifolia) and with Leymus arenarius on broken hilly sands. 287’’-59. Transformed and partially arable lands. 287’-60. Sub Ural sandy sagebrush – psammophytic-forb – grass, psammophytic-forb – sandy sagebrush (Artemisia arenaria, Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri, Koeleria glauca, Agropyron fragile, Achillea micrantha, Syrenia siliculosa, Centaurea scabiosa, Euphorbia sequierana) communities on ridge, hilly and low-barkhan sands. 287-64. Turgai wheat grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Agropyron fragile), sagebrush – grass (Festuca beckeri, Agropyron fragile, Artemisia lerchiana, Artemisia arenaria) steppes on low-hilly sands. 287-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata), fescue (Festuca valesiaca), wheat grass (Agropyron fragile) communities on low-hilly and low-ridge sands in combination with halophytic perennial saltwort vegetation in solonchak’s depressions. 288. Ridge, hilly-ridge sands with psammophytic-grass steppes in combination with shrub or woody vegetation in depressions. 288’-60. Sub Ural sandy sagebrush – psammophytic-forb – grass, psammophytic-forb – sandy sagebrush (Artemisia arenaria, Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri, Koeleria glauca, Agropyron fragile, Achillea micrantha, Syrenia siliculosa, Centaurea scabiosa, Euphorbia sequierana) communities with shrubs (species of genus Calligonum) on ridge, hilly and low-barkhan sands, usually broken, in combination with communities of willow (Salix acutifolia) in inter-ridge depressions. 288-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata) and fescue steppes (Festuca beckeri) in combination with aspen (Populus tremula) and aspen – birch (Betula pendula, B. kirghisorum) forests in depressions. Ecosystems of flat plains with sagebrush – bunch grass steppes on solonetz-like light-chestnut soils, sagebrush and perennial saltwort communities on solonetz. 289. Flat plains with sagebrush – bunch grass steppes and sagebrush communities on solonetz. 289-59-0. Caspian arable lands on the place of sagebrush – wheat grass – fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron desertorum, Artemisia lerchiana, A. austriaca, Poa bulbosa) steppes in complex with grass – sagebrush and sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz and fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata) steppes with spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia) on meadow-chestnut soils in depressions. 289-64. Turgai sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia gracilescens, A. pauciflora) steppes in complex with communities of sagebrushes (Artemisia pauciflora and Artemisia schrenkiana) on solonetz. 289-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue and sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia in complex with sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana) and Psathyrostachys juncea communities on solonetz. 289-69-0. Arable lands on their place. 289-70. East-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue and sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia sublessingiana) steppes in complex with communities of sagebrushes (Artemisia schrenkiana and Artemisia pauciflora) on solonetz. 290. Flat plains with sagebrush – bunch grass steppes, communities of sagebrush and orach on solonetz. 290-59. Caspian tansy – wheat grass – sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Agropyron desertorum, Tanacetum achilleifolium, Poa bulbosa) communities on solonetz-like soils in complex with sagebrush, sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz and fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca), locally glicorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) communities on meadow–light-chestnut and meadow soils in depressions and in combination with meadow vegetation of lacustrine depressions. 290’-59. Transformed lands. 290-59-0. Arable lands on their place. 291. Flat lacustrine-alluvial plains with domination of sagebrush, tansy, summer cypress communities on solonetz. 291-59. Caspian fescue – feather grass – wheat grass – sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Agropyron desertorum, Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca, Poa bulbosa) communities on solonetz-like soils in complex with tansy, sagebrush, summer cypress (Tanacetum achilleifolium, Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata, Camphorosma monspelliaca, Salsola laricifolia) communities on solonetz and in combination with fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata) steppes with spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia) in depressions. 291’-59. Transformed lands. 291-59-0. Arable lands on their place. 292. Flat lacustrine-alluvial plains with complexes of grass, sagebrush and orach communities on solonetz. 292-59. Caspian bulbous blue grass – wheat grass – sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Agropyron desertorum, Poa bulbosa) and Anabasis aphylla – Artemisia lerchiana communities on solonetz-like soils in complex with sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz and sagebrush – feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa sareptana, Artemisia lerchiana, A. austriaca) communities on meadow-chestnut soils in depressions. 292’-59. Transformed lands. 292-59-0. Arable lands on their place. 292-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue and sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia sublessingiana) steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with communities of sagebrush – orach (Artemisia pauciflora – Atriplex саnа, Artemisia gracilescens – Atriplex cana, Artemisia schrenkiana – Airiplex саnа) on solonetz. 292-70. East-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush – fescue and sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Stipa lessingiana, Artemisia sublessingiana) steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with communities of orach (Atriplex саnа, Artemisia pauciflora, Artemisia gracilescens, Artemisia schrenkiana) on solonetz. 292-70-0. Arable lands on their place. Ecosystems of flat plains with domination of sagebrush and perennial saltwort communities on solonetz in complex with bunch grass steppes 293. Flat plains with camphor-fume and tansy communities on solonetz and bunch grass steppes in depressions. 253-59. Caspian complexes of: black sagebrush – summer cypress (Kochia prostrata, Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz, summer cypress – tansy (Tanacetum achilleifolium, Kochia prostrata) communities on solonetz-like soils and short feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata) communities with spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia) on meadow light- chestnut soils in depressions. 294. Flat arid-denudative plains of low level with communities of black sagebrush on solonetz and bunch grass steppes on solonetz-like soils. 294-64. Turgai black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), fescue (Festuca valesiaca) and feather grass (Stipa sareptana) communities. 295. Plains with divided relief (or with ridges) with communities of black sagebrush on solonetz in complex with sagebrush – fescue steppes and meadows in depressions. 295-64. Turgai communities of black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) on solonetz in complex with sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca) steppes and meadows (Leymus ramosus) in depressions. 295’-64. Transformed lands. 296. Flat plains with sagebrush communities on solonetz in complex with bunch grass steppes on solonetz-like soils and in combination with meadows in depressions near lakes. 296-59. Caspian complexes of black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana) and summer cypress (Kochia prostrata) communities on solonetz in combination with wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), Aeluropus littoralis, bulbous bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) meadows on meadow soils of lacustrine depressions and annual saltwort (Salicornia europaea, Petrosimonia triandra), Halocnemum strobilaceum, Atriplex verrucifera and Atriplex cana communities on solonchak. 296-64. Turgai black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana) and sagebrush – orach (Artemisia pauciflora, Atriplex cana) communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass –fescue steppes, locally in combination with meadows and meadow complexes in lacustrine depressions. 297. Flat plains with domination of communities’ complexes of orach formation on solonetz – solonchak and bunch grass and shrub communities with spirea in depressions. 297-64. Turgai black sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz with elements of solonchak in complex with feather grass (Stipa sareptana) and fescue (Festuca valesiaca) steppes with spirea in depressions. 297-69. West–Central Kazakhstan black sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia schrenkiana) communities in complex with feather grass and fescue communites in depressions. 297-70. East-Central Kazakhstan black sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia schrenkiana) communities in complex with feather grass – shrub (Caragana balchaschensis, Spiraea hypericifolia, Stipa capillata, S. kirghisorum) communities in depressions. 298. Ouval plains with domination of complexes of black sagebrush and orach communities on residual- carbonate solonetz. 298-69. West-Central Kazakhstan black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), orach (Atriplex cana) with Suaeda physophora and Anabasis salsa communities on solonetz. Ecosystems of slopes to river valleys with domination of complex steppes and meadows 299. Slopes to valleys of small rivers with complexes of sagebrush and fescue communities in combination with meadows. 299-64. Turgai black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), tansy (Tanacetum achilleifolium) communities on solonetz in complex with fescue (Festuca valesiaca) steppes on solonetz-like soils and in combination with sea spear grass (виды рода Puccinellia), wheat grass (Agropyron repens) and Achnatherum splendens meadows and brushwoods of shrubs (Tamarix ramosissima) in valleys of small rivers. Ecosystems of depressions and low river valleys with domination of perennial saltwort and succulent-saltwort halophytic vegetation in combination with meadows 300. Flat river and lacustrine alluvial plains with sagebrush, annual saltwort and perennial saltwort communities on solonchak and in combination with halophytic meadows. 300-69. West-Central Kazakhstan sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa), annual saltwort (species of genera Suaeda, Climacoptera), Obione verrucifera, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Kalidium foliatum communities on solonchak; orach (Atriplex cana) communities on solonetz – solonchak in combination with sea spear grass (species of genus Puccinellia), wheat grass (Agropyron repens) and Achnatherum splendens meadows. 301. Low plains and depressions with domination of orach and succulent-saltwort communities on solonchak. 301-59. Caspian orach (Atriplex cana), Anabasis salsa communities with participation of Artemisia pauciflora, Suaeda physophora, Salsola laricina, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Limonium suffruticosum, Artemisia santonica, Climacoptera brachiata on solonetz with elements of solonchak. 301-64. Turgai orach (Atriplex cana) and succulent-saltwort (Halocnemum strobilaceum, Kalidium foliatum, Suaeda physophora) communities on solonchak in combination with Aeluropus littoralis and wheat grass (Agropyron repens) meadows. Ecosystems of dry steppes on chestnut soils of plains and plateaus Ecosystems of arid-denudative plains (plateaus), slopes of plateaus and inclined plains with feather grass steppes on chestnut carbonate soils. 302. Flat arid-denudative plains (plateaus) with xerophytic-forb – fescue – feather grass steppes on carbonate soils. 302-64-0. Turgai arable lands on the place of xerophytic-forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella tatarica, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes. 302-68 Ishym fescue – feather grass steppes with xerophytic forbs (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella divaricata, Serratula dissecta). 302-68-0. Arable lands on their place. 303. Flat plateaus with xerophytic-forb – fescue – feather grass steppes on carbonate soils in combination with meadows on meadow-chestnut soils in depressions. 303-60. Sub Ural xerophytic-forb – feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, Serratula dissecta, Galatella tatarica, Jurinea multiflora, Tanacetum achilleifolium) complex steppes on carbonate soils with xerophytic-forb – grass – sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens, Psathyrostachys juncea, Festuca valesiaca, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium), Psathyrostachys juncea – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), Psathyrostachys juncea – sagebrush (Artemisia lessingiana) communities on residual-carbonate soils. 303-64-0. Turgai arable lands on the place of xerophytic-forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella tatarica, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes in combination with lyme grass (Leymus ramosus) and wheat grass (Agropyron pectiniforme) meadows. 304. Ouval arid-denudative plains, locally inclined, divided plains with tansy – fescue – feather grass steppes on carbonate, very dense, heavy sandy loams. 304-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 304-64. Turgai tansy – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, S. sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Leymus ramosus, Tanacetum achilleifolium, Serratula carduncuius) steppes with grey sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida) and feather grass – wheat grass – lyme grass (Leymus ramosus, Agropyron pectiniforme, Stipa lessingiana) meadows on meadow-chestnut soils. 304’’-64. Transformed and partially arable lands. 304-64-0. Arable lands and fragments of virgin lands. 305. Inclined interhilly plains with feather grass and fescue – feather grass steppes on carbonate soils. 305-70. East-Central Kazakhstan fescue – feather grass and feather grass (Stipa korshinskyi, S. capillata, S. sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia frigida, A. schrenkiana, Veronica incana, Dianthus rigidus, Ephedra distachya) steppes. 306. Flat low arid-denudative plains with xerophytic-forb – feather grass steppes with halophytes on carbonate solonetz-like, heavy sandy loams in combination with lyme grass meadows. 306’’-64. Turgai transformed steppes, locally arable lands on the place of xerophyticforb – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Tanacetum achilleifolium, Galatella tatarica) steppes with Limonium gmelinii in combination with complexes of black sagebrush and lyme grass – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Leymus ramosus) communities on solonetz and with lyme grass (Leymus ramosus) meadows on meadow soils. 306-64-0. Arable lands on their place. Ecosystems of deluvial-proluvial inclined plains and elevated arid-denudative plateaus and their slopes with shrub – bunch grass steppes on chestnut cobble soils 307. Elevated arid-denudative plains (socle plateaus) with feather grass steppes with spirea on thin, locally weakly developed cobble soils. 307-64. Turgai feather grass (Stipa capillata, Stipa zalesskyi, Stipa kirghisorum, Potentilla glaucescens, Helichrysum arenarium) steppes with spirea ( Spiraea hypericifolia). 308. Divided slopes of plateus with outcrops of sandstones with petrophytic-forb – grass steppes on weakly developed cobble soils in combination with brushwoods of juniper and aspen – birch copses, communities of willow and meadows near springs. 308-64. Turgai petrophytic-forb – grass ( Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Astragalus tauricus, Scabiosa isetensis) steppes in combination with brushwoods of juniper (Juniperus sabina), communities of Anabasis salsa on salted loams and with aspen – birch copses and meadows near springs. 309. Interhilly deluvial-proluvial inclined plains with shrub – feather grass steppes on cobble soils. 309-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca, A. marschalliana) steppes in combination with brushwoods of Caragana frutex and Spiraea hypericifolia in ravines, gullies and micro depressions. 309-63. Trans Ural sagebrush – fescue – feather grass ( Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia lessingiana) and fescue steppes. 309-70. East Central Kazakhstan pea-shrub – sagebrush – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Artemisia frigida, Caragana pumila) steppes. 309-70-0.Arable lands on their place. Ecosystems of wavy plains with fescue – feather grass and psammophytic-bunch grass steppes on chestnut loamy sand soils 310. Weakly wavy plains with fescue – feather grass steppes on loamy sands – light sandy loams. 310’’-64. Turgai transformed steppes, locally arable lands on the place of fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Gypsophila paniculata) steppes on light sandy loams and loamy sands. 310’-66. Irtysh-Kulunda transformed fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Potentilla acaulis, Spiraea hypericifolia) steppes on light sandy loams. 310-66-0. Arable lands on their place. 310-72. Upper Nura goldilocks – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Artemisia marschalliana) steppes on light sandy loams and loamy sands. 310”-72. Transformed lands. 310-72-0. Arable lands on their place. 311. Wavy-ridge plains with fescue – feather grass steppes on loamy sand soils in combination with meadow vegetation around lakes. 311-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca, A. marschalliana, A. lerchiana) steppes in combination with meadow (Hordeum brevisubulatum, Elytrigia repens, Alopecurus ventricosus, Centaurea glastifolia) communities around lakes. 311-64. Turgai psammophytic-forb – feather grass steppes in combination with wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), lyme grass (Leymus ramosus), wheat grass (Agropyron pectiniforme) meadows on temporary flooded lands with corresponding soils. 311’-64. Transformed lands. 311-68. Ishym fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Gypsophila paniculata) steppes in combination with meadow vegetation around lakes. 312. Wavy plains with feather grass on loamy sands and sandy soils. 312’-60. Sub Ural transformed psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass – feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. pennata, Potentilla glaucescens, Centaurea scabiosa, Achillea micrantha, Gypsophila paniculata, Euphorbia sequierana) steppes on sandy soils. 312-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 312’-64. Turgai transformed feather grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Stipa capillata) steppes on loamy sands and sandy soils. 312-66. Irtysh-Kulunda fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca valesiaca, Cleistogenes squarrosa) steppes on loamy sand soils. 312’-66. Transformed lands. 312-66-0. Arable lands on their place. 313. Wavy plains with psammophytic-bunch grass steppes on loamy sands and sandy soils in combination with meadows and brushwoods of spirea. 313-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass – fescue (Festuca beckeri, Stipa pennata, Herbae stepposae psammophytica, Artemisia marschalliana) steppes with Cleistogenes squarrosa on leveled sands. 313-66. Irtysh-Kulunda fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca valesiaca, Cleistogenes squarrosa) steppes on loamy sands and sandy soils in combination with meadows (Calamagrostis epigeios) and brushwoods of spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia). Ecosystems of hilly –ridge sands with fescue – sandy feather grass steppes 314. Ridge-hilly sands with fescue – sandy feather grass steppes on weakly cementated sandy soils. 314-60. Sub Ural forb – sandy sagebrush – fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri, Artemisia arenaria, A. marshalliana, Euphorbia sequierana, Jurinea cyanoides, Helichrysum arenrium, Syrenia siliculosa) 315. Hilly, ridge and ancient-dune sands with fescue – sandy feather grass steppes in combination with meadows and brushwoods of shrubs. 315-60. Sub Ural forb – sandy sagebrush – fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri, Artemisia arenaria,A. marshalliana, Euphorbia sequierana, Jurinea cyanoides, Helichrysum arenrium, Syrenia siliculosa) steppes in combination with meadow wood-reed (Calamagrostis epigeios), reed grass (Phragmites australis) and shrub (Cytisus ruthenicus, Salix caspia, S. acutifolia) communities. 315’-60. Transformed lands. 315-66. Irtysh-Kulunda fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri, Koeleria glauca) steppes in combination with meadows and brushwoods of shrubs. 316. Hilly and ancient-dune sands with fescue – sandy feather grass combination with forests. steppes in 316-60. Sub Ural forb – sandy sagebrush – fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri, Artemisia arenaria, A. marshalliana, Euphorbia sequierana, Jurinea cyanoides, Helichrysum arenrium, Syrenia siliculosa) steppes with participation of shrub (Cytisus ruthenicus) communities in combination with birch (Betula pendula) and aspen (Populus tremula) small forests. 316-66 Irtysh-Kulunda fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri) steppes, communities of pine, meadows and brushwoods of shrubs. Ecosystems of flat plains with domination of bunch grass steppes on solonetz-like chestnut soils in complex with sagebrush communities on solonetz 317. Flat plains with sagebrush – feather grass and sagebrush – fescue steppes, locally in complex with sagebrush communities on solonetz. 317-60. Sub Ural complexes of sagebrush – fescue – feather grass, white sagebrush, black sagebrush (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artmisia lerchiana, A. austriaca, Artemisia pauciflora, Galatella tatarica, Tanacetum achilleifolium) communities, fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) steppes with Spiraea hypericifolia on solonetz-like sandy loams. 317-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 317’-64. Turgai fescue – feather grass steppes on light sandy loam soils in complex with goldilocks (Galatella villosa) and sagebrush (Artemisia shrenkiana, A. pauciflora) communities on solonetz, locally arable and transformed lands. 317-66-0. Irtysh-Kulunda arable lands and fallow lands on the place of fescue – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like light sandy loams in complex with fescue – feather grass and camphor-fume communities on solonetz. 317-69. West Central Kazakhstan fescue – feather grass steppes with Spiraea hypericlfolia in complex with fescue – sagebrush (Аrtemisia schrenkiana, Festuса valesiaca) and Psathyrostachys juncea communities on solonetz. 317-70. East-Central Kazakhstan cold sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia frigida) and Austrian sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca) steppes in complex with sagebrush (A. schrenkiana) and Psathyrostachys juncea communities on solonetz. 317-72. Upper Nura fescue – feather grass (Stipa сарillаta, S. lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Potentilla humifusa, Carex supina, Galium ruthenicum) steppes with isolated sagebrushes (Artemisia marschalliana, A. sublessingiana) on light sandy loam, gravel soils in complex with communities of Artemisia austriaca and A. sublessingiana on solonetz.. 318. Flat and wavy arid-denudative plains with feather grass steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with plant communities on solonetz. 318-64. Turgai tansy – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) and tansy – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes in complex with black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz. 318’-64. Transformed lands. 318’’-64. Strongly eroded and transformed lands. 319. Flat and weakly wavy plains with fescue – feather grass and fescue steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with fescue – sagebrush, Psathyrostachys juncea and black sagebrush communities on solonetz. 319-58-0. Syrt arable lands on the place of xerophytic-forb – feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with Psathyrostachys juncea – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) and summer cypress – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata) communities on solonetz. 319’-59. Caspian sagebrush – wheat grass – feather grass – fescue communities in complex with white sagebrush – tansy, fescue, fescue – feather grass with Spiraea hypericifolia communities in depressions; summer cypress, camphor fume – black sagebrush communities on solonetz; partially arable lands. 319-64. Turgai fescue – feather grass (Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with fescue – sagebrush (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia schrenkiana), Psathyrostachys juncea and black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz. 319’’-64. Transformed and partially arable lands. 320. Flat plains with complex steppes, white sagebrush, summer cypress and black sagebrush communities on solonetz in combination with meadow-halophytic vegetation of temporary flooded areas. 320-59. Caspian sagebrush – wheat grass – feather grass – fescue steppes in complex with white sagebrush – tansy, fescue, summer cypress, camphor-fume – black sagebrush communities on solonetz in combination with reed grass (Phragmites communis), tuber bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus), Aeluropus littoralis, wheat grass (Elytrigia repens, Linosyris tatarica), sea spear grass (Puccinellia distans, Artemisia santonca, Juncus gerardii, Limonium gmelinii) meadows. Ecosystems of flat plains with domination of sagebrush and perennial saltwort communities on solonetz 321. Flat and weakly wavy low arid-denudative plains with communities of black sagebrush on solonetz in complex with feather grass steppes on solonetz-like soils. 321-60. Sub Ural complexes of xerophytic-forb – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata, Galatella tatarica, Tanacetum achilleifolium), Psathyrostachys juncea – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communites on solonetz and white sagebrush – xerophytic-forb – feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium, Artemisia lerchiana) communities on solonetz-like soils in combination with Caragana frutex и Spiraea hypericifolia in ravines and gullies. 321-64. Turgai complexes of black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz and feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, S.sareptana) steppes on solonetz-like soils. 321’’-64. Transformed and partially arable lands. 322. Flat low lacustrine-alluvial plains with complexes of sagebrush and halophytic dwarf semishrub communities on solonetz. 322-64. Turgai Psathyrostachys juncea – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush (Artemisia shrenkiana), black sagebrush – orach (Atriplex cana, Artemisia pauciflora) communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana) steppes on solonetz-like soils; in combination with sea spear grass – sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa) communities on meadow solonetz and with meadows around lakes. Ecosystems of slopes to river valleys with complexes of bunch grass steppes and communities on solonetz in combination with meadow and shrub vegetation in valleys of small rivers 323. Slopes to river valleys with tansy – feather grass, Psathyrostachys juncea, sagebrush communities on carbonate-eroded soils; with meadow vegetation on meadow soils and communities of willow in valleys of small rivers. 323-60. Sub Ural xerophytic-forb – grass – sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens, Stipa sareptana, Psathyrostachys juncea, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium), Psathyrostachys juncea –xerophytic-forb – sagebrush (Artemisia lessingiana, Serratula dissecta, Alyssum torthuosum) with Krascheninnikowia ceratoides, feather grass – white sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana, Stipa lessingiana, S. sareptana), xerophytic-forb – wheat grass – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Agropyron desertorum, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium) communities on residual-carbonate soils, partially arable lands. 323’-64. Turgai tansy – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Tanacetum achilleifolium), tansy (Tanacetum achilleifolium), Psathyrostachys juncea, sagebrush (Artemisia semiarida) communities on carbonate eroded soils; meadow vegetation on meadow soils and willow communities in river valleys. 324. Divided slopes to valleys of small rivers with steppe complexes on solonetz and with fragments of meadow-steppe complexes in valleys. 324-60. Sub Ural complexes of black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Artemisia austriaca, Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana) communities, fescue – feather grass communities with spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), Psathyrostachys juncea, Aeleuropus littoralis and sagebrush (Artemisia santonica) communities. 324-64. Turgai complexes of black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana, Festuca valesiaca), Psathyrostachys juncea communities on solonetz in combination with meadow-steppe complexes on meadow-chestnut solonetz-like soils and with meadows in river valleys. Ecosystems of flat bottoms of depressions and narrow gullies with perennial saltwort and halophytic-sagebrush communities on solonetz in combination with vegetation of solonchak and meadows 325. Flat plains on bottom of gully with complexes of perennial saltwort communities on solonetz – solonchak in combination with halophytic meadows. 325-64. Turgai orach (Atriplex cana) and sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkina, A. pauciflora) communities in combination with Kalidium foliatum, Halocnemum strobilaceum communities on solonchak and with meadows around lakes. 326. Bottom of the ancient gully of drainage with domination of communities of orach on solonetz-solonchak in combination with meadows around lakes. 326-64. Turgai black sagebrush – orach communities on solonetz in combination with lyme grass and wheat grass meadows on meadow, often salted soils around lakes. 327. Depressions and low river valleys with communities of sagebrush on meadow solonetz in combination with halophytic and lacustrine meadows on meadow and meadowswampy soils. 327-69. West-Central Kazakhstan communities of some species of sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa, Artemisia schrenkiana) on meadow solonetz in combination with sea spear grass (species of genus Puccinellia), lyme grass (Leymus ramosus) and lacustrine wheat grass (Agropyron repens) and reed grass (Phragmites australis) meadows on often salted meadow and meadow-swampy soils. ECOSYSTEMS OF TEMPERATE-DRY STEPPES ON DARK-CHESTNUT SOILS OF PLAINS AND PLATEAUS Ecosystems of elevated arid-denudative plains and plateaus with feather grass steppes on ordinary dark-chestnut soils and carbonate dark-chestnut soils. 328. Flat and gentle-inclined plains with fescue – feather grass steppes on sandy loams. 328 –58. Syrt fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Carex supina, Artemisia austriaca, Galium ruthenicum) steppes on loess sediments in combination with grass -shrub communities in ravines. 328-58-0. Arable lands on their place. 328-60-0. Sub Ural arable lands on the place of fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) steppes on loamy soils and sandy loams. 328-63-0. Trans Ural arable lands on the place of fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron pectiniforme, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis agraria) steppes. 328-64-0. Turgai arable lands on the place of fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis agraria, Dianthus leptopetalus) steppes. 328-68. Ishym fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) steppes. 328-68-0. Arable lands on their place. 328-70. East-Central Kazakhstan fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis agraria) steppes. 328-70-0. Arable lands on their place. 329. Flat elevated arid-denudative plains (plateaus) with goldilocks – fescue – feather grass steppes with Stipa korshinskyi on carbonate soils. 329-64-0. Turgai arable lands on the place of goldilocks – fescue – feather grass (Stipa Lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella tatarica, G. divaricata) steppes with Stipa korshinskyi. 329-68. Ishym fescue – feather grass steppes with xerophytic forbs (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron pectiniforme, Galatella tatarica, Tanacetun achilleifolium) and with Stipa korshinskyi. 329-68-0. Arable lands on their place. 329-70. East-Central Kazakhstan goldilocks – fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskyi, S. lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Centaurea sibirica, Salvia stepposa, Nepeta pannonica, Jurinea multiflora) steppes with Stipa korshinskyi. 329-70-0. Arable lands on their place. 330. Flat plateaus with domination of arable lands on the place of goldilocks – fescue – feather grass steppes with Stipa korshinskyi on carbonate soils in combination with lyme grass meadows on meadow-chestnut soils. 330-64-0. Turgai arable lands on the place of goldilocks – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella tatarica, G. divaricata) steppes with Stipa korshinskyi in combination with lyme grass (Leymus ramosus) meadows. Ecosystems of slopes and stepped, locally divided plateaus with bunch grass steppes on dark-chestnut residual-carbonate soils 331. Inclined, stepped, strongly divided arid-denudative plains with tansy – feather grass steppes on very dense carbonate and residual-carbonate, often eroded soils. 331-60. Sub Ural xerophytic-forb – sagebrush – grass – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Psathyrostachys juncea, Artemisia lessingiana, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes with Krascheninnikovia ceratoides; xerophytic-forb – Psathyrostachys juncea – eurotia – sagebrush (Artemisia lessingiana, Krascheninnikovia ceratoides) and sagebrush (Artemisia gracilescens) communities on residual-carbonate soils. 331-64-0. Turgai steppes with domination of arable lands (fallow lands) on the place of tansy – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes. 331’’-64. Transformed and partially arable lands. 332. Inclined, stepped, divided plains with xerophytic-forb – bunch grass steppes on carbonate, often eroded soils in combination with shrub vegetation in gullies. 332-60. Sub Ural xerophytic-forb – feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with Psathyrostachys juncea – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), summer cypress – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata) communities on solonetz and in combination with fescue – feather grass steppes with spirea in depressions and gullies. 332-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 332-63’’. Trans Ural xerophytic-forb – feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium) on solonetz-like soils in combination with lyme grass (Aneurolepidium ramosum) meadows on meadow-chestnut soils and fescue –feather grass with spirea (Spiraea hypericifolia) in depressions and gullies (arable lands 30%). 332-64. Turgai xerophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Galatella tatarica, G. divaricata, Tanacetum achilleifolium) steppes on carbonate, often eroded soils and fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca) steppes with psammophytic elements on light sandy loams; in combination with meadow vegatation and shrubs in gullies and in sites near springs. 333. Inclined plains with feather grass – fescue – feather grass steppes on carbonate heavy sandy loams. 333-68. Ishym feather grass – fescue – short feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Stipa korshinskyi, Galatella divaricata, Serratula cardunculus, Saussurea саnа) steppes. 333-68-0. Arable lands on their place. 333-72. Upper Nura feather grass – goldilocks – fescue – feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Dianthus leptopetalus, Seseli ledebouri, Veronica incana, Galium ruthenicum) steppes with Stipa korshinskyi. 333-72-0. Arable lands on their place. Ecosystems of inclined deluvial-proluvial plains with feather grass steppes on darkchestnut cobble soils 334. Inclined plains with bunch grass steppes on cobble soils. 334-63. Trans Ural feather grass – fescue and fescue – feather grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, Artemisia lessingiana) steppes. 334’-63. Transformed lands. 334’’-63. Transformed and partially arable lands. 334-74. Selety–Aekibastuz fescue – Helictotrichon – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata, Helictotrichon desertorum, Festuca valesiaca, Centaurea sibirica, Scorzonera austriaca) steppes. 334-74-0. Arable lands on their place. Ecosystems of wavy plains with psammophytic-forb – feather grass and sandy feather grass steppes on light sandy loam and loamy sand dark-chestnut soils 335. Wavy and weakly wavy plains with feather grass steppes on light sandy loams. 335’-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca) steppes. 335-64. Turgai fescue – feather grass steppes with psammophytic elements (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia marschalliana). 335-68. Ishym psammophytic-forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Gypsophila paniculata, Artemisia marschalliana) steppes. 336. Flat and wavy plains with psammophytic-forb – feather grass steppes on loamy sand soils. 336-60. Sub Ural sagebrush – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca) steppes in combination with brushwoods of Spiraea hypericifolia in ravines and gullies. 336’-60. Transformed lands. 336-60-0. Arable lands on their place. 336-64. Turgai psammophytic-forb – short feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca) and psammophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Artemisia marschalliana) steppes in combination with meadow vegatation of lacustrine hollows and depressions. 336’’-64. Transformed and partially arable lands. 336-64-0. Arable lands on their place. 336-65. West Siberia psammophytic-forb – feather grass zalesskyi, Potentilla acaulis) steppes. (Stipa capillata, Stipa 336’-65. Transformed lands. 336-70. East Central Kazakhstan psammophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskyi, Stipa capillata, Potentilla acaulis) steppes. 336-70-0. Arable lands on their place. 336* -70. Technogenic-disturbed lands. 337. Wavy and flat plains with psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass steppes on loamy sands and sandy soils. 337’’-58. Syrt transformed and partially arable lands on the place of wheat grass – fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. pennata, Agropyron fragile, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia lerchiana, A. austriaca) steppes. 337-60. Sub Ural sandy sagebrush – psammophytic-forb – short feather grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Helichrysum arenarium, Achillea micrantha, Artemisia arenaria) steppes. 337’-60. Transformed lands. 337-64. Turgai psammophytic-forb – fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca valesiaca, Gypsophila paniculata, Helichrysum arenarium), psammophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. pennata, S. zalesskii) steppes. 337’-64. Transformed lands. 337-66. Irtysh – Kulunda psammophytic-forb – short feather grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Cleistogenes squarrosa) steppes and brushwoods of Spiraea hypericifolia in micro depressions. 338. Wavy plains with psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass steppes on loamy sands and sandy soils in combination with shrub vegetation and locally with meadows in depressions. 338-60. Sub Ural sandy sagebrush – psammophytic-forb – Cleistogenes squarrosa – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Helichrysum arenarium, Potentilla glaucescens, Achillea micrantha, Centaurea scabiosa, Artemisia arenaria, A. marschalliana) steppes with Amygdalus nаnа. 338-64. Turgai psammophytic-forb – fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca valesiaca, Gypsophila paniculata, Helichrysum arenarium) steppes in combination with meadow (Calamagrostis epigeios), locally shrub (Spiraea hypericifolia, Cytisus ruthenica) communities. 338-64-0. Arable lands on their place. 339. Wavy plains with sandy feather grass steppes on sandy soils in combination with brushwoods of shrubs. 339-60. Sub Ural sandy sagebrush – psammophytic-forb – short feather grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Helichrysum arenarium, Achillea micrantha, Artemisia arenaria) and sandy sagebrush – psammophytic-forb – Cleistogenes squarrosa – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Helichrysum arenarium, Potentilla glaucescens, Achillea micrantha, Centaurea scabiosa, Artemisia arenaria, A. marschalliana) steppes with Amygdalus nana in combination with brushwoods of Caragana frutex and Spiraea hypericifolia in ravines and gullies. 339-64. Turgai psammophytic-forb – short feather grass – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Gypsophila paniculata, Helichrysum arenarium) steppes in combination with brushwoods of shrubs. Ecosystems of low hilly sands with sandy feather grass steppes in combination with aspen – birch forests 340. Low hilly sands with sandy feather grass steppes in combination with birch forests in micro depressions on solod and lots of solonchak with annual saltwort vegetation. 340-64. Turgai sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Koeleria glauca) steppes in combination with birch forests (Betula pendula, B. kirghisorum) in micro depressions and annual saltwort vegetation on solonchak Ecosystems of flat plains with steppe complexes on solonetz-like dark-chestnut soils and sagebrush communities on solonetz 341. Flat plains with complexes of fescue – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like soils and communities on solonetz. 341-64. Turgai fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca) steppes in complex with fescue – goldilocks, fescue – sagebrush (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Artemisia austriaca) communities and in combination with meadow and meadow-swampy in lacustrine hollows. 341-64-0. Arable lands on their place. 341-65. West Siberia feather grass (Stipa capillata, Stipa zalesskyi) steppes in complex with fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca, Galatella villosa) communities on solonetz. 341-65-0. Arable lands on their place. 341-74. Selety – Aekibastuz fescue – Helictotrichon – feather grass (Stipa capiillata, S. zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Festuca valesiaca, Ephedra distachya) steppes in complex with fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa, Festuca valesiaca), fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia frigida, A. austriaca) communities on solonetz. 341’-74. Transformed lands. 341*-74. Technogenic-disturbed lands. 341-74-0. Arable lands on their place. 342. Flat plains with feather grass – fescue and fescue – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like soils in complex with fescue – sagebrush communities on solonetz. 342-58-0. Syrt black sagebrush, goldilocks, tansy, sagebrush, fescue (Linosyris villosa, Artemisia pauciflora, A. lerchiana, Tanacetum achilleifolium, Festuca valesiaca, Poa bulbosa) communities and grass communities with shrubs (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Spiraea hypericifolia) on weakly deeped, flat valleys. 342-60-0. Sub Ural arable lands on the place of xerophytic-forb – feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium) on solonetz-like soils and Psathyrostachys juncea – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), summer cypress – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata) communities on solonetz. 342- 64. Turgai goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa), sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca) steppes in complex with fescue – short feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca) steppes and lots of psammophytic-forb – short feather grass steppes on loamy sands; in combination with meadow and meadow-swampy communities. 342-66. Irtysh – Kulunda feather grass – fescue and fescue – feather grass steppes in complex with Festuca valesiaca – Artemisia schrenkiana, Festuca valesiaca – Artemisia nitrosa and camphor-fume (Camphorosma monspeliaca) communities on solonetz. 342-68. Ishym feather grass and fescue – feather grass steppes in complex with fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana, Artemisia pauciflora, Festuca valesiaca) and camphor-fume (Camphorosma monspeliaca) communities on solonetz. Ecosystems of flat plains with domination of sagebrush communities on solonetz 343. Flat plains with black sagebrush, sagebrush and goldilocks communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass – fescue steppes on solonetz-like soils. 343-64. Turgai fescue – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Festuca valesiaca), sagebrush (A. schrenkiana), fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa, G. tatarica, Festuca valesiaca) communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana) steppes on solonetz-like soils. 343’-64. Transformed lands. 343-64-0. Arable lands on their place. 343-74. Selety –Aekibastuz sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana), fescue – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Festuca valesiaca) communities in complex with sagebrush – fescue (Artemisia frigida, Festuca valesiaca) and fescue – Helictotrichon – feather grass (Stipa capilata, S. zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Festuca valesiaca, Ephedra distachya) steppes. 344. Flat plains with black sagebrush, sagebrush and goldilocks communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass – fescue steppes on solonetz-like soils and in combination with meadows in depressions and lacustrine hollows. 344-64. Turgai fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa, G. tatarica, Festuca valesiaca), fescue – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Festuca valesiaca), sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana) communities in complex with feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiaiia) steppes and in combination with meadows in depressions and lacustrine hollows. 344’-64. Transformed lands. 344-65. West Siberia fescue – sagebrush, camphor-fume communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass – fescue steppes and in combination with meadows in depressions and lacustrine hollows. Ecosystems of slopes to valleys of small rivers with domination of sagebrush and tansy communities on solonetz in combination with meadows in valleys 345. Slopes to valleys of small rivers with sagebrush and tansy communities on solonetz in combination with meadows in valleys. l345-60. Sub Ural black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora), goldilocks (Galatella villosa), tansy (Tanacetum achilleifolium), sagebrush (Artemisia lerchiana), fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Poa bulbosa) and feather grass communities with shrubs (Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata, Spiraea hypericifolia). 345-64. Turgai sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, A. nitrosa) and tansy (Tanacetum achilleifolium) communities on solonetz in combination with meadows in valleys. Ecosystems of droughty steppes on southern chernozem of plains Ecosystems of flat plains with forb – feather grass steppes on southern chernozem 346. Flat and gentle-inclined plains with domination of arable land on the place of forb – feather grass steppes on sandy loam southern chernozem. 346-63. Trans Ural forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Salvia stepposa, Galatella tenuifolia) steppes. 346’-63. Transformed lands. 346-63-0. Arable lands on their place. 346-65-0. West Siberia ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass steppes (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Seseli ledebourii, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis tuberosa). 346”-65. Transformed lands. 346-70. East-Central Kasakhstan forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Salvia stepposa) steppes with hog’s-fennel (Peucedanum morissonii). 346-70-0. Arable lands on their place. 346-72. Upper Nura forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Seseli ledebouri) steppes with Caragаna frutex. 347. Flat plains with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass steppes on southern sandy loam chernozem and copses in river valleys on woody soils and on solod in micro depressions. 347-61-0. South Ural ecosystems with domination of arable land on the place of forb – bunch grass (Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, S. zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca) steppes in combination with black alder forests (Alnus glutinosa) in flood-lands of rivers. 347- 65-0. West Siberia ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of forb –feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Seseli ledebourii, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis tuberosa) steppes in combination with sparse aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) on solod. Ecosystems of inclined and flat plains with forb – feather grass steppes on carbonate southern chernozem 348. Flat and gentle-ouval, locally inclined plains with domination of arable land on the place of forb – short feather grass – feather grass steppes. 348-58-0. Syrt ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. lessingiana, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Phlomis tuberosa, P. pungens, Verbascum phoenicum) steppes in combination with fescue – short feather grass, short feather grass – fescue and goldilocks (Galatella villosa) communities on solonetz. 348-63-0. Trans Ural arable lands on the place of forb – short feather grass – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Stipa lessingiana, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis agraria) steppes. 348-64-0. Turgai arable lands on the place of forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca) steppes. 348-65-0. West Siberia arable lands on the place of forb – short feather grass – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Stipa lessingiana, Salvia stepposa, Seseli ledebourii) steppes. 349. Flat and gentle-ouval plains with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass – short feather grass steppes. 349-64-0. Turgai ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass – short feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Stipa zalesskii, Salvia stepposa, Galatella divaricata) steppes with Peucedanum lubimenkoanum. 349-65-0. West Siberia with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass – short feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Stipa zalesskii, Salvia stepposa, Galatella divaricata) steppes. 349-68-0. Ishym ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – fescue – feather grass – short feather grass (Stipa lessingiana, Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella divaricata) steppes. Ecosystems of inclined plains with forb –Helictotrichon – feather grass steppes on thin cobble southern chernozem 350. Gentle-inclined plains and slopes to river valleys with forb – Helictotrichon – feather grass steppes. 350’-63. Trans Ural forb – Helictotrichon – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Aster alpinus, Seseli ledebourii) steppes, often with shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia), locally transformed. 350-67. Kokchetav forb – Helictotrichon – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Seseli ledebourii) steppes. 350-67-0. Arable lands on their place. Ecosystems of wavy and inclined plains with psammophytic-forb – bunch grass steppes on loamy sand southern chernozem 351. Weakly divided slopes to river valleys and river terraces with domination of arable lands on the place of psammophytic-forb – feather grass steppes on light sandy loams and loamy sands. 351’-65. West Siberia psammophytic-forb – short feather grass – feather grass (Stipa zalesskyi, S. сapillata, Festuca valesiaca, Centaurea sibirica, Seseli ledebourii) steppes, locally transformed. 351*-65. Technogenic-disturbed lands. 351-65-0. Arable lands on their place. 351-68. Ishym psammophytic-forb – feather grass – short feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Centaurea sibirica, Seseli ledebourii) steppes. 352. Wavy inclined plains with psammophytic-forb – feather grass and psammophyticforb – sandy feather grass steppes on sandy and loamy sand chernozem and with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) on solod. 352’’-65. West Siberia psammophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Artemisia marschalliana, Centaurea marschalliana), psammophyticforb – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Gypsophila paniculata, Silene borysthenica) steppes and aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) on solod; transformed and partially arable lands. 352-65-0. Arable lands on their place. Ecosystems of flat plains with complex forb – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like southern chernozem and solonetz 353. Flat and weakly inclined plains with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like chernozem in complex with fescue and sagebrush – fescue communities on solonetz. 353-63-0. Trans Ural ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesski, Festuca valesiaca, Seseli ledebourii, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis tuberosa) steppes in complex with feather grass – fescue and goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Galatella villosa) communities on solonetz. 353-64-0. Turgai ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of forb – feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Salvia stepposa) steppes in complex with feather grass – fescue and goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Galatella villosa) communities on solonetz. 353-65. West Siberia forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Seseli ledebourii, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis tuberosa) steppes in complex with feather grass – fescue, goldilocks – fescue and sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Galatella villosa, Artemisia nitrosa) communities on solonetz. 353-65-0. Arable lands on their place. 354. Flat plains with forb – feather grass steppes on southern chernozem with elements of solonetz; with fescue and sagebrush – fescue communities on solonetz; meadow and water – swampy vegetation on meadow and meadow-swampy soils in lacustrine hollows. 354-65-0. West Siberia ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of complex forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Seseli iedebourii, Salvia stepposa, Phlomis tuberosa) steppes on southern chernozem with elements of solonetz, locally in complex with feather grass – fescue, goldilocks – fescue and sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Galatella villosa, Artemisia nitrosa) communities on solonetz and in combination with meadow and water-swampy vegetation on meadow and meadow-swampy soils in lacustrine hollows; sometimes with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki). Ecosystems of flat plains with domination of communities’ complexes on solonetz 355. Flat plains and slopes to river valleys with domination of complexes of feather grass – fescue, fescue – sagebrush communities on solonetz and fescue – feather grass steppes on southern chernozem with elements of solonetz. 355-65. West Siberia feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. zalesskii), goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa), fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa) communities in complex with fescue – feather grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. zalesskii) steppes. 355’-65. Transformed lands. 355’’-65. Transformed and partially arable lands. 355-68. Ishym feather grass – fescue communities in complex with fescue – sagebrush and goldilocks (Galatella villosa, Artemisia nitrosa, Festuca valesiaca) communities on solonetz. 356. Flat plains with domination of complexes of fescue – sagebrush and fescue – goldilocks communities on solonetz and feather grass – fescue steppes on southern chernozem with elements of solonetz. 356’-63. Trans Ural transformed fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa, Festuca valesiaca) and fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa) communities in complex with feather grass – fescue steppes. 356-65-0. West Siberia ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa, Festuca valesiaca) and fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa) communities in complex with feather grass – fescue steppes and in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) on solod. 356’ -65 Transformed lands. 356”-65 Transformed and partially arable lands. Ecosystems of slopes to river valleys with domination of forb – bunch grass steppes on cobble soils and meadows in river valleys 357. Slopes to river valleys with domination of forb – grass communities on weakly developed cobble soils and outcrops of rocks in combination with meadows in valleys. 357’-58. Syrt transformed fescue, forb – grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, S. zalesskii, Bromopsis inermis, Galiium ruthenicum, Plomis tuberosa), shrub (Spiraea hypericifolia, S. crenata, Caragana frutex) communities and meadows in deep riverbeds of small rivers. 357-68. Ishym fescue, forb – Helictotrichon – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Helictotrichon desertorum, Festuca valesiaca) steppes; meadows and willow communities in river valleys. ECOSYSTEMS OF TEMPERATE –DROUGHTY STEPPES ON ORDINARY CHERNOZEM OF PLAINS Ecosystems of flat and gentle-inclined plains with rich forb – feather grass steppes on sandy loam ordinary chernozem 358. Flat and weakly gentle-inclined plains with domination of arable lands on the place of rich forb – feather grass steppes, often in combination with meadow vegetation on meadowchernozem and meadow soils and with aspen – birch small insular forests (kolki). 358-63-0. Trans Ural arable lands on the place of rich – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris, Lathyrus tuberosus, Onobrychis sibirica) steppes in combination with sparse birch – aspen small insular forests (kolki) in depressions on solod. 358-65-0. West Siberia arable lands on the place of rich forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris, Lathyrus tuberosus, Onobrychis sibirica) steppes in combination with meadow and coastal-water vegetation around the lakes on meadow-chernozem and meadow soils, locally with birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) in depressions on solod. 359. Flat and inclined plains with domination of arable land on the place of rich forb – hog’s-fennel – feather grass steppes, locally in combination with meadows in depressions. 359-65. West Siberia rich forb – hog’s-fennel – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Peucedanum morisonii) steppes in combination with sedge swamps and meadows in depressions. 359-65-0. Arable lands on their place. 360. Flat and inclined abrasive-accumulative plains with domination of arable lands on the place of rich forb – hog’s-fennel – feather grass steppes in combination with fescue – short feather grass steppes on carbonate chernozem. 360-65-0. West Siberia ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of rich forb – hog’s-fennel – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Peucedanum morisonii) steppes in combination with fescue – short feather grass steppes, locally with meadows in depressions and lacustrine hollows. Ecosystems of flat and inclined plains with rich forb – feather grass steppes with Stipa korshinskyi on ordinary carbonate chernozem 361. Flat plains with domination of arable lands on the place of rich forb – fescue – feather grass steppes with Stipa korshinskyi. 361-65-0. West Siberia ecosystems with domination of arable lands on the place of rich forb – fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Onobrychis sibirica) steppes with Stipa korshinskyi. Ecosystems of plains with ridge relief and inclined plains with rich forb – feather grass steppes on light sandy loam ordinary chernozem. 362. Inclined plains and plains with ridge-gully relief with rich forb – short feather grass – feather grass steppes in combination with meadows and complex steppes. 362-65-0. West Siberia arable lands on the place of rich forb – short feather grass – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata) steppes with Artemisia marschalliana in combination with meadows and complex steppes. 362’-65. Transformed lands. 362”-65. Transformed and partially arable lands. Ecosystems of flat plains with complex rich forb – feather grass steppes on solonetzlike ordinary chernozem 363. Flat and ouval plains with domination of arable lands on the place of rich forb – feather grass and fescue steppes in complex with steppe solonetz and in combination with meadow and coastal-water vegetation around the lakes. 363”-63. Trans Ural rich forb – feather grass, feather grass – fescue, goldilocks – fescue and sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Galatella villosa, Artemisia nitrosa) steppes in complex with steppe solonetz and in combination with meadow vegetation and willow communities in depressions; transformed and partially arable lands. 363-63-0. Arable lands on their place. 363’’-65. West Siberia rich forb – feather grass, feather grass – fescue, goldilocks – fescue and sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, Galatella villosa, Artemisia nitrosa) steppes in complex with steppe solonetz and in combination with meadow and coastalwater vegetation around the lakes. 363-65-0. Arable lands on their place. 364. Flat plains (bottoms of ancient gully of drainage) with complexes of fescue steppes on solonetz and rich forb – fescue – feather grass steppes on chernozem with elements of solonetz in combination with lots of meadows. 364-65. West Siberia ecosystems with complexes of feather grass – fescue, goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa), sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa) communities on solonetz, rich forb – fescue – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like chernozem in combination with lots of meadows (sea spear grass, barley, meadow foxtail, silkgrass meadows). Ecosystems of steppe with small insular groves (kolki) or forest-steppe Ecosystems of wavy lacustrine – alluvial plains with forb – feather grass steppes on southern chernozem in combination with aspen – birch small insular forests (kolki) 365. Wavy lacustrine-alluvial plains with depressions and ancient-dune relief with complex forb – feather grass steppes and communities on solonetz in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) in depressions, locally with meadows near lakes. 365-66. Irtysh – Kulunda forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii) steppes and fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa, Festuca valesiaca) communities on solonetz in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) in depressions, locally with meadows near lakes. 366. Wavy lacustrine-alluvial plains with depressions and ancient-dune relief with forb – hog’s fennel – feather grass steppes in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) and meadows in depressions and lacustrine hollows. 366-66. Irtysh – Kulunda forb – hog’s fennel – feather grass (Stipa zalesskyi, Peucedanum morisonii, Herbae stepposa) steppes in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) and meadows in depressions and lacustrine hollows. 366”-66. Transformed lands. 367. Flat plains with domination of communities’ complexes on solonetz and in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki). 367-66. Irtysh – Kulunda goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa) and sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa) communities on solonetz in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) in depressions. Ecosystems of flat plains and plains with ridge relief with rich forb – feather grass steppes on ordinary chernozem in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) and forests 368. Flat and ouval plains with expressed micro relief with birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) on solod and forests on grey forest soils; with rich forb – feather grass steppes on ordinary and solonetz-like chernozem and with fragments of willow brushwoods in depressions. 368-65. West Siberia birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki), locally forests, rich forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris, Lathyrus tuberosus, Onobrychis sibirica) steppes and fragments of willow brushwoods and meadows in depressions. 368’’-65. Transformed and partially arable lands. 369. Flat, weakly gentle-inclined and ouval plains with expressed micro relief with rich forb – feather grass steppes on ordinary chernozem, locally solonetz-like sandy loams and heavy sandy loams, in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) on solod in depressions. 369-65. West Siberia rich forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris, Lathyrus tuberosus, Onobrychis sibirica) steppes in combination with aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) on solod in depressions. 369’-65. Transformed lands. 369-65-0. Arable lands on their place. 370. Plains with ridge-gully relief with rich forb – feather grass steppes on sandy loam and light sandy loam chernozem, with complexes of rich forb – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like chernozem and steppe communities on solonetz in combination with lots of small insular groves (kolki) and small forests. 370-65. West Siberia rich forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris) steppes with Artemisia marschalliana, complexes of rich forb – feather grass and steppe communities on solonetz in combination with lots of small insular groves (kolki) and small forests. 370’’-65. Transformed and partially arable lands. 371. Lacustrine-alluvial plains with ridge-gully relief with rich forb – feather grass steppes with psammophytic elements on light sandy loam chernozem, complex rich forb – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like chernozem and solonetz, small insular groves (kolki) and meadows. 371-65. West Siberia rich forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris) steppes with Artemisia marshalliana, complex rich forb – feather grass steppes, aspen – birch small insular groves (kolki) and meadows in lacustrine depressions. 371’’-65. Transformed and partially arable lands. 372. Inclined plains with rich forb – feather grass steppes on ordinary chernozem and locally with lots of aspen – birch small forests. 372”-65. West Siberia rich forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Filipendula vulgaris) steppes, locally with lots of aspen – birch small forests, often transformed. 373. Flat and wavy plains with rich forb – hog’s-fennel – feather grass steppes on ordinary chernozem in combination with aspen – birch forests and small insular groves (kolki). 373’’-65. West Siberia rich forb – hog’s fennel – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Peucedanum morisonii) steppes in combination with aspen – birch forests and small insular groves (kolki), often transformed. 373-66. Irtysh – Kulunda rich forb – hog’s-fennel – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Peucedanum morissonii) steppes in combination with aspen – birch forests, small insular forests (kolki) and willow brushwoods in depressions. 374. Ancient gully of drainage with domination of communities’ complexes on meadow solonetz and meadow steppes on lixiviated chernozem in combination with meadows, swampy vegatation and willow brushwoods. 374-65. West Siberia complexes of grass – goldilocks, sagebrush – fescue (Galatella subglabra, Artemisia latifolia, A. pontica, Festuca valesiaca) communities and meadow steppes in combination with meadows, swampy vegetation and willow brushwoods. 374-66. Irtysh – Kulunda complexes of fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca), sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia austriaca), goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, G. subglabra) communities and meadow steppes in combination with meadows, swampy vegetation and willow brushwoods. 374’-66. Transformed lands. ECOSYSTEMS OF FOREST-STEPPE Ecosystems of flat and inclined plains with meadow and rich forb – feather grass steppes in combination with forests on grey forest soils and small insular groves (kolki) on solod 375. Flat plains with meadow steppes on lixiviated chernozem and rich forb – feather grass steppes on ordinary chernozem in combination with forests on grey forest soils and small insular groves (kolki) on solod. 375’’-65. West Siberia meadow grass – forb and forb – grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa pennata, S. zalesskii, Calamagrostis epigeios, Phleum phleoides, Helictotrichon schellianum, Filipendula vulgarls, Artemisia sericea) steppes, rich forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Peucedanum morisonii) steppes in combination with aspen – birch forests, often transformed. 376. Flat plains with meadow steppes and rich forb – feather grass steppes in combination with forests on grey forest soils and with small insular groves on solod; with meadows in lacustrine depressions. 376’’-65. West Siberia meadow grass – forb and forb – grass steppes (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa pennata, S.zaleskii, Calamagrostis epigeios, Phleum phleoides, Helictotrichon schellianum, Filipendula vulgarls, Artemisia sericea) and rich forb – feather grass steppes in combination with aspen – birch forests and small insular groves on solod, with meadows in lacustrine depressions, often transformed. 377. Inclined plains with meadow steppes on lixiviated chernozem and sparse copses on slopes. 377-65-0. West Siberia with domination of arable lands on the place of meadow grass – forb and forb – grass (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa pennata, S.zalesskii, Calamagrostis epigeios, Phleum phleoides, Helictotrichon schellianum, Filipendula vulgarls, Artemisia sericea) steppes and, mainly cut down forests. Forest ecosystems of plains 378. Flat and inclined plains with domination of birch and aspen – birch forests on grey forest sandy loam soils and on solod. 378-65.West Siberia birch and aspen – birch (Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Populus tremula) forests 378’-65. Mainly cut down forests. 379. Wavy aeolian plains with domination of birch and aspen – birch forests on solod, rarely on grey forest soils, in combination with sandy feather grass steppes on low cementated sandy soils. 379-65. West Siberia birch, aspen – birch (Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Populus tremula) forests and fragments of pine forests in combination with psammophytic-forb – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, Artemisia marschalliana, Centaurea marschalliana) and psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Gypsophila paniculata, Silene borysthenica) steppes on low-cementated sandy chernozem. 379-65-0. Arable lands on their place. 380. Wavy aeolian plains with domination of pine forests, often in combination with psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass steppes on low-cementated sandy soils of interforest spaces. 380-64. Turgai pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests and open woodlands, often in combination with sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Gypsophila paniculata) steppes and brushwoods of shrubs (Сerаsus fruticosa) in interforest spaces. 380-65. West Siberia pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests, often in combination with psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Gypsophila paniculata, Сentaurea sibirica) steppes in interforest spaces. 380’-65. Transformed lands. 381. Ancient-alluvial and ancient-dune aeolian plains with domination of pine forests and open woodlands in combination with fescue – sandy feather grass steppes. 381-64. Turgai pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests and open woodlands in combination with psammophytic-forb – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Helichryzum arenarium, Potenilla arenaria, Scorzonera ensifolia) and fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri) steppes. 381-66. Irtysh – Kulunda pine (Pinus sylvestris) “belt” forests, open woodlands and fescue – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Festuca beckeri) steppes on weakly cementated sandy chestnut soils. 382. Slope of plateau with domination of pine forests and feather grass steppes on loamy sand and sandy dark-chestnut soils. 382-64. Turgai pine forests in combination with goldilocks – feather grass (Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Galatella villosa), sagebrush – sandy feather grass (Stipa pennata, Artemisia marschalliana) steppes and brushwoods of juniper (Juniperus sabina). Ecosystems of lacustrine hollows and bottoms of ancient gullies of drainage with complex of halophytic-steppe vegetation on solonetz, hyperhalophytic vegetation on solonchak and with meadows Sub zone of dry steppes 383. Divided slopes to lakes and flat terraced lacustrine plains with complexes of sagebrush – fescue and fescue – feather grass steppes on dark-chestnut soils in combination with vegetation of halophytic meadows. 383-64. Turgai ecosystems with domination of complex feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana), fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa), fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana, Festuaca valesiaca), black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora) communities in combination with vegetation of halophytic meadows (Leymus angustus, Aeluropus littoralis, species of genus Puccinelia). 383-65. West Siberia ecosystems with domination of complex sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa), sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia schrenkiana), fescue – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Festuca valesiaca) and fescue – short feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca) steppes in combination with vegetation of halophytic meadows (Leymus angustus, Aeluropus littoralis, species of genus Puccinellia). 383-66. Irtysh – Kulunda ecosystems with complexes of sagebrush – fescue (Artemisia shrenkiana – Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa – Festuca valesiaca) and fescue feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca) steppes in combination with halophytic meadows (Leymus angustus, Aeluropus littoralis, species of genus Puccinellia). 384. Divided slopes to lakes and flat terraced lacustrine plains with communities’ complexes on solonetz and feather grass – fescue steppes on solonetz-like chernozem, and also annual saltwort and perennial saltwort communities on solonchak and halophytic-meadow groups on solonchak-like meadow-chernozem and meadow-chestnut soils. 384-65. West Siberia fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa, Festuca valesiaca), fescue – sagebrush (Festuca valesiaca – Artemisia austriaca, Festuca valesiaca – Artemisia nitrosa) communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata) steppes, and also with annual saltwort (Suaeda corniculata, Salicornia europaea), perennial saltwort (Kalidium foliatum, Halocnemum strobilaceum) communities on solonchak and halophytic-meadow (Leymus ramosus, L. Angustus, Puccinellia gigantea, P. dolycholepis, Hordeum brevisubulatum) communities on solonchak-like meadow-chernozem and meadow-chestnut soils. 385. Plains of ancient valleys of drainage with complex sagebrush – fescue and fescue – short feather grass – feather grass communities with spirea in combination with meadows and brushwoods of shrubs. 385-66. Irtysh – Kulunda sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa) and fescue – short feather grass – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca) steppes with spirea in combination with meadows and brushwoods of shrubs. 386. Plains of ancient gullies of drainage with complexes of feascue – feather grass and sagebrush – fescue steppes in combination with meadows, loacally with willow and willow – birch brushwoods. 386-66. Irtysh – Kulunda complex fescue – feather grass (Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca) and sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa) steppes in combination with lyme grass (Leymus ramosus), brome-grass (Bromopsis inermis), wood-reed (Calamagrostis epigeios) and sea spear grass (species of genus Puccinelia) meadows, locally with willow brushwooods and willow – birch small forests. Sub zone of extra dry steppes 387. Lacustrine hollows with goldilocks, wheat grass, feather grass communities on dense sandy loams. 387-65. West Siberia goldilocks (Galatella subglabra), wheat grass (Agropyron pectiniforme), feather grass (Stipa korshinskyi), short feather grass – feather grass (Stipa korshinskyi, Stipa lessingiana) communities on dense sandy loams. 388. Plains of ancient valleys of drainage with complexes of fescue and fescue – feather grass steppes on solonetz-like chernozem in combination with meadows. 388-65. West Siberia complex sagebrush – fescue (Artemisia nitrosa – Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia schrenkiana – Festuca valesiaca), goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Linosyris villosa), camphor-fume (Camphorosma lessingii) and fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata, Festuca valesica) communities in combination with meadows. 388-66. Irtysh – Kulunda complex goldilocks – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa), sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa) and fescue – feather grass (Stipa zalesskii, S. сapillata, Festuca valesiaca) steppes in combination with meadows. 389. Divided slopes to lakes and flat terraced lacustrine plains with complexes of sagebrush – fescue and feather grass – fescue – short feather grass steppes in combination with annual saltwort vegetation on solonchak of lakesides and halophytic meadows on salted meadow soils. 389-66. Irtysh – Kulunda sagebrush – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Artemisia nitrosa, A. schrenkiana) and feather grass – fescue – short feather grass steppes with spirea in combination with annual saltwort (Salicornia herbacea) communities, halophytic sea spear grass (species of genus Puccinella) and barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum) meadows. 390. Divided slopes to lakes and flat terraced lacustrine plains with fescue – goldilocks and fescue – sagebrush communities on solonetz in complex with feather grass – fescue communities on solonetz-like chernozem, and also with annual saltwort communities on solonchak and halophytic-meadow on solonchak-like meadow-chernozem soils. 390-65. West Siberia fescue – goldilocks (Galatella villosa, Festuca valesiaca) and fescue – sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa, A. austriaca, Festuca valesiaca) communities in complex with feather grass – fescue (Festuca valesiaca, Stipa zalesskii, S. capillata), and also annual saltwort (Suaeda corniculata, Salicornia europaea) communities on solonchak and halophyticmeadow (Leymus ramosus, Puccinellia gigantea, P.dolycholepis, Hordeum brevisubulatum) communities on solonchak-like meadow-chernozem soils. 391. Solonchak near lakes with domination of Salicornia herbacea, Obione verrucifera and Halocnemum strobilaceum halophytic communities. 391-64. Turgai glasswort (Salicornia herbacea), Obione verrucifera and Halocnemum strobilaceum halophytic communities. Ecosystems of river valleys and lacustrine hollows of steppe zone Ecosystems of river valleys in mountains 392. River valleys with willow brushwoods in combination with poplar and birch open woodlands, swampy, sedge – forb – wood-reed and grass – forb meadows. 392-92. Irtysh willow (Salix dasyclados, S. phylicifolia) brushwoods with shrubs (Hippophae rhamnoides, Crataegus sanguinea, Padus avium) in combination with poplar (Populus laurifolia) and birch (Betula pendula, B. pubescens) open woodlands, swampy sedge – forb – wood-reed (Сalamagrostis langsdorfii, Alopecurus arundinaceus, Careх caespitosa, Polygonum sibiricum, Potentilla anserinа, Rumeх crispus, Comarum palustre) and grass – forb (Filipendula ulmaria, Geranium sibiricum, Trollius altaicus, Aconitum villosum, Poa trivialis, Poa angustifolia, Elymus sibiricus) meadows (Upper riches of the Irtysh). 393. Valleys of small rivers with coniferous, leaved forests and meadows. 393-80. Altai coniferous (Abies sibirica, Picea obovata, Pinus sylvestris) and leaved (Populus tremula, Betula pendula) forests and meadows. 394. Intra-mountain depressions with swampy meadows and swamps. 394-80. Altai swampy meadows and swamps (Сarex caespitosa, C. vesicaria, green mosses). Ecosystems of river valleys, lacustrine hollows and temporary flooded lands in the limits of deserted steppe Ecosystems of river valleys with willow brushwoods, lots of forests and meadows 395. River valleys with willow brushwoods and forests of Saliх alba and poplar (Populus alba) in combination with grass, grass – forb – sagebrush halophytic meadows and meadows with steppe elements, communities of tamarisk and herbaceous swamps. 395-88. Ural willow brushwoods (Saliх triandra, S. acutifolia, S. dasyclados, S. caspica), forests of Saliх alba and poplar (Populus alba) in combination with grass (Elytrigia repens, Calamagrostis epigeios, Poa angustifolia), grass – forb – sagebrush meadows with steppe elements (Аgropyron pectinatus, Artemisia austriaca, A.arenaria, A. dracunculus, Goebelia alopecuroides, Glycyrrhyza glabra, Rubia tatarica) and halophytic (Puccinellia distans, Juncus gerardii, Triglochin maritimum) meadows, groups of tamarisk (Tamariх gracilis, T. laхa) and herbaceous swamps (Phragmites australis, Bolboschoenus maritimus, В. affinis, Carex melanostachya). 396. River valleys with shrub – willow brushwoods, aspen – birch forests in combination with forb – grass, glicorice and lyme-grass meadows, communities of Achnatherum splendens and forb – sedge meadows with steppe elements on terraces above flood-land. 396-60. Sub Ural shrub – willow brushwoods (Salix pentandra, S.triandra, S. acutifolia, S. rosmarinifolia, S. alba,), aspen – birch (Betula pendula, B.pubescens, Populus tremula) forests with fern (Thelypteris palustris) in upper riches of rivers in combination with forb – grass (Elytrigia repens, Calamagrostis epigeios, Bromopsis inermis, Poa pratensis, Lathyrus tuberosus, Sanguisorba officinalis, Filipendula heхapetala) and glicorice (Glycyrrhyza glabra) typical meadows, lyme-grass (Leymus racemosus), forb – sedge (Careх praecoх, С. uralensis, Euphorbia seguieriana, Artemisia tschernieviana) and Аchnatherum splendens meadows with steppe elements on terraces above flood-lands (Kaldygaity). 396-70. East-Central Kazakhstan willow brushwoods (Salix rosmarinifolia, S. pentandra, S. triandra), fragments of of aspen – birch (Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Populus tremula) forests in combination with meadows (Elytrigia repens, Calamagrostis epigeios, Bromopsis inermis, Poa pratensis) and brushwoods of shrubs (species of of genera Rosa, Spiraea) (Taldy). Ecosystems of river valleys and lacustrine hollows with brushwoods of willow and shrubs and meadows 397. River valleys with willow brushwoods, swampy, typical wheat grass and halophytic-grass meadows in combination with communities of Аchnatherum splendens. 397-64. Turgai groups of willow (Saliх triandra, S. acutifolia, S. dasyclados), rush – spike-rush (Eleocharis acicularis, E. palustris, Juncus gerardii, Triglochin palustris, Halerpestes salsuginosa, Glauх maritima), halophytic-grass (Рuccinellia tenuissima, P. distans, Hordeum brevisubulatum) and glicorice – wheat grass (Elytrigia repens, Glycyrrhiza aspera) meadows in combination with communities of Аchnatherum splendens (Ulkayak, Turgai, Uly-Zhilanchik). 397-69. West-Central Kazakhstan communities of willow (Saliх triandra, S. tenuijulis, S. caspica), reed grass thickets (Phragmites australis), rush (Juncus jerardii) and wheat grass (Elytrigia repens) meadows, communities of Achnatherum splendens (Karakengir, Kon). 398. River valleys with brushwoods of shrubs in combination with fragments of meadows, desert-steppe vegetation and communities of Achnatherum splendens. 398-69. West-Central Kazakhstan brushwoods of tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima), fragments of willow communities (Salix caspica, S. tenuijulis), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), lyme-grass (Leymus angustus) and Aeluropus littoralis meadows (Sarysu). 398-70. East-Central Kazakhstan typical wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), wood-reed (Calamagrostis epigeios), brome-grass (Bromopsis inermis) and halophytic-grass barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum) meadows, communities of Aeleropus littoralis; fragments of tamarisk brushwoods (Tamarix ramosissima) (Char). 398-71. South-Central Kazakhstan brushwoods of silvery salt tree (Halimodendron halodendron) and tamarisk (Tamarix laxa, T. hispida) in combination with complex of sagebrush (Artemisia schrenkiana), forb (Glycyrrhiza aspera, Sphaerophisa salsula, Veхibia alopecuroides) and Achnatherum splendens communities. (Tokrau and others). Ecosystems of river valleys with domination of halophytic vegetation on salted soils 399. River valleys with typical meadows in complex with halophytic and swampy meadows, brushwoods of willow. 399-59. Caspian wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), brome-grass (Bromopsis inermis) meadows with participation of sagebrush (Artemisia) and forbs (Glycyrrhiza glabra, Medicago falcata) in complex with halophytic sea spear grass (Puccinellia distans), orach – crypsis (Сrypsis, Atripleх), swampy rush – spike-rush (Eleocharis раlustris, Juncus gerardii) and Bekmannia eruciformis communities; groups of willow (Saliх dasyclados, S. triandra) along river-bed. (Bolshie and Malye Uzeni, Kushum). 400. River valleys with typical and halophytic meadows in combination with wheat grass – feather grass steppes and tansy – white sagebrush communities. 400-59. Caspian lyme-grass (Leymus ramosus), wood-reed (Calamagrostis epigeios) meadows with forbs (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and halophytic sea lavender – sea spear grass (Puccinellia distans, Limonium gmelinii) meadows in combination with wheat grass – feather grass (Аgropyron pectinatum, Stipa capillata) comminites with dropwort (Spiraea hypericifolia), tansy – white sagebrush (Аrtemisia lerchiana, Tripleurospermum perforatum) communities (Lower riches of Bolshie and MalyeUzeni). 401. River valleys with typical and halophytic meadows in combination with orach – black sagebrush and tansy – white sagebrush – wheat grass communities on terraces above flood-lands. 401-59. Caspian flood-land complexes with domination of lyme-grass (Leymus ramosus), glicorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), rush – sea spear grass (Puccinellia distans, Juncus gerardii), solonchak sagebrush (Artemisia santonica) communities in combination with orach – black sagebrush (Artemisia pauciflora, Atripleх саna) and tansy – white sagebrush – wheat grass (Аrtemisia lerchiana, Аgropyron pectinatum) communities on terraces above flood-land. (Azchiuzuk River or Gorkaya - west). 402. River valleys with domination of halophytic meadows in combination with groups of willows (shrubs) and in framing of perennial saltwort communities. 402-60. Sub Ural halophytic reed grass – bulbous bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, B. popovii, Phragmites australis), sea lavender (Limonium gmelinii) – Aeluropus littoralis meadows in combination with groups of willows (Saliх caspica, S. dasyclados) and in framing of perennial saltwort (Atripleх cana, Halocnemum strobilaceum) communites. (Uil). 402’-65. Transformed area Ecosystems of lacustrine hollows and temporary flooded depressions with meadows, halophytic communities and locally with brushwoods of tamarisk 403. Lacustrine depressions and river valleys with halophytic-meadow and saltwort communities in combination with sagebrush communities in unflooded high lots. 403-23. Zaisan wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), lyme grass (Leymus ramosus) and Aeluropus littoralis meadows in combination with sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa) communities on salted soils. 403’-23. Transformed lands. 403-59. Caspian reed-grass (Phragmites communis), bulbous bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens, Linosyris tatarica), sea spear grass (Puccinellia distans, Artemisia santonica, Juncus gerardii, Limonium gmelinii) and Aeluropus littoralis meadows. 403-64. Turgai reed grass (Phragmites communis), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens) and Aeluropus littoralis meadows in combination with orach (Atriplex cana), Kalidium foliatum and Наlocnemum strobilaceum communities on solonchak. 404. Lacustrine hollows and river valleys with brushwoods of shrubs in complex with saltwort – halophytic-grass, saltwort and Аchnatherum splendens communities. 404-64. Turgai shrub (Tamariх gracilis, Suaeda physophora) communities in complex with saltwort –halophytic-grass (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda corniculata, Ofaiston monandrum, Рuccinelia tenuiflora, Hordeum brevisubulatum), sea lavender (Limonium gmelinii, L. suffruticosum), camphor-fume – orach (Camphorosma monspeliaca, Atripleх cana) and Аchnatherum splendens communities (Sarykopa, Turgai). 405. Temporary flooded flat depressions with grass meadows, Aeluropus littoralis and reed grass – bulbous bulrush communities. 405-60. Sub Ural ecosytems with domination of wheat grass (Elytrigia repens) meadows and lots of brome-grass (Bromopsis inermis), sea spear grass (Puccinellia sclerodes, P. dolicholepis), wheat grass (Agropyron pectinatum), Aeluropus littoralis, reed grass – bulbous bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, Phragmites australis) communities 405-64. Turgai lyme-grass (Aneurolepidium ramosum) and wheat grass (Agropyron pectinatum) meadows Ecosystems of river valleys in the limits of dry steppes Ecosystems of river valleys with domination of forests and meadows 406. River valleys with domination of elm and oak forests, and also willow and poplar forests in combination with forb – grass meadows and herbaceous swamps. 406-88. Ural flood-land forests: elm (Ulmus laevis), oak (Quercus robur), willow (Saliх alba), black poplar (Populus nigra), white poplar (Populus alba) and their various combinations with fragments of birch – aspen (Populus tremula, Betula pendula) groves; isolated groups of alder (Alnus glutinosa) in combination with forb – grass (Elytrigia repens, Alopecurus pratensis, Bromopsis inermis, Glycyrrhyza uralensis, Lotus angustissimus, Agrimonia eupatoria) meadows and herbaceous swamps (Сareх vulpina, C. melanostachya, Agrostis alba) (Ural River near the borders of Kazakhstan). Ecosystems of river valleys with domination of willow brushwoods, lots of forests and meadows 407. River valleys with domination of willow brushwoods, black poplar, white poplar forests with participation of elm and underwood of shrubs in combination with swampy and typical meadows, meadows with steppe elements and fragments of oak forests. 407-88. Ural willow brushwoods (Saliх triandra, S. viminalis, S. purpurea), black poplar (Populus nigra), white poplar (Populus alba) forests with cover of dewberry (Rubus caesius), participation of elm (Ulmus laevis) and underwood of shrubs (Saliх cineria, Rosa cinamommea, Rhamnus cathartica) in combination with grass – forb typical (Elytrigia repens, Alopecurus arundinacea, Bromopsis inermis, Glycyrrhyza uralensis, Senecio jacobae, Euphorbia uralensis) meadows, meadows with steppe elements (Аgropyron pectinatum, Artemisia dracunculus, Medicago sativa, Galium verum, Festuca rubra) and swampy (Phalaroides arundinacea, Сareх vulpina, C. atherodes, Lytrum salicaria) meadows, and also oak communities with dewberry and cover of lily-of-the-valley (Quercus robur, Rubus caesius, Convallaria majalis) (Ural River). 408. River valleys with willow forests with oleaster and shrubs near river-bed; black poplar groves in combination with typical and halophytic-grass meadows in central flood-land; Achnatherum splendens and sagebrush – grass communities in complex with perennial saltwort communities near terraces. 408-92. Irtysh willow (Saliх triandra, S. tenujulis, S. caspica) forests with oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia) and shrubs (Rosa acicularis, Lonicera tatarica, Lyceum ruthenica, Tamariх gracilis, Halimodendron halodendron) near river-bed; poplar (Poрulus nigra) groves in combination with forb – grass typical (Elytrigia repens, Саlamagrostis epigeios, Bromopsis inermis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Thalictrum simpleх, Potentilla fragarioides, Pedicularis karoi, Lactuca tatarica) meadows and halophytic-grass (Aeluropus intermedius, Leymus multicaulis, Puccinellia distans, Hordeum bogdanii) meadows in central flood-land; Achnatherum splendens, sagebrush – grass (Psatyrostachis juncea, Leymus paboanus, Artemisia nitrosa) communities in complex with perennial saltwort (Atripleх cana, Сampharosma lesingii, Halimione verrucifera) communities (Irtysh). 409. River valleys with brushwoods of shrubs in combination with meadow glades near river-bed; poplar groves in combination with typical meadows and herbaceous swamps in central flood-land; meadows with steppe elements in combination with halophytic meadows and groups of shrubs near terraces. 409-92. Irtysh brushwoods of shrubs (Saliх viminalis, S. dasyclados, S. pentandra, Padus avium, Lonicera tatarica, Rhamnus cathartica, Rosa glabrifolia, R. majalis) in combination with meadow glades (Сalamagrostis dubia, Роа angustufolia, Bromopsis inermis, Hieracleum sibiricum, Sanguisorba officinalis, Lathirus tuberosus, Veronica longifolia, Thalictrum simpleх) near river-bed; poplar (Poрulus alba, P. nigra) groves in combination with forb – grass typical (Elytrigia repens, Poa angustifolia, Alopecurus pratensis, Bromopsis inermis, Geranium pseudosibiricum, Astragalus longipetalus, Potentilla erecta, Lactuca sibirica, Companula glomerata) meadows and sweet flag (Acorus calamus), sedge – grass (Beckmannia syzigachne, Phalaroides arundinacea, Careх vesicaria, Cicuta virosa) herbaceous swamps in central floodland; grass – forb meadows with steppe elements (Нelictotrichon schellianum, Poa trivialis, Hierochloe odorata, Heteropappus altaicus, Hemerocalis lilioasphodelus, Thermopsis lanceolata, Medicago falcata, Serratula coronata) in combination with halophytic-forb – grass ( Puccinellia hauptiana, Hordeum brevisubulatum, Halerpestes salsuginosa, Glauх maritimа, Iris halophilla) communities and with groups of shrubs (Spiraea hypericifolia, Caragana fruteх) near terraces (Irtysh). 410. River valleys with willow, poplar – willow brushwoods and birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) in in combination with meadows. 410-60. Sub Ural willow, poplar – willow brushwoods (Saliх triandra, S. viminalis, S. alba, Populus nigra) with butter-bur (Petasites spurius) and horse-tail (Equisetum ramosissima); birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) (Populus tremula, Betula pendula) in combination with wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), sea spear grass (Puccinellia distans), reed grass – bulbous bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, Phragmites australis), lyme grass (Leymus angustus), glicorice (Glycyrrhiza aspera) – Аchnatherum splendens meadows (Ilek). 410-61. South Ural birch forests with aspen (Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Populus tremula) and with underwood of shrubs (Saliх сaprea, S. rosmarinifolia, Viburnum opulus, Rosa glabriformis, Lonicera tatarica) in combination with forb – grass (Poa pratensis, Alopecurus pratensis, Geranium collinum, Sanguisorba officinalis, Potentilla goldbachii) meadows (Upper riches of Emba, Ilek, Ori rivers). 411. River valleys with shrub – willow brushwoods, white poplar open woodlands in combination with typical meadows and herbaceous swamps in flood-land; sagebrush communities on terraces above flood-lands. 411-60. Sub Ural brushwoods of shrubs (Saliх triandra, S. caprea, S. cineria, Rosa cinamommea, Lonicera tatarica) with poplar (Populus nigra); poplar open woodlands (Populus alba) in combination with forb – grass (Elytrigia repens, Calamagrostis epigeios, Bromopsis inermis, Euphorbia uralensis, Cichorium intubus, Lysimachia vulgaris) and glicorice (Glycyrrhyza glabra, G.uralensis) typical meadows, swampy- forb – reed mace – reed grass (Phragmites australis, Typha angustipholia, Butomus umbellatus, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Sagittaria sagitifolia) herbaceous swamps in flood-land, sagebrush (Artemisia abrotanum) and bunch grass – forb – sagebrush communities with dropwort (Artemisia dracunculus, A. lerchiana, Achillea nobilis, Gypsophilla paniculata, Galium ruthenica, Stipa capillata, S.sareptana, Festuca valesiaca, Spiraea hypericifolia) on terraces above flood-lands (Utva, Bolshaya Hovda). Ecosystems of river valleys with willow communities and meadows 412. River valleys with willow communities, brushwoods of shrubs, typical meadows and meadows with steppe elements. 412-64. Turgai willow, reed grass (Phragmites communis), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), lyme grass (Leymus ramosus), Aeluropus littoralis communities (Sary-Ozek). 412’-64. Transformed lands. 412’-89. Tobol willow (species of genus Salix) communities, brushwoods of shrubs (Lonicera tatarica, Rhamnus cathartica, species of genus Rosa), reed grass (Phragmites australis), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens) and lyme-grass (Leymus ramosus) meadows, often transformed lands (Tobol). 412-91. Ishym ecosystems with fragments of willow communities (виды р. Salix), brushwoods of shrubs (Lonicera tatarica, species of genus Rosa), reed grass (Phragmites communis) and wheat grass (Elytrigia repens) communities and lots of stony steppes on steep slopes. 413. River valleys with shrub – willow brushwoods, in combination with typical meadows, steppe meadows and herbaceous swamps. 413-91. Ishym brushwoods of shrubs (Saliх viminalis S.triandra, Lonicera tatarica) in combination with forb – grass typical (Саlamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens, Alopecurus pratensis) and steppe (Leymus angustus) meadows, herbaceous swamps (Phalaroides arundinacea, Careх songorica) (Ishym, Tersakkan). 414. River valleys with brushwoods of shrubs in combination with typical meadows, steppe and swampy meadows and communities of Achnatherum splendens. 414-68. Ishym brushwoods of shrubs (Saliх triandra, Lonicera tatarica, Rosa spinosissima, R. majalis) near river-bed in combination with rich forb – grass typical (Саlamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens, Alopecurus pratensis, Vicia cracca), halophytic (Hordeum brevisubulatum, Puccinellia dolicholepis, Alopecurus ventricosus Juncus gerardii, Limonium gmelinii), swampy (Careх caespitosa, C. acuta, Agrostis gigantea, Eleocharis palustris), steppe (Leymus ramosus, L. angustus, L. akmolinense, Agropyron cristatum, Aneurolepidium turgaicus) meadows and communities of Achnatherum splendens. (Nura). 414-70. East-Central Kazakhstan willow brushwoods (Salix triandra, S. pseudopentandra, S. rosmarinifolia), communities of black alder (Alnus glutinosa) and lots of birch (Betula pendula) small forests in combination with swampy (species of genus Саrex, Agrostis gigantea) and typical (Poa pratensis, P. angustifolia, Alopecurus pratensis, Calamagrostis epigeios, Agropyron repens) meadows (Belodymskaya woodland). 414-72. Upper Nura brushwoods of willow (Saliх triandra, S. viminalis) and shrubs (Caragana frutex, Lonicera tatarica, Rosa spinosissima, R. majalis) in combination with forb – grass typical meadows, wood-reed (Саlamagrostis epigeios), meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), halophytic (Hordeum brevisubulatum, Puccinellia dolicholepis, Alopecurus ventricosus Juncus gerardii, Limonium gmelinii) meadows, meadows with steppe elements (Leymus ramosus, L. angustus, L. akmolinense, Agropyron cristatum) and communities of Achnatherum splendens (Sherubai-Nura). Ecosystems of river valleys and intra-mountain depressions with meadows and communities of Achnatherum splendens 415. River valleys with typical and halophytic meadows in combination with groups of shrubs and communities of Achnatherum splendens 415’-59. Caspian reed grass (Phragmites australis), sedge (Carex melanostachya), woodreed (Calamagrostis epigeios), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens, Agropyron pectinatum) and halophytic sea spear grass (Puccinellia distans) meadows, mainly transformed (Kushum). 415-69. West-Central Kazakhstan reed grass (Phragmites australis), meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis), wheat grass (Elytrigia repens), halophytic (Hordeum brevisubulatum, Puccinellia dolicholepis, Juncus gerardii, Limonium gmelinii), steppe (Leymus ramosus, L. angustus, L. akmolinense, Agropyron cristatum) meadows and communities of Achnatherum splendens (Kulan-utpes). 415-70. East-Central Kazakhstan grass (Poa pratensis, Bromopsis inermis, Саlamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens) meadows in combination with groups of shrubs (Sаliх triandra, Lonicera tatarica) and communities of Achnatherum splendens (Shiderty, Selety). 415-85. Saur halophytic meadows (Elytrigia repens, Hordeum brevisubulatum, Aeluropus littoralis, Limonium gmelinii) and communities of Achnatherum splendens (Chilikty Depression). Ecosystems of lacustrine hollows with meadow and halophytic communities on salted soils 416. Lacustrine hollows with reed grass, reed mace, bulrush thickets; typical and halophytic meadows in combination with halophytic communities on salted soils. 416-64. Turgai reed grass (Phragmites australis), reed mace (Typha angustifolia, T. latifolia), bulrush (Scirpus lacustris, S. tabernaemontanii) thickets in combination with saltwort (Salicornia europaea, Suaeda corniculata, Ofaiston monandrum), wood-reed (Саlamagrostis epigeios), forb (Sonchus arvensis, Trifolium repens, Plantago major, Potentilla anserina, Inula britannica), sagebrush (Artemisia nitrosa) communities; along outskirts with complex of halophytic communities: sea spear grass (Puccinellia tenuissima), sea-lavender (Limonium gmelinii, L. suffruticosum), camphor-fume – black sagebrush (Campharosma monspeliaca, Artemisia pauciflora), orach (Atripleх cana), Halimione verrucifera. (Naurzum Lakes). 416-69. West-Central Kazakhstan reed mace – reed grass thickets (Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, T. angustifolia) in combination with complex of meadow forb – grass (Elytrigia repens, Рuccinellia tenuissima, Triglochin maritima), glasswort (Salicornia europaea), black sagebrush (Аrtemisia pauciflora) and perennial saltwort (Halimione verrucifera, Atripleх cana, Halocnemum strobilaceum) communities (Tengiz Lake). 416’-69. Transformed lands. Ecosystems of river valleys in the limits of droghty steppes and forest-steppe Ecosystem of river valleys with domination of forests, brushwoods of shrubs and meadows 417. River valleys with poplar, willow and aspen – birch forests in combination with herbaceous swamps, typical meadows and meadows with steppe elements. 417-91. Ishym poplar (Populus nigra), willow (Salix alba) and aspen – birch (Betula pendula, Populus tremula) forests with shrubs (Lonicera tatarica, Rhamnus cathartica, Saliх caprea, Genista tinctoria) in combination with bulrush – forb – reed grass (Scirpus lacustris, S. tabernaemontanii, Careх caespitosa, Stachys palustris, Scutelaria galericulata, Alisma graminea, Phragmites australis) herbaceous swamps and forb–grass typical (Elytrigia repens, Bromopsis inermis, Calamagrostis epigeios, Poa pratensis, , Geranium pratense, Sanguisorba officinalis, Thalictrum simpleх) and steppe meadows (Pоа angustifolia, Leymus ramosus, Medicago falcata, Salvia stepposa) (Ishym). Ecosystems of river valleys with willow communities, brushwoods of shrubs, meadows and fragments of forests. 418. River valleys with brushwoods of shrubs; typical, swampy and steppe meadows; fragments of birch and poplar small forests. 418-89. Tobol brushwoods of shrubs (Lonicera tatarica, Rhamnus cathartica, Saliх caprea), typical forb – grass (Elytrigia repens, Bromopsis inermis, Calamagrostis epigeios, Poa pratensis, P. angustifolia, Geranium collinum, Sanguisorba officinalis, Vicia cracca, Inula britannica) meadows, sedge – bulbous bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, Careх melanostachya, Juncus atratus, Batrachium circinatus, Caltha palustris) herbaceous swamps and steppe meadows (Leymus angustus, Artemisia dracunculus, Agropyron pecninatum, Achillea millefolium, Galium verum); fragments of birch (Betula pendula) and poplar (Poрulus nigra) small forests (Tobol). 418’-89. Transformed lands. 419. River valleys with willow brushwoods, poplar groves, fragments of birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) in combination with meadows and herbaceous swamps. 419-65. West Siberia willow brushwoods (Saliх pentandra, S.viminalis, S.rosmarinifolia), poplar (Poрulus nigra) groves, fragmentary birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) (Betula pendula, Populus tremula) with dewberry (Rubus caesius) and forb – grass (Festuca pseudovina, Calamagrostis epigeios, Fragaria vesca, Lupinaster pentaphyllus, Galium boreale, Tanacetum vulgare) cover in combination with glicorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis), forb – grass – sedge (Careх praecox), (Elytrigia repens, Bromopsis inermis, Poa angustifolia, Astragalus cornutus, Thalictrum simpleх, Artemisia dracunculus) meadows and bulbous bulrush – rhapontic – bulrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Rhaponticum serratuloides, Rumeх acetosa) herbaceous swamps (Ubagan). 419’-65. Transformed lands. 420. River valleys with brushwoods of willow and shrubs in combination with halophytic meadows and herbaceous swamps. 420-65. West Siberia brushwoods of shrubs (Saliх pentandra, S.viminalis, S.rosmarinifolia, Lonicera tatarica, Rosa acicularis) in combination with halophytic rush – grass (Puccinellia distans, Hordeum brevisubulatum, Juncus gerardii, J. cоmpressus) meadows with sea-lavender (Limonium gmelinii) and spike-rush (Eleocharis palustris), bulbous bulrush – reed grass (Phragmites australis, Bolboschoenus maritimus) herbaceous swamps with forbs (Stachys palustris, Mentha austriaca, Roripa palustris, Hyppuris vulgaris) (Ubagan). 421. River valleys with willow brushwoods, meadows and petrophytic steppes on slopes. 421’-91. Ishym willow (Saliх viminalis, S. rosmarinifolia) brushwoods, reed grass (Phragmites australis), bulrush (Scirpus lacustris), wood-reed (Calamagrostis epigeios), forb (Filipendula ulmaria, Sanguisorba officinalis, Geranium collinum), wheat grass (Agropyron repens) meadows in combination with petrophytic steppes on cobble-stony slopes to river; mainly transformed (Ishym). 422. River valleys with shrub – willow brushwoods in combination with dewberry and horsetail – forb – grass communities near river-bed; black poplar groves, fragmentary birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) in combination with typical and halophytic meadows in central flood-land; meadows with steppe elements in combination with herbaceous swamps near terraces. 422-92. Irtysh shrub – willow brushwoods (Salix pentandra, S. viminalis, S. caprea, Lonicera tatarica, Rosa pavlovii, R. laxa, Rhamnus catartica) in combination with dewberry (Rubus caesius) and horsetail –forb – grass (Роа angustifolia, Cacalia hastata, Thalictrum foetidum, Polemonium coeruleum, Equisetum ramosissima) communities near river-bed; poplar (Poрulus nigra) groves, fragmentary birch – aspen small insular groves (kolki) (Betula pendula, Populus tremuula) in combination with forb – grass typical (Elytrigia repens, Bromopsis inermis, Sanguisorba officinalis, Senecio fluviatilus, Artemisia laciniata) and rush – sea spear grass (Puccinellia hauptiana, Juncus salsuginosus) meadows in central flood-land; forb – lyme grass (Leymus ramosus, L. paboanus, Potentilla bifurca, Filipendula vulgaris, Peucidanum morisonii, Galium verum, Artemisia dracunculus) meadows with steppe elements in combination with forb – sedge (Сareх riparia, C.fusco-vaginata, Eleocharis uniglumus, Glyceria maхima, Phalaroides arundinacea, Lyhtrum salicaria, Ranunculus auriconus, Lathyrus palustris) herbaceous swamps near terraces (Irtysh). Ecosystems of lacustrine hollows and ancient gullies of drainage with domination of typical, swampy and halophytic meadows 423. Lacustrine hollows with reed grass, reed mace – reed grass, meadow foxtail, wheat grass, wood-reed and lyme grass meadows. 423-64. Turgai reed grass (Phragmites australis), reed mace – reed grass (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia), bulrush – reed grass thickets (Phragmites australis, Scirpus lacustris), wheat grass (Agropyron repens), wood-reed (Calamagrostis epigeios) meadows, meadows with Leymus ramosus and complex steppe vegetation of high terraces with participation of goldilocks – fescue and sagebrush – fescue communities. 423-65. West Siberia reed grass (Phragmites australis), sedge – reed grass (Phragmites australis, Carex acutiformis), reed mace thickets, meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis), wheat grass (Agropyron repens) meadows and thickets of sagebrush (Artemisia procera). 424. Ancient valleys of drainage with typical, swampy and halophyic meadows, lots of willow communities, and also complex steppe vegetation. 424-66. Irtysh – Kulunda communities of willow (Saliх pentandra, S. viminalis, S. cаprea), swampy (Phragmites australis, Scirpua lacustris, виды р. Саrex) and typical (Calamagrostis epigeios, Poa pratensis, Agropyron repens) meadows, halophytic meadows (Hordeum brevisubulatum, Leymus ramosus); lots of complex steppe vegetation (Stipa zalesskyi, Festuca valesiaca, Linosyris villosa).