Literatures, Languages and Cultures: Two Outreach Post

Literatures, Languages and Cultures: Two Outreach Post-Doctoral Fellows
Apply now
SALARY SCALE: £29,853 - £38,951 GRADE: UE07
Job description
The Centre is now seeking to appoint two Outreach Post-Doctoral Fellows to assist in the
implementation of its Outreach Programme and its Research activities, one in the field of Islamic
Civilisation (broadly understood, so that it could include Science, Medicine, Art and Architecture,
Philosophy, or another aspect of culture), and one in the field of Muslims in Britain (including any
aspect of the development of Muslim communities in the UK, historical, sociological or
These are fixed (three year) appointments, which would be ideal for recent PhD graduates. The
successful candidates will be expected to be Edinburgh-based, and to contribute to the Centre's
Outreach Programme, in schools, among the general public, and among policy-makers and the media,
through lectures and presentations at study days, in conferences and symposia, in summer schools,
both within and beyond the university, and also through the preparation of material for the Centre's
website. They will also be expected to conduct and present research on their respective themes, and
to contribute to the development of the Centre's website, in collaboration with the Outreach Projects
Manager (Mr Tom Lea) and the Administrative and Outreach Officer (Ms Rosie Mellor). There may
also be opportunities to contribute to teaching within the university.
Essential qualifications
A PhD on a relevant topic
Excellent presentation and communication skills
Good organisational skills
Ability to work in a team
Enthusiasm for communicating to a wide variety of audiences
Diplomacy, including religious, cultural and political sensitivity
The ability to work to deadlines
Prioritisation of tasks and conflicting deadlines
A willingness to be flexible and work non standard hours, if required
Ability and willingness to travel internationally, potentially at short notice
Desirable qualifications
Experience in explaining research to a wide variety of audiences, both within and beyond a university
Knowledge of a relevant language (e.g. Arabic, Persian, Turkish, or Urdu)
Experience in designing material for websites
Experience of working with the media
1st June 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter
Appointment will be made on grade UE07, current salary scale £29,972 - £35,788 per annum.
Application procedure
We encourage applicants to apply online at You will receive email
confirmation of safe receipt of your application. The online system allows you to submit your CV and
letter of application as attachments.
If you do not have access to a computer you can call the University's recruitment line on 0131 650
2511 for an application pack. This will be posted to you to complete and return. If using this method,
please return your application materials to Professor Hugh Goddard, The Alwaleed Centre, The
University of Edinburgh, 16 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LD.
Informal enquiries to Professor Hugh Goddard, the Director of the Alwaleed Centre
Please quote vacancy reference: 3014161
Biological Sciences: Communications, Public Engagement & Outreach Manager
Apply now
The School of Biological Sciences
Institute for Stem Cell Research
Communications, Public Engagement & Outreach Manager
Vacancy Reference No. 3014149
This document is designed to give you as much information as possible about the role you have
applied for.
Job description:
Funding body: European Union
Hours: 35
Start date: asap
Duration: Up to one year
Supervisor: EuroSyStem & OptiStem Training & Public Engagement Director
Informal enquiries:
EuroSyStem and OptiStem are EU Framework 7 initiatives, integrating the efforts of leading stem cell
research teams across Europe; our training and public outreach programmes are based at the Centre
for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh. Both projects run dedicated outreach/public
engagement programmes and actively support the European Information Portal, . See and for further
Main Responsibilities:
Develop, implement and manage communications and outreach programmes for two major EUfunded stem cell consortia, EuroSyStem and OptiStem, to meet objectives set out in the "Description
of Work" for each consortium. Disseminate the scientific outputs of these consortia. Develop and
engage scientists in training and professional development opportunities.
Approx. % of time
Develop and implement the EuroSyStem Outreach package, to increase public engagement with stem
cell research across Europe
 Provide accessible information resources for European citizens - films, participative activities,
web and printed resource material
 Identify, train and equip stem cell communicators
 Actively engage European citizens in stem cell research and related issues
 Produce model outreach event aimed at teenage and adult audiences in science festivals, for
use across Europe. 30%
Develop and implement the OptiStem Outreach package, to increase public engagement with
translational stem cell research, including progression from basic research into clinical trials across
 Provide accessible information resources for European citizens - films, participative activities,
web and printed resource material
 Actively engage European citizens in stem cell research and regenerative medicine and
related ethical and societal issues
 Devise and produce a public engagement tool to explain the clinical translation process to
non-specialists 30%
Develop and publicise the EuroSyStem and OptiStem internal and open training programmes, to
maximise impact of these activities. Implement constitution of a European Stem Cell Federation. 20%
Develop and maintain communication strategy, plans and resources for the EuroSyStem and OptiStem
consortia, ensuring maximum impact of project outputs. 5%
Maintain internal communications in Eurosystem and OptiStem consortia, including internal
newsletters and PhD and Postdoc committees. 5%
Report in writing on communications, training and outreach activities, to meet milestone and
deliverable commitments and periodic reporting commitments for both consortia 5%
Act as principal spokesperson for EuroSyStem and OptiStem in dealing with media and the public,
resulting in appropriate coverage of activities. 5%
Person specification:
Degree, post-graduate qualification or equivalent experience in Science Communication or
Journalism, superior written and oral communication skills, good IT skills.
Experience of writing for the web and the press and a demonstrable capacity to develop resources for
different target audiences, including adult non-specialists with an interest in science.
Experience of producing interactive web-based materials and of delivering face-to-face events at
science festivals and the ability to speak more than one European language.
Experience in planning and developing online communications.
Good organisational skills including ability to prioritise tasks, prepare and manage budgets, allocate
resources and meet deadlines.
An interest and aptitude for developing understanding in stem cell and/or broader biomedical science
is essential.
Experience in commissioning graphic design and print; selecting, engaging and managing contractors.
Existing background knowledge of stem cell and/or broader biomedical science would be an
The role is grade UE07 and attracts an annual salary of £29,972 to £35,788 for full-time hours. Salary
is paid monthly by direct transfer to your Bank or Building Society account, normally on the 28th of
each month. Salaries for part-time staff are calculated on the full-time scales, pro-rata to the Standard
Working Week.
Arts, Culture and the Environment: Knowledge Exchange Associate
Apply now
KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE ASSOCIATE (full-time, fixed-term for 30 months)
SALARY SCALE: £25,101- £29,099 GRADE: UE06
CLOSING DATE: 5pm, Friday 11 March 2011
Job Purpose and Project Outline
The University of Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a Digital Media Knowledge Exchange Associate as
part of its involvement in Moving Targets, a three year knowledge exchange project funded by the
Scottish Funding Council. This project involves a consortium of Universities, Public Bodies and Media
Companies undertaking knowledge exchange in the area of new models for new media audiences in
the creative media industries.
The core purpose of the consortium will be to meet the critical need of the creative media industry to
find new models of audience development in this cross-platform broadcast era. This will be achieved
by establishing innovative new models for co-creating, prototyping and consuming new forms of
Creative Media content, which will undergo development, ultimately producing finished content, with
commissioners, consumers, practitioners and academics all informing the co-creation process. Further
information on the Moving Targets project can be found at
This post is one of three full-time Knowledge Exchange Associate positions recruited for the Moving
Targets project at the three participating Higher Education Institutions; University of Abertay Dundee,
University of Edinburgh, and Edinburgh College of Art.
The Knowledge Exchange Associate at the University of Edinburgh will be based within the School of
Arts, Culture and Environment. S/he will work across a range of activities including spending periods
of supervised secondment in selected media SME's (small and medium enterprises), leading in
workshops, developing new models for the co-creation of working prototypes, and working with
consortium partners toward new collaborative design and production practices for online and mobile
content. S/he will also contribute digital media production and distribution expertise to the project
Main Responsibilities
Approx. % of
1. Spend time in supervised secondment to selected SMEs (maximum 6 firms over
30 months), observing work practices, attending meetings, interviewing staff,
documenting practices, speaking with clients and customers, sampling some of the
firm's work tasks, and providing oral and written reports following the end of
2. Participating in the delivery and co-organising of regular project workshops to
bring together industry, agencies, academia and representative audiences.
3. Communications between project participants and stakeholders, web work,
including project website, preparing reports and other documents.
4. Analysis and organisation of focus groups, maintaining online social network
media, drafting of process models.
5. Co-production with SMEs, student groups, and audiences of innovative online
media products.
Other duties as required
Planning and Organising
The post-holder will be involved in planning and organising workshops to bring together industry,
agencies, academia and representative audiences. They will also be required to plan and organise
other events, audience studios, and co-production of prototypes.
The Knowledge Exchange Associate will also be involved in mapping the achievements made against
targets and milestones of the project.
Problem Solving
The post-holder will be required to liaise with other project Knowledge Exchange Associates and
Principal Investigators to resolve problems such as; how best to collect and analyse data about
audience behaviours and attitudes; to create individual project briefs (for proposed systems/media
development) and prototype designs; other scheduling and management tasks.
Decision Makin
The post-holder will need to be able to decide on the scheduling and prioritisation of their work tasks
on a daily and quarterly basis, as well as how to facilitate effective interactions appropriate to SME
work secondments.
Key Contacts/Relationships
Answerable to Senior Knowledge Exchange Associate (KEA) based at Abertay, and project Principal
Investigators (3)
Line managed by University of Edinburgh Principal Investigator
Work closely with the other project Knowledge Exchange Associates (2 others, including Senior
Knowledge Exchange Associate)
Work with managers in SMEs, conform with legal obligations of hosting SMEs
Knowledge, Skills and Experience Needed for the Job
Essential: A good undergraduate degree, plus normally at least two years of relevant work experience,
or significant relevant work experience demonstrating comparable achievement.
Essential: Experience of undertaking practice-based research in a media production or digital media
design disciplines
Desirable: Postgraduate qualification in a media production or digital media design discipline
Specialist knowledge
Essential: An understanding of professional media production or design, and an interest in emerging
online media production methodologies
Desirable: An understanding of collaborative design and production practice and audience
engagement and collaboration
Competency and type of experience
Essential: Experience of a range of production processes relating to online and mobile distribution.
Experience of speculative or innovative media product development. Experience of working in teams
Desirable: Experience in a research and development role in a media industry organisation.
Special requirements
Essential: Good organisational and leadership skills. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
The ability to work independently.
Coordinate interactions with and between audiences, participants, and developers. The interaction
with many of these groups will be through online digital media, such as social networks
(approximately 500 people)
Job Context and other relevant information
The project involves intellectual property (IP) sensitivities, as well as developing and retaining rapport
with businesses. The project will advance the overall aims of the SPIRIT grant scheme that are to
invest in Scotland's future economic growth through knowledge exchange.
This is one of 10 SPIRIT projects to enable sharing of knowledge and expertise between Universities
and businesses to help address a number of crucial areas such as problem solving, efficiency
improvements, capacity for research and development, and skills needs.