Beef Carcass Genetics Dr. Art Linton Extension Beef Scientist WSU Prosser What Traits to Select? Genetic change of beef cattle is a relatively slow process at best. With the generation interval of cattle at about five years, it is critical that we design our selection program carefully. This means first giving serious consideration to which traits to select for and then judiciously choosing the cattle that fit our selection criteria. Today we will focus primarily on our selection objectives. Research tells us that the more traits we select for the slower will be the rate of progress for each. With this in mind the question each of us needs to ask first is: “Which traits should I select for?” Factors determining the answer are: 1. What is the heritability of the traits we may be selecting? 2. Which traits have the greatest influence on the profitability of our operations? 3. What is the relationship of each trait to other economically important traits? 4. How easily and how expensively can the trait be measured? 5. How much variation is there in the trait among animals? For our discussion here tonight, we will focus primarily on the carcass traits. Remember, if we select for the carcass traits it will impact the rate of progress in other traits because of reduced selection pressure for them and because of (positive or negative) correlated response. If time permits, we will look at this second factor in more detail. Table 1. Heritability (h2) Of Beef Cattle Carcass Traits Trait Number of studiesa Weighted Mean h2 b Backfat 26 .44 Ribeye Area 16 .42 Slaughter Weight 52 .41 Carcass Weight 19 .23 Dressing Percentage 13 .39 Cutability 12 .47 Lean:Bone Ratio 4 .63 Marbling Score 12 .38 Warner-Bratzler Shear Force 12 .29 Sensory Panel Tenderness 3 .13 (Adapted from Koots et al., 1994a and Green, 1999) aNumber of research studies represented. bAverage heritability of trait, weighted by number of observations in studies. In general, carcass traits all tend to be relatively high (above .40) in heritability. Therefore, if we can measure these traits and there is adequate variation within each, then we can expect to make reasonably rapid progress for them. We also know that with grid-based marketing both yield and quality grades impact carcass value. Yield grade is cutability and marbling is essentially the sole determinant of quality grade. Large premiums for Choice quality grade carcasses versus Select carcasses and substantial discounts for Yield Grade 4 carcasses provide incentive for beef cattle breeders to select for carcass traits. Marbling may only account for a small share of the variation in palatability of cooked beef products and is less important than tenderness, but it serves as an “insurance policy” for eating satisfaction and is much more easily measured. Typical grid pricing assumptions may be as follows with Choice, Yield Grade 3 as our base: Quality Components: Prime premium (above Choice) CAB (above Choice) Choice-Select spread Standard discount $6.00cwt. $3.00 $10.00 $-15.00 Yield Components: YG 1 premium $3.00 YG 2 premium $1.50 YG 3 base $0.00 YG 4 & 5 discount $-25.00 Put these on carcasses weighing 800 pounds and they add up in a hurry. Historically, carcass data was very difficult and expensive to obtain. It also significantly increased the generation interval because it required progeny testing, so it reduced dramatically the annual genetic progress. This has changed dramatically with the refinement and greater availability of ultrasound technology. It is now possible to assess carcass merit differences with a high degree of accuracy at a young age and at reasonable cost. Let’s take a look at how this information is being used by Angus breeders nation-wide. The Angus breed has done a remarkable job of collecting useful carcass information, first through a structured progeny testing program and more recently through the collection of ultrasound data. The number of ultrasound records in the Spring 2005 Angus Sire Evaluation totals 400,865 cattle as compared to 78,532 cattle with actual slaughter carcass data. Figures 1 and 2 give the genetic trend for percent ultrasound intramuscular fat (which is basically equivalent to marbling score and is abbreviated as %IMF) and for ribeye area (REA) by comparing EPDs for those traits with the sire birth year. Both trends are positive and, just as importantly, the rate of progress appears to be increasing. If we were to look at annual registrations by sire, I am sure we would find that the most heavily used bulls in that breed have superior carcass EPDs. This is a good example of information being available and being used by Angus breeders to dramatically improve their product. Obviously, one of the factors driving this 2 tend is the price incentive for cattle meeting the certification standards for Certified Angus Beef (CAB) status. To help put this information in perspective, the Spring 2005 breed average IMF% EPD is .01% and the standard deviation is .14%. Over the last 13 years included in this table the merit of the sires represented has increased by about two-thirds of a standard deviation. 3 The 2005 breed average REA EPD is .03 sq. in. and the standard deviation is .20. Sires born in 2003 are almost .15 higher than those born in 1980. The most impressive thing to note is that almost all this progress has occurred in the last 10 years. It is also worthy to note that significant progress has been made in both traits in spite of the negative genetic correlation between them. Statistical analysis of this ultrasound carcass data yielded the following results. Table 2.Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations Based on Angus Ultrasound Data Trait Wt. IMF REA Fat %RP Weight (Wt.) .30 -.02 %IMF (IMF) .31 Ribeye (REA) Fat Thickness (Fat) % Retail Product (%RP) *400,865 Angus Records, Spring 2005 Heritabilities are given in bold of the diagonal Genetic correlations between traits are off diagonal. .52 -.04 .38 .13 .22 .18 .39 -.14 -.16 .59 -.49 .39 This information tells us that if we select just for marbling score, we can expect to: a. decrease ribeye area very slightly (-.04), b. increase subcutaneous fat (.22), c. decrease retail product (-.16). Likewise, if we select just for ribeye area, it will: a. increase the percent of retail product (.59), b. increase fat thickness (.18). We will need to select both traits if we want to improve both traits (i.e. improve net carcass merit). Fortunately, even though the genetic correlation between the traits is negative (-.04), it is low enough to allow simultaneous change in the desired direction for both traits. Just a word of caution, however: summaries of research data have produced higher genetic correlations than analysis of breed carcass data. Koots et al. (1994) reported a negative genetic correlation between marbling score and ribeye area of -.21. Such a stronger relationship makes simultaneous improvement in both traits more challenging, but still not impossible. Tenderness The current beef quality grades do not effectively segregate steaks by levels of tenderness, although CAB appears to be more tender on average than USDA Choice and Select. Tenderness is measured two ways in research trials: objectively with the use of a Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF) instrument, or subjectively with the use of a trained taste panel. Marbling has a genetic correlation with WBSF tenderness of -.56. In other words, marbling accounts for about 30% (R2) of the variation in tenderness as determined by WBSF. The 4 many attempts to develop a non-invasive technique for measuring genetic differences in carcasses to date have not proven successful. That explains why we still rely on marbling to evaluate carcass quality, even though it has serious limitations. Recently an extremely large and comprehensive Carcass Merit Project with multiple objectives and several research institutions cooperating was conducted with funding using beef checkoff dollars through the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. A couple of the research objectives related specifically to tenderness: 1. Develop procedures for collection of information necessary to develop EPDs for carcass merit traits, particularly tenderness EPDs. 4. Validate DNA markers to be used in marker-assisted selection programs for improvement of carcass merit traits. This huge project included 8,500 progeny of the most widely used sires within 14 breeds. Researchers used DNA markers to validate the association of QTLs (quantitative trait loci) with WB shear force measures, sensory panel traits, and standard carcass traits. The project was not intended to provide, nor did it allow for across-breed comparison. Scientists from the U.S.D.A., Texas A & M, Kansas State University, Colorado State University, and Cornell University were involved in the project. Two of the markers evaluated had a significant influence on WBSF measures, indicating that these markers can be used to help improve overall product tenderness. However, the “best” one of these markers, QTL 6, only accounted for 12%of the phenotypic variation in WBSF. The other marker with value accounted for 6% of the WBSF phenotypic variation. Remember that this was with an extremely diverse (14 breed) genetic population. So, while this may be a step forward, it is a small step at best. Currently available DNA tests for the “marbling gene” and the “tenderness gene” only account for a small proportion (perhaps10-15%) of the genetic variation. Ultrasound-based marbling EPDs are more valuable than currently available DNA markers for documenting genetic differences in marbling. In the absence of another practical measure of tenderness, the DNA tenderness markers remain the best tool for genetic improvement of tenderness. Look for marker-assisted EPDs for tenderness to be developed in the near future using ultrasound IMF EPDs and DNA markers. Our knowledge of breed differences in tenderness can also be useful. The Simmental breed association has made a real effort to identify sires with tenderness differences. There are 102 Simmental bulls with progeny tenderness data. The average Simmental bull has a .09 marbling EPD. The top 10 tenderness bulls among the 102 with tenderness data have a marbling EPD of .16. The toughest 10 bulls have a marbling EPD of only .03. As you can see, marbling EPD is a crude predictor of tenderness, but is certainly not a guarantee. 5 Relationship of Carcass Traits and Other Important Traits Genetic correlations occur when genes tend to influence more than one trait. These correlations may be either desirable or undesirable. It is important to know both the direction and the strength (size) of the correlations. They tell us what will happen to other traits when we apply selection pressure. An example of a beneficial genetic correlation is growth rate and feed conversion. Feed conversion is costly and difficult to measure, but the beneficial correlation with growth rate means that selection for growth rate will also result in improvement in feed conversion. Some carcass traits are negatively correlated to each other (marbling and leanness) and to other traits of economic importance. These antagonistic genetic correlations make progress from selection more difficult and the response to selection smaller and slower to achieve. It is important to be aware of these negative relationships when designing a selection program so one recognizes what the challenges and limitations are. Table 3. Antagonistic Genetic Correlations Among Traits Traits Genetic Correlations Calving Ease/Birth Weight -.74 Marbling/Cutability -.25 Marbling/Yearling Weight -.33 Marbling/REA -.21 Marbling/Backfat .35 Marbling/Shear Force -.31 Koots, 1994 Important antagonistic genetic correlations also exist between reproduction and some product traits. Some of these relationships should be fairly obvious when we consider breed differences for carcass and reproductive traits. It is important to remember that these relationships exist and may present challenges as we attempt to improve overall herd profitability. Table 4. Genetic Correlations Between Reproduction and Carcass Traits Female Traits Fat Trim Wt. Retail Product Wt. Age at Puberty -.29 .30 Conception/Service .21 .28 Calving Difficulty -.31 -.02 Birth Weight -.07 .30 Mature Weight -.09 .25 MacNeil, 1984 Selection for Antagonistic Traits National sire evaluation programs have been a great tool for beef improvement. They have enabled rapid progress in single traits. But, even more 6 important, they have helped identify those outlier bulls that excel in antagonistic traits. The classic examples are those bulls that combine calving ease (or low birth weights) and rapid post-natal growth. Dr. Jim Gosey, University of Nebraska, performed an interesting sire sort of bulls in the Fall 2003 Angus Sire Summary with ultrasound carcass data to illustrate just how challenging it may be to make progress for antagonistic traits. First, he compared bulls that were extremely high (three standard deviations above breed average) for either marbling or ribeye area. Table 5. Carcass EPDs of Selected Sires with Ultrasound Data, Fall 2003a Group Marbling REA Fat % RP YW Milk Angus Average .05 .07 .00 -.01 65 17 bc Marbling (37) .50 .14 .02 -.04 72 21 REA (32)bc .08 .74 .00 .58 88 20 a 4,051 Total sires represented b Mean plus 3 standard deviations c Number of sires in parenthesis If one examines the extreme outlier bulls for marbling they tended to be: Above average for ribeye area, growth and milk Fatter and below average for retail product Extreme bulls for ribeye area tended to be: Above average for marbling Above average for % retail product, yearling weight and milk Now let’s raise the bar and look at the number of bulls that are outliers for both traits. Table 6. Number of Outlier bulls for Both Marbling and Ribeye Areaa Trait +1 SDb +2 SDb +3 SDb Marbling & REA 164 22 4 Marbling & REA (.50 acc) 140 22 4 a 4,051 Sires represented, Fall 2003 Angus Sire Summary b Standard deviations It quickly becomes obvious that although there may be “outlier” bulls that defy some of the antagonisms between traits, they are very rare and, short of artificial insemination, they don’t exist in sufficient numbers to have an immediate impact on the commercial segment of the beef industry. Dr. Gosey repeated this exercise for multiple traits. He asked how many Angus bulls were simply above average for marbling, ribeye area, weaning weight, yearling weight, scrotal circumference and below average for birth weight? The answer was 32 or one percent. He raised the requirement to being one standard deviation above average for all the traits, and found that reduced 7 the number to 10 or .3%. When he raised the requirement to two standard deviations above average for all traits, he eliminated all the bulls. Nobody said breeding cattle was easy. While the tools available keep getting better, we keep asking more and more of our cattle by selecting for an ever-increasing number of traits, several of which may be antagonistic. Index Selection One additional option for improving multiple traits simultaneously is the use of indexes. Several of the beef breed associations have just created what they refer to as bioeconomic indexes. These indexes attempt to describe a number of different beef cattle production scenarios from cow-calf, to feedlot, to harvest, and attempt to rate breeding cattle on net economic merit for each enterprise. For example, one of the indexes recently introduced by the American Angus Association is the Carcass Grid Value Index (represented by $G) which combines quality grade and yield grade attributes calculated on a three-year rolling average of industry grids. These indexes are another selection tool that can be used for comparing individual animals. See what is available for the breed of interest, but be sure it includes the traits of interest before using one. Heterosis and Breed Complementarity There is one tool remaining which I have yet to mention. That is the utilization of multiple breeds in a specialized crossbreeding system. Complementarity allows us to match the strengths of one breed to weaknesses of another. The classic example of this concept is illustrated by the improvement in net merit achieved with British X Continental crossbred steers that benefit from the marbling input of a British breed and the lean muscle growth of a Continental breed. Add the benefit of heterosis to the cowherd which reduces the risk that the cows may not be adapted to the varied resource environments in which we expect them to perform. Heterosis is also the closest we can come to a guarantee for a high level of reproduction in our cow herd. Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Joint improvement in marbling and lean muscle growth will be limited by the negative genetic correlation between the two traits. The number of sires with genetic estimates for carcass traits will continue to increase due mainly to data collected via ultrasound. DNA markers for major gene effects hold promise to supplement traditional selection tools to yield more precise selection for carcass traits. Crossbreeding can be used to temper antagonistic carcass traits through breed complementarity. Heterosis is the best tool to maintain cow productive performance and fitness to the environment while attempting to change carcass traits. 8 Literature Cited American Angus Association. 2003. Fall 2003 Sire Evaluation Report. Angus Carcass Evaluation and Angus Body Composition Genetic Evaluation Using Ultrasound Measures. St. Joseph, Mo. October, 2003. Gosey, J. A., 2004. Selecting for carcass marbling and muscling – benefits and pitfalls. Range Beef Cow Symposium. Mitchell, NE. December, 2004. Green, R.D., T.G. Field, N.S. Hammett, B.M. Ripley and S.P. Doyle. 1999. Can cow adaptability and carcass acceptability both be achieved? Proceedings of Western Section of American Society of Animal Science. Provo, Utah, June, 1999. Koots, K.P., J.P. Gibson. C. Smith and J. W. Wilton. 1994a. Analyses of published genetic parameter estimates for beef production traits. 1. Heritability. Animal Breeding Abstracts 62:309. Koots, K.P., J.P. Gibson, C. Smith and J. W. Wilton. 1994b. Analyses of published genetic parameter estimates for beef production traits. 2. Phenotypic and genetic correlations. Animal Breeding Abstracts 62:825. 9