Auction Consignment Contract

Auctioneer, Jena Baker
License # AU3630, AB2597
1755 Lakeside Avenue
St Augustine, Florida 32084
(904) 806-4274
Contract for Consignment of Items for Auction
Sellers Name:
Mailing Address:
Phone #s
If your Item Sells For
Customer ID:
We Charge
$20.00 & Under
50 %
$21.00 to $500.00
30 %
$501 to $1000.00
25 %
Over $1,000.00
20 %
Online High End Auctions
Add 10%
Pick Ups
Add 10%
I hereby commission GEAC to sell the property above to the highest bidder at public
auction. I certify that as the owner of the above listed items, I have clear title and right to
sell, with no liens or encumbrances on any items. I agree to accept all responsibility for
providing merchantable title and for delivery of title to purchaser. All items will be sold at
public auction within 30 days of receipt of consignment, unless otherwise stated. I
understand that items may be box-lotted at Auctioneers Discretion. It is understood that all
items taken in on consignment must be sold at auction, and will not be returned to
consignor once accepted for auction, without incurring a fee at Auctioneers Discretion.
* Please note this schedule is per item in the case of items sold individually (furniture, appliances, or better smalls), and per box lot for items paired into
boxes, and sold together ( tools, dishes, china, etc.). Pickups will incur an additional 10% Fee added across the board, plus a fuel surcharge as noted.
Lot #
Description of Item(s)
Commission Charged: __________________________
Approx. Date of Sale: __________________________
Items Received by: ________________
Resv/Fees: _____________________
Customer Signature: _______________________
Date of Contract: __________________________
~ Any Item that does not receive at least a $1.00 bid may be donated to a local charity, or disposed of, at Auctioneers Discretion.
~ The average turn-around time from when you drop an item off, until it is auctioned, ranges from 1 to 3 weeks, so please be patient, and watch for the photos of your
items online to know when they are being sold. In the event we are selling a large quantity of items for you, it is possible that your items will be split between multiple
auctions, in which case you may receive a separate check/invoice for each auction.
~ We mail checks, and invoices for your items sold, on the 1st of Each Month. We do not disclose what items have sold for over the phone or email, due to the large
number of consignors each week, and the time that this would take. You are more than welcome to come to the auction and watch your items sell if you wish to find out
immediately what they sell for.
~ We encourage all consignors to attend at least one Saturday Auction before consigning items, so that you are aware of the current market, and what similar items to
yours are selling for. We do not require this, but it will help you to better understand the auction process.
~ An Inventory List is not required when consigning items, but if you wish to create one, please have it ready prior to your drop off. On days that we have drop-offs,
there are usually several people dropping off at a time, and if you do not have a list ready, we may not have the time to create one at that moment, especially on large
drop-offs. When you consign items, we do inventory and tag items with your customer ID as we lot them, to track them through the auction process. You will receive
our inventory list with your check.
~ Please understand that this is an auction, and your items will sell to the highest bidder. We do not allow reserves or minimum bids on most of our items, otherwise it
would just be a retail store. You may email us photos of any items that you may be considering for auction, and we will be happy to give you a free consultation about
which venue will best suit your needs. Auctions are a wonderful resource to sell items, and often times will bring far more than you anticipate on desirable items.
~ We accept just about anything you can imagine, with the exception of clothing. However, Vintage clothing and accessories are acceptable items. Please take the time
to clean your items, and test all appliances & electronics before dropping them off. We only accept working items in good condition. Any non-working items will be
charged a $20 Disposal Fee. At our discretion we may refuse any items that we know will not sell, in order to avoid having to charge you a disposal fee.
~ For online high end auctions, or specialty auctions, add additional 10% fee will apply to cover online listing costs for the different venues.
51000v3 GEAC Auction Consignment Contract.doc
Document ID 51001v3
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6, October, 2007
Auctioneer, Jena Baker
License # AU3630, AB2597
1755 Lakeside Avenue
St Augustine, Florida 32084
(904) 806-4274
Item Addendum (Continuation)
Sellers Name:
Lot #
Cons #
Customer ID:
Description of Item
Client Signature:
Auctioneer Signature:
51000v3 GEAC Auction Consignment Contract.doc
Document ID 51001v3
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6, October, 2007