AL0 Introduction to Energy Management: Course Details Sponsor: OC EP Specialist Training School: Environmental Protection Training Introduction to Energy Management Course #2872 COURSE DETAILS 1. Course Aim: The benefits of utility management are twofold: The direct financial savings that can be made if efficiency measures are adopted; and the reduction of environmental problems as fewer raw materials are wasted. The aim of the course is to provide sufficient knowledge and understanding of the management of the various utilities typically used on a Ministry of Defence (MOD) unit to be carried out effectively and economically. 2. Course Duration: 14 hours spread over two days. Students are to arrive at STS by 0830 on the first day of the course. Training will cease 1630 on each day. 3. Course Contents: The course covers the following: a. MoD Policy and Contracts. b. Benchmarking. c. Monitoring and Targeting in Utilities Management. d. Metering and Financial Aspects of Utilities Management. e. Utility Auditing and Management Systems. f. Climate Change Drivers. g. Lighting. h. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. i. Building Controls. j. Energy Management. k. Metering, Monitoring and Targeting. l. Motors and Drives. m. Combined Heat and Power. n. Compressed Air. o. Office Equipment. p. Practical Utility Saving Measures including Renewable Technologies. 4. Eligibility: The course is open to personnel from all branches and trade groups who have a designated responsibility in connection with utility (energy) management responsibilities. 5. Pre-requisite knowledge: No pre-requisite knowledge is required. 6. Assessment: There is no formal assessment of this course. However, Energy Managers should demonstrate to Energy TLB Focal Points successful implementation of energy saving projects. 7. Certification: The Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) accredit the course. Certificates are issued without their logo, and to receive an IOSH certificate you must write to Fiona Gelling enclosing an admin fee. As many of our courses are IOSH accredited it is advisable to wait until completion of several STS courses to allow them all to be placed on one IOSH certificate and avoid paying for multiple fees. The address and contact details are: Ms Fiona Gelling, IOSH, The Grange, Highfield Drive, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 1NN. Tel: 01162 573100. 8. Confirmation of Attendance: Students are to ensure they have acknowledged receipt of Joining Instructions and confirmed attendance to the Course Booking Clerk in writing (email or fax) 2 weeks prior to the course start date. Failure to do so will result in your place on the course being cancelled and given to someone else. If you subsequently are unable to attend this course the STS Course Allocations Manager is to be informed in writing, including by email. 9. Further Information: If you have any questions regarding the details of course contents please do not hesitate to contact the EP Training Office on 95237 6680. Please do not contact training staff for booking queries, instead please follow the booking procedure web pages. Issue: Jun 2011 D:\533566381.doc 1