IOSH SOUTH COAST BRANCH MINUTES OF MEETING Purpose of meeting: Meeting held at: Date and Time: Minutes taken by: BRANCH MEETING The Ageas Bowl in Southampton 19:00 hours on the 10th February 2014 Nick Sawyer, Secretary Item No. DESCRIPTION 1.1 Present 52 branch members attended the meeting. The names of those present were recorded. The record is held by the Branch Secretary for CPD audit purposes, but the list is not published on our website for data protection reasons. 1.2 Apologies There were four apologies. Andy Byers (Chairman) opened the meeting at 17:00 p.m. 2.0 2.1 PREVIOUS MINUTES These were published on the website. Proposed: Nick Birchell. Seconded: Charles Cole. All present agreed. 3.0 3.1 MATTERS ARISING There were None. 4.0 4.1 MATTERS OF INTEREST The new EHS poster must be displayed by April 2014. 4.2 A works visit is being planned to Intec and Sunseeker during March; names are needed now. 4.3 Streetwise – there will be a £4 charge for this. Thruxton is a possibility, on the 19th of April 2014. 4.4 The Chairman discussed training courses and funding. 1. The funding is a 50/50 grant. 2. There will be a maximum £375 per person. 3. One bid per person per year only. 4. First come is first served as the training budget is limited. 5. The Committee’s decision is final. ACTION Training course; there is also an opportunity to take the NEBOSH Construction certificate at a reduced cost. 4.5 There will be an Isle of Wight meeting in Newport at 6:30 pm (18:30) on the 27th of March 2014, entitled Carbon Footprint. NJS will chase the IoW website references. Nick Sawyer, Branch minutes IOSH 14Feb14 Page 1 of 2 IOSH SOUTH COAST BRANCH MINUTES OF MEETING Purpose of meeting: Meeting held at: Date and Time: Minutes taken by: BRANCH MEETING The Ageas Bowl in Southampton 19:00 hours on the 10th February 2014 Nick Sawyer, Secretary Item No. DESCRIPTION 4.0 MATTERS OF INTEREST cont’d. 4.6 The Chairman also discussed the latest updates to U. K. law. Appendix A at the end of these minutes refers. 4.7 The new H&S newsletter has been published on the HSE website and can be set up as an E. bulletin. 4.8 The HSE is taking an interest in businesses carrying out refurbishment, especially in ducting and wood-working firms. 4.9 Safety alert: A Safety Alert and recall has been posted on GENIE 2135/70 MWEPs Appendix B. 4.10 HSG 65 has changed: Appendix C refers. 5.0 5.1 JOB OPPORTUNITIES There were none. 6.0 DIARY OF EVENTS The Chairman briefly mentioned the remaining diary events. 7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SPOT There was nothing to report. 8.0 NETWORK & COFFEE BREAK 9.0 Presentation on CoSHH and REACh, by Colin Martin. This lecture is available on the IOSH South Coast website. 10.0 10.1 NEXT MEETING Monday 10th of March 2014 at 14.00 hrs at the Ageas Bowl, Southampton. Subject: ROAD SAFETY – THE BLUE LAMP TRUST. Nick Sawyer, Branch minutes IOSH 14Feb14 ACTION Page 2 of 2