First Grade Science Pacing Guide 2007-2008 GRADE 1 Scientific Inquiry Standard 1-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry, including the processes, skills, and mathematical thinking necessary to conduct a simple scientific investigation. Indicators 1-1.1 Compare, classify, and sequence objects by number, shape, texture, size, color, and motion, using standard English units of measurement where appropriate. 1.1.2 Use tools (including rulers) safely, accurately, and appropriately when gathering specific data. 1.1.3 Carry out simple scientific investigations when given clear directions. 1.1.4 Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations. Plants Standard 1-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the special characteristics and needs of plants that allow them to survive in their own distinct environments. (Life Science) Indicators 1-2.1 1-2.2 1-2.3 1-2.4 1-2.5 1-2.6 Recall the basic needs of plants (including air, water, nutrients, space, and light) for energy and growth. Illustrate the major structures of plants (including stems, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds). Classify plants according to their characteristics (including what specific type of environment they live in, whether they have edible parts, and what particular kinds of physical traits they have). Summarize the life cycle of plants (including germination, growth, and the production of flowers and seeds). Explain how distinct environments throughout the world support the life of different types of plants. Identify characteristics of plants (including types of stems, roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds) that help them survive in their own distinct environments. Sun and Moon Standard 1-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the features of the sky and the patterns of the Sun and the Moon. (Earth Science) Indicators 1-3.1 1-3.2 1-3.3 1-3.4 Compare the features of the day and night sky. Recall that the Sun is a source of heat and light for Earth. Recognize that the Sun and the Moon appear to rise and set. Illustrate changes in the Moon’s appearance (including patterns over time). Earth Materials Standard 1-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties of Earth materials. (Earth Science) Indicators 1-4.1 Recognize the composition of Earth (including rocks, sand, soil, and water). 1-4.2 Classify rocks and sand by their physical appearance . 1-4.3 Compare soil samples by sorting them according to properties (including color, texture, and the capacity to nourish growing plants). 1-4.4 Recognize the observable properties of water (including the fact that it takes the shape of its container, flows downhill, and feels wet). 1-4.5 Illustrate the locations of water on Earth by using drawings, maps, or models. 1-4.6 Exemplify Earth materials that are used for building structures or for growing plants. Exploring Motion Standard 1-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the positions and motions of objects. (Physical Science) Indicators 1-5.1 1-5.2 1-5.3 1-5.4 Identify the location of an object relative to another object. Explain the importance of pushing and pulling to the motion of an object. Illustrate the fact that sound is produced by vibrating objects. Illustrate ways in which objects can move in terms of direction and speed (including straight forward, back and forth, fast or slow, zigzag, and circular). Quarter: First Nine Weeks Standards First Grade Science Pacing Guide East Elementary School Textbook: Harcourt Science Skills Textbook Correlation Inquiry Skills 1.1.3 1.1.4 - Identify the five senses and how each helps us learn How do we use our senses? pp.2-7 1.1.2 1.1.3 - use inquiry skills apply them during investigations How do we use inquiry skills? pp.8-17 1.1.2 - Identify how tools are How do we use used to see, separate science tools? objects, and to pp. 18-23 measure Other Resources Assessments Quarter: _ First Nine Weeks Standards Skills Textbook Correlation Unit A Life Science Chapter 1 Plants 1.1.3 1.2.1 -Identify the things plants need to live Lesson 1 pp.30-35 1.1.2 1.2.2 -Identify plant parts and describe the purpose of each part. Lesson 2 pp.36-43 1.1.1 1.2.4 -Describe how plants grow Lesson 3 pp.44-51 1.1.1 1.2.3 - Classify plants by looking at their parts. Lesson 4 pp.52-59 1.2.1 - Recall needs of a plant Science Spin pp.60-65 Other Resources Assessments Quarter: _ First Nine Weeks Standards Skills Textbook Correlation Chapter 2 Plants 1.1.1 1.2.5 1.2.6 -Identify a forest habitat and what lives there Lesson 1 pp.68-73 1.1.3 1.2.5 1.2.6 -Identify a desert habitat and what lives there Lesson 2 pp.74-79 1.1.1 -Identify an ocean habitat and what lives there Lesson 3 pp.80-85 1.5.4 - illustrate ways objects can move Science Spin pp.86-91 Other Resources Assessments Quarter: Second Nine Weeks Standards Skills Textbook Correlation Other Resources Unit B Earth Science Chapter 3 Objects in the Sky 1.1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 - observe and describe the daytime and nighttime sky 1.1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 -Explain what causes day and night Lesson 1 pp.104-109 Lesson 2 pp. 110-115 1.1.3 1.3.4 -Describe changes in the appearance of the moon Lesson 3 pp. 116-121 1.1.3 1.3.4 1.4.2 - illustrate changes in the appearance of the moon and classify rocks and sand Science Spin pp.122-127 Starlab Assessments Quarter: Second Nine Weeks Standards Skills Textbook Correlation Other Resources Chapter 4 Natural Resources Lesson 1 pp. 130-135 1.1.3 1.4.1 1.4.4 -List examples of natural resources 1.1.1 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.6 -Classify and compare rocks and soil 1.1.1 1.4.1 -Identify natural resources and ways to protect them Lesson 3 pp. 144-151 1.1.3 1.4.1 - recognize the composition of the earth Science Spin pp.152-157 Lesson 2 pp. 136-143 Soil Science Kits Assessments Quarter: Third Nine Weeks Standards Skills Textbook Correlation Chapter 5 Our Earth 1.1.1 1.4.1 -Identify and describe landforms Lesson 1 pp.160-167 1.4.4 1.4.5 -Identify and describe bodies of water Lesson 2 pp. 168-173 1.1.3 1.4.4 -Identify how weather changes the Earth Lesson 3 pp. 174-179 1.1.3 1.2.1 1.4.1 1.4.4 1.4.6 - Recognize the properties of water Science Spin pp.180-185 Other Resources Assessments Quarter: Third Nine Weeks Standards Skills Textbook Correlation Unit C Physical Science Chapter 6 Heat, Light, and Sound 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.3.2 - Identify sources of heat, including the sun Lesson 1 pp.198-203 1.1.3 1.3.2 - Identify sources of light, including the sun Lesson 2 pp. 204-209 1.5.3 - Illustrate that sound is produced by vibrations Lesson 3 pp. 210-217 1.1.3 1.5.3 - Illustrate that sound is produced by vibrations Science Spin pp.218-223 Other Resources Assessments Quarter: Fourth Nine Weeks Standards Skills Textbook Correlation Chapter 7 Motion 1.1.1 1.5.4 - Describe ways that objects move Lesson 1 pp.226-231 1.1.3 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.4 - Describe how force can change an object’s speed, direction, and position Lesson 2 pp. 232-239 1.1.3 1.5.2 -Explain how gravity makes things move Lesson 3 pp. 240-245 1.1.3 1.5.2 - Identify magnets and explain how they make things move Lesson 4 pp.246-253 1.5.2 1.5.4 - Illustrate ways that objects can move Science Spin pp.218-223 Other Resources Assessments