OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS Advanced General Certificate of Education GEOGRAPHY SPECIFICATION B 2692 Issues in Sustainable Development Specimen Paper Discuss the view that many current forms of development are unsustainable. Refer to at least two types of development. [40] January 2002 In the twentieth century, economic and urban growth was based on unsustainable forms of development. Discuss this view referring to examples from your own studies. [40] June 2002 Describe how conflicting demands are evident in the use of the Earth’s resources. Illustrate this conflict with examples from your own studies. [40] January 2003 The model (separate sheet) represents different ways in which resources have been used or may be used in the future. Annotate the copy provided with information about the use of resources from your studies to illustrate the model. [40] June 2003 ‘In order to manage the Earth’s resources sustainably, their current usage needs to be reevaluated.’ With reference to one or more resources, explain why such changes in management may be necessary. [40] January 2004 Economic growth has led to unforeseen environmental consequences. Using examples from topics you have studied, discuss how far current forms of resource development are sustainable. [40] June 2004 From your studies of resources (other than transport), suggest ways in which integrated strategies could assist sustainable development. [40] June 2005 ‘Human survival is the only concern in planning sustainable development.’ Discuss. [40]