F- 619.225-1298
September 3, 2013
Greetings, Students, Parents and Guardians,
My name is Amy Denney, and I am an APEX/ihigh mentor at Point Loma High. Your child is dually
enrolled at both ihigh and Point Loma High – which gives your student an opportunity to take one or
more courses online. Although your student will work in my classroom daily, the teacher of record is
an ihigh teacher who will correspond with students via email. My role is to facilitate, assist,
troubleshoot, and communicate with students, teachers, and parents to ensure student success. I’ve
been an online educator for the University of Phoenix for 9 years, and an English teacher for 12
years, so I have plenty of experience in both areas.
This will be the fifth year that we have offered this program at PLHS. I’m confident that I’ll be able to
help your student transition to online learning. However, most students need to be self-motivated in
order to do well in this class, as students work much more independently than in traditional classes.
Parents and guardians can play a key role in ensuring success. You can receive weekly emails from
Apex, and you can even use your child’s login/password to see for yourself exactly how they are
doing in the class. This is a necessary part of ensuring student success in ihigh – parents need to
take an active role in monitoring student grades and progress.
The Apex learning modality offers tremendous support for students. The courses are aligned to state
standards, and students are always placed in a course that meets their specific needs. Apex
provides audio assistance for all students if they choose to use it. In addition, Apex offers vibrant
videos and graphic demonstrations to help students understand the concepts presented. There are a
number of different ways students can show their competency: there are assignments, such as
journals, discussion questions, and practice essays; and assessments, such as quizzes, computerscored tests, and teacher-scored tests. To help students prepare for their assessments, Apex
provides study guides and key terms for each unit.
2335 Chatsworth Boulevard, San Diego, California 92106
As this is a different type of class environment, I have slightly different expectations:
 Students may use the computers only for Apex coursework. They must have permission to
work on other courses.
 Students may never use the computers to play games. This will affect citizenship grades and
may result in the student being dropped from the class
 Students who fail to show adequate progress may be dropped from the class.
 Students may not modify the computers in any way, or risk being dropped from the class.
 Academic honesty is a special concern in this class. During all assessments and proctored
tests, there are specific requirements in place. Students may not talk, use phones/electronic
devices, take notes, or visit any websites other than Apex.
o Each unit contains one CST (Computer Scored Test) – this is a proctored test.
o There are at least two TSTs (Teacher Scored Tests) in each course – these are written
tests, and are also proctored
o There are multiple quizzes for each unit.
Students who fail to follow the above guidelines for assessments – or who assist other students
during assessments – will receive a grade sanction as well as an official first warning that requires
both parent and counselor notification. I use software to monitor the Internet activity for all
students during class, especially during proctored tests.
Students who violate the academic honesty policy twice will be dropped from the class with no
grade. That means that the course may not be made up through credit recovery. In addition,
those students will not be permitted to take any additional ihigh courses.
Please contact me any time if you have questions or concerns. The best way to reach me is via
email, but you’re also welcome to leave me a voice mail.
 619-223-3121 x4860
Thank you!
Amy Denney
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return by Friday, September 6, 2013.
I have read and understand the requirements for the dual enrollment program at Point Loma High. I
understand the academic honesty policy and the possibility of being dropped from the class. I
understand that parents and guardians agree to monitor their child’s grade in APEX at least once a
Student: ___________________________
(please print)
Parent: ______________________________
(please print)
Sign: ______________________________
Sign: ________________________________
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