Apex Contract

HHS Apex Student Contract
I, ___________________________________ (name) agree to the following terms of the Mat Su iTech
Code of Conduct
All communications must be appropriate. Communications can be retrieved and printed by the instructor
at any time.
I will abide by the Apex Learning Terms of Use and Apex Learning Student Code of Conduct, located on
the back & at the bottom of the Home page.
Activity Due Dates
I will complete all assignments in accordance with the scheduled due dates. I understand that I may be
withdrawn from the program if I am not consistently meeting scheduled assignment due dates.
Course End Date
I understand that the course must be completed no later than ___May 16th, 2014______ (date).
I understand that if I am a graduating senior, the instructor must submit my final grade by the last day of
senior final exams. The deadline is ___May 9th, 2014____ (date).
Proctored Assessments
I understand that all Unit Test, Mid-term Exam, and Final Exam assessments must be taken in a
proctored setting & students will be asked to lock up their phones or electronic devices during testing.
These assessments will be proctored by an instructor or another designated staff member at HHS.
I understand that if I do not follow the conditions listed in this contract, I may be removed from the
program and disqualified from earning course credit.
I have read and understand this student contract.
Student Name Printed
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature
*Students will need a 3-ring binder to
organize coursework and ear buds or
headphones to listen to audio parts
of lessons in Apex.
Parent/Guardian Name Printed
Implementation Planning Workbook
Copyright © 2011 Apex Learning Inc.
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