Plan End Date Start Date Teacher Notes Span 1 08/09 5/28/2009 8/25/2008 SLAY Field Mon 9/8/2008 Tue 9/9/2008 Wed 9/10/2008 Thu 9/11/2008 Fri 9/12/2008 Activity Title Conversational Packet, Days of Week, Months of Year and associated vocab. Continue vocab. and add pp. 14,15. and use of the verb ser with adjectives Supplementary Cultural note vocabulary for page 41, text. Reading selection over history of Mexico. Objective To speak and write To speak and write using packet from using vocab., verb ser, Friday and text pages and adjectives. 10, 11. Pledge to the Mexican flag due Monday, Sept. 17. To speak and write using new vocab. Presentation of cultural information Reading selection over history of Mexico. Materials Text,folder,workbook text, workbook, and folder handouts and cultural notes Handout from teacher Procedure Repeat days of the week and notice their spelling, months of the year and notice their spelling. Rest of vocab. on p. 11.Count to 30 in Spanish. Learn to say and write the date. Students will speak and write using new terms in vocab., forms of verb ser, and conversational terms in packet. To research and learn culture of Spanish speaking countries. Students will read and discuss historical events in history of Mexico. Homework Study vocabulary on p.11 and pages 8-10. Study adjectives and other vocab. p.41. Study poem. Study for flag poem due Monday. TEKS Correlations 1a,b,c;2a,b,c;3a 1a,b,c;2a,b,c;3a 1a.b.'2a;3a;4a 1a,b;2a,b;3a;4a Textbook Resources Buen Viaje Buen viaje Buen Viaje Extension Plan End Date Start Date Teacher Notes Span 1 08/09 5/28/2009 8/25/2008 SLAY Field Mon 9/15/2008 Activity Title Tue 9/16/2008 Wed 9/17/2008 Thu 9/18/2008 Fri 9/19/2008 Poem, Numbers, and ar Poem recitation and Verbs verb packet with adjectives Adjectives Cultural Notes Test over adjectives and ar verbs Objective To speak and write Students will recite using numbers with poem. days of the week, forms of ar verbs, the verb ser and adjectives To spesak and write using adjectives To present cultural information and take quiz over info to take oral and written test Materials text, folder, and workbook text, folder, workbook folder, text, workbook text, folder, handout test sheet Procedure Students work on verb charts acquiring new verbs and new adjectives To recite poem To complete sentences Students present using adjectives and information, take quiz use ar verbs over selections to take test Homework Study poem for recitation on Tuesday. 1a,b,c;2a,b,c;3a,b 1a,b,c;2a,b,c;3a 1a,b,c;2a,b,c;3a 1a,b,c;2a,b,c;3a 1a,b,c;2a,b,c;3a Buen Viaje Buen Viaje Buen Viaje Buen Viaje Buen Viaje Extension TEKS Correlations Benchmark Assessment Modifications Textbook Resources