Tantárgyi program - University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural

Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
Course description
1. Title of the course: Zoology, animal physiology 1., MTB60001
2. Name and title of the lecturer:
3. Name of the degree programme: Agricultural environmental management
engineering and Nature conservation engineer BSc programme
4. Type of course: compulsory (A)
5. Schedule of education: 1st semester, 2+1K
6. Credit value of the course: 4
7. Educational objective:
The target of the course is to ensure the general knowledge of students in zoology, to
introduce the structure and functioning of the animal cell, the types of animal tissues,
their basic structure, significance, the general definitions of reproduction and
ontogenesis. To introduce the main taxonomic units, and to teach to recognize
invertebrate and vertebrate species in practice, to evaluate these species considering
their nature conservation and possible economic values and to evaluate the human
effects on the world of animals are also educational objectives.
8. Personnel background: lecturer, instructors
9. Course content:
Syllabus of lectures:
1. week: Introduction. Zoology in the system of sciences. Cytology. The fundaments of
cytology. The structure of the animal cell, the basics of its functioning. Cell types
2. week: Animal tissues. The epithelium, connective tissue, stroma, muscular tissue and
nervous tissue. Their structure, types and functioning
3. week: The cell division. The mitosis and meiosis, their significance. The
gametogenesis. Ontogenesis. The main phases of ontogenesis. Segmentation,
gastrulation, the forming of velamena, and their significance
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
4. week: Basic definitions of taxonomy. Taxonomic categories. Taxonomy of Protista.
Life cycle of several economically and medically significant species
5. week: Organologic and taxonomic review of the main worm phyla. Development
stages of some economically and medically significant species. Taxonomic survey of
6. week: Fundaments of anatomy and taxonomy of arthropods. The main groups and
species of spiders and crustaceans. Entomology fundamentals. Insects developing with
7. week: The main families and species of coleopterans and hymenopterans
8. week: The main families and species of lepidopterans and dipterans
9. week: Anatomy description of vertebrates. Anatomical and taxonomical review of fish
10. week: Anatomy and taxonomy of Hungarian amphibians and reptiles
11. week: Anatomy features of birds. Reproduction biology
12. week: Taxonomy of Hungarian birds. Main orders, families, species
13. week: Anatomy features of mammals.
14. week: Taxonomy of Hungarian mammals. Significant species considering agriculture
and nature conservation.
Syllabus of practices:
1. week: Microscope as the equipment of cell and tissue examinations. The structure and
handling of the light microscope. Examining practice preparations
2. week: Microscope examination of animal tissues. The microscope examination of
epithelium, connective and cartilage tissue preparations
3. week: Microscope examination of animal tissues. The microscope examination of
bone, muscular and nervous tissue preparations
4. week: I. practice test: animal tissues. Microscope examination of Protista
5. week: Main worm orders, the taxonomic review of some character mollusc species
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
6. week: The taxonomy and main species of Hungarian crustaceans, spiders and some
insect orders (Blattidea, Odonata, Mantoptera, Ensifera, Caelifera, Heteroptera)
7. week: The taxonomy and character species of Sternorrchyncha and coleopterans
8. week: The taxonomy and character species of hymenopterans, dipterans, lepidopterans
and dipterans
9. week: II. practice test: Knowledge of worm, mollusc and arthropod species. The main
orders of Hungarian Actinopterygii species, the knowledge of some character species
10. week: Taxonomy and species of Hungarian amphibians
11. week: Taxonomy and species of Hungarian reptiles
12. week: Taxonomy review of Hungarian bird species, knowledge of the species
13. week: Taxonomy review of Hungarian mammals, knowledge of the species
14. week: III. practice test: the knowledge of vertebrates.
10. Mode of assessment during the semester: Continuous recording at practices, and
tests after each major topic. During lectures writing two inter- semester written
11. Type of exam: terminal examination
12. Compulsory practice related to the course: none
13. Compulsory and recommended literature:
Bakonyi, G. (ed.) (2004): Állattan. Mezőgazda Kiadó. Budapest
Juhász, L. and Kozák, L. (2002): Állatrendszertan. Egyetemi jegyzet DE ATC.
14. Exam themes:
1. Delineate the division of biology and some segments of zoology.
2. Explain the definition of cell and delineate the main components of the cells, their
structure and functioning
3. Compare the process of mitosis and meiosis. Delineate the significance of cell
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
4. Group the epitheliums, delineate their structure and functioning.
5. Delineate the general features of connective tissues.
6. Delineate the main features of blood, the structure and functioning of its cell elements.
7. Group the connective tissues considering structure and functioning and summarize
their significance in the animal organism.
8. Describe stromata. Delineate the types of cartilage and the structure and arise of bonetissue.
9. Delineate the structure and functioning of muscular tissues.
10. Group the cell types of nervous tissue and delineate their functioning. Describe the
main features of nervous tissue.
11. Delineate the gametogenesis and the types of ovum.
12. Delineate the main stages of the ontogenesis of metazoans (segmentation, gastrulation,
the forming of tissues and organs).
13. Define the taxonomy categories, the below and above the species levels.
14. List medically important protozoans and delineate their development stages.
15. Delineate the body structure of Platyhelmintes and Nemathelminthes and the
development stages of some economically significant species.
16. Describe the main taxa of Hungarian molluscs, their body structure and main species.
17. Delineate the general body structure of arthropods.
18. Describe the main taxa and character species of Hungarian crustaceans and spiders.
19. Delineate the main features of the body structure and reproduction of insects.
20. Describe the order and important species of Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Mantoptera, and
21. Describe the lifestyle, body structure and main species of Ensifera and Califera orders.
22. Delineate the body structure, lifestyle, medical and economical significance of
Phthiraptera and Heteroptera.
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
23. Delineate the main families of Sternorrchyncha and the development stages and
economic significance of some character species.
24. The families and important species of Adephaga and Polyphaga.
25. Delineate Phytophaga in general, and delineate the main families, species.
26. Compare the body structure and lifestyle of families in the Hymenoptera order.
27. Delineate the characteristics, lifestyle and economic significance of the European
28. Delineate the features of lepidopterans’ body structure, their reproduction and
29. Delineate the economically significant families and species of Hungarian
30. Delineate the families of Papilionidae, Sphingidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae and
delineate some species of these families.
31. Delineate the order of Diptera in general, and the families, important species and
lifestyle of Nematocera suborder.
32. Delineate the Brachycera suborder of Diptera, and its families, important species and
33. Delineate the general body structure of vertebrates.
34. Delineate the anatomy, taxonomy and species of Cyclostomata and Chondrichthyes.
35. Describe the Osteichthyes in general and delineate their main morphology features.
36. Delineate the orders of Hungarian Osteichthyes and their main features.
37. Delineate the families and important species of Cypriniformes, Siluriformes and
38. Delineate the orders and important species of Anguilliformes, Salmoniformes and
Perciformes in general.
39. Delineate the anatomy features and reproduction of amphibians.
40. Delineate the families and species of Hungarian amphibians.
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
41. Delineate the anatomy features and reproduction of reptiles.
42. Delineate the families and species of Hungarian reptiles.
43. Delineate the body structure of birds, and their morphological features.
44. Delineate the digestive, circular, respiratory and excretory system of birds.
45. Delineate the reproduction and mating types of birds.
46. Delineate the main orders of Hungarian birds, except the order of Passeriformes.
47. Delineate the main features, families and characteristic species of Passeriformes.
48. Delineate the practice of bird protection.
49. Delineate the general body structure of mammals.
50. Delineate the different dentitions of mammals and the digestive systems of the
mammal groups with different lifestyles.
51. Delineate the insectivores and bats.
52. Delineate the carnivores and ungulates.
53. Delineate the main features, important species and economical significance of rodents.
54. Delineate the domesticated birds and mammals.
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem