Molecular signature of the tissue and immune response to non

Supplementary table 1: List of 24 probe-sets specifically and significantly upregulated 2-fold between untreated control muscle (CN) and treated muscle after
electrotransfer with saline only (ET). All probe-sets were significantly different with a
Benjamini and Hochberg, p<0.05 (Benj.). Probe-set ID is Affymetrix ID number,
whereas gene ontology refers to the simplified system used in Figure 1 and explained
above. Additional references are also shown for some genes.
Supplementary table 2: List of 22 probe-sets significantly down-regulated between
untreated control muscle (CN) and treated muscle after electrotransfer with saline
only (ET). See legend for Suppl. Table 1 for more details.
Supplementary table 3: List of common tissue genes corresponding to 46 probe-sets
significantly up-regulated between untreated control muscle (CN) and muscle treated
with either saline (ET) or plasmid (pET). See legend for Suppl. Table 1 for more
Supplementary table 4: List of 5 probe-sets significantly down-regulated between
untreated control muscle (CN) and muscle treated with either saline (ET) or plasmid
(pET). See legend for Suppl. Table 1 for more details.
Supplementary table 5: List of 421 probe-sets specifically and significantly upregulated 2-fold between untreated control muscle (CN) and treated muscle after
electrotransfer with non-coding plasmid pCMV (pET). This list forms the key innate
immune response to plasmid DNA. See legend for Suppl. Table 1 for more details.
Supplementary table 6: List of 35 probe-sets specifically and significantly downregulated 2-fold between untreated control muscle (CN) and treated muscle after
electrotransfer with non-coding plasmid pCMV (pET). See legend for Suppl. Table 1
for more details.
Supplementary table 7: List of 18 probe-sets associated with pancreatic protease
function designated as outliers. Probe sets were specifically and significantly upregulated 2-fold between untreated control muscle (CN) and muscle after
electrotransfer with saline (ET). See legend for Suppl. Table 1 for more details.
Supplementary table 8: Significant enrichment of immunological GO terms for 421
probe-sets up-regulated after electrotransfer with non-coding plasmid DNA. To
simplify representation, only key nodes of the GO biological process tree
( associated with immunological function are shown
(see Results). Columns show official GO term reference ID; term name; corrected P
value (cut off <0.01); number of genes associated with each term from the list of 70
up-regulated ET probe-sets; number of genes from the 33884 genes in the genome
annotated to the term; percentage of genes from the input list and/or the genome
annotated to this term; and list of annotated gene symbols from input list.
Supplementary table 9: Significant enrichment of non-immunological GO terms for
421 probe-sets up-regulated after electrotransfer with non-coding plasmid DNA.
Column descriptions as in Suppl. table 8.
Supplementary table 10. Values show mean % of cells relative to total CD45+ve cells
± STD for each of the time points and treatments shown at left. The number of mice
used per time point and sample is also shown. The n=1 for saline treated mice at 7
days post-treatment represents a pool of 2 mice. n/a is “not applicable” due to n of 1.
Supplementary table 11: Marker gene and primer list representing key biological
processes induced by electrotransfer with saline and/or non-coding plasmid as
summarised in Figure 6.
Supplementary Figure 1 Clustergram analysis of arrays and probe-sets.
Individual arrays (horizontal) and probe-sets (vertical) are shown with relative
expression scale bar below. ET arrays were grouped together with CN arrays
suggesting that saline electrotransfer is a mild process since the global profiles were
not intensely different, however, pET arrays were grouped separately due to the
immune response to plasmid. The 571 up- and down-regulated probe-sets formed 8
clusters. Clusters a-f correspond to the six subdivisions in Figure 1a, where c, e and f
represent the 467 (421+46) genes up-regulated in pET muscle, with 34/46 common
probe-sets located in cluster f. Cluster e contained the most intensely up-regulated
probe-sets, with 61 of 104 (58.7%) total probe-sets related to immunological function.
We also detected an outlying cluster of 18 protease genes which showed exaggerated
up-regulation in ET, but not pET samples. Cluster H2-D1 was formed due to different
signals of H2-D1/LOC100045864 MHC class I locus probe-sets in CN samples.
Supplementary Figure 2: Infiltration of muscle after electrotransfer. H&E stained
transverse sections of formol-fixed tibialis anterior muscle at 1, 4, 7 or 14 days in
untreated controls (CN), after electrotransfer with saline-only (ET), or after
electrotransfer with the non-coding plasmid pCMV (pET). Original magnification
x20. Needle track sites are shown for comparison.
Supplementary Figure 3: Quantification and composition of muscle cellular
infiltrate after electrotransfer. (a) Total number of cells obtained from muscle cell
lysates (which includes inflammatory cells, satellite cells and fibroblasts) after
electrotransfer with saline or pCMV and pCpG-free plasmids. (b) Quantification of
inflammatory cell subsets by FACS, including total CD45+ve cells (top left), pro- and
anti-inflammatory macrophages (top right), lymphocytes (bottom left) and
granulocytes (bottom right). Values show mean of absolute cell number obtained per
gram of muscle tissue ± STD. The number of animals used per experiment is
indicated in Suppl. Table 10. * indicates statistical significance (p <0.05) when
compared to saline at the same time point. # indicates statistical significance (p <0.05)
when comparing pCMV and pCpG-free at the same time point. No statistical
analysis was possible with saline-treated muscle at day 7 due to the low n.
Supplementary Figure 4: FACS and gene expression profiles of muscle
inflammatory infiltrate after electrotransfer . (a) FACS profiles of DAPI-ve
CD45+ve cells showing Ly6c PE (x axis) and F4/80 APC-Cy7 (y axis) signal for
different time points and treatments as indicated. Lower events were recorded at day 7
due to the overall decrease in infiltrate. The granulocyte population is shown in green
(Ly6c+ve F4/80-ve cells), pro-inflammatory macrophages in red (Ly6c+ve F4/80+ve cells)
and anti-inflammatory macrophages in blue (Ly6c-ve F4/80+ve cells). Ly6c-ve F4/80-ve
CD3+ve lymphocytes are not shown. Values indicate the proportion of each population
as a mean percentage of total CD45+ve cells ± STD. (b) qRT-PCR quantification of
different inflammatory cell markers confirming the presence of macrophages and
neutrophils, and suggesting some involvement of CD8a positive cytotoxic T cells,
CD161 (Nk1.1) expressing natural killer (NK) cells and also tissue repair
macrophages (CD206) at later stages of treatment.
Supplementary Figure 5: Infiltration of muscle by macrophages and neutrophils
after electrotransfer. (a) Macrophage and (b) neutrophil infiltration of needle track
sites as shown in Supplementary Figure 1, confirmed by F4/80 and Ly6g staining,
respectively, at 1, 3 and 7 after electrotransfer with saline-only (ET), or non-coding
plasmids pCMV (pET) or pCpG-free (pCpG-free).