IFMA- New Mexico Chapter Board Meeting

IFMA- New Mexico Chapter Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting September 22nd, 2009
Location: Contract Associates located at 800 20th NW, Albuquerque
Time: Start-3PM, End-4:35PM.
Attendees: Mary, Ed, Juan, Robin, Carlos, Dan
Meeting Adjourned: 4:55pm
President’s Report:
World Work Place:
Chapter Member Survey: sent previous 2-3 years ago; anticipate 6-8 questions; offer prize to encourage yield typ. $50
restaurant gift card; can follow up with phone calls to expand data collection; typ. Scale 1-5; solicit 2010 program ideas;
Next Board Meeting 10/20-Focus Primarily on Existing Website Update by responsibility sections; Programs for 2010
Vice President’s Report:
IFMA NM Strategic Planning Update: Board consensus to utilize existing “scorecard” from last strategic plan;
Carlos/Juan meet week 10/19 to update prior to full board; Should try to be done by 11/17
Action Carlos: Get Juan copy of last strategic. Plan and/or scorecard;
Treasurer’s Report:
Update from Dan: NM Chapter Balance is $16,453.04. IFMA Foundation check was sent; obtaining bank debit/cc for
chapter use; Dan has placed budget in Quicken and will send out pdf file to all; discussion on use of excess fundsScholarships, investments. Any use of funds should tie to strategic objectives.
Secretary Report:
Update from Robin; 8/20 Meeting Minutes were accepted.
Action Carlos: Send out Chapter Board Contact List
Program’s Report:
October Program: On 10/10 “Presentation Skills” Speaker from Toastmasters
November Program: “Commercial Facility Security Access Control” Speaker needed
December (Program) Party: 12/5 ~7pm
Status update from Sylvia- not in attendance
2010 Program List; Generate draft list of programs for NM IFMA by Dec. 1 st. We will utilize Constant Contact (UserIFMANM and PW- IFMABOARD) for a survey.
Possible 2010 topics may include:
1. Computer Aided Facilities Management(CAFM): CAD and Relational Databases, Building Information Models
(BIM), Property Tracking Systems
2. Strategic Facilities Planning: Condition Assessments (CAS), Deferred Maintenance Tracking and Budgeting, Major
Systems Life Cycle Planning,
3. Space and Inventory Management: Utilization rates, Lease vs. Buy Options, Current Local Market Rates
4. Disaster Recovery: Planning for the Worst, Continuity of Operations
5. Estimating Project Cost (RS Means)
6. Reducing Operational Cost: Utilities monitoring
7. "Planning Space to Allow Change of Use"
8. "Space for Contract Intelligence"
9. Tour Hotel Andaluz; LEED EB Gold certification; action dan: email request
10. Tour Dekker/Perich/Sabatini building ; LEED
11. IFMA FMP/CFM Certification Process/Chapter Program
Membership Committee Chairman Report:
Board Discussion on future activities: Ed has contacted guest from last two programs; sent handwritten notes; database is
almost up to build list of prospective members;
Action Ed: track membership numbers at meetings
Status update from Ed
Education Chairman Report:
Update from Mary
Pending FPM/CFM Study Group 2010; marry anticipates reduced involvement; low test/certification yield from last study
group; suggestions for next-adapt schedule as milestones, structure similar to “college finals”; should chapter sponsor
scholarships (1/2 testing fee perhaps); solicit alternate methods from other chapters; consider eliminating study session for
each competency section;
Miscellaneous Business:
Chapter Web: Review requirements as generated by Azure Communications; Finalize Budget and Requirements:
discussion revolved around not spending the $2-2.5k to redesign and just update the existing $1.2-2k range;
Action all (by October board mtg): bring handwritten or files needed to update chapter board respective sections of the
website; carlos-primary page, ed-membership, mary/sylvia- events/education/programs, robin-board of directors section,
dan-treasury report, Suggest any chapter redesign will contain system that allows chapter to redesign easily versus relying
on outside designer.
Chapter Chili Pins: Update Ed: Ed brought pins to meeting and will send out with notes to guest and members and send
pins; Mary/Carlos received pins for WWP
IFMA Foundation Contribution: Update Dan sent as previously mentioned
Change Chapter Bank Account: Discussion to get chapter CC or Debit card