The 133 Basic Substance Abuse Counselor Program

The Basic Substance Abuse Counselor Certification Training Program
(Now receive all 180 clock Hours in one Program)
“New Weekend Schedule”
Starts April 3, 2015(Statesboro)
Circle of Recovery, Inc. recognizes the need for a training system that provides courses to assist providers in
effectively managing individuals who present with chemical dependency problems. Providers of chemical dependency
services require knowledge and skills necessary to provide competent, quality based substance abuse treatment services. It
is our aim to provide opportunities for these Social workers, Professional counselors, other human service professionals and
Para-professionals to receive up- to- date, state-of-the-art education and training in addiction treatment service delivery.
The Basic Substance Abuse Counselor Program Course Descriptions
(Meets all 8/12 Core Skills Group Requirements)
The 70 hour Substance Abuse Counselor Course of instruction provides the individual with an understanding of the
Pharmacology of drugs, and the necessary helper/counselor skills needed to affect change in substance abusers. The first block
begins, April 3-4, returning May 8-9, 2015. The Short Term Client Systems 43-hour block provides participants with
listening and responding skills in the areas of empathy, values, attitudes and problem solving. The block dates are June 11,12,13,
2015. The Assessment Intake & Treatment Planning (AITP)/DSM IV-PPC-2 & Co-Occurring. This 40-hour block provides
the participant with skills needed to assess, diagnosis, recommend levels of care and treat the substance-abusing and dual
individual and those dates are July 24, 25 2015, returning August 28-29, 2015 The 27 hours of required training centering on
Professional Ethics, Cultural Diversity and HIV & AIDS, completes the program on September 24,25,26, 2015 . The Basic
Substance Abuse Counselor course is an approved course for those working on addiction counselor certification as an addictions
counselor. The total cost for the 180 hours of training is $900.00. This cost includes all participant materials and manuals,
a.m./p.m. breaks and certificates with contact hours. For your convenience you may register, in three installments of $300.00,
$300.00 and $300.00. All pre-paid registrations must be received no later than February 20, 2015. (if you register for all
four tracks at one time the price will be discounted and your total cost will be $750.00 before March 15, 2015). If paying in
installments you must register and pay for the first block no later than March 15, 2015. You must pre-register; no on site
registration will be permitted. You will receive confirmations, location and directions at the time of your paid preregistration(s). * Again we reserve the right to cancel and refund your money if we do not have the ten minimal
registrations needed to conduct this program. Cancellations must be made 2 weeks prior to the start of class. A
$50.00 administrative fee will be charged for all cancellation/refund requests. All training must be completed
within one-year from your start date to receive full credit, and not be recharged. Please complete the bottom
registration form and return along with your money order payable to Circle of Recovery, Inc. 1954 Airport Rd.
Chamblee, Ga.30341 or if using Visa/MC complete bottom of form and fax back to 404-243-6455. For additional
Information please call 404-243-5576. All training has been approved by GACA/NAADAC. For on line registration
REGISTRATION FORM (Complete by checking boxes for each training you plan to attend)
Name to appear on certificate___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address____________________________________________________________City______________State _______Zip_____________E-mail _______________
Cell phone _______________________________Work Phone _______________________________________Fax Phone________________________________
_______Basic 70 Hour Course: Starts: April 3-4, returns May 8-9, 2015.
(First $300, payment due by March 15, 2015 (Second installment $300 due, April 15) (Final installment $300, due May
15, 2015)
_______ 43 Hour Short Term Client Systems Starts: June 11,12,13, 2015
_______40 Hour Assessment, Interviewing DSM IV, PPC2RStarts: July 24, 25 2015, returning August 28-29, 2015 .
_______ 27 Hour Cultural Diversity, Ethics, HIV & AIDS Starts: September 24,25,26, 2015
_______ I would like to enroll for all tracks at the discounted rate of $750.00 if paid by February 20, 2015
MC/Visa#________________________________________ Ex. Date ______________ Zip _____________Sec. Code ________