GUEST VHS POST-PROM APPLICATION (Saturday, April 23, 2016, from 11:00p.m.-4:30 a.m. following prom) Your child has expressed an interest in attending the VHS Post-Prom Party at Valmeyer High School. Before your child can purchase a ticket, he/she must complete the bottom portion of this form and return it when they purchase their ticket. The planning committee wants to make your aware of the guidelines by which the party will be operated. No one is admitted after 11:30 a.m. Anyone who is eligible to attend Prom (whether they do or not) may attend Post Prom. If you are an underclassmen or from another school, you may attend Post Prom with a Valmeyer student as a guest as long as you were a guest at the prom. You must also be on the same Post Prom Team as your guest. Parent notification will be made on any person who is registered but does not arrive by the 11:30 a.m. deadline. Once the participants arrive, they will not be permitted to leave until the end of the event at 4:00 a.m. unless previously arranged. If a participant insists upon leaving, the parents will be notified of this change in plans. Once the participant leaves, he/she cannot return. Tickets must be purchased prior to the evening. The cost is $10.00 per person and includes a t-shirt. Dates may accompany participants, but the registration form for the guest must be completed. (No parent permission signature is required for anyone who is no longer a student at any high school and is over the age of 18.) This activity is a smoke-free, drug-free, alcohol-free event. Thank you for your support in encouraging and allowing your student to participate in this event. Any questions concerning this event should be directed to Becky Karsten (ext. 205). ******************************Detach and return this portion********************************** __________________________ NAME OF STUDENT _________ GRADE S M L T-SHIRT SIZE (CIRCLE) XL XXL ______________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS TOWN STATE ZIP CODE ______________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN TELEPHONE # FOR EVENING OF POST PROM As parent/legal guardian of ____________________________, I give my permission for my child or legal dependent to participate in the VHS Post Prom Activity. Additionally, I will not hold PostProm committee or Valmeyer School District #3 responsible in the event of an accident or emergency. _____________________________________ ______________________ Signature Date GUEST OF:________________________________ VHS JUNIOR OR SENIOR