Plant Reproduction Study Guide

LAB 8: Plant Reproduction
Most answers can be pulled out from your lab manual and results obtained during the lab. For some concepts, you
might need to check your book or Google the definition online!
1. The flower is the plant structure “designed” for sexual reproduction, as it normally possesses both the female
and male reproductive parts. Use a diagram of a flower to understand all the structures that are part of most
flowers (receptacle, sepals, petals, corolla, calyx, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, anther, filament, stamen, pollen)
a) Which ones of the previous structures are strictly connected with reproduction?
b) Which ones are connected with attracting pollinators?
c) Which ones provide support for the flower? (but are not used for a or b)
d) On the Lily flowers used in the lab, how are sepals distinguished from the petals if both actually look
2. What “resources” do flowers use in order to attract pollinators?
3. What are the different types of pollinators and what is each attracted to?
4. If a plant is wind pollinated, what changes are expected regarding the flower design and the amount of pollen
released by the plant?
5. Briefly, describe the three steps seen in the lab, from the moment the pollen grain lands on the flower to the
actual fertilization process
6. Why is it called “double fertilization”?
7. The seed is one the structures “designed” for dispersal in plants, which one is the other one?
8. Explain the different seeds dispersal methods and give at least one example of a specialized feature that allows
plants to disperse the seeds.
9. If you have not answered question 7 yet, the fruit is the answer you were supposed to give! Familiarize yourself
with examples of different fruit types and whether they hold one, several or multiple seeds
10. How is a simple fruit different from an aggregate fruit?
11. If the fruit is simple, will it always have just one seed inside? Explain
Instructor: Dr. Jose Bava