Endangered Animals-habitats and conservation

Mooroopna Secondary College Library
Subject weblinks
Endangered Animals – habitats
and conservation
Non fiction
Books on endangered animals can be found in the Library mostly at 591.529 and in
the 577’s. Check the catalogue for the specific call number and for more resources,
such as videos.
Recommended Websites
Use FUSE to search
resources. It should be
your first point of
access to useful sites.
FUSE can be used from home at :https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/secondary/pages/Default.a
Australia's extinct animals
Australian Museum site includes a timeline, interactive
games and links to websites about fossils and palaeontology.
Endangered species
This page provides an extensive list of links to sites about
endangered animals.
NSW Wildlife Information and Rescue Service (WIRES)
Wildlife Information and Rescue Service has information on
endangered animal threats and issues, first aid, etc.
Extinct and endangered
Oxford University Museum of Natural History website covers
animals from the dodo to the endangered blue whale.
Plants and animals
Victorian DSE Plants and Animals provides information about
endangered species. Click threatened species.
All about animals
Site encourages a compassionate attitude to animals.
List of threatened fauna
The Australian government Threatened Species List provides
details of endangered animals, reptiles and birds (fauna)
under headings: extinct; extinct in the wild; critically
endangered; endangered and vulnerable.
Atlas of living Australia.
The Atlas of Living Australia is a national initiative focused on
making Australia’s biodiversity information more accessible
and useable online. It is a partnership between CSIRO,
Australia’s national science agency, the Australian natural
history collections community and the Australian Govt.
Humans and animal habitats
This is an interactive activity that allows the user to check
whether different animals are suitable for the different
climates of Antarctic, desert, savannah grassland,
temperature farmland, temperate forest, pond, the sea and
tropical rainforest. Suitable for IWB.
What’s it like where you live? Biomes of the world.
This site from the Missouri Botanical Gardens presents
illustrated information about global biomes such as:
rainforest, tundra, taiga, desert, temperate grasslands. There
is also information about freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Biome and habitat animal printouts
Enchanted learning has links to biomes. The site also
contains a chart of the biomes with the main characteristics
of each, a puzzle, report charts and other activities.
International Fund for Animal Welfare
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) campaigns
to protect endangered species.
Wildlife trade
The website of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has pages
devoted to the traffic of wildlife.
Last updated September 6, 2011
Mooroopna Secondary College Library
Zoos worldwide
Zoos Worldwide has lists of zoos, aquariums, animal
sanctuaries and wildlife parks. The website also includes zoo
reviews, zoo cams and an Animal of the Month.
Melbourne Zoo
The Taronga and Western Plains Zoos in NSW, claim to be
home to over 2100 animals and in excess of 300 species.
The site has information for people planning to visit, as well
as zoo news and information about its conservation,
environmental education, research and breeding
Australia Zoo - Home of the crocodile hunter
The Australia Zoo website features a photo essay about
Steve Irwin, his family and the Australia Zoo in Queensland.
The website also has information about animals at the Zoo,
conservation and education.
Zoos Victoria
Covers Werribee open range zoo, Melbourne Zoo,
Healesville Sanctuary.
Adelaide Zoo: Australia's giant pandas
The website of Adelaide Zoo in Adelaide has dedicated
pages devoted to Australia's only giant pandas, Wang Wang
and Funi. As well as a film of the pandas, there is information
about giant pandas in their natural habitat, conservation, the
specific exhibit at the zoo and ways for students to become
Animals and plants
Descriptions include scientific name,
conservation status, statistics,
distribution, habitat, diet, life in the wild,
threats and a little known facts.
Do not forget to write your bibliography. To reference an internet page follow this guideline:
Author (if
Year of
Title of
Publisher, Publication
Date of
Full web address with no breaks.
known) or
authoring body,
It will look like this:
Wikipedia Fondation Inc, 2011, Endangered animals. Wikipedia, San Francisco, viewed 7 September, 2011,
Last updated September 6, 2011