LESSON PLAN 2 Class: 6B Date: 10th June 2011 Time: 10 am - 10:40 am (morning block) Key Learning Area: English Lesson Topic: Picture book study – Where the Wild things Are – visual literacy Recent Prior Experience: Children have been working on different novel studies throughout the year on short novels. Syllabus Outcomes: Indicators of Learning for this lesson: Assessment: RS3.7 critically analyses techniques used by Students will: Children will create a brain storm of writers to create certain effects, to use Identify different emotions which the monsters emotions which the monsters displayed language creatively, to position the reader in within the film. Within this brainstorm, display within different scenes in the movie. various ways and to construct different they will have the ways in which these are Identify ways in which the director displays a interpretations of experience. shown in the film (e.g. music, actions, specific emotion on the screen. facial expressions, symbols etc) Safety Considerations: Resources: Make sure that children have sufficient light White Board, White board markers, projector, laptop, video clips, English books, paper cards. when viewing the movie and when doing their work. Lesson content/ indicators of learning INTRODUCTION: Students will brain storm (briefly) some characteristics of the monsters in the book. Time Teaching strategies/ Learning experiences (How it is taught) Resources/ organisation: 5 min BEFORE PRESENTATION: Teacher will put up some cue cards on the board to help the students think while they are watching the film: MUSIC, SURROUNDINGS, FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, ACTIONS OF THE CHARACTERS, SOUNDS OR LANGUAGE OF THE CHARACTERS... Projectors, laptop, film clip. Cue cards INTRODUCTION: Ss: sitting at their desks T: will introduce lesson: ‘Last week we looked at Max through the illustrations in the book. Today we are going to look at the monsters of in the story through the film version of the book.’ T: will set the mood for viewing the film: ‘When we watch the film clips I want you to think of an emotion that the monsters display and how you think they were shown in the film’ Ss: will view the film DEVELOPMENT: Class will create a brainstorm of the different emotions that they thought of in the book. 10 min Ss: will create a class brainstorm on the board of the different emotions which they saw within the film clips. The teacher will write them down on a piece of cardboard paper and stick them up on the board creating a brainstorm of emotions. Guide questions: ‘What type of actions did the monsters display?’ Paper and markers, blu tack. LESSON PLAN 2 ‘How did they look? What were their facial expressions like?’ ‘Did they remind you of anything – animal, object?’ ‘Did their actions change within the film clips?’ ‘What about the music and the background did they show anything?’ 20 min T: From those words on the board, the teacher will give an emotion to 3 students (forming a group). Ss: In their groups will write down ideas of how this emotion came to life on the screen. (using the cue cards for help) English books EARLY FINISHERS: Can draw their own version of a ‘Wild thing’ and name some characteristics which they would want this monster to have. STRUGGLING GROUPS: Using the cue cards ask them questions such as: Do you think the music help to bring out this emotion? Do you think that the monster’s facial expression was a way for this emotion to come out? How do you know? Could you see the emotion? (e.g. tears, smile) Could you hear the emotion? (E.g. crying, laughing) CONCLUSION: 10 min Ss: some groups can have a go to share one idea about their emotion to the rest of the class. Students will put their books away and go to recess. T: will ask the students to think about how different the characters of the monsters in the film were to that of the monsters within the book. Teacher will lead a short brief discussion on the differences that they saw. Ss: will then put their English books in their tubs and go to recess. English books