Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Selwyn College
May 2012
Risk Management Procedure
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Issue: 1
 To identify the hazards to Staff, Students, Fellows, Guests and Visitors.
 To make an assessment of the degree of risk associated with each hazard.
 To determine and implement measures to control the risks.
 To implement the controls prior to new work starting.
 To meet legal requirements.
 Relevant Heads of Department shall complete risk assessments using the
system given in document RMP/9a using form RMP/9f
 The documents ‘5 Steps to Risk Assessment’ (RMP/9b) and ‘Hazards to
consider when completing risk assessments’ (RMP/9c) should be followed
to consider and determine department hazards and risk.
 Assessments shall be based on the likelihood of the hazard taking place
and the severity of the risk (see RMP/9d).
 A list of departmental risk assessments shall be kept using document
 Risk assessments shall be brought to the attention of employees and be
readily available.
 Current risk assessments shall be retained by relevant Heads of
 The HR & Health & Safety Officer will also retain copies of all risk
 Heads of Departments must ensure that hazards have been identified:
 In the physical area(s) they control.
 In all places where their staff work.
 Where others (not under their control) may be at risk from the activities
they control.
 The identification process shall include hazards giving rise to risks to
health, safety environment, property and processes whether through
accidents, ill health, fire, damage or theft.
 Identification shall take account of materials/substances,
workplaces/situations, equipment/machinery, processes, maintenance, fire,
environmental pollution, accidents and near misses, personal attributes
and emergencies.
New building,
and New
Hazard identification and risk assessment shall be undertaken as part of
the planning process for new building and refurbishment of College
Control measures identified in risk assessments shall be in place before
the area, equipment or process etc. is taken into use.
The College’s Competent Person may be consulted if expert advice is
Selwyn College
May 2012
Risk Management Procedure
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Issue: 1
Standards and
 Where hazards (other than trivial) cannot be eliminated, appropriate
control measures will be required.
 Control measures shall be determined following the Risk Assessment
Hierarchy of Control (RMP/9e).
 For trivial risks, verbal directions may be sufficient.
 For risks greater than low, a documented safe system shall be
implemented and incorporated into the standard working practices.
 Some situations may require short-term action until a more permanent
solution can be implemented.
 Standards may result from legal requirements, approved codes of practice
(ACoPs), manufacturers’ instructions, HSE guidance, or British, European
and international standards.
 Employees shall be trained in and follow the necessary control measures to
enable them to undertake their work and tasks with safety.
 Contractors shall provide details of their general risk assessments when
 Any alteration(s) from the agreed working methods may only take place
following a risk assessment review of the proposed changes.
 Relevant Heads of Departments shall carry out reviews of risk
 Annually
 Before making any changes to existing work arrangements.
 Following any accidents or near misses.
 Assessments carried out as a result of other legislation do not have to be
repeated, but must be reviewed annually, e.g. COSHH, Noise, and Manual
Handling assessments.
 The H&S Working Group will review and monitor (annually) the
effectiveness of this procedure.
Information and
 Information on hazards, assessments and control measures must be
brought to the attention of employees.
 Heads of Departments and/or others designated to complete risk
assessments shall attend appropriate training.
 Records of all training must be kept by the HR & H&S Officer.
Sources of
 HSE INDG163 (Rev 3)